EASTER FOOTWEAR We have just received the largest range of Ladies' Fine Shoes in the very latest designs , and styles. Priced to suit every purse. Ne Shipment of HARTTS and FOOT PRESERVER Shoes for. men Your Inspection is cordially invited Family shoe store ltD. The Home of Good Shoes tf EDITORIAL The Resurrection People who refuse to believe in the resurrection are not gardeners. The gardener sees the plants grow, come to bloom, die down, hide beneath the snow in winter and in the spring shoot forth again and again come to flower. Other plants which seem to die in the fall, leave seeds which spring to life with the coming of the warm weather. Easter celebrates the ancient Goddess of Spring, the deity that had special care of the resurrection of the plants in the gardens and fields. This resurrection was symbolical of the resurrection of Jesus, the Christ, which Christians celebrate tomorrow. WELL KNOWN COUPLE T. W. Hall, inspector of schools, sailed. Thursday night on the Prince George for Vancouver to attend the convention of the Rri-tish Columbia Teachers' Federation. He will also pay a visit to Victoria. WED' AT SIMPSON An interesting wedding took, place at 7:30 Thursday evening at' PORT SIMPSON, March 27:. the deanery, Very Rev. James B. Port Simpson Athletic Club Ser Gibson, dean of St. Andrew's Ang-jior and Intermediate basketball lican Cathedral, officiating, when teams scored victories over vis't Miss Dorothy (Dolly) Dungate, se-jing squads from Metlakatla hen cond daughter of George Dungate this week. The home team, com and the late Mrs. Dungate, became pletely out-classed the visitors in the bride of Frederick Lawrence the senior game 42 to 8 but tin Wesch, eldest son of the late P. w. intermediate match was verj Wesch and Mrs. Wesch. It was. a'closely contested, ending in c quiet ceremony in the presence df "cre of 27 to 20. Roth were clear, a few relatives and friends. Mrs.fJroe''- Fred Dingwell was matron of honor I 0r their arrival and durinf and Fred Cameron was grooms- (their stay in Port Simpson, tht man. The bride was given in mar-Petlakat,a payers were guesls of riage by her father. !tne ,ocaI club and its captain Later there e was a reception atUavid Musgrave. the home of Mr. and Mrs.' Fredf The individual results were a Dingwell following which thefnws: happy couple sailed for Seattle and Senior Game elsewhere In the south for a honey-, . "lakatla A. Prevost, 3; J. moon trip. On their return here Atuck,and- 2 ,D- Prevost. 3; H they will reside on Summit Avenue. , T ; Lei,fhton F- Leask; Both bride and groom are well! I, 8-known and DODular and will have!-. 1 .S'PRon G. Wesley, 14; hearty congratulations of many friends. T McKay: 20: It. M.itlW. George White, 2; C. Ross, 2; total. 42. Intermediate Game Mellakatla II. Leask; A Leighton, 4; F. Robinson; nob Nelson; D. Leighton, 7; II. Leigh-ton, C; R. Robinson, 3; total, 20. Port Simpson S. Spencer, 10: l. Jichay, 4; J. Wesley, 2; W Cooper. 11: K. Scott! I. Pnl iiuuci. swraiu ncaieaif., uennts; total, 27 rooms. Hyder, B.Cn near the Stew-) Rob Hughes r e f e r e e d thr; art dock. (tf) i games "Hett'i tht best 'he-man' tmok lltei, "RIgM! A cigQiefla without any fancy frills a Swttt Copl" SWEET, CAPORAL CIGARETTES Tht fmthl farm in whith tobacco cairbt nnoktd"janctt III CHANGE OF ous PROGRAMS Double Rills to be F.are;ely Eliminated at Capitol Theatre Start-. fni; Xext .Month Comiwiwlng next month, tlU-re. The April bookings, announced as follows, show an exceptionally strong list of attractions: March 31-ApriI 1 Georpre Ar-Ifss in "Man of Affairs." April 2 and 3 Shirley Temple in "Dimples." April 5 and 0 Orace Moore in "When You're in Love." April 7 and 8 .Joel McCrea, Francis Farmer and Edward Ar- nold in "Come and Oct It.'