THE DAILY NEWS Pyocurable. Abeoliiledy pure 8.8. Prince Rupert For Vancouver Victoria AND Seattle Fridays, at 8 a.m. 5.8. PRINCE JOHN |For Port Simpson Naas and Stewart, Wednesdays at 1 P. M. For Masset and Naden Harbor alternate Thursday at 10 P. M. commencing November 9th. ii A mt res me rs rms LYNCH BROS. neral Merchandise 2 : Smee eebee sen sea cee Largest Stock Lowest Prices in Northern B. C. ~+dediode TTT ! ‘eee he sessed paar Heese Fh creer crmsrsomermnermermncome |For Skidegate, Jewday, etc. every alternate Thursday at 10 P. M. Commencing November 2nd. Railway service to ‘Tassenta, mixed trains from Prince Rupert Wednes- Thursdays and Sundays 4 P. M. | | | | | via the Grand Trunk Railway System from Chicago. The finest and best Connections with all roads East and | West. Atlantic Steamship bookings | arranged... Full information and tickets obtained from the office of «| A.E.McMASTER ee me ee eh ede eae. PASSENGER AGENT 1 | | | | FREIGHT AND RRISON Vv. F. G. GAMBLE BLK Samuel Harrison & Co. Real Estate and Stock Brokers os er PACIFIC RAILWAY Coast service — Famous Princess Line B.C Princess Mary Saturday, November 18th, at 9 a.m. For Victoria, Vancouver and Seattle OVED AGREEMENTS FOR SALE PURCHASED Prince Rupert - and - Stewart OO hd ON Olle, dl Nd Pd all me It Is The Trained Man or Woman | Who Rises to the Top of the Ladder ! ah ms << eo Ae] 5 ~ son or daughter for a business career you must give ness training. The best place to send them to is the : Nanaimo Business College an ES . ae) otek B Peas OER business Our shorthand course includes tuition in Rupert The Ben Pitman System of thi: reach Shorthand Its tuition is 3usiness E h and Let velop the ter writing the pupl Commercial! Arithmetic board is cheap Office Routine The pupils Spelling the distrac larger cities Typewriting Penmanship Mean all the Difference Between Success and Failure to You News for our booklet teaching how to write shorthand THE NANAIMO BUSINESS COLLEGE Perry, Principal Nanaimo, B.C. tt ee et Pt tems es es et tt et PoP PoP Aenea eer ~——e et et rel andthe tite elie nite kan te adden “ FIRST: “CATCH YOUR PRINTER” DIRECTIONS FOR COOKING A HARE FIRST: CATCH YOUR HARE’ produce good printing you must ‘‘first catch your printer, You can’t get good printing from & ’ printer, even if he work with never 80 good an iipment, If he lacks the ‘‘knack,’’ the trained , the single-minded fondness for his work which ers have, he will do poor printing for you he has all of these, and in addition to them ade ate modern equipment, your printing will have tinction, salesmanship, the lure of type-beauty. print pee this office produces good prinling you may infer presence of a good printer—who is *‘catchable ii CLASS PRINTING OF ALL KINDS SEE THE *' NEWS JOB PHONE 98 Third Avenue Vews Building PDR — And Get All the News,; Se ee ek we rs eet | oe es et Pt es Fs Ps Po et we te et et +S PFN tt tt 9S st es Ft tt tH Read The Daily News J. G. McNab - General Agent OD Prince Rupert Lodge, 1.0.0.F. NO. 63 Meets in the Helgerson Block Every Tuesday Evening members of the order in the city are requested to visit the lodge. J. P. CADE, N. G. J. GLUCK, Sec. TAKE THE BEST THE GREAT NORTHERN RAILWAY From Vancouver or Seattle l / i i { { l { { / l | l | {( FOR ALL POINTS EAST OR SOUTH tee TICKETS TO THE OLD COUNTRY er Through Tickets and all informa- tion about your trip etme Roger’s Steamship Agency 2nd Ave Head of Centre St. Phone 116 ‘Windsor Hotel. + ’ FIRST | i / { l / l it AVENUE AT EIGHTH STREET Newly Furnished and Steam Heated Rooms A FIRST CLASS BAR AND DINING ROOM IN CONNECTION RATES 50 CENTS AND UP BATHS FREE TO GUESTS W. H. Wright, Prop Ne P.O, BOX 37 Whites Portland Cement... G. Cc. EMMERSON AGENT Naden Block Second Ave ‘SILVERSIDES BROS. : DRS Phone 125 SIGN PAINTE Paperhangers INTERIOR DECORATORS 1 { e Box 120 Second Avenue, near McBride P.O GTP. Weekly Service every | days and Saturdays 1 P. M., returning | On your Christmas visit East travel | service over Double Track Route. | PHONE 156 GREEN | | after THE COSY CORNER =} DEVOTED PRINCIPALLY TO THE INTERESTS OF WOMEN + A | This is a little section of the paper, which from day to day will be devoted | to subjects of special interest to women. Any and all of the ladies of Prince Rupert are invited to contribute to its columns, and to take part