tA31 POTTO FOR SALE FOR SALE-Large English baby buggy. Phone Red 514. ttfi FOR SALE In order to stimulate building, lots will be sold at one-half the assessed value until May 15. 1937. Property values are advancing in other cities. Apply City Hall. W. J. Alder, Commissioner. 1 88 ) FOR SALE- Modern hotel at Hy-der. B.C., steam heat, excellent location, licensed premises. Will be sold at a bargain. Apply Fr.i-zer Hotel. Hyder, BC 1 1 f COAL Nanaimo-Wellington for furnace and heater. Alberta Egg- i sootlese. for the kitchen range j Albert & McCaffery, Phone 118 or 117. (tfij FURNISH Your home with brand' new factory samples. 66 piece' three room groups $184--ideal! for the working man; extra high, grade groups $232; 10-piecej Chesterfield groups-$59.50; silk tapestry Chesterfield groups ; $89.50; kitchen tables with drawers $2 95; dressers-$9.95; beds complete $13.95 Terms il desired. Here is an opportunity of a lifetime Act quickly. Wej need the space Free storage. ; Write today. Julius Shore. Mail Order House. 8th Floor. Bekini BldK.. Vancouver. itfi FOR RENT VACANCY Angus Apartments. 3-room suite. itfi FIVE-Room modern house for rent. Bingar Place. Phone- Green 378. (tf) FOR RENT Front apartment with electric range. Smith & Mallett Ltd. itfi FOR RENT Seven roomed house, Oraham Avenue. Nice garden. Pullen. Dally News. (tf) MALE HELP WANTED GOVERNMENT Jobs -How to get them Be ready for spring appointments. Free Booklet. The M. C. C. Civil Service Schools, Win-nipeg. it PERSONAL 1'RIVATE Home Kindergartens pay. We start you. The Canadian Kindergarten Institute. Winnipeg. (tf) GENTLEMEN'S Sanitary Supples highest grade 15 for 11. Pacific i Supply. 751 Granville. Vancouver I MEN Get vigor at once. New 0-trex Tonic Tablets contain ra oyster lnvigoratora and oth?r stimulants. One dose peps up or- i gans. glands If not delighted, aker refunds few cents paid all or write. Ormes Limited tf I "TIME THE f r United States at the Mosher. .34. Gilbec. .04 Madsen Red Lake. 1 00. Stadacona. 2.20. Frontier Red Lake. .18. Fiancoeur. 1.05. Manitoba & Eastern, .04'. Moneta Porcupine. 181. Rubec. .09. Thompson Cadillac. 1.05. Bailor. .05. Bankfield. 1.15. East Malartic. 1.40. Preston East Dome. 1.05. Hutchison Lake. .18. Aldermac. 1.41. Kerr Addison. 2.65. Martin Bird. 1.03. Hugh Pam. .31. Augite Porcupine. .36. Canadian Malartic. 1.60. Central Manitoba. .11 Eldorado. 3.10. FalconbrldRt. 9 10 Howey. .40. Kirkland Lake. 1.54. McWatters. .78. Macassa. 6.45 Royallte. 44.00. Sisooe. 4.55 Sudbury Basin. 5.00. Inter. Nickel. 65.00. Noranda. 71.00. C. P. R.. $14V Imperial Oil. $33. Cons Smelters. $84'-.. ; New Members In Ladies of Moose Ten Initiated Last Night Lodge Session is Followed bv Social Ten new members were initiated ; at a meeting of the Women of the j Moos last night. The lodge meet- ing. presided over by the senior regent, Mrs. William Bussey, was followed by a social evening. Whist! was played with Mrs. A. Wick win- ; nlng first prize and Mrs. Thomas Morgan, second. Refreshments were . served. THE DAILT NWWB Wednesday. April 14 Coronation PINAFORE" PRESENTED Big Effort f Prince Rupert Operatic Society Mark- New Entertainment standard Judging from all advance re ports, the Prince Rupert Open tic Society's presentation tonight and tomorrow at the Capitol Theatre of Gilbert & Sullivan's two-act comic open "H. M. S. Pinafore1 will mark a high pcini in local oritertainmenl effort, Per months, under the direction of Nelson Allen, president and conductor of the Society, Ihe caul has been fthearaing assidaouslj and, hoth from .