.' April 9 and 10 Joan Crawford, William Powell and Robert Montgomery in "The I-ast of Mrs Cheney." April 12 and IS Cladys George and Arline Judge in "Valiant i the Word for Carrie" and Hosccc Karns in "Clarence." April 14 and 15 Rotary Club stage show "II. M. S. Pinafore." April 1C and 17 Freddie Bar tholomew. Ian Hunter and Jackit Cooper in "The Devil is a Sissy." April 19 and 20 Rosalind Rus sel and John Holes in "Craitr's Wife" and Jean Arthur and Joel McCrea in "Adventure in Manhattan." April 21 and 22 Dionne Quin tuplets and Jean Herscholt in "Reunion." April 2 and 21 Errol Flynr. and:. Anita Louise in "Oreen Light." April 2C and 27 Janet Gaynor Loretta Young, Simon Simone anj Constance Rennetl in "Ladies in Love" and the Jones Family In 'Rack to Nature." COMMERCIAL BOWLS PLAY Mc.Meckin's and Rioligical Station Winners of Thursday Night's Fixtures McMeekin's defeated Rallinger's three games ton il and Biological Station won over Gyro Cub two gmes to .one in the Commercial Rowling League Thursday night High average scorer was Vic Houston of McMeekin's with 168 Individual scoring was as follows: McMEEKIN'S 1st 2nd 3rd Menzies 135 150 134 Armstrong 130 154 140 Houston 146. 180 178 McMeekin 124 129 PI MfUiOd 141 123 218 Handicap .....58 58 ,8 Total ,.734 800 819 RALLINGER'S 1st 2nd Hutter 138 1G0 Smith .141 127 Hijou 87 117 West 125 121 Kiishedc 105 100 Handicap .'. 23 23 Total GCRO CLUR lat 2nd Hajagno 140 151 Rulger 171 131 Large 101 127 Morris Ul 101 Koaf 153 135 Handicap 13 13 Total 785 718 ' BIO. STATION 1st 2nd Cade 134 100 Carter 13,7 139 I'ugsley 150 127 Stamford 99 132 Sunderland. 1.43, 120 Handicap 128 128 3rd 100 141 143 210 132 23 .07Q 0-18 800 3rd 159 100 153 178 138 13 807 3rd U8 81 lr 147 117 123 Total 791 812 799 The league standing: W. L. p. Rupert Motor 11 7 11 Rallinger's 10-11 10 Rupert Butchers 10 8 10 McMeekin's 9 G Rioligical Station .... 8 10 Gyro Club 0 0 THE DAILY NEWS i ! LOCALS WIN HOOP TITLE I BY DOWNING PAFEli TOWN tContinuea worn Ms ! was clopp with Rupert bavin? slight hi points. TliVii th locals started ftoting and n heir lead to 2tVll at the re- period. The second imtf ras fsf will he a change 0r I'Wam. . nfMn .'aMi3(Uyi.ig policy at the Capitol Theatre rrerr ' niWfll. ,,,. in,i,iir., .. ir it is announced by Manager I). (J.! desperately t,v catch up tint! Borland, whereby single hi"? w the local were, plaving champion j predominate. This policy W.lsh, b;, dnA nevcr (H(, ,lHr p. bring back tht, straight two hour lls t.om? wUhill tveve! show cqnsistpig of one feature ;nojnts picture and variety short sub- Tk. i.i jecis. uounie iiipins t iraiure, ,jja(jon nowever, win not ie "one away with entirely as they still to sonie. Two or three rioiil "II 1 1 , F 1.1 .ihqvfPft nice cm nP,Plih'. an "on" night with' all th?1 le ' "I !-- in plrtytitf? form and every- PMWraii mm. inwiw, K,dy 8aring a few baskets in the n.n ear,, mono. ne orvr . , ij(t A,ex Wa, f po cy, Managare IkrIandl.evesiI(H,al , amI, .nu,e weru nut. will materially slrenpthe-n the e- gtand,nr for thc vsilorR Thp f(r. tertainment value of all programs m11. ..... and give satisfaction to the vari- ,,... il5. ' it, preferences. fw Ocean Vaiu r:.-il.