1 : I ! i 1: f AQK rOTO Sidelights On South African War Are Given erday by S. C. Thompson, one Yeterans of that campaign which which IN TIIK SI PRKME ( OI'ItT OK MUTISM (OU'MIUA In tUr Matter or Kit iHunnt, Heenset And In tlir Mattrr of tin- "A.liuliiUtratloii . Art" TAKK NOTICE 4hat by crefcr of H. Honour W. E. Flilur. tlie loth day o! Msiiti. A. D. 1937 I wu .app6;irtJ adaldnlstfalU el ttia eUite of Ell Oljarne. . DewaMKl, atid all partly linv-IHg Ttalms. ?aln it the noi'u cvtat" ' cr -Uftfbj required .La lurnl.n sariM-, px-pcrljr. verlfltti, ,tc me cix cr b:f;re tli Jetti uy of Gcit-.fcor, A, D. J037, and all panic imlehuxl to the e&Ule ar rjiilrl to ipay the auncunt of t!ilr bxohtlne.w ito me firtjiwlth. ,, ( NORMAN A. WATT, ; OCftclaJ AdmlnlAtrator, Prince Rupert, n. C. Da,trd th 17th day of August, A; 1J. 1937; IN .TlUi MATTER OP THE ESTATE OP THE IJVTE ANDREW Sl'ALDlNQ DE-CEAJSlCD, Indian of the Hon Ewslngon baald. Jniesiate. .. Tflk MoUt that by virtue of authority of the 'SufxTliitende'nt Ucncr.il cr .Indian AUalrs, OtUwa, I wu! ip-polntd o!mljiisLrator of the estate of Andrew Hpalddng. deonuied Indian of the Pert IiPMiitoii toand, In the Province of Urltuh Columbia. All pernons huvlna clalnw ngalhrt th estate &re hernly reiilnd to fur-Jaiah iMur picfieriy verified to me on before the 'tcctia day of S-pUniber l37.' and nil parties tnl1fbtc! to the eatftte are mulred to state their In-,dhtedneH to me forthwith. H. E COLL1SON. "i Intlan Agent. THE SEAL ' QUALITY GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockoyo PINK SEAL Finest Pink Salmon Packed by the ' only salmon canning company with an all the year round payroll ui 'Prlnc?. Rupert engagements which are now a matter of' history such as Calenzo, Mag-gerstontein, Pretoria and the guerilla warfare that followed the dispersal of the Boers. The Boers were split up but they had a wonderful intelligence department that kent. ; S. C. Thompson Entertains Rotary ' thuem lnIcned as to what the Brit- Club with Interesting .Account i lsh Wdtc doinK and enabled them to f Experiences In Conflict J " tuacesslul in a number of raids. With Koers lle mentiwll err- occasion when 'be and his companions were with- borne, .very Interesting sidelights on the Boer War were given before the Prince Rupert Rotary Club ib jut food for eight days on the veldt. toward the end of the mr vuh- started at the close of the last ceri-i uieven: tlu Boers from tearing up , tury and ended some two and a tne rails at night and crossing" the half years later. He spoke of the hue. popularity of Cecil Rhodes and of Toward the close the Boers had the fact that the Kaffirs lined the neither ammunition or clothes and, route to Cape Town from which his wnen they finally surrendered, they body travelled to its final resting ei- promised the same rights as place. The war was really a duel Vsn settlers in the counlrv nmi between this famous Empire build- ff'ven seventy million dollars ef and President Oom Paul Kruger of. the Transvaal. After the war Kruger disappeared and since then was never heard from. Mr. Thompson .spoke of various mm m a k 1 I FOR SALE HI ABOUT THESE REPAIRS - For lumber, shingles, cement, plaster, brick, Oyproc and roofings, see .Albert McCaffery Ltd. Phone FOR RENT ANGUS Apartments, three four room suites. ana an MALE HELP WANTED CARRIER-SALESMAN for Van ; couver S,un. Rupert East. Ap-: ply after C p.m. 1045 2nd. Ave ' (104i 2 AGENTS WANTED DEPENDABLE spare time sales i'p'eople to work among their ''friends, acquaintances, lodges societies, churches and business concerns, showing our sample portfolio of prlnted-to-order ; Christmas Cards and boxed assortments. A postal card will bring our sample book without ' charge. A friendly company ferlng absolutely the best values and the most liberal commissions to reliable Christmas Card sales- ifeopte. Experience unnecessary.1 . Write today. No obligation. Prem-' ier Art Guild, 576 Seymour St,j reinstate thstn In their fr, rrnv Mr. Tlnmnron wai also In Bech-"n.ihnrt In th-e Livingstone . Playwright Vacations Seeking "a new