in its discussions. Sug- gestions and criticisms are invited by the editor. The hope is expressed that “The Cosy Corner” will fill a social need. | FURS FOR tt tt le would insist on a preach- t W.45TER, months, he — jer being called in or the engage- cir Is the Rage in Fashionable | ment being declared off. | Circles This Winter—White Furs| The question of prohibiting mar-] Popular. riages where the engagement has —_— been less than a month has been Furs of every description are be- | agitated in Kansas for several years ing utilized this season on even the| But this year the probate judges |most fragi'e gowns, especially the | generally are pushing the work and | elaborate creations for evening wear.|the next legislature will be asked to/| Bands of fur are used to edge the| provide that before a marriage li- tunics and chiffons, jcence can be issued the mans must but seems | be published a month. to ermine.| ‘“‘The chief need for a happy wed- day and | ded life is that the man and woman costly lace Skunk is again much used, to have given first You see sets of ermine evening wear, large |}arm muffs made especially |the afternoon gown, and lars on evening cloaks of The very latest novelty is opera bag in ermine, to be both in the afternoon and it is made in odd and resembles the alms bags of earl- ler place for scarfs and| understand each to set off|said Judge McCandless “I do not think this can be done in a month, and continuing the engagement for a year or two does not help a bit. The long engagement is nearly as bad as the short one I can see how the affections can be aroused at a chance meeting of two people. but they ought to take a little time for the chie | to study each other first, get an understanding of each other's dispo- and character. These hurry- shoulder|up weddings nearly all result dis- and | astrously and I would stop every one The|if I could. It’s all because there is a lack of understanding before the There cught to be a law these hurry-up or love- weddings.”’ wide wide col- ermine. the carried | evening shapes, new | many days. Poiret | combination of white jfurs. They are most smart. white skin is worn over one j}and the black skin is | thrown over the other shoulder |skins of the muff are | order, and the striking and very French | to prevent Many of the fur this | at-first-sight in sets of muff and the the some are is responsible and black fox | The | sition crossed made in oppo- site effect is most | ceremony. sets season three, third sets are made HOUSEHOLD HINTS. for new made arm | and bag again; in four pieces, jn addit the little V fur, that most bec stole, arm excellent for wash- become dull Turpentine is ‘ ,|ing which bonnet of ; and dirty The juice of a be excellent to remove ion to the sinks have bag is torian oming to nearly popular are knots knot, | f add a/of said to and tomato is ink, and therefore the everyone On very some of white furs wine, placed. enormous L« Saixe fruit stains that res in black buis | mixing starch the adidtion drops of turpentine will emble a double lovers When satin or velvet, and a few other thoroughly,” | —— “HOWE & MeNULTY =” ane Second avenae and Third street Over Westenhaver Bros.’ Office. GENERAL HARDWARE) Stoves and Ship Ranges Chandlery | i. Gordon Munro W. Nicholson Lailey MUNRO & LAILEY Architects, Stork Building, Second Avenue. Phone 364 ot -0-4-0-» — + - -4--4-6-6 FRED. STORK ? —General Hardware— é eas | STUART & STEWART é ACCOUNTANTS -:- AUDITORS Builders’ Hardware 4 Law-Butler Building Phone No. 280 Valwes & Pipes Oxford Stoves Prince Rupert P.O. Box 361 Graniteware Tinware ° eee ee ea ee ea ¢ ALFRED CARSS, c. Vv. ae oon ha olumbi of B.C., © SECOND - AVENUE e¢ = Manitoba Bare. katchewan sod Al lay, 2.6. gek CARSS & BENNETT Barristers, Noraries, Erc, —Exchange block, corner Third —e } Sixth street. Prince Ruvert. . 