or an Early Morning feadacie-Do this SECONDS H'l 5PIR1N r 1 it i 1 BY STOP hi your WATCH -i Tnbtet Starts r I m and Go i'" 1 . ulna i..irlrf i to Vork irtl IL 111" I. U m"1' -.. il few ui- Hie fOIIKJCH ... uuLp iii) with' a headache, '"ASPIRIN" tablets arc ready to do tlm: Try two riuick-actinR, i . .ilvini? "ASsrlltlN tai- ith a little water. iuKe uiem moment you get up before jH ,lrf :siiu!. nine cliawrs " 11 j"" " -' f inmiiiK. You'll meet the lay i clear lieatl nisleatl ul suller- nr Itnlirt. lpiriii" provides this quick (Uaiisc il w rateil unions tho lr,t iiu-UkkU for relief science jrl ili.ieuvmil. Ami Umiiisc Demand and Get ASPIRIN start working almost the instant you take them. (Note illustration.) So, next early morning headache you have, try thii way. "Aspirin tablets are made in Canada. ''Aspirin" is the registered trade-mark of Ihc Rayer Coniiwny, Limited, of Wind-tor, Ontario, liok for the name Kayer in the form of a cross on every tablet. TRACI-MABK RIO. ay it with Landy FOR EASTER 4in n fill nif r k rtirmi w-i w t At XII A IV llllllllf ' 14 I I XI liV u. Dunn vni'iiuivi ijiuovii Montreal London Toronto .W - , .. . . . SAPP HAMBLIN METCALFE Vancouver Kitchener complete line of fresh chocolates at popular prices 1 Rnorinl - - i FOR THE LADIES nai wonderful r rairranco 1 ardiey 01 honuon ... i i in - t nt 1 . regular box ot ttncrnsh Lavender boap ana a gen- us trial size of Yaniley Hath Dusting rowuer with puff for the price of the soap only. Per box - $1.00 Ormes Ltd. "Dim Pioneer Druqgists Tht Itexall Store Phones: 81 & 82 Open Dally From 8 a.m. till JO p.m. Sundays and Holidays From 12 noon till 2 p.m., 7 p.m. (Ill 9 p.m. SOUTH TO VANCOUVER Callinjj. at Ocean Falls and Powell Kivcr Steamer leaves PRINCE RUPERT every Thursday, 10:30 p.m. Canadian National Steamships V-12-37 UNION STEAMSHIPS LTD. Bteamo D,fATALA EVEKY TUESDAY, 1:30 I'M w Vancouver, Thursday p.m. .8. rAiim... . u Vaasouver, Monday am. R convenient t-L. at office. AUrlier..!nformatlon regarding reservations and tickets from iM'.WMAM i.i .. . . . aw I'hnne r iincr uuiirri icrni, jimu - LOCAL NEWS NOTES Unemployed meetiriR C. I.. 0. 1. i Hall; Strhdny, 8 p.m. (72) Frazcr Hotel, the only steam heated hotel In Portland Canal, situated at Hyder, n.C. (tl) Oliff R.irtlett icUirncd to llif cit on th Princess Louise ye-terday afternoon from a trip to i Vancouver, ! Mr. and M,, j; Arthur Smith, 'who have been on a trip soutl , ! returned to the city on the Prin cess Louise yesterday aftetnoor. IL H. Griffin, Smithers barrii- ter, who Has been on a two weeks 'business t rip to Vancouver, ar-j rived in the city on the Carderia last eveninK on his way back to the interior. Mrs. W. It. McAfee and child ren, who have been visiting 'n IVaiu-ouver, returned' to the city !on the Princess Ijuise yesterday lafternoon. Rev. Nelson Harkness, secret :iry of the Rritish and Foreign Society, is paying a visit tc the city, having arrived on the (Princess Louise yesterday after noon from Vancouver. Stop at the Frazer Hotel when visiting Stewart or Hyder. The only steam heated hotel In Portland Canal district. (tf) Mrs. K Day sailed Thursday night on the Prince George for Vancouver where her marriage twill lake place to George Arnott, ) formerly of this city. They will : reside at Copper Mountain. James R. Wilson, teacher of Usk nublic school, arrived In the city on Thursday night's train and sailed on the Prince George to attend the teacher s convention at Vancouver. 