outlet for my talents other than the then tie, Noel Cwanl, celebrated Ihitish playwright and actor, recently announced his retirement from the stage for .the next two years aud went to Hamilton, Rermuda, for a long vacation. He is shown lapping up sunshine outside the homt! of Major R. A. R. Neville, head of Uie naval in-lelligence department of the Rritish Navy Hotel Arrivals Prince Rupert J. F. Ellis Jr., Claxton Cannery; Mrs. E. Ahern and Miss C. Ahern, Los Angeles; John S. Talt and T. S. Griffiths, Vancouver; Mr. and Mrs. Paul Marshall, Llbby, Montana; A. McLeod, Telkwa; Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Scherk, Sierra Madre, Cal.; Frances Green, Salmon Ann; II. L. McKenney, Terrace; Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Moronev. Tnnlnv - i j Twenty -Five Years Ago August 20, 11)12 A general increase in salaries for various civic officinU nmi employees was discussed at lasi iiiKht's meeting: of tht- city conn cil. Ariangementfl liave been com Dieted for a banquet of I'rinci Itupert pioneers of 1908 or earli-'r in the Premier Hotel. Majoi fieorjfe K. Gibson will occupy he unair ann sneakers wl In,. .. . JWsbop V. H. DuVernet. Fred vtoi1(, A. J. Morris, W P Lynch and I). W. Morrlssey. A. W. Smithers of London England, chairman of the Granl Trunk Pacific Railway, and K. J Chamberlain, nrpsiilont . a...h as other official.vjl nrrlve herd uinurrnw morninyon lheteqrner Prince Georee. . District News TERRACE Ernie Roberts, an Indian who was: accldently drowned, crosaine Uie Skeena near one of the canner ies,; formerly lived here. Njrrington arrived adopted the i Mt- Mt. a,ul and Mrs' Mrs, 1 yest-! -ner system Of buitdhi" JOf the' tic houses every hair mile atonJ MMlday nl8l,t an and '-he railway, but CMtlp al LakeLse even that did not' went out to the,ir INTERIOR Lake on Tuesday. Mrs, llaney has beei revisiting old friends at Terrace. Mrs, llaney moved to Salmon Arm about nine years, ago. burYslake Mrs. Walter Wilson entertained jlI lea lasi Saturday afternoon m honor of Mrs. M. M. Connelly, Mr.,, .c ieiurd and Mr.;. It. H. Steele of fraser Lake, Mis. S. Uardiner of kndako and Mrs. Frank HuUifieid tf Bums Lake. Mrs. J. R. Stanver of. Francois Lake and Mrs. tred Stanyer of 'Burns Lake have as their guesis vheir sisters, Mrs. S. Fluke of New ork, Mrs. H. Woodcock of Alberta and Mrs. N. Oabie of Prince Georfe .. Master Kenneth G. Holmes of Topley was a visitor at the Manse . here at Uie end of last week us the gue oi nev. ana Mrs. t ranK uusii-field, The book which Lady Twcetls-mulr sent to Raymond Stanver in hospital here was -The House of! Four Winds," by John Buchan. The The! I smile did not leave Raymond's until he went to sleep. The weather cleared last afternoon for the visit of thei HAS RAIN! Harvest in Rulkley Valley Tern, porarily Held U C'imkI Vur Timothy .SMITH KRS, Aug. 20:- Heavy rain in the last few days lias put a stop to haying j the Rulkley Valley district and, while the greatest part of tb hav cron is already harvested and under cover, there in still a considerable amount in Min fiplrls The rain will be beneficial .j the timothy left standfner 'fr.r timothy seed and "to the gnin crops, however, as it will fill out the heads and so increase he weight of. Hie crop eonsidci- !(wy. "Tin- senson hail nni lihiiii'i,l...,l ! from a tourist or holiUwnoIntt of view as there has been very little weather that could be call-! ed real warm and, consequently,' the residents at Lake K.ifbkn have been commuting h.irk i,i rorth between town and camn. I IPI THB DAILY PREMIER'S WIFE PRESENTED AT COURT The wife and daughter of the Hon. Allison Dysart, premier of New Brunswick, ar3 ahown before leaving for Buckingham Palate where they were presented to the Kiiitf and Queen at a pre-coronation court. Mrs. Dysart ami her dauber, Mary, at ended the coronation with I remier Dysart who was official representative from the maritime province. i n facejbetfrge Kone Is Honored Governor General and his party and t tsentation ounaay was a very line day for the. start of their trip to Tweodsmnlr Park, menorate the occasion were Hujrt Ivraupner, J, V. Parker, T. A McWatters, (I. E. Peters, J. C flilker, N. I A Freeman, W. K Stone, U. 0. Vandersluvs. A. W Newman, L. M. Asemissen. J. A' vjt- iiv i ftriv tfi Ar m i.'iioiwi . -it cin.i i , ' yuoien. .i. J. wimams. Vv ThVi. M- Watts- Lawrence Pierce, J. UarlMir Last NiRh v u H 1u(fer K T R. p- to,. i , . i i no summer eottace of linro-p me ucavy liiinian lasi wecK wa n4 ,, , 7 very beneficial to gardens and grxn wifiT l3st " k tt 1 ) f I but held back haying seriously- far v len "fi those who have not finished. rl'?e, friends. ....