a German's answer to the or.age Good idea for Mia p"ierDllw6 A .er all, this Is "Eat More Y., as well as the corona- ve- ;Bi-: - iiring of coronations tormals are certainly go- a m a big way, St. James ft-r al Bine being the most :iors shown. These shades - ing to both blonde and iKi: 13 44178 -ring evening frock no ,i st James rose with iingth skirt. The sur- - 0n this dress was the . je band of royal blue. ,s pumps fashioned after :on shoes recently ex-England and a brooch of -f- .iti', ewels In the Shane i) oomDiete inu cosiume; uii and dresses are also : -n In these popular ?ri neckties are blush iu look closely at meh'3 year, you Will discern ,pc qf rose In them It's r.:n English this year, all CHEERIOl DOMINION FAVORED BY FORTUNE iC ..ued from Page One) F F : ; F C 1 c U ri555. Ii,. 'or 66 to 1, 73. Adrslral, (non JR 45568. . Julllett," starteV), non-starter), "Th MEAT PRICE IN OH 133. E.-v non-starter), "Come lB f j304. II, (non-starter), "De-ME (188. 100 to 6, "Ladles In LD 85743. Tae PP 40182. non-starter), "Scotty" :k QY 8029L 100 to 60, "Beatty," Mil Mc; ED 75712. a. 'non-slartef),"En. W-lUng n, (non-starter) MB 57119 i non-starter), "Lucky JT t:;97 : 53 to 1, "Hopeful," RT iik v. . i Hi.xlfv non-starter), "Rusty(" N"N IZ'V R non-starter), 3 ZV 71718. "Calr- ' :i HI.. 40 to 1, "Aurora' EASING OFF Sllnt Drop is Recorded Mcln 'o'-h Apples are Now at their Rest PLANS FOR POPPY DAY Will be More Extensive Activities In Prince Rupert This Year The Poppy Day committee, con sisting of members of the Canadi an Legion, the Women's Auxiliary of the Canadian Legion and the Imperial Order of Daughters of the Empire, met In the Canadian Legion clubrooms last night and made preliminary arrangements for the annual, Poppy Tag Day. The annual tag day will be held on Saturday, November 6. The ladles of the various organizations will have charge of these arrangements. In addition to taggers, thej will have members visit the various Industrial plants In the clt and the stores. The city Is being divided Into sections, each one of which will be canvassed by taggers so that all may have a chanc to assist. A new feature this year will be a window decoration competition The Canadian Legion will set aside money prizes for the three windows most suitably decorated fo; the Poppy Tag Day appeal. The money will then be paid into thf poppy account and the amounts credited to the stores winning tht competition, in tne past some stores have very materially increased the appeal of Tag Day b their effective window dressing and It Is hoped that this additional feature will add a further Incen tive so that many more stores will co-operate. Actually In this res pect the city stores have not supported the appeal as It Is support ed in many centres. Poppy stickers for automobile windshields will also be available and, no doubt, this will appeal to many drivers. As usual, all the net proceeds will be used to meet the needs ol local ex-servlce men and their de pendents. Those attending the meetings were Mrs. J. Preece, Mrs. Orchard McLeod, Mrs. W. Brass, Mrs. S. V Cox, Jack Preece, C. L. Barker and J. S. Wilson. Hotel Arrivals Savoy R; Barneji, A. Anderson and A. J. Low, Vancouver; Mrs. A. Carr, Terrace; E. Skogmo and S. Oiks, city; It. L. Duke, Burns Lake. Royal A. Bourgeois. C.N.R.; B. J. Kohne, Terrace; M. Mlchaelson, Edmonton. Prince Rupert LOCAL NEWS NOTES j Just Arrived Nfew shipment of Come to C.C.F. Bazaar tomorrow, shoes. Mayfait. tf. near Post Office. Bridge 8:30 p.m. Drawing for Raffles. (246) The father of Miller Lougheed of . the Kellev Loeelnff Co.'s camD Miss Beatrice Hunter will, leave A. Frebourg of Edward Llpsett Ltd. staff sailed last night on the Prlhce George for Vancouver en F. M. Mlllerd, Vancouver can-neryman, who has been here for a. couple of days from the Islands, sails by the Prince Charles tonight on his return to Queen Charlotte City. M. A. Burbank, divisional engineer for Canadian National Railways, and sons, Allan and Hugh, returned to the city on last night's train from Kamloops where Mrs. Burbank recently passed away. W. L. Coites, general agent for the Canadian Pacific Railway here, is returning to the city on the F. Waterman, Seattle; F. Colwell, allegedly containing libel. Kincardine, Ont.; J. W. McAuiey, Prince George; Fred H. Nash, Ter race. Central Hcuxhsid providers will breathe,' ,' Rupert General Hospital t relief at the news that c u an easine