THE DAILY NEWS —$___—— Bishop u Vernet and Liquor Licences In an Open Letter to The News, the Bishop Points Out How Politics in Municipal Affairs plays into Hands of Provincial License System. Eh wrt erestetrntertin | To the Citizens of Prince Rupert man for their own betterment, while In all civilized: countries by com-| citizens who otherwise would wish to mon consent it is deemed iecessary | stand together for the betterment of for the welfare of the community to|the community are divided. They throw round the liquor trade certain allow party politics tu determine to ORAN DUM oPEN EVENINGS UNTIL 9 OcLocK We |! oaned We Loaned - Money Money restrictions The licence system is|a great extent their choice of a can- ; : eal no exception to this rule. didate The consequence is that ‘ Nd at at There are restrictions as to the | while the candidate who will prom- iat’ NB number of licences to be issued.) ise secretly to use his influence for t “sy There are restrictions as to the days|the support of the liquor interests is i _ on which liquor can be sold. There} assured of a solid vote, the candi- bi hy |} a are restrictions even as to the hours|date who is fearless enough to an- ie i on of the day when liquor can be sold.| nounce his intention that he will in- ue i } These restrictions are all made for|sist upon a vigorous enforcement of Ps eek Rang the benefit of the community at|the laws intended for the benefit of Me Be] fal large, and one would think that all|the people cannot count upon the BEF | ma right minded people would heartily | undivided vote of the better class of he a Per Cent. to Per Cent. to unite in seeing that these restric-|citizens. This is something which L DRESSED i = <== = , et features of the liquor trade there|ually. Here a little ao there @ gees See i es eee ie bi i are always a certain number of peo-| little, but if we are to keep our city wil pay you . eae : ; \ we Y DOO KGET ESERIES SESE ES SES SES SES ES BESET eee Sess ple who, through political influ-|from drifting into corruption all rena tl nme ype i ey OB epee Hh bE at ence, or business threats, or other | right minded citizens must learn to pc apbesegste stags Shan oer with ‘peedel accuracy anda ; i considerations, manage to secure li-|stand firmly together for what is degree of certitude equal to that of a local tailor, take your own _ censes with no other intention than|clearly in the best interests of the measurements in the privacy of your own home. Complete satis- : aad to get all the money they can out|community as a whole. faction or we refund money. Will your own tailor guarantee this? + ee me? of the trade regardless of the lives Respectable hotel-keepers doing a they blight and the homes they|legitimate business in accordance One Silver and Two Gold Medal Awards. wreck. The better class who are not|With the wise restrictions of the Read our unique list of unsolicited testimonials. $25,000 Liquor Act are worthy of esteem. forfeited if not absolutely genuine. in the business are brought into com- - petition with these human parasites| Among such I have those I count as WRITE FOR FREE PATTERNS. sk and at once feel the uselessness of | friends. But an organized com- Address for Patterns: 1 es are not being a eae aoe négettliak “ts CUR Ot Oe. io ene eee eT ARG.’ 150 i a le al 7 ATT 1 1 ae rigidly enforced in every case or increased profits, ss oO ’ os THE MOST BEAUTIFUL SECTION OI People have no conception of the|the consequences to the community, The World's ' * tremendous power the motive of pri-| With paid agents, paid canvassers, Measure be vate gain exerts in the liquor bus-| paid newspaper-writers, paid plat- Go tp CUrmon, Tailors, f af if jiness. This is the inherent weak-|form speakers, paid lawyers, etc., | — a |ness of our present licence system. | working consistently and persistent- 60/62 CITY ROAD, LONDON, ENGLAND. ms| \Ve should blame not so much the|ly, beginning with the voters’ list, “West End Depot: eee af t > *t— . (3}| men