April H, 1937 TBI DAILY NEWS VKQt THRZ1 iKE UP YOUR HUFR BILE. " ....i-.R.rln'to go i.M oour out two poundt of ..Tun' ;., f,Hl dunn't i" -i ; i itinmia u ri iNitta Elver PiM to get thHK. two 01 5 uDuTrmlH- .nd genii.. tUf !, hit hve no wlomel or mwrury l '. iff JLh, rfuKt snythlng ln. 2f. nMES AND CEXThKMKN: The Spring Is here again. . .... cninvn STiT nd' TOPCOAT for the Coronation Celebration on j Kay 12th, 1937. Prices are i itasonable M. T. LEE fh. Green SCO 3rd Ave. XV. COAL 10 PLEASE EVERYBODY Satisfaction Guaranteed fAMOL'S KDSON ALKKRTA COAL tTLKLKY' VALLEY COAL UNCOUVKR 1SLANO COAL PRINCE RUPERT FEED COMPANY MONK: 58 and 558 NEW ROYAL J. ZarelU Proprietor l HOMH AWAY FROM' HOME" Rates S1.00 up AOMM. HaI .- f r. 1 1 f n t ft Prince Kupert, .B.C. Hone 281 P.O. Box 196 THE JtAL r QUALITY ESS GOLD SEAL fancy Red Sockeye PINK SEAL finest Pink Salmon 'icked by the only salmon ""ling company with an all " yar round payroll In "ince Rupert Hyde Transfer Phone 580 DRY WOOD JASPER Furniture Moving Light Delivery 315 second ave: local news, notes Frazer .. Hotel, , owruiu lieaiea. I' . .A nnnn...! rlfln Mr.-o irooms, Hyder. B.C., near the Stew-! Hal, Friday, April 10. (90) art' dock.. (tn - j . , ' J Mrs. J. W1. Nicholls. who has T. V. Hull, inspector of been visiting I school,, sailed yesterday afternoon on the Catala. for a. trip to Bella.-Bella, on official duties. Dugald Campbell of the Can adian Linotype Co. arrived' in the! Icity on; the- Prince George this morning from. Vancouver,, being here on business. Harry Zeffert, well known" Stewart merchant, who has been on a business trip to Vancouver: is here alOard' the l'r irice" O'eorgfl today returning north. Garnet Watt, brother of Nor- man A Watt, arrived in the city jfrom Vancouver: on the Prince iieorife this morning and; after spending-a few. days-here, will proceed to the Yukon for the summer. Jv lb- Galloway, managing di were married recently, returned lo the city' on the- Pfihce Georjrti this morninjr frbrff their hbney- moon trip in the course of which they motored south from Vancou ver and1 Seattle: Tho bridt wa. formerly Miss Dolly Dunjratl- of this city. V. J. Asselstine, M.L.A. for rtlin, is passinjr throujrh the city on Ihe Prince Georjre today en- route to Stewart, He is troihjr north in connection with the erection of the mill for the Georgia Iliver mint which- he designed! He will also take up matters at-fectinjr his constituency!. Arthur Robertson, well known Maiisett savTrhill op'eralor, .arrived iri the citf TrbmthrIslaiidirHst night and will leave on this eve ning's train for New York where he will embark April 21 for a visit in England. Mrs. Robertson is already in the Old Country apt! will return with her husband in the summer. R. G, Johnston, manager of Inverness cannery; who: arrived on the Skeena River on Sunday after spending the winter in-Victoria, is paying his first visit of Ihe season to town. He arrived from Inverness last night and ..t!TI I irfi!n. nut !ltr!lfn Ulltt PVP- fifty-third season on the fckeena River. Announcements H. M. S. Pinafore; April 14, Ap rll 15, Capitol Theatre. C. N. R. A. annual dance, Moose Hall, April 16. , Boys' Band Bridge, Logfon llali: April 20. 22. Presbyterian Spring Sale; April Missionary Tea. Baptist Manse, May 1. St. Peter's Sale; May 6.; United Coronation sale, May 8. Gyro Club Coronation Dance. Armory, May 12. 'mmmMrnxmrnrnxammm 203 Third Ave. Phone BluMllS Dressmaking Remodelling Pressing Alterations mmimmzMtMsmeMBmmmmm Piano Theory Voice Production Pupils prepared for Toronto Conservatory examinations. Mrs. Bernard Lundahl a. t. c. m; 4 Waldron Apartments Phone Green 99 .Victoria returned' to the city, on the I riiice George this morning. A. E. Parlow, district forester. returned to the city on the Prince George this morning from a trip to ' the Ocean Falls district1 on' official duties, 11. P.Smith, general managei oP the. Premier Gold Mining Co., hnl Mrs. Smith, who have beta or a trip south, are passengers aboard the Prince George today returning north from Vancouver. Judge II . A. Robertson of Prince George arrived, in the city on! last nighl'k train from Prince Georjre to preside- over a session of County Court here in the ab fccnce of Judge W, K. Fisher wc-is ort a trip- to Honolulu. Jff. and" Mrs. Walter Johnson rector of the Reward: Mining Cw, arrived in the city on the I'ririce' arrivwl in the city on the Prince Georjre this morninjr