W-1 Hi i.' f AGC SIX Personal Greeting Cards A Peautiful Selection to Choose From at Reduced Prices, Including a Box of Gold Initialed Stationary with Orders of Over Eighteen Cards. 15 Hcautiful Assorted Cards in Roxes (Less than 3c each) Per box " : WATERMAN'S Latest Perfected INK-VUE PENS Greater Ink capacity than any olher pen at this price; CARPETS SEAMLESS AXMINSTER HUGS s, 24.00 s10,, CONG OLEUM GOLD SEAL RUGS Size 1x9. 07 OK Size 9x10. Price Ol.O prtce Size 9x9. on nn Size 9x12. Price OtMJU price DO.MINIOX HALL RUNNERS 2i inches wide Yard DOMINION PRINTED LINOLEUM Square Yard .. REXOLEUM Square Yard BEDROOM REVERSIBLE WOOL RUGS 25x48 Inches Each Bed Complete Cable Spring, Cotton Felt Mattress. Size 4-6 4-0 3-3. Price 27.50 Trade-In 3-I'iece Chesterfield Suite 6-llole Canadian Trlde Kitchen Range Slnjer Sewing Machine THIRD AVENUE ...40c S;i"f,ini;C,,"is-10c EXTRA SPECIAL QUALITY FLAT WEAR Dinner Knives--Dozen Dinner Forks Dozen Table Spoons-Dozen Dessert 4.75 S2.75 S2.75 S2.75 Soup Spoons Dozen Tea Spoons-Dozen Oyster Forks Dozen Sugar Spoon qsj $i2.D Each Hutter Knife S1.50 Dessert Knives Dozen CO r7CZ Dessert Forks y&iO Dozen 839.00 S10.00 S11.50 65c 85c 45c $4.00 Bedroom Suite Includes Ped, Coil Spring, Cotton Felt Mattress, Dresser and Chiffonier. $87.50 Spring Filled Mattress These fine mattresses encourage sleep in every SfgS,.. $30.00, 37.50 Allowance for the old mattress $5.00 TOYS! Doll Prams From $2.75, $1.25, $9.50, $16.75 Kiddie Kars $2.00, $3.50 Velocipedes $7.75, $8.50, $10.75 Haby Jumper Swings" $1.75, $2.00 Rocking Horses ., $3.50, $5.00 Itaby Walkers $3.50, $6.25 Haby High Chairs $3.50, $5.50, $6.50 $25.00 $32.00 30.00 We Buy Used Furniture Phone Green 016 ELICVS Prince Rupert, R.C. If you lose anything, advertise for it. Fine Spirit Of 25c 25c S4.75 S2.75 SIIEAFFER'S Latest Imnrovod PENS AND PENCILS Your name free in gold letters on any of these pens iconvener. Co-operation Is Found In City "What I like about Prince Rupert Is the splendid spirit of co-opera tlon evident here," declared R. K Smith, director of marine service" for the federal government in an address to the Prince Rupert Rotary Club a its luncheon yesterday afternoon. He stressed the recog nition ,of the hospitality received here and said he wished he could remain longer. i Mr. Smith again spoke of the . wonderful harbor at Prince Rupert and explained that his visit would I prove helpful In. carrying out the work at, Ottawa. He hoped to be Guests were Capt. Kerr of Otta- ' wa, Capt. Claxton of Vancouver, Dr. j J. F. Maqulre of Prince Rupert and Major Rycroft of Victoria. EGGS "R" GRADE 3 dozen in cartons . IDE $1.00 STEER REEF Pot Roast-Lb. Oven Roast Lb Rump Roast Lb Prime Rib-Lb 12c 15c 18c 18c 8c BAKEASY 8lbs $1.00 Slbs. Ayrshire Bacon Piece. Lb.. Fruit iMincc-meat 2 lbs. 40c 22c 25c Frying Chickens (ttZr Each "AM Grade Tur- Qff r keys-Lb. ... Legs Pork 25C BUTTER First Grade 3 ,bs $1.00 TUB DAILT NWW SUCCESSFUL Women's Auxiliary of Canadian Lesion .Made Good at Affair Yesterday afternoon and List livening ni"liiv "fciifw-stfui was Uic ;rs. Henrv Smith sr. r an- naal bazaar of the Women's Aux lliary to the Canadian I newly decorated clubrooms ',-.0ou m j uazuji n the .loon, which, drew a -uie or Denclls. ' t Mrs. S. V WE. CORDIALLY INVITE VOU to visit and inspect our enormous stock of Christmas Gifts for every mem- ber of the family. Be Sure to Visit Our Wonderful Basement Store! Shop Early and Heccive Greater Individual Attention ' MAX HEILBRONER DIAMOND SPECIALIST after crowd fif both lad.es and men, was followed by a dance Jn U2 evcnuin .hich was also well attcl.