-.ml..r o. slmrunn .1 Hiiua 10 Raker, 1; Walters, 11; 2; total, 35. Prince Riiicrl Smith, 2; MaePliee, Mclx-au; Williams,, Johnson ( 1; LindsJty. ; 9; Ratchford, 1ft; Amey; Mbrgan i 0; Sliles, 10; Stalker. 5; toUtl J 52: i Intermediate League Although defeated by a 25 to 18 score by the Moose, the Scy-' thians took the intermediate thampionship as they had pr- ; viously won the opening icame of . the paly-off series by 10 points, thu takinir tho round T-A In .11 ' The game was somewhat ruu ?eil in the first half which was -lose throughout, with both teams .hecking hard. The score was 9-Gi for the Scythians at the breather j The second half saw the Moo?, ilaying smoothly and soon pull-j ing ahead while the Scythianij were losing control of the game. Uusoy and Iiar were playing a line game for Ihe Antlered Herd, who came within four points of hold their opponents down and were lucky to -come through with i couple of baskets in the dying moments of Ihe gitme to cinch thc cup. Moose Greor, fi; Cromp; Uusoy, 9; Hale, 4; Holkestad; Kby; Lear, G; total, 25. Scythians Reynon, (1; Houston, 2; Montesano, 2; Gillis; Mur-ray, 1; Currie; Campbell, 2; Le-tourneau, 5; total, 18. Ladies' League Annette's won the second half of the Indies' League Thursday night when they defeated the High School quintetle by a single point 1G to 15. The game w'as as thrilling 3 it was close when the Mannequins came from behind in the last few minute to squeeze through with ;i win after the Students hat! run Annette's Wilson.G; E. Dick ens; v. Dickens, 4; Morris. 3: P, Dickens, 2; Ratchford, 1; total, 1.0. High School Ellison, 2; McLeod, 9; Davis; Rlaine, 4"; Arney; Robertson; total, 15. Referees Comadina and Skinner. Scorer Joe Antonelli. Reporter Mike Montesano, IS THE NITKKMK f'OL'KT OP llltlTISH C'OU'MIHA IV I'ROIHTF. In III Matter of the "AflmlnMrallon Act" And In tlic Matter of the r:.Hr of l;mlrl Slrgailj, Drrraseil ism naiire uiat by ordn of hlt 'lU1"1, Jung i-lMwr Utj Ui lotn rUy of March 1937. I appointed Admin 1st ra. tor of the EnUa.lt- of Danll megavjg, rcwd, UAe of Port Edwari, .- .in mi jjoruefl naving cialmn agabvrt the said EnUto ore hereby re. quired to firrnWi munc, properly verlftca to m on or betar ihe .int.h Aprtl 1937 and all parties Indebted to " mwh are requtred to pay the r"""" "l lnT indeDiedne to me NORMAN A. WATT. Official Administrator , Prince Rupert, B.C Iml the 11th day of March 1937, IX TIIK M'PKI'.MR COfKT OF MUTISM COLI'.MiilA IX I'HOIitTI- ln the Matter of the Kttar of Pierre Olalrnla. I)ea.eil Nutlre to CreilltoM aud llrbtors . Taice nonce tlmt Le.ters Probate dated the 4th day of January, 1937 I appointed sole executor of the e tate of Pierre OUlaolo, tleceaewd, late of Prlnc Ruperl, Brttuu Columbia, and aU parties having claims against the "aid ewtate are herohv miulrnl ' In fur. nhh the same properly verified to wk! on or before the 30th of April 1937, rd, all parties Indebted to the said estate - ale required to pay the amount of' thr -IlKtebtednen to me forthwith, 8 iuea ine um day of MaXch, 1937 rt niBO COLMRT, Prlnoe Rupert, B. C, A Dental Nurse says "WRIGLEY'S GUM IS CERTAINLY A MARVELLOUS AID TO MASTICATION. IN OUR WORK, WE RECOMMEND THE USE OF WRIGUEY'S TO OUR DENTAL PATIENTS NATURE SAYS CHEW! Modern soft foodi do not provide enough chewing eierclse ... Dentists, doctors, and nurses throughout Canada recommend Wrlftley's gum as an excellent way to exercise teeth and gums. Its regular use, especially by children, helps keep teeth strong and white. Paintinf it, Rnrat