RU Tfmber 28, 1937. anada's Favourite Tea ALADA losc '.ecessary TEA ouune nature i nn It 10 lie Kept Open Lrinf Winter Months Price $15.60 ; cary several other 1 t different prices. (Jewellers iTttt STOKE WITH THE CLOCA SEW ROYAL HOTEL J ZarelK, Iioftor A HOME AWAY FICOM HOMK" Kate $1.00 u tooms Hot St Cold Water Prince Kupv'rt, D C. ' 281 P.O. noK ll I.AMl AO 'tlilrnll.Mi hi Aiilv i I .and v HmxTt Uuicl R-r(l!lir BrltUl) CuIiliublR. glut lti -l.i blniul on.Uio N. W. poln' - Jo or Zaynji on a rrl of tii' Yiuik WBterni.m of " ix-i-r. n. C ly-npot'fni Mlnr I i iily for a lio of Uie fo -'Ivcl 1ii) 1h- of the ire1 i u nolnt at a xmi plaut m ' vraKHy txilut on tho 8011th i renf 'Jicnce 1B00 fecit ' iMMU'e 1500 fret NorUief IBM feet B ai'JiweHl : then. ' 1 & miMvut and cotiulnlng 33 j c or lean ! FRANK WATERMAN fr lT 4, 107 , lM lti:ill4TUV Af'T 7'lflpule of Title N. I90!m-I. t i y II Irr.l nixl Tlilrtvfoiir K,tn lim m r,.uki Itlklrlct. I I'llltlitlf, II... Ilti.lrf,l nn "" M.VIt iti. i,,r. i,r J8 prwf of lowi of the y ' of Title Imiied In ttif " man it. Canroy haa b-en Lh; fflf. notice la liercbr 8 I hall. at ,tl orolratlon of ft m the date of the first 'iffeof, lAMie a provisional ,f Title In lhu of ald lost Ull-Ui it 41, ,.,M,i(lnt Vol. j."1 be iivule to me In writing j."1 Mie I&iid Regtjttry Office An Bl - U,l, Ul day f NIIU0W THOMPSON, n-ii(,t,iiar uf Tltlee. B07 ieum Business l Timely Redpes Round Steak en Casserole Trim off fat. remove bone from round steak, cut 1 inch thick. Cut in uniform pieces for serving . remlar meeting of the;Pound each piece on bdth sides ;lt tt,u"- , , ..with ih H0 f .. nrrt. Museum, uoara neiu i w,v u wu"' . City Hall lasi evewns ri""v ...... iu iU .bioj routine buslnesswas , , the organization. It wa? ;e winter montns or unui .otic? every afternoon cx- !-tJjv and to improve thf ot the exhibits Matters 1 Ul 1 1 . , nA I , to me puasiuiiiijr ui ot, new fireproof . building a discussed Informally, jlclntch, who had spent raer at Terrace, presided, icr members of the board wore City Commlsslonei tier Dr Neal Carter. Rob-.'.:! secretary). Dr. J. C. A E Parlow. Mrs. J. B. ,j 0. Ham and II. F. Pul- iric dredge with flour. Brown richly on both sides In a hissing, hot weil-greased frying pan. Remove to hot casserole, add brown stock to cover the steak. To the fat In the pan add two tablespoons butter. In this, saute two cups sliced onions previously parboiled two minutes. Cover steak In casserolf with prepared onions, add one cun sliced carrots, season with salt and pepper, cover and cook slowly In oven until vegetables are tender Serve from casserole with baked potatoes. Facts Of Interest Pulp and paper mills in opera tion In Canada during 1930 provided employment for 30.054 workers and nald $40,003,852 in salaries and wages. total value of the fur pro-du"itry IThhe In Canada during 193C was vnlued at $44,047,794, an Increase of morethan eight percent over the previous" year. , I Thetotal value of the fur pro duction of the Northwest Terri- t : Schick or Packard Dry torles since 1922 exceeds $27,000,- n you need no iatner, ouu. : water and no towels, px mvenlcnce at the of- The National Parks of Canadc it. re one can shave In a are twenty In number with a totPl tene . 1 1 M:3cven octween cus-.,"f--u ui juaic huiw. Announcements All advertisements In this column vlll be charged for a full month at 25c a word. Lutheran Bazaar November 27. Hospital Auxiliary Tea, Novem ber 20. Alko Salta, contralto, Church, November 29,. Cathedral Kazaar. November 30 Orange Scotch Dance, November 30. United Bazaar, December 2. Presbyterian Tea December 3. Lutheran Sewing Circle Bazaar, December 8. Baptist Tea, December 9. ARRIVED! A New Slock of FUR COATS Very Latest Styles Come in and inspect them. Prices are right. Your credit Is good. BUS DISCOUNT I'Olt CASH GOLDBLOOM'S 'THE OLD UELIAnLE Christmas Cards For The Old Country See our large assortment of local view photo Crlstmas cards and calendars. They are appreciated by relatives and friends. WRATHALL'S IMIOTU FINISHING David Charles Stuart has beeni appointed a provincial elections commissioner for Prince Rupert. H. K. Zumkher has entered the Prince' Rupert General Hospital where he expects to remain for a I month. " ! on fire, a carpet, easy