8S. HALL, L.D.8., D. D.S. DENTIST. | | Crown and Bridge Work a Specialty. All dental cperations skilfully treated. Gas and local anasthetics administered for the painless ex- traction of teeth. Consultation free. Offices: Helgerson Block, Prince Rupert. ii-12 Fiat in Rand Block, corner Sixth Avenue | and Fulton Street. Also stores in same block. Two cottages correr Second Avenue and Ninth Street. Alex.M.Manson B.A., W.E.Williams,B.A., L.L.D FOR SALE WILLIAMS & MANSON Lote in all parts of the city. Box 285 FIRE INSURANCE Prince Rupert, B,C We represent some oi the largest Com- panies doing business in the City. C. D. RAND Second Ave. Phone 112) WE BUY EVERYTHING We Pay Highest Prices for Brass, Copper, Lead, Rubber Boots, Solder, Dross and Bottles Prince Rupert Cash Store 735 THIRD AVE. | Barristers, Solicitors, etc. | | | P20. BOX 22 PRINCE RUPERT JOHN E. DAVEY TEACHER OF SINGING hemes OF WM. FOXON, ESQ., A.R.A.M., 1ON., ENG GEORGE LEEK & CO. MERCANTILE AGENCY eee a AND REPORTS e, Life and Accident Insurance 618 3rd Avenue Phone 203 and Green 252 PRINCE RUPERT A. M. BROWN HARNESS & SADDLERY MANUFACTURER Repairing a Specialty. Complete Stock Carried. Outside Orders Promptly Filled. 2nd Ave. between 10th and 11th Sts that is much|give a fine gloss to | cuffs distinctly French touch collars and sought after any et hal citer a No Fire Month, It is exactly a month fire serious enough | sitate a call for the brigade Rupert The insurance started a| sure have a cinch in this but it’s very We don't want any not even | “story.” LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT, for a since there} to neces-/} é . | in Prince | companies | | } He Would By Law. Judge McCandless was a Like to Suppress It Says judge has probate A Kansas to careful people, } seg ‘ . ” wedding in| ‘Just as well. big blazes in Prince Rupert, reporters a big movement among judges at first sight” McCandless is stop ‘‘love Judge in short engagements and nansas also |} a believer to give the if he had his way, after an engage- | re ment had run along five or six | Read T The Daily News SSE REES SEHORERER SutMEONS BESET: seu dl _ CHRIS IT MAS BELLS © PROP ES : cael are sounding inthe near distance,. bidding us prepare for that happy time which brings joy and goodwill into the hearts of all. This is a time when your thoughts turn to gifts and giving and in- cidentally to the great gift house of Henry Birks and Son, Ltd., Vancouver. This is British Columbia’s store, therefore, your re You will appreciate the opportunities our many gift lines offer. Search the pages of our illustrated gatalogue, it is stored with Christmas gift suggestions. If one of these catalogues has not reached you, send us your name and address at once and one will be mailed free. Again we say, your Christmas orders early. Seeececes oud eT eeRee Ree teens Nashasees \| i H | wee store. .o, ee. 1 seesaw 2 oes on News send Pegs Birks G Sea: Lag Jewellers and Silversmiths VANCOUVER SESEESEESES: pose HASTINGS & GRANVILLE STS. oe Has Discovered Bird’s Secret § Soar if i’ Air Like a Sea-Gull Without Says that Soon we will All be Able to do It Wilbur Wright can now Motive Power on Glider | ° ° its essentials the be modelled, is in real Orville 1as found the secret of Wright flight, or belives he gliding experiments | biplane, the usual without the motor }same as that of Wright The spe- has | Satisfied that his have pointed the way toward the|cially prepared canvas wings are revelation of the secret of the birds, |stretched on a stout but light series he is going back to Dayton and his | of spars and struts All parts of workshop, there to work and plan,!the wings, and particularly the tips, and eventually he hopes to perfec. | are under the control of the opera-| an apparatus which anyone may | tor through heavy, tested copper take out into the street, flap the|wires. This is the wing warping de- wings and soar off into the air, with-| vice of the Wrights carried out to out other power than his or her own | perfection muse Rudder Like a Bird's Tail. “Gentlemen,” he said to a group It is the rudder that attracts the of newspaper men who watched him greatest -attention Wate. da dn deen soar nearly ten minutes the other! ants a vertical, canvas clad plane | ys “I have found what I wanted. |inat rises about two feet higher than could have sat up there ten/ iy. top of the glider, and the hori- nour just as easily as ten minutes./7ontal plane of equal length that are now going back to Dayton, may be lifted or depressed like a| where there is going to be somelyinag tail The vertical rudder | pretty hard work for a while, In swings right or left in instant obed- about a month we will have another jence to the movement of the avi- story for you,’ ator’s body, and the horizontal os Stability Yeo Is