.if iU t ' this rll&trlct ar be-; vfddin? of interest to pioneers ' were made : luneb room. VANDERHOOF Tne annual Calf and Colt Show 'a for No. t Northerrt . , , under the auspices of the Nechako Extensive Improvements are being r mprs. Tn,m.,,r, Biwlli'ivvn, ) ma 10 " -op derhoof" on Friday of last . weefc D AIolls"1" ouiciimmicm ; ; incic was a gooa siiuwiiig or young .nr aaverlodge Experimental hi:, completed a tour of thef "7 , . farmers and citizens generally was .Hive) Block. Meetings were uw"ufc" 13 uc"'8 very satisfactory. G. A. Luyat, dls- farming centre o-f Im-r'-"''"1"1'..1'.. trlct agriculturalist of Williams ..no lectures given by Mr. " f wa the pudge and prize. copies of Interest. b,, uuvu. winners Included Andrew Rae, Otto ... i Hammond, Fred Striegler, Edward Joe Dill has construction of hi t., - . . Theatre has been '. L C .VLT, ciriegiur, cawara inomas, ivau , .,. erotiD , . , ? DawcoITcrS wtth latT1 c,h' bundln at D, Geerneart, George Rodgers, How-t e I prudent and FaCr 6 Under 'ard Clark, Dick Patrick and Caleb ..... ..tarv. Yesterday at- i ' .,1 In the Boys' and Girls'. Beef wn .mr act play, directed 6y kato n Melfort. Calgary and Ed- r...ruioi wet c rofirl n t. th ..... . . ' . - . Club awards went to Ella Hind" march, James Prout, Alex Mitchell w,"uv'" .monion nas aeciaeu 10 locate in mi(i.j a au i,ovn; c u, j ruunMNi urrr. uihi wjij uurii u W.lliam Mitchell and Juanita Mit- . chell. :ieRoila district took place rec- . Tanner. Staples of Grande Prair- A Canadian Girls in . Training iam C :)jn;ne when their eldest:, have been recent visitors at Fort St. d Jihcf with officers as follows,:: ahtpr Elfle. became the brifle John. -President: Kathleen tudft'ateLvice- . t i A..u..-.. r , rvm- n.;hnrni was hrldesma d .rl 't" Jrthn ' writing 10 me vanaciuooi .u Wnrnv.n Neil w:w croomsman. f . uiEirict uoara oi iiaut(lwu. iu kw mitt Itnim ti t -vrfnrmpfl i president, Florence 'seldom';; secre terem:my was periormea or Rev. c. E. Fisner of aranae Pralr- tary, Marjofje, Holmes; treasurer? Boy Durnford. The bride was" le Is -.conducting Prasbyterian Kathleen Steele. ... Ti mtrri'iuo hv hT fA YifT'tt irrVi t'ite Ano n mnnlh fit - , jiidltlon is quite erlous. TPir. rmmr hnsnital hrldee-- uaruiner, iracrai mmwt oi cup IS now being player for. The agriculture, says that the federal present holders are Mrs. Cole, Mrs.' government has not been taking patt in policies which hove to; do rjallahan, Mr Oething and Mrs. i,.,n..n !with the moving of people out of ..j. . . the prairie drought areas but is The Dawson Cr?ek Catholic more interested in the problems of - . . a . s it i t i t j i-f 1 1 -i ii i 1 1 1 ;ii Mill ivi . iiiii Liuici an. to n inm nmn h fri rir i.ii imrii" i i rnirrn i nn uux iiu 1 1 1 iur - - h near nwpv n .ini ni lrawsmi rvatrw nr. in imw urun inn tidLei o---t : .-r proceeds going to the building fund. De the opinion that there will always deals u on me open pin xcuwn ot kr of the mast important ... uju.k.n.,..!) rrw. r.... t.,v,o. n v,,c ada as there are now and that. tk in years has taken place In been making considerable improve- probably, the population there will u. u.. a t noroorn- nf u' ,o,'u. o nnnn increase rather than decrease. . . r . I. 4.. Ik,. nA.ioA'f D 1- i - a oi uie property oi nic ruuiu reen. Endeavours are being: made to p Trading Co. which was own-i have a hospltai established at Van- ijine me r rea na5itni. nuiu SIGN OF MILDNESS derhoof . M. M. Connelly. M.L.A. for tare" residences, store build- j belLEVILLE, Ont. Nov. 26: (CP) ..ominecais taking uio the matter fixtures and stock are involved Robins In the north end of Hastings w,tn Hon. Dr. George M. Weir, pro ne deal, t county anticipate a mild winter, vlnclal secretary. Efforts, are Joe- '"fill; si IMii u- roniT nv itlilTlSII I'OI.HMHIA ,h' Mailer of the "ArtmlnMrallon Aft" Ii ii. .. Ami Mailer or tlw Kxlalf f I'ftr 'n-rkley, ierneil, lnletatf hJKeNOT1CE Uut by ortlef ot IU Jlnlstautor of the eaUt. of. Peter ! ';'. Otawaed.'and all parties hav iKwhi . " a'Ji the Mid estate ere xj,?ulrl to lurnuii awne, prop' ? " Waft mil aoa "quT,U . iruieiUtetl to, the eUte are """"taw to me fonUiwlUi. NORMAN A, WATT, Officloi Admlntefrator. jv. Prlivce Hupert. B.O. nutxir, A D. JB37, ich tUe most people in city na dijtrlct with an advertisement the Dally New!. They'have appdreritly postponed matie to Interest the Sisters of Malcclra Campbell, one of the pl : th!r southern trip Indefinitely. , s Anne In the establishment of a . I m la I lm I . , 4L5kV r w ij utiuvi tiuu. " i . . A 1 f , fca peen engaged m silver, ana raa-; r ! 'siiui .iiakm.!! .nALbAiiu I tm minim- at Orpat Bear Lake. He BhOCKVILLE Ont. Nov. zo: iW) uut.L.fti, uni. ixov. zo: (t,ri "TILLIE THE TOILER" kjtfLU, HERE'S ACCTGPTAMCES FO(2 MY TEA TOMORROW IOH MCS,CI2AVEM'.CBWErJHE VW PUJPFS AMD IT LOOKS LIKE Aj SUCCESS , -nr. m ...ber 3. 197. " firm rt att v trai -- , i page -Five m KT.iJ r ui iiui lucni jLyibiricis COAL rlt7I?r iiiisht of this week when arrange-. mints ffr the forthcoming season i.;' TO PI.KASE EVERYBODY Satisfaction OuaranteeO Faitioun Edson Alberta Coal fiulkler Valley Coal Vancouver Isjand Coal Prince Rupert Feed Com pa n J PHONE) 68 and 558 THE SEAL f QUALITY till GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye PINK SEAL Finest' Pink Salmon Packed by the only salmon .canning company with tj all the year round payroll In Prince Rupert 01SHUI FOR RENT FCR RENT 3 room apartment furnished. The Angus. tf FOR SALE t'QR Quick sale for cash 5 room house Atlin Avenue. Phone Blue 713. 27R) FOR SALE :Bureai, and bel complete. Like new. Apply 221 4th Avenue East. 278) NOT SO ROMANTIC STRATFORD, Ont. Nov. 26: (CP) -How stories start:. Douglas Greb be returnfiig to the nortnwest The Malnsvliie unitea unurcn, w wnne nuntmg on me apa nun aS .iu .. ix prL-2. ' years old recently had its first wed- Ben Bott, Guelph, shot t female the engine hood fell, gashing his Iui A meeinz of the Dawson Creek ding. Miss Jean Adams was mar- mallard duck tagged by the VS. head. Somebody told him he had jck-ey dub was held on Monday rled to John Hune. ; biological survey. been held up and slugged. i I lit 4t v i Mr liftP 1 Wt kHJlVilllB w s35 i This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Lkjuor ControlBoard or by the Government of British Columbia. J miO. &ERYBOVY I J LOTS ANP LOTS OP EXCITEMENT AT OUR. S r NORTH POLE FACTORY TMIS VAR!! I V PLHASE COME AND SEE THE RN tyjJ Big Doings! More fun than a barrel of monkeysMiere is a new comic strip well, it's really a holiday strip or a sort of daily Christmas party in which you fly up to the North Pole with Peter, Polly and Cap'n-G-Lucky to see what; really goes on there! Lots and lots of things happen to Peter and Polly, so be sure to get in on the fun. Read the new strip it's called Santa Clans and Company-cvery day; it will go on until Christmas eve. Sanfa Claus and Company Starts November 29! in A NEW KIND HOLIDAY STRIP THE DAILY NEWS I OM'T BE AT I I I 1 (jyjEAj 00 I we CAME TO TAUW. ABOUT OOBTO1 I H3Pe I (l5j " 1 ' By Westpver