chair, tea wagon and floor also being damaged. Mrs. Nickerson put the fire out herself. There was Insurance. Founding Of New Metlakatla Will Be Celebrated William Leask left on the Princess Norah this morning for New Metlakatla to attend the fiftieth anniversary of the founding of that Alaska village. Mr. Leask is the only survivor now of the party under Father Duncan which founded New Metlakatla, Alaska, In 1887. A narty Is also going north In its own boat from Port Simpson to take part in the anniversary celebration. WHIFFLETS From the Waterfront Union steamer Cardena, Capt John Boden, is due in port at 1:20 this afternoon and will sail at 10:30 p.m. on her return U Vancouver and waypolnis. The case of the local halibut boat Vera Beatrice, which is charged with having fished for halibut in Area No. 3 with an Area No. 2 permit, nas Deen adjourned until next Monday in provincial police court before Stipendiary Magistrate Andrew Thompson. During the visit here this week of Capt. Lionel H. Lindsay, exam Incr of masters and mates, the following students of Capt. J.. R. Elfcrt's school for navigation took their examination's for freight vessel' master's tickets and werf successful In passing: Ivor Wick, Harry Hansen, Carl Bygdnes. Franklin Stewart and David Ritchie. Quite extensive repairs are to be made to the roof of the ocean dock here. Work has already commenced. Armour Salvage Co.'s nower tug Daly. Capt. Albert Erlckson, re turned to port aat midnight lasi. night from Welcome Harbor, Pov-:her Island, with a scowload df gravel. The outfit had gone out the day previous and was held up by stormy weather. C P. R. steamer Princess Adelaide, with Capt. S. . Gray ir, command in place of Capt. Henrv Anderson, who Is on his annual vacation, Is due in port at 7:30 this evening from the south arid will sail at 10 p.m. on her return to Vancouver and waypolnts. RELIEVE ITCHING In A Minute Ffa Ui mmt itublmn Itrhint of miu, Uolrti, pim4M, ttta' fool. nh and tar kia ntp tinM, q'iirklf vwM tV. IVnt V ftinlinc, tnti! I, hniki O. D. D. PRESCRIPTION, lu l"ille eit tnctnt h irfiltl tkta, ' grrwf ftnJ jtaln-m inn U. ik i-tw ilrhinf ' Xtntlr 1 Mfl,, l i . rm It- mi irk, 1. a a a rjitscRi pti o h. n REX BOWLING ALLEY Itasrnirnt of Exrhant tUock riioxn S THE DAILT N1W1 PAOrf THRW LOCAL NEWS NOTES A pair of Canadian boudoir slip-, Just arrived A new shipment or pers would make a suitable gift for : brushed wool sweaters. Annette's, your Old Country friends. A nice , . , J 'A. . assortment at Fashion Footwear, tf. ! 4.1 A ii .. U I i FOR coal that is hard, hot and clean, phone 116 and 117. Albert and McCaffery. t.f. ! C. G. Edwards sailed last night on the Prince George fof Vancouver enroute to Tranqiiillc Sariitar-lium. j W. A. Hogg is leaving on this ev-1 Lutheran Bazaar tomorrow. Met-l cning's train for a two weeks' trip 1 ropole Hall Homecooking,' 'f'ancy-i to Edmonton. ! work and novelty tables. Tea from William Stone returned ' 2 to 6. Program 8 p.m. this L i b l DIVORCERS 1275) unmans uum ouri inici wnere ne Mlss Alko Satai Canadian borr made a brief visit on business. He Japanese contralto, arrives in the says things are looking fairly good clty on the princess Adelaide th at the camp and he expects to see evening from Ocean Falls, where It settle down as a permanent gold she gave a successful rccijal Wed producer. nesday night, and will be heard h" Monday evening. Mis. Damage estimaTTd at about $100 "ef "companled by her was done to the contents of the res- spon S' E' Mlyake of idenee of A. S. Nickerson, Fifth Av- her accompanist, Miss S enue West, by fire Wednesday after- noon. A spark from the stove is believed to' have set the curtains urn Constipation may lower your resistance to "colds." Relieve constipation wth Kpllogg's AtL-IJRAK, Tbls food aids regular habits;,. Serve All-Bran as a cereal with milk or -cream, !r in cooked dishes. Eattwo tablesononfuls mtmb-. daily. Sold by all grocers. DISCUSSED Subject of Debate at Meeting Anglican Young People's Association Of The regular weekly meeting o! the Anglican Young People's As sociation was" held on Wednesday evening in the Cathedral Hail, Fol lowing the opening hymn and prayer a short business Session was held. It was decided that next Sunday, being Advent