un In the nrlce of meat even thouch It may be ever 10 sl'sht and not very apparent as fr-i prices are also easing Up :""ht';y but it may not be for long. M"li. ,n Red apples are now at, their br and are enjoying the t;,f :-)Dul.irit.v flMiPr fnll nnnles "rejoin. f W I :kyer, iocai insurance an -ilea last night on the Prince Gey? ijX a business trip to Ocean Falls. u u i m m m for the past week. With the preliminary hearing before Magistrate Gibson ended the possibility of a stay of proceedings is now mentioned. Sucr could be ordered by the at N. Sterrltt and E. Simpson. Haz-ja jtay A later elton; Elno Harpala, city; P. J. Rolls, C.N.R Knox R. W. Peterson, city. Dr. and Mrs. W. A. Rlddell sailed last night on the Prince George fbr Vancouver where Dr. Riddell who has been 111 for the past two or three weeks will receive further treatment at the hands of speclal-Datient In the torney General. Attorney General could order the trials to proceed. The committal is to the session of the Supreme Court of Alberta 1 opening there November 8. There is the alternative. of speedy trial to that of facing a Jury. Ball In the sum of $20,000 each has been allowed. Unwln testified that he had dls-tused the pamphlet with Powell but he did not know who composeJ it. He had ordered the printing 'he said. Henri Le Duke of the Government Telegraphs service at Burns route to California on a holiday Lake arrived In the city on last trip. night's train from the Interior and will leave on the Cardena tomor- Mr. and Mrs. Norman Nelson and row morning for Bella Coola where family of New Westtrllnster, who he will speid the next few weeks have been on. a visit to the Queen on relief duty. Charlotte tslands, sailed by the - - ' Prince George last night on their return south. COULDN'T EAT COULDN'T SLEEP Now Free of Bad Liver and Kidney Trouble and Feeling Fine Montrtil, wiles, Here's another womtn who felt terrible until she found how to jet btck appetite, sleep soundly, and secure new health. Mrs. A. H, "Ihad jei vears of liter complaint and diny headaches bowels irregular, crippled with kidney trouble too no appetite no sleep. Many laiatrres (are me cramps. I tried Fruit-a-tives and my health peally improTed." These famous fruit juice, herb, and tonic tablets cleanse and strengthen the lirer, help stomach, kidneys, intestines. Troubles go. Health must improve. 25c and 50c All drui ists. Princess Adelaide this evening after ....... a six weeks trip to Montreal, New T .r t-i York and elsewhere In the East. 11CW pJavtr I UUUUI "ill J (YiYK llto 1 rOt" UI David Scott, who has been relieving as agent here during his absence MM AC D-I.L-,V-T will leave tonight by the Adelaide 1UCU Ji JLtcUlCi V on his return to Vancouver. Mrs. Coates will be back later. j CREDITORS COMMITTED Over $1000 is Being: Spent to Turn Them Out Properly The local artillery battery will be tiirnlno nut 'n smart blue Uniforms ! before the end of the year. The : oreanlzatlor. Is spending $1000 in I ! order to have the members properly clothed. There are' something over 1 uniforms. Announcements All advertisements in this column -villbe charged for a full month at 25c a word. Anglican Oirls Tea, Mrs. Gibson's. October 21. Parent Teacheis telephone bridge, Friday, October 22. C, C. F. Bazaar, October 23. , Toe II Tea, October 27. Hill CO Tea Oclober 29. Gyro Hallowe'en Dance, October 29. Masquer a d e Baptist Tea, November 3. Hyggas Bazaar, November 4. Presbyterian Bazaar, November 4. Sohja S. O. N. Bazaar, November 12. Moose Carnival, November 17, 18, 19. Cathedral Bazaar November 30. , October 22, 1937. THE DAILY NEWS PACKS THR23 germce Pamer says . w wauouai r1Si ...-rcpnaie New Books At Library Here Several New Volumes Added to Shelves, it is Announced New books for Pay Section of the Prince Rupert Public Library are on the Queen Charlotte Islands on this evening's train for Prince-lannounced as follows died in Vancouver yesterday. George where she will pay a visit with a sister. "All Cats Are Gray," (Glvens). "Dancers in Mourning," (Alling-ham), "Famine," (O'Flaherty), "Flight From Yesterday," (Webb), "I Love You Again," (Cohen), "I Was a Probationer," (Kern), "John; Cornelius," (Walpole), "Nothing is Safe," (Lelafield), "Poirot Loses a Client," (Christie), "Romance Roy-1 al," (Ruck), "Ship Ashore," (Park-man), 'The Black Envelope," iFrome), "The Case of the Lame i Canary," (Gardner), "The Citadel," (Crcnln). "The Faithful