as the system. First of all this|for one supreme object—to control Pembroke House, 133 & 135 Oxford St., London, England. ' / GQ power has to exert itself in political} our city aldermen, to influence our Please mention this paper is At the entrance to the Harbor, to be sold at is and municipal affairs. Liquir li-| provincial members, and to dictate ba — ’ . a ie . gfe | cences have to be procured through|to our cabinet ministers for the pro- 4 a} ' gS. influence and when procured they|motion of the interests of “The| —== . ; Met G have to be retained. Our system|Trade”—this is nothing short of aj | PIIIAIN PIN AINA AION Dry, ie id a @ @ £33| mixes up provincial and municipal |national menace and every loyal citi-| @ 2 a nt matters. The provincial government|zen who loves his country should 3 —YOUR FOOD WILL BE WELL COOKED ON A— 3 } ad | appoints the three licence commis-|40 his utmost, both by his vote and > ° e g a“ Hef] sioners, but one is the mayor ex-|influence, to break the power of tne|$ Crown Favorite Cooking Stove 3 + Te S92) officio, and another must be an aJ-| liquor trade in provincial and mu-|¢ . . > oes ee : ‘ Other Stoves f 6. 24 cB derman, so that the municipal vot-}nicipal politics. Price from $45 to $58 r oven frome: Se r t G ers have a voice indirectly in the F. H. DU VERNET, 3 aia 2 3 a r _ r YT spa? , 4 is Bec iri ; oe 5 So SB} case of two Bishop of Caledonia. z WE HAVE ALL YOU NEED IN BUILDERS’ HARDWARE @ hy IN THE EMPRESS THEATRE, PRINCE RUPERT, B. C.COMMENCING ON zt The same holds true in regard to $ ee arnen % rm s $ ' @ the police commissioners, who chief- 3 ’ 2 se | ly determine whether the restrictions TO SOFTEN AN EGG. 2 THOMPSON HARDWARE CO Y 2 f 4 4 > > 4 g ; | of the licence Act shall be observe of 1e licence Ac e sid bs oO paar: ed | Secead Avenue Telephone 10 ; Gee] or not It is necessary, therefore |A. Little Hint That May Come fri] On for the liquor trade to bring influ- ite “Ane: Day, | PPPP PPP OPP PLP PPIPPEEPRIPPAAIPAEIPPAREEPPEPAPP PEPPER ELPPANG i e 3 Sience to bear in two directions 0- . : ; . 33 £ ] | — — — Jae . litical and municipal. Where is this When an egg has been boiled too | gumemmeememmmen individual voter, then with Ye ate KAIEN HARDWARE COMPANY i long it can be softened again by individual voter, then with the can- . ‘ - \LE:—QOne quarter Cash, balanee 1, 2 and 3 years at 6 per cent. didate seeking election. Already, 1|‘™Stantly lifting the pan off the fire) 7 _— am informed, scores of names have and quickly placing under the tap, I IPP on > RN, ¢ 3 ‘. : g er § : allowing a good stream of cold wa-| THIRD ANENUE P.O. DRAWER 1524 PHONE No. 3 been added to the voters’ list through | ' - ae oni $$ ____——— the energetic work of the liquor ter to pour into it. The sudden . _ _ ~ f ‘ ? 3 Pie tee Pee : party. They are wide awake be-|®!0ck from hot to cold has the curi-| Batldece Satepties pepe ane Pierson nee d The nalatte ‘ Stare S i on ’ leaves Sez > at 12 party ade i ie eae =o ae S umbérs’ Supplies Plate Glass Mirrors ; f ‘ Phe palatial G.T.P. Steamer I rince Rupert leaves Seattle it ; cause of the money interest at stake, |0US effect of softening the egg. | Paints HARDWARE Stoves, Ranges LP lock midnight each Sunday; Fare, including meals and state- while citizens who are concerned in | oo ish Sera. 4 m, $18.00. Leaves Vancouver 11 p.m. each Monday; Fare, yy |the community as a whole seem to e ° asa a ae , cluding meals and stateroom, $16.00. Arrives in Prince | be asleep. Advertise In ARCH MALLEABLE The ‘* Stay Satisfactory tuper Wednesday a. m. | er ge is wie ear MON Rarive.!? . i ieee brought to bear upon candidates. 1e r i : |} liquor party stands together as one THE DAILY NEWS | ' a | | - 1 ia ~ C( IME AND hh 7 7 66 7 IT'y?? * THE PACIFIC COAST eee p = VIL i * < \ND SEE THE ‘‘WONDER CITY’’ OF THE ) COAST... % APM OS & NCI BUI I ID i a I Dok ok ok : ‘ | a im : we ; a ; —For full pastculars and maps of townsite apply t The Prince Rupert Hard Supply C | “ For full particulars and maps of townsite appl) ke e ce Kupert Hardware and upply 0. = EMBROCATION * | a } y JAVID H HAYS . | HAVE A * : * | Complete Line of x Agent for G.T.P . PRINCE RUPERT, B.C | ompiete Line 0 . 