Lacking, raised or lowered by a lever There is only one more thing need- The flight began without fuss or | ed now, and that is a stability de-| ceremony Lorin and Ogilvie carried vice, and that, Orville glider nearly to the top of Eill Wright be 7 the lives, he will perfect at Dayton, Then | Devil Hill, 700 feet high, where the | all humanity may fly, | northeasterly gale whirled the sands ™)o machine Mr. Wright used, and | from its crest in yellow clouds. which the perfected flider will Orville settled himself in the Met city of | much | over | ridiculously | anybody do it That man, | j/holding his big white wings motion- Gr d H ] | . : : ee an Oo e oo j ——_————| THE IROQUOIS POOL English and American Billiards Twelve Tables SECOND AVE. In Buying fa a From Ryrie’s We pay delivery charges on all articles purchased from us, guar- antee safe delivery and refund the money if you 2 are not absolutely satis- fied. Our handsome new 124 page catalogue, in colors, of Diamonds, Jewelry, Silverware, China, Cut Glass, Leather Goods, Etc., will be mailed upon request. Write for it immedi- ately—it will solve the gift problem for you. Cor. First Ave. and 7th Street Hotel Centr European and American plan, steam heated, modern conveniences. Rates $1.00 to $2.50 per day. Peter Black - Proprietor FEED STORE We carry everything in the feed line, also gar- den seeds at the lowest market prices, at Collart's olg Feed Store, Market Place PONY EXPRESS Prompt Delivery Phones 41 or 301 PIANOFORTE LESSONS For Beginners and Advanced Pupils Miss Vera Greenwood Wilezek, Paris and Berlin. Ryrie Bros., Limited Canada's Largest Jewelry House Pupil af Franz das. Ryrie, Pres. Harry Ryrie, Sec.-Treas 184-136-138 Yonge St. wr Cae rE = _E. E B Y @& C= REAL ESTATR Kitsumkalum Land For Sale KITSUMKALUM - R. GC. seat and gripped the lever at his ee right hand. The spruce skids flexed S. 0. E. B. S. beneath his weight, but did not sink |The Prince Rupert Lodge, No. 318, Sons of } England, meets the first and third Tuesdays in into the sand Ogilvie gripped the | each month in the Sons of England Hall, 819 2nd wooden uprights at one end of the 1 Av OS. SS ORIN. tp ae F. V. CLARK, Sec. frame, and Lorin at the other P.O. Box 812. Prince Rupert “Go,” said Orville, crisply Down | ERNEST A. WOODS, President, Box 23 }hill he rushed, the men pulling the es glider with them into the teeth of MISS ELSIE FROUD [the wind The gale swept under A.L.C.M, the top of the plane before they had Teacher of Piano, Violin and gone three yards. Orville nodded Voice Culture. 2nd Ave, Between 7th & 8th Sts. They released their hold and ithe mo- sailed gracefully heads Bs , Prince Rupert torless contrivance their Rose Without Power. Steadily, beautifully, it soared. Or- ville’s body swayed litely, easily, as | E. L. FISHER the gusts came, and relaxed when | Funeral Director and Embaimer they passed. Every movement could CHARGES REASONABLE be seen, as the glider was only about THIRD AVENUE PHONE 356. twenty feet above the point from OPEN DAY AND NIGHT |where it took the air } Suddenly Orville flipped the right | wing upward, and the glider soared | to a higher level, settling again to an even keel in obedience to the} thrust of the horizontal tail, the J HAYNER BROS. | UNDERTAKERS anp EM? ALMERS vertical plane beside the avitaor Bosmeitil’ Teieanaakn swung a trifle to the left and the Sed Ave. caer Oth: Bt Phone No. 86 glider tacked immediately into the gale at a sharp angle It easy It seemed as if was easy, | could sky, seeméd to belong up there | Then Orville brought the glider less against the grey Workingman’s Home Free Labor Bureau in Connection down with the light Brace of a but- a 178 Ist Ave. and 7th St. terfly His mask of a face twitched | GEO. BRODERIUS, Proprietor with the excitement that met within, eT hy ae ee ee ee . “We have it,” was his oats to the group that swarmed around | “It only remains to develop the fly- ing instinct that is dormant in every person, That is the purpose of “ie glider. Then everyone can fly. will be like walking or ee Little's NEWS Agency | Faia :: Periodicals ;; Newspapers | CIGARS TOBACCOS :; FRUITS G.T.P, WHARF =~ {ee iesiceiliesdamacaia age ny ate om SRA ETC O ONE ETE emt n cat a ate i ieee wee it he i ee 3 ih + es » * he a nt is shoe 4 i ee j He # i i ; r j {ty Me uy & . ; See lita