PAGE TWO" K CSf?(HERE'S ONt PUMP THAT ) m f $g.50 (Estab. 19081 One of our new Tango Piimpj with Fleaible Instep absolutely no bind' ing and Cush'-Vac pad to prevent fieel slipping. Trim, chic, delightfully comfortable. Black, blue, white,, and brown ADVERTISING RATES Transient display, advertising, per lncn, per Insertion .. Classified advertising, per word,-per insertion Local readers, per line, per Insertion .. Advertising and Circulation Telephone . .... News Department Telephone .,. ...... DAILY EDITION . patent or kid. Where Most People Trade TPV F AMILY SHOE STORE W. PHONE 357 THIRD AVENUE THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday,, by Prince Rupert Dally News, limited, Third Avenue H. F. PULLEN - .,- Managing-Editor SUBSCRIPTION KATES City delivery; by carrier, yearly period, paid In kdvance $5.00 For lesser periods, paid in advance,, per week '. 10 By mail to all other countries, per year ........ ..... 9.00 By mall to all parts of British Columbia, the British Empire and 1 United States, yearly periods paid in advance 3.00 98. .... 86 1.0C .02 .25 Thursday, Jan. 21, 1931 Prince Rupert Defence Evidently the establishment of a naval air base at Prince Rupert at a cost of $50,000, as recorded yesterday in this newspaper, is one step in a general defence project, the first of which was the conversion of the local militia into an artillery unit. In order to complete the project and make it effective, there will have to be further developments along similar lines. Fortifications may follow and provision may be made for the establishment of a naval base with at least one vessel of the Canadain navy making headquarters in the harbor. However, this will, have to be done gradually and the first step is the airplane base, money for which has already been voted., Hardly Necessary When Prince Rupert had a city council there were; al ways members who must make a speech on every possible" occasion. So in Parliament at Ottawa, it seems that it is necessary for some people to talk on every conceivable subject no matter what it may be. They like to hear their own voices. It is these people who bring democratic institutions into disrepute. If a change in the form of government is ever brought about it will be because of these nuisances. It was hardly necessary, for the House of Commons to discuss the abdication of the late King at this late period or to dissemble over the motion assenting to the accession to the throne. It is customary for the outstanding leaders tp speak briefly on such occasions but that is all. Eden's Optimism The, British Foreign Secretary, Anthony Ederi. is opti mistic over the possibility of continued peace in Europe. uviuciiuy uie siLUciLiuii la linpruving arm tne proDauiuiy is that there, will be no European war just now. However, no steps have yet been taken to stop the senseless auarrel in Spain where neighbors continue to kill each other because they do not agree with the form of government ad vocated by the other. 1 Avoid Personalities In the proposed campaign to erect a new hospital we suggest that allare working for the same object We all want the new building and it does not matter who leads the carhnaltm or who carries it out. The great thing is to get the building. As things are today the sick people are the ones who suffer. A new building would enable them to be properly treated under proper conditions. We would'1 all like to have a" dohation from the citv hut. thn cmflmlc. defeated Bradford! City 1, td; (t and Boltdn Wanderers defeated West-ham United V to 6. Native Sons Win Hockey Defeated Canadian Legion 0 to In Smithers Hockey SMITHERS, Jon. 21: In the league hockey match on Sunday afternoon between the Canadian Legion and the Native Sons, the latter team won by a score of 0 to 2. The game was marred by an accident to Mike O'Neill, the