Sun day and also the Sunday before the Feast of St. Andrew; Patron Saint of the Cathedral, the mem bcrs will attend In a body the early celebration of Holy Com-munion. It was also arranged that a breakfast would be served In the hall after the service. The main feature of the evening was a debate on the subject: "Resolved that the liberalization of the divorce laws would be In the best Interests of our country." The speakers for the affirmative were Dick Kecnlevslde and Miss Ruth Nelson and, for the negative, Tack Storrie and Miss Phyllis Taylor. The jud?es were Miss Joan Cross and Robert Yerburgh who "ave their unanimous decision In favor of the negative. Both sides out ud very fine arguments. In summing up her side of the argument Miss Taylor remarked: I "Marriage is a contract which j must be binding In tli Interests! of the race first and .oremost. One of its functions Is to'rolcct ( he children of the unlofl and so i he future woJlln? ofvthe country is deoendeW' on ItMl would venture to 'fuVsest 'hatS the 'remedy lies not In liberalizing 'the! divorce liv hnt in the, tightening up of the marriage Tjaws. Fur country e . tor 'WlfJw lH Miff evPr.l.'. L toD. it WQMMfi IH UeV " , ,t every ,",r,.a W' " ' I V VJordm4 Program Of Music Clubpn Wednesday Wednesday afternoon's program at the iiiHies' Music Club Guest Day m'etirig Wednesday Included the following. Items: Etf Vocals;Splos, "Flower Song" from FaustCdiinod) and "Asra" (Ru-! cnstelft Mrs. R. O. Large. i Seleci6n'1fbr two pianos, "March" 2 4'rom "Nctcrcker Suite" (Tschalk- ? cwskyj.' Its: E. J. Smith and Miss 5 MargaMcCaffery. Ladlc'sV Chorus, ' Waltz of the FlowcrWTfchaikowsky), Mrs. R, vi. Large?, ;Mrs. Bernard Lundahl, lrs. Hr tf. Brockleeby, Mrs. W. L. Stamford; Mrs T. A. Mc Waters, Mrs. S. D. Johnston, Mrs. P. C. Miller and Mrs. CE. Cullln. Piano solo, "Andante" (Moderato from Fiwrth Symphony)' (Brahms), Mrs; H. O. Johnsen. Vocal: s'olo; "Soft Footed Snow" ST. CHARLES MILK 9 & V V Strickland)'. Mrs. S. D. Johnston. V ? Selection ifor two pianos, "Russian jSj? Dance'.tiTschalkowsky)KMrs. W. L.12? Stamfota.and Mrs. E. J. Smith. j VocaL solb, "Then You'll Remem- M? ber MeBalfe) and "Cradle Song' Brarnnsl Mrs. J. H. McLeod. Ladleji chorus, "Oypsy Life" (Schuman). Selection' for two pianos. "Romance" from. "Arensky Suite" and "Valse,'pus 15." Mrs. W. L. Stamford ahU'Mrs. Bernard LundahL VocaViblos, "O That We Two Were Moj-thg" (Nevin) and "YouH Oet;Hcfeb'Llckin," (Clarke). Mrs. . H. Citrson. Dalnjyftfreshments were served, by members, of the executive. I i JONES Family Market hone 957 AND Phone 9: Fulton Meat Market Phone 683 Specials VEAL RUMP. ROAST of VEAL Per lb FILLET ROAST of VEAL Per lb SHOULDER VEAL 4 lbs. LEO of VEAL 6 lbs; BEEF RUMP.gOAS-r of BEEF Per )r... PRIME RIB ROLL Per IpV roT- rqAst Per lb. 1 he wise reformer who w6u1d cfe- SHORT RIBS vate and protect the family, the 3 lbs, '. ' centrp of the nroblm Is marrlaee HAMBIXRdER STEAK and not divorce, An Increase In Per fti. - haopy, wholesome marriage, Is th ' onlv permanent VyuUo VtAour ' '"' 'S : ,'AMB divorce nroblenV. ADiej'Tlite LEO oh.UMD. crime, is fearful evidence that pur pcr H.' clvili7a)lon is developing to a point SHOULDER of LAMB of strain where there Is aspeclal Per lb,..:. ... need or slrcnstncnmg theweak- ness aisciosea oy using oursoclar resources to encourage, sancO wavs of living." 1 ' I Following the meeting .-refresh,, ments were served, vby Misses Ruth Nelson and Je3h McLean, . I'OKK LEGS of PORK Per lb, SHOULDER of PORK Per lb. Phone C83 BONED. and ROLLED SHOULDER VEAL Per lb;. 18c 25c 50c $1.00 20c 15c 18c 10c 25c 25c j 25c 15c 22c 18c Boys! Girls! listen MtdtllUK The Better Irradiatecf Evaporated Milk Si You are invited to visit Toy Ian REGAL SHOP New Thrill in RADIO Enjoy the belter Short Wave reception of K.C.A. Victor. See and hear the new 1938 models NOW. Your present radio taken as first payment EASY TERMS on the balance. This Christmas hear the best on R;C.A. Victor. R.C.A. VICTOR Radio with Automatic Tun-in"; from $72.!)!) up. Arrange For a Demonstration Without Obligation Fresh Local Raw And Pasteurized Milk VALENTIN DAIRY rilONF. 657 The Central Hotel ROOMS and CAFE Phone 31 Tor Best Household Coal MRS. C. E. BLACK .3 V 1 I rt '? v in 111 I I I I