7. E, F. Scott, who has been transferred from here to Stewart in the service of the Rank of Mont real, will sail tomorrow evening on the Calala for his new post He takes the place at Stewart o Thomas Melville who Is being transferred south. Capitol Theatre Monday and Tuesday, Dance Revue by Mrs. Nona Hodgson and her pupil featuring military and musical comedy tap and acrobatic dancing Special novelty number "The Spire and Miss Moffett." Showing once nightly only at 9:05. Announcements Queen Mary Daffodil Tea, Mrs 'arkin's, March 29. Cathedral Spring Sale, April 1. Junior Chamber Dance, Friday April 2. Dancing display, Oddfellows' Hall, April 2. Recreation Centre final display- Exhibition Building, April 3. Eastern Star Coronation Bridge, April 0, Oddfellows Hall: Baptist tea, sale of aprons, April Presbyterian Choir Concert, Ap ril 7. University extension lectures, April 7, 8 and 9, City Hall Dean Flnlayson. United Church tea, Annette Fa shion Show, April 8. Circus First United Church, Ap ril 9-10. April 10, A. Y. P. A. Tea, Hall. H. M. S. Pinafore; April 14, Ap rll 15, Capitol Theatre.' 22 C. N. R. A, annual dance, Moose Hall, April 16. Presbyterian Spring Sale, April St. Peter's Sale, May 6. Gyro Club Coronation Dance. Moose Hall, May 12. Recital, Miss Way and Miss OlafsonY students, May 18. Cash for old gold. Bulger's (tf) Junior Chamber d:tnce, Friday.; April 2. 9 ::(), Moose Hall. (,72,75,70 1 TVinlght's train, diie from the1 east at 10:20, was reported this I morning to be on tlnie, I Oeorgu Kali3 sailed Thursday night on tho Prince (leorge fftr Vancouver. MJsh Sylvia Harradirie sailed! Thursday night on the Prince George for Vancouver. William S c h r i a b e r g sailed Thursday night on tho Prince George for a trip to Vancouver. Miss Eleanor Moxlej' left on last evening's train for Smithers to spend the Easter holiday sea- son. Special! Until April 10. Illank-ets, single 40c, double 0c. Floor niop.s 25c. Pioneer and Canadian La u n dry s. (72) Charles Graham, inspector of mines, will sail on the Princess Norah tomorrow morning for a trip to Atlin on official business. Premier T. I). Pattullo and his secretary, Ben Hethey, following! their brief visit to the city, sailed) last night by the Prince George on their return to Victoria. Fur- her delegations were received by the Premier Thursday including representatives of fishermen, un employed, teachers and hospital board. Story Hour Season Over Final Program This Morning Prov ed Very Interesting This morning's story hpur terminated the schedule for the sea son. Request stories were ,tjae f ea ture of the program and delighted a large audience. Mrs. F. E. Robertson pleased with "LitUe Red Riding Hood." Dr. J. T. Mandy aroused laughter with "Little Black Sambo" and "The Three Pigs" and Mrs. Mandy related the popular tale of "The Three Bears." Dorothy Ker-gln kindly loaned the record, "Peter Rabbit Plays a Joke," which was played and greatly appreciated. Attendance prizes were awarded to Claire Arscneau and Alfred HIR. Next fall the story hour for children will be continued. St. Paul's Ladies Hold Easter Tea Suct-ussful Affair Held Wednesday Afternoon Followed Hy Meeting in Evening Under the auspices of the Ladies' Aid of St. Paul's Lutheran Church a very successful Easier tea was held Wednesday after-i noon In the church. Mrs. L. C. Jensen, wife of the nastor. rft?J - . . vt,... ceived many guests who called during the afternoon. The committee in charge of the tea consisted, of Mrs, Martin Skog. Mrs. Julius Johnson. Mrs. j. Wick and Mrs. Hans Under- dahl assisted by Mrs Chris Jen sen and Mrs. Jack Ivarson. i The raffles resulted lri Missi Toots Johnson winnipg a teaj Hum tiuii .'iirt, uviiii ivuir-wii, tl cushion. ! Cashier was Mrs. John Ivarson. There was a mee inc In the evening with Mrs. Chris Jensen and Mrs. Jack Ivarson as hostes ses. The musical program Includ ed vocal solos by Rev, L. C. Jensen, readings by Mrs. Johnson, piano solos by Mrs. H. O, John-sen and recitations by Miss Kelda Halo. NESTLE'S Evaporated Milk is