SVEZT CAPORAL CIGARETTES DOWN IHE ALLEY Sl xaA Tie-wi f fee Zryrrt mi l acrt Bcfzl SfcH VKtE etflaraet t- u tt idr tx. js-k set ss -sis me Baa 7km laLttcs Hit Ta! lanrvw. hu a fitaAar Sea afi KerSi X;ny.ij 2ii . - 1 -I 'SPORT Ne J ft EA( L . SPORT CHAT PHONE ftr Frte -jBH Home Dtlherr BtiBBV' 'H Tfcii adTerliwnient it not pubthhed or ijplavetl by .e L: tc - (ioepnsept of Cx. aaVa. 1 Few Bowling Teams Turned Up For Play J y. a. Ehy J keen -Mfe Mar at V -tierrf QTm M Tti m ar PD W Job ceri- i jfiar. fn yy,',? qf .y 3 - Tj sfcis ge -e -ass: s L , 3Ba vUfch a.- a )a i? fester as a Mb L JHTm'!- ae& ?by dtte ste b 3k ifte tike , ,T. . BaMD K IB ti fcA, jfca. . case Tajticg mi m., tsAet iai tv s xasss. 1 HOCKEY SCORES j - - - mM t , JJtanr flKit aax we i . ' ; Xdwi Lorn Sf . -wrf - - - : iff dim - 4 1 j it a 3 JllM ' TV Sne otM Ma at iter caaBaB - 1 K 13 ig S43e tec tepisa a' 2knc a, sjwiwr jias? 4stlas te nr4 rskk' it . 1 1 . , & Jt ?c timwpA i(.;B tA eoterammeaih j iiOtei AmYaiS eaCr w vfMt K v a for Kta 2 iasv ftae ttta i i t iapat ii oerr w bgS ey er taosa 2 ! Jt a 2Se Mnr jml . flet: a J . 2Sb- Ut fe4-rf OK Tnn AJ) kW1U tVfWt: A. AJtefSML. TfT- --Jf: '-x' sett i - erarir-g ,. . BL LkaDy. C Oxxser a XL Mk. 4 J. C 7 J Sesr aod A HONOE SriXD ACT IXWDOSf Star. 2: C? fe v -job's! K'iM. fEoenr Ja m -'Bl-uoc rf bit viler jp?d ree . Like ATTEE miX-S BZCOED A9UID. Sot- 2: CPi III H'M. Bnteu soores 37 rsn fc fnc-eibiw ericln tiab year he -r tetai CVm HSTs a?-Z?t'- sark rtpresu a !aw vfeuie Bndaaa has bs Uj sum Jtfie K7. lrairs tttic BUI3OS AIRES, iitn. 25: 'CPt i I Camfl trm Arttattms raws-D7tfee4 mm tfee oCfeer daj Ec-i a rfr oa jtu'i ceetrart to suuvet foot&afl ajert in Bru2) ! asasii, be ni ekeered aJter ofic-' -iiHH at a jars? AS OTHERS SEE THEM LOKDOK Not. 2S: CP A "chamber of Serrsrt WD be t cp a aotf cJ-i here- Acnca j&ctc of elab WBbm -aHI fx a&yrs ta i aso4'.ir Titli the dsb pro Smartly Styled .. . . 1" Serviceable . . Lon? Life . . OVERCOATS If ja arc Jookrajj for the oltuaatc in a. tktce coil bj afl raeans ee the ROYAL SCOT, a Fahio-Craft feature presentation- KYOCK"S OF KEITH, SCOTLAND producers, for the part 150 jears, of the workTs finest fleece coatinrs oririnate the ROYAL SCOT fabric. These quality fabrics makeup in firht weirht yet warni and cemfort-2 We coat? which doe to their finbh and checueal treatxaent are by far the no?t serTiceaWe srannent for the coart cU-znate. The Distinction That is so characteristic of BURBERRY OVERCOATS, quite apart fron their desirn and drape, lies in Barberrj inherent appreciation of what men of importance the world over deire to htm in ill-considered a p parti. The Quality SUriX BOWLLVG GETEN BOCEmCOCTH, EEC X ot J$ C? R a EBtec rhi:rssaa oi tbs FiriTft'?: b-rttoz iseora" :i $154033) ijwctt tnikr leases "tbt 3&cs iaSaK turret green av smx give rr LOXDOK. Not 2: CP'-TtTh-s twaJ ut2 a rrar of M tmfc: sot xttitk a zsaa of 53. Ur irrr ixer. said -IT a au of 36 ksocts aSoaC &e iffi knor aD litres ar fOXSrOED COMES BACK JXELBOCBXE. Not. 25: iCP- 7T HL ?oeaJam -rbo retired ts ISM. ttE brri kis rrtirersfat free Qrrf-cZasa ericiet piiy to take part te 'Jx tettisxoitl natch fr V Y Richardson and C V Oriaafti a. j AdIak!? ytTeber 2- n 1 I. ALw ATS rtSiije. 1W Of a BURBERRY OVERCOAT, quite apart from its fine material ad tr Uilonnr lies in its three "fenerations of due consideration for teed torn and good taste. Presented Eiclosirdr Br COMPANY LI! rsuk&bH mi n:-m sncra sTim f la'. i HALIBUT The source of Sunshine Vitamins A and D Boiled Halibut with egg sauce is digestible, palatable, satisfying. CANADIAN FISH & COLD STORAGE CO. LTD. Prince Rupert, B.C UNION STEAMSHIPS LTD. oasers lean rrct wapen iw TSS. CATALA ETERT TUES- T.S.S, CARD EX A rKHU1' DAT, 1 JI pja. Dm Vaocoam, Than. pjn. DaeTanearer,Soi.Maa If conrtaieBt pleast porchaM tlckeU t tftt TlfttiJ J A. W. XEWMA-V, rriaet Bopert Axeat, Third An. rfce f 1 D. Ali it ui) ' ,.nc" un a: h 0) M 1 n'tddir LieRcii :v It Lghter ttKtt i,n In Doiv Norm ted Du i to ui uier r .:idl le Do he m tclt to ce of hetra ct in Uol thr (ixt .tie ( Male her fcxi A ucl