PAQB rwo Ony ncn cdio qta cnnAin lit' J rrn tA f n rtQCA line? a ' 18,908 steps (equal to 2,000,000 step pounds) the average person takes in a day. Improper Fitting Shoes Do More Damage Above the Hips Than Below We Are Experts in Proper Fitting; Family shoe store ltD. The Home of Good Shoes THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every" Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News, Limited, Third Avenue' H P. PULLEN Managing-Editor' SUBSCRIPTION KATES City delivery, by carrier, yearly period, paid in For lesser periods,, paid in advance, per weeK ByTaail to all other" countries, per year ADVERTISING RATES Transient display advertising, per inch, per insertion Classified advertising, per word; per insertion ... ...... Local readers, per line, per Insertion Advertising and Circulation Telephone New Department Telephone DAILY EDITION" Fresh . Local Raw And Pasteurized Milk VALENTIN DAIRY Mr' 86' $5.00 .10 9.00 By mall to all parts of British Columbia, the British Empire and United States; yearly period, paid In- advance ..- 3.00 The Central Hotel ROOMS antf CAFK Phorie 5lf For Best iftuseriold Coal' MRS. C. E. BLACK ijoo .02 .25 Wednesday, April 14, 1937 Democracy in Russia Some" months ago it was announced that Russia wag about to adopt a more democratic fbrm of government and that much of the criticism levelled against the dictatorship would in future" be done away With, Now it develops that the democracy is not for the people of Russia as a whole but simply for the members of the Communist party, usually known as "The Party." It is much the same as' if the Dominion Premier, Mackenzie King', were a dictator, supported by the Liberal party and he were to announce that after this he would not be a dictator but that members of the' Liberal party would be allowed to have a sav in the government but no others would vote at federal elections. The mass of the people would have no say in the government or in chobs- mg uieiiiuerH oi parliament, mat is wnai iney.caii (iemo: cracy in Russia. It is not the least like our democracy, There is no real opposition allowed either within or with out the party and Stalin remains dictator", hist as he WaS before. Also there is no freedom of speech and in spite of . J.U..1i Al i I i . i a icceui, seiuacK, me secret ponce continue to carry on their nefarious work and have power to arrest at any time and in many cases to shoot on sieht. In the past all new movements have originated at-the top and been approved by the minor Soviets. Now it is promised that those below will have a chance to make suggestions as to legislative or other changes. H. M. S. Pinafore Fprithe past three or four months a group of Prince Rupert musical people and amateur actors have been practising steadily and faithfully the Gilbert and Sulli van light opera "H. M. S. Pinafore," best known of the Gilbert and Sullivan compositions with its catchy music and humorous situations., They held their big full dress rehearsal on Sunday and those Who were present say it will be a real show, outstanding so far as local production is coricerried, , The Rotary Club has financed the production of the play and is managing, the sale of seats, the f irsfc presentation being this evening at the Capitol Theatre with a repeat tomorrow. Doubtless this event will receive the fullsendorjition of the public. Seats have sold Well'for the opening night and tomorrow the attendance is also expected to be large. If there is a profit the money' will go to the development of the Morse1 Creek' sWimmirig pool: " Apart from skiers at the Domlnio held near Banff, Alta., there wer Interest enthusiastic admirers of Morning Star,, one of the earlier shown top, giving his opinions of Couslneau, Quebec skier and one low one of Major-Geenral McBr In the ladles' slalom race who trouble. SKI