8 :.T.P. Development Co. ' Reyer | | ml Hy * } | ae | HEATING and COOK am | PRCPaePRePae, | 3 : POO OG ES ESHESEREREESSER ERED EERE EE | | a | STOVES + 4 * am | FROM mi mt - < i | t 8 | "Ny esemsresresrmereiemsees | hitting miller in the game a decade | | a . ANNG COUGH | {7 [|avo, in anxious 0 show the people lee 1.50 to $100.00 + Te HE WEARING ILLNE S . . +. ITEMS OF.... | that he can still travel some. While} Hl ee ces E x ’ ; J } $ | his defi has been hurled at every} ; i SPOR T J [{misateweisnt in the country, Buck] x WE ARE AGENTS FOR | - fry ‘ | ; » te > > | . Often h their coming 4 a Crouse, the local boy, is the one me THE FAMOUS MAJESTIC I} > rarning , = g tres peers Pes is especially meant for, »* AT THE I} } i Warnit g uands instant “Knockout” Brown, who has not Choynski refereed the ( none re) mH : , | 1 j i DB The 1 ite ae . ring since his fight|ger bout at Duquesne Garden anc Prin R H d d § | C , the hod calth is im: |Sppeated in’the ring since a wale k sl the former south- ie ce upert ar ware an upp y ompany ¥ } ; ' ~~ YO” attacked . | with Matt Wells, met Joe Bedell at}/saw Buck slam € ml ml re. t acked, the , four rounds, Joe THIRD AVENUE PHONE 120 apayen New York last week and had the/sider | sleep in pi — ds. . x nl eit h the fj ; ‘ - ee . sin a ten-r ij believes he can take Buck’s measure oe es : mptoms, better of “eight rounds in a ten-rount peu's § of Tar and | bout. Only by clinching and hold-jand wants a4 bout as soon as one ean | BEKY E+E ++ XO XK Mh ok OOK + Ot i Ver Oil ; ‘ts the cold |ing did Bedell last through the ten| be arranged. He acknowldges that iin — i rounds There were no knock-| that northsider is one of the classi- Fai ; ad Coad 1 . * > > c ry ay; | 3 nd Cod r Oil are the | downs. est scrapers in the countey today; | hee MM agent r cold cures 4 nevertheless he feels that he can | Lai : heali; : OG CUTeai 4 ‘ } beat him in a six-round battle. Joe Bit Cod t & the uflamed parts Another fighter has entered the bes ae oe einine eae ) . aera ilbuilding up |ranks of the come-backs Joe} has deen nis Gite, as Sin Causa —_—_—_—_—_—————-—-———- - --— } ; | ) ae Choynski, who was about the tough-/came to [his city, is ah a - I } a | ‘fe ®mbined in Mathieu's est man in the ring for his size ten boxing instructor at the Pittsburg ust For HUMAN USE, Skeena Mail and Express ae 4 r I € marvellous.| years ago, is out with a challenge] Athletic Club holds him to the job Beralas, Sore Shoulder» | Rheumatism, Sprains, : \ rg tla . , | f * Cows notin Milk, 2 j j : oi 2 “ifie T ‘ 2 * ie " Ue 35 cents.}to any middleweight in the world daily A) a eaten) Spiluts when For Sore Mou! Leave all express packages for interior points with the Pacific Trans ha -— ae Joe, who has been making Pitts Choynski, it wi ee forming, ia 3 fer Co,, 807 Third Ave., and insure prompt forwarding. i : pe (Mathews ‘ine Powder. | burgh his home for the past six] !s the oy ees ¥ - ae _— rs pped Hacks, $ Neuralgia All accounts and correspondence addressed to \ } the ; ; 210 Jack Johnson 8 hes, i mm #005 y the pain, J. 1 | months, wants to get back in the] out s , . ‘ge rulses, Do Chronic yh aD een we rame again after an absence of five] three rounds to polish off the pre! Broken Knees, erin Biras, 4 itis, P.O. Box 806 B V Hazelton, B.C. I Ors for Western Caianin 8 hi ‘ ent champion ten years ago down in Elliman's Royal Embrocation. |E//iman's Universal Embrocation, _—_—— ¥y \ anac years, : cll Ar , as . N ssi ; ; %s Larsen k Company Inc The veteran scrapper, Whom many} Galveston ep We r wg ee avery ELLIMAN. SONS & CO.. SLOUGH, ENGLAND will receive immediate attention I , ” a . an’t quite & classy as he 18 tC y.| Vaneou er Saskatoon ! heavyweights claim was the hardest | wasnt au P lO BE OBTAINED OF ALI, DRUGGISTS THROUGHOUT CANADA, ‘