Wife," I lUndsetl. "The Langworthy Family," (Corbctt), "The Obeah Mur-i ders," 'Footneri, "The Rains Came" I (Bromfieldt, "The Sea Made Men," (Babscn), "The White Brigand," (Marshall), "To the Hilt," (Wren), 'Victoria, Four-thirty," (Roberts). FOR SALE FOR SALE A few large bundles of . old newspapers, 2 for 25c. CLAPP Block must be sold, will accept sealed bids, handled strictly confidentially up to Nov 15th. Terms subject to approval of owner. H. G, Helgerson, Ltd (258) FOR RENT FURNISHED Housekeeping Rooms. Upstairs, 934 2nd Ave. West. (249) FOUNlT Slav of Proceedings Now Seen As! fifty uniforms to provide for theiFOUND Leather key case with four Possibility In Edmonton Libel I men. Tne onlcers ouy tneir owni keys. Owner can obtain tnem at Suits EDMONTON. Oct. 22: (CP) F. Powell, Major Douglas" Social Credit expert and technical advisor to the Alberta Government and J. H. Unwin, Social Credit M U A. for Edson, were yesterday committed for trial on fotu charges seditious libel, defamatory libeli defamatory libel knowing it to be false and counselling murder. The charges arise out of publication and distribution of a pamphlet entitled "Bankers' Toadies" for the Social Credit Board Daily News office on paying for thi advertisement (t.t.) WANTED WANTED Second-hand babv buggy. Apply Annette's 3rd Ave. W. tf LAND ACT Notlrt of Intention to Apply to Lease l.nr(l In Prince Rupert Land Recording District of British Columbia, and situate on White Sand Islajid. Take notloe that Frank Waterman oi prince Rupert, occupation miner, Intends to apply for a lease of the fol-lowing described lands: Commencing ftt a post planted on one of' the hlgh cllfls on White Sand Island and betntt 300 feet Irom the P. E. corner of White Sand Island, and on ltfi east side, thence 600 leet S. V.; thence 800 feet: N. W.; thence 600 fet N. E.: thence 800 feet S. E. and containing 12 acres, more or lens. FRANK WATERMAN DaUxi AuniRt 28 1M7 20 Per Cent Off FUR COATS Until End of Month Raw fur buying commences then so we must clear but our stock. Take advantage of this. G0LDBL00M THE OLD RELIABLE Fresh Local Haw And Pasteurized Milk VALENTIN DAIRY PHONE 057. JH.MW"U'I" Phone 18 and 81 1". O. Hox 575 i Free Gift Tokens j We are still giving our Free I Oltt Tokens which entitle you i to 3, wide rane of Premiums, t Come In and Look Them Over MUSSALLEM'S I ECONOMY STORE Nominations Are Now Open for the Rexall Prize Contest For Boys and Girls up to 14 years of age Fourteen Wonderful Given Away Prizes See our Windows Ormes Ltd. tte Pioneer Druggists The Re nil Store Phones: 81 & 82 Open Daily From 8 a.m. till 10 p.m. Sundays and Holidays From 12 noon till 2 p.m, 1 p.m. till 9 p.m. XMAS BOOK LIST You Have Nothing to Lose and MUch to Gain by Checking Over Your Christmas Book Requirements and Making Reservations NOW. Following are Christmas Book suggestions the majority of which them and let us set aside are now available Come In and see your order. LEADING FICTION , The Lost King Sabatinl .;.ikimfi r. -t.'ir i$2.50 John Irene Balrd S-25 Theatre Maughan 52.50 The Stone Field Ostenso $2-50 And So Victoria Wilkins .,- 9ZM The Citadel Cronin - - $2-50 Jane of Lantern Hill Montgomery 52.25 Lord Emsworth Wodehouse .. ?2-00 ' NON FICTION Color in The Canadian Rockies Phillips 53-0" The Glamour of B. C Glynn Ward 51-50 In the Steps of St. Paul Morton $2-50 In the Steps of the Master Morton $2.50 Service of Our Lives Baldwin 51.75 Ordeal in England Glbbs - --- 52.50 Salt Water Poems and Ballads Masefield 52.25 To Be Published (Nov.) . Home For Christmas Douglas - - 51.50 ANNUALS Phnmc - Little Dots . I RUIWAV I I STtAMSMIPS . I 1 COMMUNICATIONS 1 7 MCTtLS I $3.00 Girls' (Boys') Own Annual 53-50 nr' iRnvs' Annual - $150 . -vrf $1.00 We shall be pleased to order for you any book advertised In current newspapers at publishers Canadian price-Place your Christmas orders with us early and avoid last minute substitutions. i Canadian - Pacific Trans-Atlantic Transcontinental Trans-Pacific To Vancouver via Ocean Falls and Way Ports Princess Adelaide every Friday, 10 p.m. To Vancouver Direct PRINCESS NORAII PRINCESS LOUISE Oct. 29th. Oct. 6th 17th. Connection at Vancouver with Canadian Pacific Services Tickets and Reservations from W. L. COATES, General Aent Prince Rupert, H.O. MacKENZlE'S FURNITURE Simmons Beds Brown steel bedstead. All felt Mattress and cable spring. 3-foot 3 Inches and 4-foot sizes PHONE 775 $2G.50