-i mmrf1 and dramatic standpoint, is said to be in great form now for Ita public .appearance In this aaibitioua undertaking, With special stage setting, costuming, Musical arrangement, lil.'hliiijf etc., the production will be along most finished lines. The t'apitolians. under direction of I)r. II. N. llrocklesl.; . will also take part in the eve Ding's program. Apart from the fact that Outstanding entertainment If being offered, it is pointed out thai Hie presentation Is being sponsored liv the Prime Rupert Rotary Club and that the proceeds will go to the fund tor the develop-m. nt of Mors,. Creek swimming pool. WINNIPEG-CHICAGO , . . . . . WHEAT M I v - I t T vimnirt.u. April 14: CPi The I Winnipeg wheat price was off V to l',c yesterday with May closing Ul ' nicago nnc-.'s were 3 J8c off to 3 ac up with May closing at $137 !. Stop it the Frazer Hotel uh.. visiting Stewart or Hyder. The only steam heated hotel 111 Portland Canal district. (tf) FvER?VF,nrw Mi .lur i? uv oO VOU'L-L. MAMS Foiled! WHIFFLETS From the Waterfront Armour Salvage Co.'s big power tug Algie has left for Green Bay near Bella Cooia to pick up two SCOwloadl of logging railway equipment for delivery to Cum-shewa Inlet, Queen CharlotW Islands, for the A. P. Allison Logging Co. Three halibut boats sold catches totalling 48.00 pounds at Seattle yesterday. Prices, due t(. la general scarcity of fish all lalong the coast, were much im-I proved, The only western boat in I was the Tordenskjold which di posed of 81,000 pounds to Mac Callum at 9Vic and S'..c. Two 1 local boats distmseil of ITlll'i pounds at 13 Vie and 9e and 13fcc and 9c, The Ketchikan motor vessel Blainore arrived in port at 10 o'clock last night with one carload of fresh halibut for transshipment Baal over Canadian National Railways. After discharging, the vessel sailed at 11 o'clock this morning on her return t Ketchikan. C.N.R steamer Prince George, Bereaved by Passing of Mrs. Kva Purdy at Calgary Mrs. E. E. Yager of Summit Avenue has received the sad news of the sudden death of her sister. 1 Mrs Eva Purdy of Calgary. Alta She leaves five sisters and two brothers to mourn her passing. Mrs. O A Rogers and Mrs D. Orchard McLeod of this city are! cousins of the deceased. BOU81 BROKEN INTO The residence of A. Lazarotto on Fulton Street was broken into during last niuht by a window being broken. As far as can be learned, nothing was taken Capt. II. E. Nedden. arrived III port at 1 1 -id this morning from Vancouver. Powell River and Ocean Falls with a good-sized list of passengers and will sail at 4 o'clock this afternoon for Anyi x and Stewart whence she will return here tomorrow evening southbound. Frazer Hotel, the only steam heated hotel in Portland Canal, j situated at Hyder, B.C. (tfij Bicycle Necessities- TIRES, Dunlop Imperial, 28x1!, each $1.66 TUBES, Red 65c; Black s:c RUBBER HANDLE GRIPS, pair 25c CLARION BELLS, each ()c HULB HORNS, each 70c FLASH LIGHT HOLDERS, each :. BICYCLE LOCKS, each SPECIAL Chromium Barrel Type Locks with adjustable chain. A splendid' foolproof lock for Bicycles, Oil Drums, Boats, fiCp ejtc., Special price n - TROl'SER CLIPS, pair . i:M. r.K'VCLE PUMPS, each .'. ' TIRE REPAIR KITS, John Hull 25c Let us show you the New ('. ('. M. BICYCLES. We have a complete stock in various sizes and models. from $38.00 " $44.50 T,erms arranged to suit your convenience fetet'W WVStei C '-'J A&L. C'rl PCYEPE'S THE OOOG-j GOSH,TiUE- l'0t BEEN TteyiWQ 1 AJElL. wSuTl T ; vxu-mCPHCME p3J 1 : BELL-I HOPE IT'S SOME- 3ET 0O, O' J TV IE ItlPHOMF -tt , r - n i ' X o . a ' v a ouiet m rM,vnp" J we wAS OOT OF OE come im " J . Taps! DON'T wawT MOll-IAMkS AMD DAD SO AL0W6- "iC 60 TO the movie", I'LL GO VlTH US Til. lie? UlErCE'S BE A PPt:- VIEW 1 ' ' . To Represent Lefi 10 right are-Admiral Hugh Rodman, retired navy chief; James W Gerard, former Ambassador to Germany, and Oeneral John J. Pershing, Commander of America's World War army, who have been selected as President Franklin D. Roosevelt's representatives at the coronation of King George VI and Queen Elizabeth, at London to represent United States. TODAY'S STOCKS CuurU'ay & U Johuftioij Co. i Vancouver B C. Nickel. .24. , Bii Mis.