from Van Georjre this morning from Van- couver. Mr. Johnson is still in- j-ouver on his way to Porcher Island to'Iiay'a visit" to the--company's operations there. Mr. and Mrs. Fred -Wesch, who capacitated' through having had both'i legs broken- in a fall from a scaffold at Vancouver several weeks ago. Mrs. Johnson was for- merllr Miss Joarf F.yolfsen of this city. R't.' Rev. E JP. Runoz. Roman Catholic Rishop of Northern Bri tish Columbia and the Yukon, 'and. lit.. ReV. J. IK Coudert,-coadjutor-bishop, returned' to-' the city on the Prince George this morning afler a trip to Victoria to attend the installation of the new bishop there, Rt. Rev. J, J. Cody. WILL RUN C. C. T. to be in Field at Provincial Election But' Choice Not Yet '"' 'Conipleted Provincial election matters were discussed at a meeting of the local branch of the Co-operative1-Commonwealth Federation last night. A candidate will be run by the party In Prince Rupert, It Is an nounced, but no definite choice has yet been made. Tony Severhun Buried Monday ' The funeral of Tony Severhun, who was found dead at the West-holmei Rooms last week, took place Monday afternoon from the'chapel of Havner Bros., undertakers, to Falrvlew Cemetery with Major Eva ta'ycoclc of the Salvation Army Charles Hoy, for more than 50 ' . r , . eel . l O..I warn ' neiu oiucer in me o"'-vattott Army; colKipsed and died at a' service in; the Romford Pita del. POUND IN MONTREAL MONTREAL. April 14: (CP) The British pound sterling closed at $4.90 9-32 on the Montreal exchange market yesterday. DOLLAR IN NEW YQRK NEW YORKi April 14: (CP) The Canadian dollar closed at a premium of 3-32c on the New1 York foreign exchange market C.N.R. Trains Mondays; Wednrsdays arid. Frl- j : days i. --.. .- .- From the East-Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays 10:20 p.m; If you wish to swap something Try a clasifle4. Christian Youth Society Meeting Community Night' is- Last Gathering" of- Sexton Biff The Christian Youth Society held Hi last blgi open- meeting oi trie season MondayVevenlns'In the form of a community gathering. Wilfrid Hicks, the president; presided over the meeting- of about 75- people. Rev. C. Dif Clarke opened the rrieeti- lng with a word of' prayer which1 was followed;bya-musical program1) those taking part were Mrs. J: Hi Carson, Mrs.v Jarvls- H. MeLeod Major Eva' Laycockr and Lieut H. Robertson) Mlss Doris Hodgkirison danced. The speaker1 of the evening, T: W. Hall, spoke on what part literature should play in everyday life; Mr. Hall said- that the average man works for eight hours in a day and then Is unable to find anything" to do In the rest of .the -time. Here literature might come in, or music, or, gardening something to cultl yate his mind. One cOuld cultivate sympathy, hope, love'.df mankind through thereadlng- of good literature. The speaker gave concrete examples' in poetry and a story which proved his point well. The Bible, Mr: Hall said, was- the finest literature ever written. ; After the address, refreshments were served by memberSrof the society with Miss Mildred Hunt In " charge. The meeting closed with the Benediction by Revi Dr. J. V. Steven son. Hotel Arrivals Savoy Mr. and Mrs. J. 0. McAro, Edmonton; I). M. Smedley, Van derhoof: IfnvoH P'. S. Dannhauer, Copper River. Prince Rupert II- ... ,1 X 1 . . T? I . rJ, waiKer, .aas uiver; i. IRbss Oatman, Anyox; flCugH Mc Donald, blewart; Allan.-Kast and II officiating; Hymns- were "Nearer.1 carter-, My God to Thee" and "Lead Kindly j Rupt.rt I. W,HJvsen, 5inc0uterJ-: Hi G. Johnsfo'h, 'Inverness;." A. Robertson,. Massett; E. S. Riehardsor. Tlell; Miss E. C Sawyer, Ams- bury; J. F: Adams," Salvus; Judge Robertson, Prince George; E. Williams, Edmonton: Central Gunnar Johnson, N. Carlson and Mr. and Mrs. Jensen, Prince Rupert; L. II. Scott, Exstew; 0-. Hunt, C.N.R. Knox1 V, Nelson, Grand Rapids. The regular monthly business luncheon of the Prince" Rupert Gyro Club was held today with the president, Dr. II. N. Brock- lesby, in the chair. Next week the club will be entertained by Wil ham Cruickshank, city passeriH Fisheries Experimental Light." There was quite a large Station, will be the speaker. attendance. Pallbearers were m. Mezeschsch( H: Smith, J. Haroskl, f! Mlchaloff; F. Shipli and IL Er-. BAR SILVER NEW YORK, April 14: (CP) Bar silver was ' unchanged at 46c per ounce on the:New York metal market yesterday; dropping to 453,4C today. ' I)lli DUntNG