OVER 'MOUNTAINS Kirk? Falconer and Gordon Drown ; Cross From Alice Arm To Stewart St E WART, April 14: The heart of Ihfs ,coast range may look" to the uninitiated an im penetrable and forbidding sea of mountairia, but to young meli such as Kirk Falconer, who have been borniin their midst, and (lor don lirnwn, the great jagged peaks protruding from a seu ol ice, they are just a playground. Leaving the'Homestake mine at the head ,of Ihe Kitsault River, which flows down to Alice Arm at 7 a.m. last Tuesdayr these two young men, wearing skis, crossed the great Cambria snow fielt' and" descended down the Uittei Creek Cjacier leaving the ice al 4:45 p.m.' ;rnd camping that evening at- the junction of the north and soulh forks- f Kilter Creek and coming on into town Wednesday morning. J Speaking of. the trip Mr. , Fal'i toner stated that leaving th itomestake they travelled north 54 degrees west all the way. On leaving nothing was visible bul the c'resl of the great snowfield, except to the west of it the jagged range east of the head of Glacier Creek. .As they approached the summit they were enshrouded in a snow storm which obliterated all vision, but Falconer, whff wus lending" and goi over tile" summit first, had shotteo a landmark and headed for it, Brown being able , to follow his traces. They experience'd no dif ficulty in getting onto the ice" oh the Kitsault side, hut considerable in coming down into Bitter Creek. WIiIIa . In thp nasf tiiprW h.Kvo beeh several who have crossed over Ifto Ice field that lays he weeh the Portland Canal arid Alice Arm, travelling via' the Marmot, this, it is believed, is the first instance- of t havhrj been done via Bitter Creek. Falconer and Brown left Monday on the Cathla on their1 return' trip io Alice Arm. FOR SALE Modern' hotel, Hyder; B.C. cfodd opening' for btiildlng.'up fine b(is! 1 .nes at-small cost:. HOTEL FUAZEIt Hyder'B,Ci vtj vr THE DAILY NEWS Wednesday, April u i937 Ski Tourney at Banff n Amateur Ski championships, e Indian chiefs .and rt.CM.F. to the winter sport. Indian chief, settlers In Canadian Rockies, is the exciting sport to Viateur of the jumping competitors. Helen's red-coats assists a fair racer seems to be having some snow Omaha to Make Bid For Ascot Great American. Horse Will Again Try to Lift Coveted Gold Cup ASCOT, Eng., April 14: (CP) The great American horse Omaha, winner of the Kentucky" Derby, Preakness and Arlington Stakes in 1935, Is. again being, prepared for the Ascot Gold Cup-classic In which he failed last year'. Another failure this yehr will meari his shipment back to. the1 United1 States by his disappointed owners. OVElWliAS LEAGUF, KTENDH . LONDON'. Apj-if f4; (CF) Many Canadians and other Dominions visitors are expected to attend the opening: of the hew addition jo Overseas Ileaglie headquarters by Hie Diil r Gloucester today. MAKR CORONATION PLANS KIMBKltLKY, S". A., April 11': (CP) rlaborale plans for Kim- berlcy's- celebration of the Coro nation are being made; including distribution of 12000' medals to schoolchildren. Dori'l forget when visiting Port land Canal that the Frazer Hotel Is the best place to stop. (tfT l..NI .CT. I'lMrm N(K- 1.1 POUM OP NOTICE Cnilar Ijind Olvlrlf t lKIrlf of AMIit TAKE NOTICE ha.t Frey: AcM,i ik1 cwu-les Oberlandw ot Atlln. D. C. oc- ou carlo a Miners. Inttuwl' to' ooolv' for pcnruwian to mircnase tlve rollowluir Comlrvtineine: at: a. noAt ldcatrl twrf mueii Komn or otwtav oil' on Tactsn uaxe. nsn-n wi-a oorner to?t. orouiirt nin,i 20 clialns from th itjost irt n soUthertt dlm;Uon' then ao ciittliw rtst. itm w ononis ncrth. then- 20- chfllfti west, to l-sal pot cf blnaln. PRETi N. ACKLW CHARLES OBEHLANDER. D.i,1l Aj-rll Oth1937. IN THE fM'I'imiE TOt'RT' OlrRRITlSII rni.i'.MBM Io Ihe Mailer of the "ArtmlnMrallrtii Art" In the Matter of the Ktat of Mtke W4ilul