watrr colour, 64 Unit, and brush, In contrnlrnt metal container .for wrapper '-7 save: this for reference, no catalogue printed Slngla tKk wrapper nt acceptable PRL.MIKR IS OPTIMISTIC (Continued irom rae 1: lieved the young folks would derive much benefit from this. j The Premier mentioned that before leaving the south he had given he chamnionshin' when thev led' instructions to proceed at once with' at 23 to 11 with 10 minutes to go. the establishment of an ore samp- , The Scythians fought hard to' 1U1S piant in prince Rupert. The delay in getting started was that they had to secure Information be-, fore going ahead. Representations had been made from this city and from Stewart against the estab-j lishlng of this plant but the gov-j ernmerit felt tt was a move in the right direction and they were go-' ing ahead with it. j . Unemployment Concluding, the speaker men-' ' tioned that the many public works would diminish unemployment almost to a point where the unem-' ployed were only the unemploy-f able. The attitude of the public In this matter of unemployment had changed of late years and he was In full accord with it. No longer were the unemployable expected to rustle for themselves or be a charge on their friends or relatives. It was recognized that it up a lead of 12 to 7 in the fintiwas thc duty of ihe state to look half. Wilson, and Pebbles Dickens after thr;e neonle were doing Ihe damage for tr Winners while McLeod took most of the honors for the 7th Avenue girls . aBBBBBBBBBK ''cMaaaaBBal HUDS0NS BAY DEMERARA RUM This advertLiement is not published or dL.pJayrrt by thn Liquor Control Hoard, or by the Government 0f nrtttih Columbia, Micra-lilt pocktt flath-light, 1 Inch Unttth, kolltl hrati nlck.platcd rnamrl-tinUh lot 14 wrapper Satmday Mu: 2" SAVE WRIGLEY'S OUTSIDE 5r PACKAGE WRAPPERS FOR VALUABLE GIFTS Wfipptrt If m Iprmlnt, Dtibl Mint. Juicy Fruit, f tptin. Soett turtl iwd P.K.(ExhP.K.rppf wrthnl wfppf.) Ttl-Tru Thtrmomtter. mart wall or manlrl model, clock -like appearance. ... lor 22 wrapper Crnation Unitnjxh Flag, ill 47 Inches, with ftrommet, colourfaat madt In EnilUnd for I7S wrapper Mall reuuired wrapper for gift, a Ion 4 with your nam and adders to Wm. Vfrlgley Jr. C. Limited, Carlaw Arenue, Teronts, hrfore July I, 1J7, LOOK FOR THIS SHIELD TMi symbol ol quality Is ffied to every product ot the B. C Distillery Co., Ltd. ... a suinnite trd i tiltjusrd , . . muring you of the uniformity thjt hat muted theic liquors for thirty-two. yecn. WARNING: re lirmk lite Imltlc trlirii riiiv Thl BRITISH COLUMBIA DISTILLERY ' COMPANY LIMITED IV, M.Mimri,i n.,1 kNili4 or dtt,Uyel Ly the Liu. C'onliol UustJ or fcy 0 OoMrnnent ol brimh Columbia. tavsmanmuiriK! 3 H ii i i vxwtw ij it1"; j mm nii.cnc n b " For Your Garden Wc carry a complete stock of Kardcninff supplies Seeds - Garden Tools - Garden Hose - Lawn Mowers Watering Cans - Fertilizers - Garden Fencinjr Feed Everything You Grow svtdi (his complete, balanced diet uasvaAJUMxlteaviCUiaBI Wlwololtsf LHJBt. ail 1 1 bb i:ii.-a:iiis d -1 -v .1 -1 r.1 -j sbbbbbMbbbbb BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBUIm mHSBfllHlHHLBVBSBaBBBBBBSSB J .... . i Fertilizers ViRoro, per lb. Hone Mealf per lb. (Chea))cr in larse qnanf'f GAHDI'iN UMK 75c per r0-lb. sack GORDON'S HARDWARE .Phone 311 Mcliridc St. BT77taaBBBifBBBaaaBsaBBaBBBBaBBBBMaaai This advertisement U not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Hoard or by the Government of Urltlsh Columbia, 1 1 I u m i