flashy vlnger of the Legion team, when he was hit in the forehead by a flying puck and suffered a bad cut which knocked him out for a !hort time. SPORT CHAT Hoop fans will have a nice dish of melon, tossing dished up to them on Friday and Saturday by the Basketball Association, with pre-i sence of the New Metlakatla squad j in the town. They have brought a strong cage, outfit, but the local team, picked by Bud Barrie, should hold their own. The New Metlakatla team will be remembered from the wonderful exhibition of hoop tossing they put on when they were here last year. They played before a packed house on both nights last year and It is expected that the fans will turn out tand give them a royal welcome again this year. The New: Metlakatla team in the city from Alaska on the boat Theodora this morning and left early this afternoon for Metla-katld where a game will' be played tonight. .'The visiting team, of which B. Lang is manager, consists of R; Leask, B. Leask, James Leask, J. Marsden, B. Bolton, F. Hayward, D. Reece and I. Booth. In all there are 18 Irl the party. The executive has now definitely lined up the following card for the two nights: Friday High School vs All Stars (girls); Scythians vs. Moose; New Metlakatla vs. Prince Rupert. Saturday Boy Scouts vs. All Stars; winner ol Scythian-Moose game vs. AH Star seniors; New Metlakatla vs. Prince Rupert. Annette's Creep Up in Bowling re Not Far Behind Rangers As Result of Heavy, Victory Last Night Annettes crept eiose up on Rangers for supremacy of the Ladles' Bowling League by defeating Canadian National Recreation As soclation 1684 to 1308 while the Rangers were eking out a close 1383 to 1365 victory over Grotto. Blue Birds won over Doodads 1435 to nu8 ana Knockouts won over Spark Plugs 1364 to 1333. S. Chester of Knockouts was high average scorer with 228. SKIING AT SMITHERS SMITHERS, Jan. 2U Smithers veteran ski jumper, Chris Dahlle, Initiated the season on the big hill here Sunday when he went over the Jump for the first time this year. The hill is In good shape and will, doubtless, be more cr less in use from now on until the Ski tournament takes place In February. RUPERT MOTORS BEAT GYROS Rupert Motors defeated Gyro oinrwr-'unva if Vnwrmr ha an w' mUa- nnnanf 4hnf ,Utfm i Club.twb games to one in the Com . ; . 1 v.. vi. trnprrlfil Ten Pin Rnmilnar Tenrnio firirl nrnrPPrf tn rnfsn trip- mnnnv untVimit Avif tnWnf Jni ' . . ...... r.vww. - - .... ....., ,..v..vuw u vuiiHiuMHuii last night. High average scorer was from the gity. If we let the present opportunity pass we , jack Bulger of the Gyro ciub with ' may never get a new hospital. no, I THE DAILY NEWS Four English Whist Drive And ! Cup Replays Dance is Success Accrington-Stanley Luton Town, Enjoyable Affair Tuesday Nlglll By , York and Bolton Wanderers Women's Auxiliary of Cana- y Wlnnprs Yestprdav ! liin i inn LONDON; Jan 21: CP) In re-, a very successful bridge and played third round English Cup whist party and dance was held football games yesterday Accrlng- last night by the Women's Auxil-ton-Stanley . defeated, Blackburn: iary to the Canadian Legion in. the. Rovers, three to one, Luton Town Legion rooms which was much"-defeated Blackpool 2 to 1, York; more comfortable as a result of. new heating arrangements. . There were 25 tables, of cards and the prize winners were:' Bridge Ladles' first, Mrs. T. Balllnger; second, Sam Hou'gah; third. Mrs. W. J. Davies; men's first, J. D. McLeod second; ir. Love; third, Theo Fortune; hidden prize, Mrs. T. Balllnger. Whist Ladies' first, Mrs. William Ranee; second, Mrs. Gowlaryl; third, Mrs. A. Frebourg; men'Svfirst, O. Grosvenor; second, William Ranee;, third, J. W. Collier; hidden prize, G. Murray. R. Anderson was the winner of the door prize and Robert Gordon won in the raffle of a cushion. 