-.u. In dclition to the nance in the cve-inc for which, music was proviu d by Mrs. J. S Black and Jacn impbell with George Dawes as ..istcr of ceremonies, the country Mrc and various amusements at acted many. The president of the Women' uxiliary, Mrs. j;nk Precce. di- William Rothwell was general Country Store George Dawes Steeplechase Fred Goodwin. Crown and Anchor M. lugherty. Hot Dots Mrs, I read. But of later years, less and Jack Bond and less stress is being laid on the or- i.i. . i ... ... Winners, of Raffles Winners of raffles were as lows: fol Dressed Doll Shirley Hougan. Side of .Lamb Mrs. W. J. Ranee Basket of Fruit Patricia Anderson. Lamp Herbert Davies. Hand Painted Cushion Mrs Bill Lund. Centre Piece Mrs. D. Allen. Tea Cloth and Napkins Mrs 1. Marshall. Tricycle S. BennrV Door Stop Mrs. E. Murray. Grand Drawing Half Ton of Coal Rose H. Oden Case of Pacific Milk Iar jrim&son. Premium Ham-tt. E. James. Walnut Table Mrs. J. A. Teng Picture Wong Hiong. Sack of Flour O. Jensen. Box of Butter L. Davies. Box of Aoplcs George Dicks. Hand Painted Cushion Chariqr Soj . . ' Leg of Lamb Bessie Chandler. f lb. Toffee Mea Grosvenor. Saucepan M. J. Dougherty Money Came Back But Not Bulbs This is Once That Fake. Advertising Did Not Work Several local people answered an advertisement arjcearlnz in an out side DUblicatlnn clrciilatlnir In Mc VIVID RACE TRACK FILM 'Saratoga, With Jean Harlott And, Clark Gable. Week-end ifcaturc 'offering Tal Capitol ' ' ,'Tliratre' ' ..' Laughs and "tears, thrills and romance mingle In "Saratoga," co- Legion starring Jean Harlow and ClarK .ch was held yesterday in the ..- - Of UlC 111 Ulli;(lUX Ull IUV OtiCVll ui uic n ni rr-1 . I a I -. I 1 oapuoi incavre nere. n is a viviu of of Uic Uic race race track track with story paddock intrigue, a great race, unusual characters and n delicate lumancc. Hie characters hate fight and love through an action-packed drama in which much whimsical comedy leavens the heavier moments. ' Saratoga" Is the last picture ot the late ulss llanow who died a few months ago. Indeed It was uncompleted when she died and considerable Ingenuity had to be ccted the proceedings while Mrs L , , . . " " WUn Cox and Mrs. W. Wll-Serviteurs Serviteurs were were Mrs. Mrs. the ending of the picture with Miss Harlow and Gable had been fllmnst A n..ktA : " uocu " son poured. Jack Bond, Mrs. Henry Smith and f(T sccnf, v;'h,ch werc re-written Miss Dolly Smith and Mrs. J. R..a,!f. re-cd'ted-:urray was cashier. In charge of' ere. ,? "0able supporting he kitchen .were Mrs. C. Barker cast wh,ci llJc,udes Uon Bar-T5. I. Wide and Mrs. Shrubsall rpore' Frank Morgan. Walter nthrrR in rho ,r,. Pldgcon. Una Merkel- and Cliff wards Much of the frt action u Home Cooking- Mrs. William ia,Q ai U1C lamous Saratoga rare nrn. nnrt Mm p Mirhninff Candy Mrs. M. J. Keays an'l , Atrs. A. J. Croxford. Raffles Mrs. S. G. Ayrcs an R. T. Anderson. Novelties Miss E. Gandy and Mrs. M. Lamb. Fancy Work Mrs. Hugh Klllln id iwrs. J. A. Teng Fish Pond Mrs. Boulter sr. '- Tieniy Smith and Mrs. Fred lunter. I track. Btrnice Palmer says , . . Once again Thanksgiving Day has been with us. Over here It Is almost on a par with Christmas and grim Plays are given and stories '6"i oi inanitsgiving ana me ru- grlm Fathers and more on the Idea of Just being plain thankful. Some how, with such friendly feellnc ex isting between the United States of America and Oreat Britain and I Canada, people have got away from' the idea of celebraUng a quarrel that happened many years ago and it is a good thing. After all, wc, have so many things for which to be thankful it Is foolish to go so far back to find a reason for being , thankful. With so much dissension and wars both declared and Illegal these two great nations have much to be thankful for. We are bv na ture peace loving