-.ouri, .50 '2. Braiorne, 7.60. B R Con.. .05. Aztec. ,09-.. Cariboo Quartz. 1.65. Dentonia. .16. Golconda. .10. Miiito. .2JU. Fan view. .11. Noole Five. .08. Pioneer, 5.05. Porter Idaho. .05 1 2 . Premier. 2.85. Re.ves McDonald, 1.50. Reno. 1.02. Rel'ef Arlington. .28. Reward, .12. Salmon Gold. .10. Taylor Bridge, .08. Wayside. .03'.. Sllbak Premier. 3.00. Ccngre.-s. .07' 2. Silver Crest. 07. Home Gold. 03 '4. Grandview. 16. Indian. .02' 2. Quesiu-1 Quartz. 13 Oils A P. Con.. .30. Calmont, .55. C. & E.. 2.75. Freehold. 10 McDougal Segur. .20. Mercury. .29. Mrrland. 14 Okalta. 1 36. Home Oil. 1.90. toranto Beattle. 1.37. Central Patricia, 3.50. God's Lake. .60. Lee Gold. 0434. Little Long Lac, 6.25. MrKenzie Red Lake; 1.42. Pickle Crow, 6.70. Red Lake Gold Shore. .50. San Antonio. 1 60. Sherritt Gordon. 2.85. Smelter Gold. .05. McLeod Cockshutt. 2.30. Oklcnd. .29. TOILER" LET HEI2 GO TO BHJ '-iSTEM.BUftejrs St3i) 3ET BOS TO BreiMO -VKJ OVEr2 BliL IS AT HOUSE AND TOLD THE.M VOUT PI(-l. TESSiP IT'LL Pn Hers MflRS TC TVIEM UPl'M IO 'HHCTNII AC KiCXM 'MD'L.1. HAVE SOME t vrx at.t you DOM'T FOHU3ET MOW. Bk? ,1Mma?I,!-LVE GOIM6 jk TO LEAMB Mrs. Yager Has Lost Her Sister 50c By Westover I CiUIET TIM. YOU'LL r 1 'VAAkR y ' Urn . . HBi r n rictt I Al.l . MIW . 1 AKi 'I, I nv A BOOM! BOOR Here's a broadside f entertainment you'll tnjZ Prince Rupert Operatic Society presents GILBERT & SI LI.IV.Ws j Thp uinrli-l o. IUHIUU.S ,.omJ opera Drought to you with i Its color . . . spectacle comedy . . . romance Hear these sparkling 1 tuneful sonc hits: "He is an Knlishman" "Dear Little Buttercup lapiain of the PinaforeH "Monarch of the Sea "Josephine" SpeciaJ Semen Beautiful ( (stumn New and special lighting effects W People Sponsored by Rot.irj' Club rrmce Kupert and produeei py pernuMkm of RupeH Uoyly Carte Oj Directed bv NeitM Mien A PERSON. VI, INDORSATION! Having seen matt ittOXa theatricals In in snow Dtuincss, 'i;d hav inu been nrlvlleacd to wit ness a drr.-.s nm MiaJ 'I the local presentation oil H M S. Pinafore, 1 com mend this entertainment I to the people of Prince I Rupert as beii k i i ccding- ly worthy of their patron age. D O BORLAND Manauer. Capitol Tlieatr' Prices: UcserveH Sr:itv 1"x K IIJj l.oges IU Theatre Box Oftin open tonight. 0:30 Curtain 8:15. Doors open 7:1 B35gZd IN Nil st l-KI m I 91 K 1,1 "(HI 01 I M I .I I l -(i ii; Ml iii the Matter nt the .iliuiiiWfIH" iii.i I in thr Natter i Hw tMt' "' . Mm Hiirnaon, III A, ,. . I 111 mi.!' uummm ui uj - M the fidh d&v at Psbnurv. I0J7, I' tun intt ProbBtt of t'w. will of tlv alwvr-i Mary Ann HoitLsuii tie. ''' nit of Uie High Ouuri of Justice ' (Jon, Enzlauu. an the aOU' ' 1U38, were rcwuled Lii Ui s'll) cvurt of Brlttah Cotumtoui- Prim!1 .,c port Rogtotry. jtd ' JJ p"H,n'' nLilm BRalnst Ui hoIU e.'..-' " " by required te- nutiili Uie xtun' .rl . V. ,UrO I I 'ij iivuiru VAJ lilt; HHHM"-- .(..t Ix-forr Ui 7t.li (UT of M M,d llltl oil ..r,A. l.wlAl.t.,! Lllf 'l thrir lnOelKiisdnftv-hi ;neiU JortJiWIUi I'ATMOUE & PULTON Sollcttora, Prtiic "ape r " AtDonievB for . '' v'" ' .', Ila-'d Uie 6Ui dy of April. AO HERE IS GOOD NEWS! Our .store is u store you caOc'!j your own because it Ls 0Prar? e a co-operative system whereDy .Inn, Mi.. ...... lit., mil 1 1 V(U 111 - v..v , u,p nine uie puicnase is maue anu r la paid you receive tojwrU a entitle you to FREE PREMIUMo return So make our store your store MUSSALLEM'S 317-319 Third Avenue Ve . Phone 18 P 11 B"x '