Defeased, InleMale Tftk notice 'that toy order of HU Hon-orw. E. PiW, the dny of Maah A D. 1637, I uras mppotoitd Administrator oT the eslMe of Mlfc Bandul,, de.l eeased. and all portiee hAtlng claim' tgaljwti the' said nXOW tre ftfretoy r. qulryil to fiujutah, aame, properly ml. ed,' US me on or before tlie 2nd dnjr otMATs A.D; 1937 acf all pdrtl la. i aebted to the to.t sxe- required t ply the" oimoMat of their Indebtedness' mj me rartn.wjthU NORMAN A. WATT, Offlotal Administrator. Prince Rupert, B.C. 4 . " Celebration At Kitkatla For Coronation KITKATLA, April 14: The Kitkatla- Excelsior Club is go- ing ahead with plans for a two-day celebration on May 12' and 13 in observance of the Coronation. There will be a full-program of field and track events on the Wednesday and Thursday and the expectation is that there will be a full re- presentation of competitors from other villages. Coronation Day Baseball Match Annual" Meeting of Local Associa tion' is Postponed Until litter Date Owing to small attendance, the annual meeting of the Prince Rupert Baseball Association which was to have been held last night was- postponed but, Instead, an exe cutive meeting was held at which It was decided to go ahead with plans for an exhibition game on May 12 in connection with the Coronation Week celebration. This will be the opening game of the season. H; G. Kennedy, acting president, was In the chair. I "1 SPORT CHAT i Hockey is going over with a bang- In Scotland and work- will be started at Aberdeen In May on a $300,000 stadium that will seat 5,- 000 persons with' standing room for an additional 1,500. Major P. C. Burton has been re-elected president of the English Golf Union which will join the proposed European' Golf Association, subject to the approval of its draft constitution. Maurice Tate, famous' Sussex cricketer, and a member of the English team that toured South Africa in 1930-31, Is seeking a coaching engagement in the Union for next season. Members of the Biltlsh Davis Cup and Wightman Cup tennis teams this year will wear elaborate badges Incorporating the emblems Df England, Scotland and Wales I Red Wings Win t To Even Series J DETROIT" April 14: (CP) Marty Barry, Detroit Red Wings cen- tre. scored a troal Inst night in the final period ' to give Detroit a one to nothing victory over TNew York Rangers and even up the Stanley Cup series at two games each. The next game will be played Thursday . night. The Red Wings were handicapped some- what through the ab- sence from the line-up on account of injury of . one- of their star do- fence players, Ehbie G'oodfellow. t- th ' ' 4 MacKENZIE'S FURNITURE Spring Renewal Needs, Kirsch Curtain Rods, now 2i5c Kirsch Sash Rods, now Ifc Brass-Rings, jj to 1 inch size, doz .Tic lira Poles, a' to 1 inch cut to any length; Everything for the Window I Tf, vwv'j&&:. J- P 'f ftli V'r 1,,1 , ELECTRIC COOKING Plinne 75 1 4.4 : 7 -1 1 1'l 1 1 J II -M ' H 1 1 iA U rim Rim BOTTLED IN BOND UNDER CANADIAN GOVERNMENT SUMFRvTsm" This advertisement is not published or dlsplayed'by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. guarantees FULL flavour in every pot! There are so many advantages to' electric cookery! And one of the biggest is this: Electric cookery gives yoU better-tasting food, and costs you no more for preparation if as much as cooking with other fuels. Think of it I No dirt, no heat, no waste. Less work. Lower food- bills. Better food' value and flavour. Meals and vegetables cooked electrically do not waste away. They hold their goodness. The less expensive cuts of meat are made more appetizing. Electric cooking, brings big, savings in time. You simply prepare and put the food to cook, snap the switch and go about other things without a worry. Ask about our convenient payment plan. Northern British Columbia Power Company Limited