1 After cards delightful, refreshments were served, and dancing followed with music by Mrs. J. S. Black's Orchestra. Mrs. Jack Preece was general convener of the committee in charge, of the affair. Other mem W. Davies, Miss E; Gandy and Mrs. M. Rayner Former Notre Dame Football Star Was In City Yesterday Mr. and Mrs. J. Mullen arrived waG ,n the chair. in the city on the Prince Rupert : Mr. and Mrs. Bartley McCrea, before proceeding to Brooklyn. Mr. Mullen is a mining engineer. Ai few years ago he was a star foot- j ball player with Notre Dame Unl- j verslty at South - Bend, Indiana,! during the regime of the late Knut Rockne. SMITHERS FARMER ILL i SMOTHERS, Jan-. 21: A. E. New- ens, the well known farmer near Smithers, Is at present a' patient Is quite ill. Mr. Newens has always been very active in agricul tural work; In this district and was' for many years secretary of the Farmers' Institute' for this district.. His many friends hope he will 'ave a speedy: recovery. Basketball Metlakatla (Alaska) vs. Prince Rupert Also Intermediate and Girls' Games at Moose Hall Friday and Saturday 7:30 P.M. Tickets on Sale at Grotto ADMISSION Adults, 50c; Children, 25c SSjifc THE FOOD WITH THE FAMILY APPEAL bers of. the committee were Mrs. R. i Thfi flrst of ft .-- of lectl(rM T .Anderson Mrs. W. Nesbitt. Mrs. on the principks of accomplish- ments of co-op-eration was given by Rev. C. D. Clarke, pastor of ' First United. Church, last night in the Deep Sea Fishermen's Union; Hall.. There were about one hundred present and much Interest was displayed. George Anderson! yesterday from Vancouver and , Mrs D. D. Munro will' arrive In' proceeded by the evening train to the city fram Terracd on tonight's Topley where they will pay a brief , train! and will sail on the steamer visit with Mrs. Mullen's parents. I Prince Rupert for Vancouver. - Shredded Wheat has it ... . TRAPPERS! Attention! Don't sell your furs until you sec Frank Lockwooi P. O. Hox 200 The Central Hotel ROOMS and CAI'K I'honc 51 For Best Household Coal MRS. C. E. BLACK If ou LI njoy )t! This advcrtisemenl is not published br displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia, MUR iMURESCOl Musesco's popularity rests on Its soft beautiful finish,. Its economy, its sanitary qualities, and Its ease of application. Ideal for wall and celling 75c package 40e package MURESCO puts feSlOLQpW urn. Walls and Ceilings A RICH FLAT, FINISH that will not rub off, crack ,chip or pee 18 Tints nd White & GORDON'S HARDWARE Phone 311 McBride St. tMrirvTii Awl DISTILLED AND BQ1TLCP IN BOND UNDER CANADIAN GOVERNMENT SUPERVISinw. ' This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Govern-. ment of nrltlsh Columbia, oven-crisp, golden-brown THE biscuits appeal to every taste. Shredded Wheat contains the vitalizing elements, of Nature's perfect cereal grain, whole wheat,.ln a' most delicious and easily digestible forrn., Serve' it hot or cold, with milk or cream . . a they like It, THE CANADIAN SHREDDED WHEAT COMPANY LTD. Niaiara'FalU - Cinadi SHREDDED WHEAT MADE IN CANADA - OF CANADIAN WHEAT Co-operation Is Subject of Talk 6md 5 rp iaxi And Messenger Service Stand: Empress Hotel 15111 Stuart AI French John Saunders SPECIAL PRICK On Custom Tailor-Made SUITS $38.30 Reduced to $30 From Jan. 12 to Feb. 12 This Is lowest price ever . charged for these suits M. T. LEE Third Avenue Next to M. M. Stephens TRAPPERS and DEALERS I have a large order for mink, marten and all varieties of fur U'e (Suarantrc TH'ENTV I'EUCKNT MOKE than you can get anywhere else . No. 1 Marten $C0 Mink, Ulterior $23 Mink, coast $12 to $10 We arc In the market for everything Ship yolir goods now. We can-not tell how long these prices will last. We wire you your money GO L I) n LOOM THE OLD RELIABLE I j Hyde Transfer Phone 580 i , DRY WOOD JASPER COAL Furniture Moving Light Delivery 315 SECOND AVE.