and happy, and .peaK me same language, it Is somctning to ponder. And we should give thanks for this great peace. Ours is the longest un protected border line between two countrlci in the world Canada and hu United State, two great nations it peace with each other, unarmed. Ihc eyes of the whole world arc on , u. and marvel. Yes, wc have much; to h ih.inltfnt tnr tnAnv nnlv lci V ,vo not forget that wc have plenty of" other days in which to be thankful, too and don't feel that, because there is one day set aside each year j to publicly acknowledge our thanks, that we are exempt all the rest of the year! Just now I gave thanks that that rain cloud waited until the last line of clothes came In! CHEERIO! Oakland, Cal. TOO MANY SKUNKS pltv spnrflnir tn n o-o i ,, ' HAMILTON. Ont. Nnv 2fl- IPPi , .0 ,v uu uuit jn liui-l . . . . land a dollar for a large quantity I Barton township council is consider k,.1U. T-l.. ... . . .. I Orlnn ll..ndni. nn.... t .... J ui uuiua, uic iciiers enclosing trie 8 vv"iM"6 uihij iv cut uuwn dollar were returned unopened byftne '"creasing skunk population, the Dutch Post Office department 0ne ot the animals is said to have with the Information that the per-, "made away with 18 pulets." con to whom the letter was ad-j dressed was being presecuted by the ' LEARNING YOUNG police. j This, it is understood, Is the same LONDON, Ont. Nov. 26: (CP) advertisement local newspapers re- George Dowker. 16, of Ooderich, fused to publish. Each year adver- made a solo flight at the airport tlsemcnts have been sent out from here after 260 minutes' Instruction, the same place In Holland, all under Ooderich has another youthful flier different names and all equally val- Frank Vines, 16, who got his license ueless. when M MacKENZlE'S FURNITURE CHRISTMAS GIFTS IN "SOLID WALNUT Chairslde Table With smoker's outfit and G91 nn cellar cupboard. JJJLUU Lady ..Martha Sewing- Cabinet In solid COO HA walnut tJ2oUU Smokers With cupboard and smoker flQ ffntoC1l tZ( outfit In solid walnut. From vOiUU ? xLOU To an Expectant Public We Ann,,B.. THE PRESENTATION OF JEAN HAI louJ LAST SCREEN PRODUCTION ! is Thri hno at anlu m A.T.r" pm rumors of San Francicro" rnnU Clatk Gabl...t t King oi Gtmbl.nl ton Harlow... t tb. buly wbo trl.d to brk him I Such U thti gilly .xciting dim ol Ih. King of 4 opottt ... lb. gr.tt.it ic.-trck lomtnc. tinct i 1934'f "Biodwiy BiH"l A CtalA GABLE HflfiLOW 141 SffRffTOM i Lionel BARRYMORE rnk MORGAN w.n., PIDGEON un. MERKEL ADDED Pop-Eye Cartoon and News Fitzpatrick Travel Picture: "Hong Kong" Canadian i At 7 31 and 9:33) Last Show Starts 9 p.m. TONT.it arH SMTKDVY HP Pacific Trans-Atlantic Transcontinental Trans-Pacific I To Vancouver via Ocean Falls and Way Torts Princess Adelaide every Friday. 10 p.m TO VANCOUVER DIRECT PRINCESS NOIUII Oct. 2Dth, Nov. 8th, 18th, 29th WINTER EXCURSION TO VANCOUVER S32.00 Tickets on Sale Nov. 1st, 1937 to Feb. 28th. 1938 Final Return Limit March 31st, 1938 Connection at Vancouver with Canadian Pacific Services Tickets and Reservations from W. L. COATES. .enral Aent ' Prince Rupert, BC See the New and Improved Redox Rolling Razor The latest shaving sensation. The only hand operated razor with the true scientific cutting action. One hundred per cent perfect in every detail of design and construction. AN ENTIRELY MUTISII PRODUCT Prices. gQ and j J 29 with ,,a(lcs A CHRISTMAS GIFT SUGGESTION CUTEX Remember Her with Culex! A gift that any woman will appreciate. See the Christmass 1937 Cutex Sets The lar range they have ever produced Pries from fc to $13.50 Ormes Ltd. "3fui Pioneer Drtuzptete The Re-01 Store Phones: 81 & , Open Dally From 8 a.m. till 10 p.m. Sundays and Holidays From 12 noon till 2 7 p.m. till 9 p.m.