splendid in' tea or coffee and gives cream soups, sauces, and desserts added flavour and appetizing creamy richness. HOTEL ARRIVALS Prince Rupert George Kerr, Norman Boyd and W. B. Wetmore, Vancouver; O. Woodall, C.N.R.; H. Stoiliri and A. Wennberg, New Westminster; J. R. McWllliams, Dlgby. F. O. Cole, who has been on a trip- to Vancouver and elsewhere in the south, returned to the city on the Princess Louise yesterday afternoon. ' LASSIFIED FOR SALE FOR 'SALE Large English baby buggy. Phone Red 514. (tf) FOR SALE Modern hotel at Hy der, B.C., steam heat, excellent location, licensed premises. Will be sold at a bargain. Apply Fra zer Hotel, Hyder, B.C. (tf ) COAL Nanalmo-Welllngton fox furnace and heater. Alberta Egg- sootlese, for the kitchen range Albert & McCaffery, Phone 116 or in: (t FURNITURE Factory samples must go this week. Guaranteed 10-plece Chesterfield groups $69.50; 10-plece loose pillow arm groups $72.50; 10-plece bedroom suites (round mirrors) $74.50. Furnish your home complete three rooms, 59 pieces all for $165. Many other bargains. Terms .if you wish. Order today. Julius Shore Mall Order House, 8th floor Beklns Building. Vancouver, (tf ) LOST LOST Purse containing large sum of money on Third Ave. Finder please return Dally News. Reward. (73) MALE HELP WANTED GOVERNMENT Jobs How to get them. Be ready for spring appointments. Free Booklet. The M. C. C. Civil Service Schools, Winnipeg, (tf) BOARD AND ROOM ROOMS AND BOARD Modern ten room house, steam heated, shower bath, centrally located. Phone 543. (tf) PERSONAL PRIVATE Home Kindergartens pay. We start you; The Canadian Kin dergarten Institute, Winnipeg. (tf) GENTLEMEN'S Sanitary Supplies, highest grade 15 for $1. Pacific Supply, 751 Granville, Vancouver. MEN Get vigor at once. New Os-trex Tonlo Tablets contain raw oyster lnvlgprators and other i stimulants. One dose peps up. organs, glands. If not delighted, taker refunds few cents paid wall or write. Ormes Limited, tf noi:s your floor covering look drab? Have It Renewed With DOMINION LINOLEUM It's easy to keep clean. We have It In most attractive patterns. 45c $1.40 square yard to MacKENZlE'S FURNITURE 1 ""rATlD "NESTLE'S- wtirliTt largest pnductn and ttlltrs f Evaporated and Condensed Milk. ' I 'I mil NESTLES RADIATED ivPO RATED 1 mi BAPC0 FLOOR ENAMEL FOR WOOD FLOORS, LINOLEUM OR CEMENT Why tolerate unsightly, worn floors when It Is so easy to keep-them sparkling bright with Bapco Floor Enamel? Use It on wood floors, linoleum or cement. Give your floor the added finish of a "Dapl-Art" pattern and footmarks won't show. 2 pints Pints Quarts Gallons Gallons 50c 85c S1.50 $2.55 $4.85 THOMPSON HARDWARE CO. LTD. Fresh Local Raw And j The Central Hotel Pasteurized Milk K00MS and CAFE Fhone 51 VALENTIN DAIRY ! For Best Household Coal PDONE-65: MRS. C. E. BLACK. D. Elio Furniture Exchange Moves to Moose Building, Third Avenue April 1 and Sale Continued to April 10 Moving Sale Now Oir 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Another good value on BLANKETS All Wool Silycr Grey, Size 64x84 Sale Price $6.50 Silver King A splendid blanket Sale Price 87.50 ni pair Silver Tip 100 Percent Wool Blankets Sale Price $9.00 pair Point Blankets Color Scarlet and Green 1 Point, Size 72x90 Sale Price $15.75 Folding Metal Bridge Sets Sale Price $14.50 Exceptional Values Chesterfield Suite Sale Price $74.50 and $83.50 Spring Filled MATTRESS Sale Price $16.75 and $19.75 Steamer Trunks Sale Price $7.75 Printed LINOLEUM 80c s5 Hall Runners Axminstcr Sale Price 2.25 y(l Congolcum Rugs and . Linoleum Rugs D. ELIO FURNITURE EXCHANGE Prince Rupert, B.C. !! I. IS IS IS !i If i; i . ii ii i: IS ;: IX is If il I ;i i :s it ifi is J Ad I'll ah ''I MP, n rr Ft -s Ml' ilVI I?.' ?v n rt f: in ll'li !'.t ii".