SERVICE ROMFORD,- Eng., April 14V- ' I Dernier Fimr ; Wouid'youtnire'soTtiethin realty different for supper?" Then.' whyt hot5 a- Mexieartidldrr for1 a. changfTj Keai" the- Grand Iink'e- district lit Oakland1 is1 a genuine Mexican-1 restaurant, the EP Azteca- ihn, and 1 m proprietor; Prederieo' CT (JueU lari is-arr authority orf Aztee- hi- torv and- foods: and' war one' rirrrei a memoen oi iie iuexitiuri uiiiiir- mntic" service; He ha pajnstalc- ngly worked out1 favorite Me.ti parr dishes' so. that anyone cart easily, follow them; Tortillas; lfe-Ihjrf the Mexican equivalent' .U- bur bread;, we will start with- ife Tortillatf ' One and' one-half cups all-pin pose flour; l1 cups white conij meal, 2 cups water, 1 tablespoori shortening: 1 Sift flour, measure. Measure corn meal, sift with flour. Blend in shortening with pastry blend" er or two knife blades. Add" well beaten eggs and water1, stir until smooth. Heat large griddle-, grease slightly; pour V4 cup barter on hot griddle. When top surface be- nnmaa rlrv turn" fhntinilff' bakinflT until brown. Makes- about1 12' tor- j tillas. (note: use witnin'- i: hours). Enchiladas One-third cup shortening? 3 buds garlic, 1 tablespoon' flonr, 4 tablespoons' chili powder, 1' tea- spoon salt, 2 cups cooked' toma-l toes, 6 tortillas, 1V4 cups grated j American cheese, 1 large sweet onion. Melt shortening in frying pan; brown garlie and then remove; Combine flodr, chill powder- and salt; blend intb shortening; add tomatoes and simmer- about "ft minutes. Dip tortillas in tomato sauce; place 2 tablespoons cheese and . tablespoorf finely chopped' 'i. Johnson and G. S. Peti-c, . . non. ,, rnl, ,lrt vliiCA city; A'. R. Stewart; Premier; casserole cover with au and sprinkle with1 remainirfj cheese and onion. Bake in mod erate oven (350)' until cheese i melted, about 15" mindte. ServeS i 6. Note: dice cooked veal; or phicken; .may be "Substituted- .or? cheese. These recipes are really deiv'j cious and if you enjoy some-; thing a little different will h.t! the spot loti'see, Mexican cooivi ing is not necessarily so hot' one must wash" ft down with gallons of water (.?... but seasoning in purely a .matter of individual preference. CiIEEKlO' Oakland. WniiSm' Sch'ri'abbrg," ret u rried to the city oii the Prulce George this morning from a trip" to; TRAPPERS' jrer aKem anaman- iNauonar m guarantee top market prices Railways w.th mov.ng pictures- fof Beayer and Muskrat ami uie iuhuwihk weeK nr. neai rv,-.fnrv-?it Mine- director of the Princo; . .... . nn,.,nnn Phone Blue 729 P.O. Box 200, UNION STEAMSHIPS LTD. Steamers leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver: T.fc.S. CATALA EVERY TUESDAY, 1530 PJVl Due Vancouver, Thursday p.m. T.S.S. CAKDENA FRIDAY, 18:30 rj. Due Vancouver, Monday aun- If convenient p!eae purchase tickets at office. Further information regarding reservations and tickets from A. W. NEWMAN, Prince Rupert Agent, Third Ave. Phone' 5C8 The Fish which made Prince Rupert Famous "Rupert Brand" SMOKED BLACK COD -' Prepared Daily By Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co:, PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. is m Fancy Stationery to clear. RejtUlar Retail' Price $1-25; to Clear at 85e Regular Retail Price 60c, to' Clear at 35c Regular Retail Price $1.50,- to-Clear at $1.00: Regular Retail Price $1.00; to' Clear at 70c Itegular Retail Price 50c, to Clear at -10c OrmesLtd. yfift Pioneer Drttqcj tats The Rexall Store Phones: 81 & 82. Open' Daily From 8 a.nu till 10 p.m. Sundays and Holidays From 12 noon till 2 p.m.", , 7 p.m. till 9 p.m. D. Elio Furniture Exchange MOOSE BUILT3ING, THIRD AVE. Phone Green 916 New Furniture Chesterfield Suites, Beds, Springs, Mattresses, Floor Covering, Blankets, Luggages, Table Oilcloth Window Shades, Prams, Folding Carriages. Used Furniture Beds, Atlas Couch, Steel Crib, Singer Sewing Machine, Piano, Kitchen Table, Kitchen Cabinet, Kitchen Ranges, Dining Room Suites, Dressers, Gramaphone Records, Musical Instruments, Books, Writing Desk, Portable Typewriter, Etc. TO THE HOUSEWIFE: Have you started spring cleaning? You may have furniture, crockery, utensils, luggage, blankets, suits, elothesj etc. you wish to get rid of. J ELIO'S Trade-in Call Green 916 We Buy Everything We Sell Everything CALL GREEN 916 D. ELIO FURNITURE EXCHANGE Moose Building, Third Avenue, Prince Rupert, B.C. Hours: Daily from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. 3 3