-,-.iS Tp ?5 A' of .sentiments E Perrv Perry at Port Ess'neton. on behalf of .those assembled, by . ", Hugo Knmpiier and the recipi-Mi. and Mrs. Straten Jr. nnd Rr. put mi,n,..i.',i ., who have been the guests of Mr. The party was arranged by and Mrs. Noiirse Tor some weeks re-' Hugo Krauprier with the assis-turned to their homes in Wisconsin t-ance 'of T. A. McWatter Law-and Michigan, this week. rence Pierce, Lee Cordon 'and A. . . . . W. Newman. The boats used wer Mrs.- ciyae Hunt of Decker Lake w. M. Watts' Viren, IwrenceJ y.i uie weereena euest of Mrs rierces Mnw Inn it., uv.,. Chas. Nourse here. .ners Linton nnd (Iennr Pi.for'a Lilo. TJtosfl signing a scroll to com- Lyons, R, s. Ingram, Sam Salouni, I). V. Smith, k M. Gordon,' (1. A. Hunter, Wilfrid Hicks. Toramv Fraser and Wjj. Raymond. fi ii.. i , ... V wiison or uedarva e and MissFrancis Wlltsle R.N. of the .kl nlol .. ,1 WU,.ta- ' Crossing. uurns Lake General Hospital staff of Ule ;vcnini.'8 niweedlnir. wnv' T aVC Deen flsning out of Sun left left vesterriav yesterday tnr for San Francisco. nl i nys,de' cannery duri"K the trnhiuan , nf salmon bne will sail from Prince Rupert "' leave on th,s evS's train handsome silver "ei cocktail set Sunday ounaay on on the uie Prlnr-P Prince Robert. Rnhort En. ss,. L tu.: T """Jr..; . cotht?u ' ..,Y, ".'Mfor for their their homes homes in In th the Interior. i..i. Phone 18 and 84 I O. Box 575 MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE Quality Groceries Low Prices Courteous Service Prompt Delivery lioat and out of town orders receive careful attention jKenney Visits Smithers Town ,t i k)L Skeenn Member Inspects PuTific i Works on Way to Tweedsmulr I'ark SMITHEKS, Aug. 20: E. T. Kenney, M.L.A. for Skeena, sjtent last Wednesday Jn Smithers look t .. 'ay Ailing cciuiy comn eti-H i. . . uiiucr n mil, u. . lie ltr C:ii. " """I mrnirifT, i . - u 1. V 8 irain for P- where he joined C trip through T.. "5 Runert I.. Kill VJ JL : . Will Not Shrink, Wosh as Often as You Pleaj You Can Punch a Hole in it if You Like Butt Can't Make it Run, Not in Either Direction Velvasuede is Very Easy to Wash Just iws. Luke Warm Suds, Squeeze a Little, Dip it UD. Down and Presto the Dirt Has Run Oot There is no Need to Iron Velvasuede, But if Want to, Shake Surplus Water Off, Roll up in Cie Towel for a Few Minutes, Then Hang to Dn Iron With a Moderate Iron. Iron When AlmostJ Not Quite Dry. Comes in Tea Rose and White, in Bloomers Pan from Small to Out Size. Slips, Vests, Pyja and Gowns WALLACES Phone'J Third andFtJ SPECIAL a. Odd lines of boxed wn tin rr natter in tin at half price. This is an exceptional ol-fer take advantage of it and stock up. Regular price $1.50. On Sale at- 75c Hegular price $1.25. On Sale at- 65c negular price $1.00. On Sale at- 50c Ormes Ltd. "Jim Pioneer Druq&iats The RtMll store Phones? 81 "pen Dally From t.m. till 10, p.m. Sundays and Holidays From It noon till t P. 7 p.m. till 9 p.m. MacMZlE'S FURNlTUj AUGUST FUKNITURK SALK 85 Simmons All Felt Mattresses-All QO.fli "w,,l,"u 3ies in stocK. i'rice ... Phone 775 Uin, - . ... ... Canadia n I STIAMSHlM I MM g ill II L5MiCr?tij I M" I lilt Tr""s-Atlantic Transcontinental Trangjjg To Vancouver via Ocean Falls and Way rorU Princess Adelaide every Friday, 10 p.m. I'rlnrov. in 10 Vancouver Direct . W W nr. Am? " Princess Louise l'rlncf in. . . . - '"! Aur. 7th, 18th, 28thj Auf. n" . . connectlo;i at Vancouver- 'wltli Canadian pacific SfrVlcc W. il rWc ,T,ikets ! Iteservatrons.frgm. .,,(, It