PAGE FOUR WHIFFLETS From the Waterfront The sockeye glllnet average on the Skeena and Naas Rivers remains about the same at fifteen or so fish per boat, It was reported at the Dominion Fisheries office this morning. Weather conditions might be more favorable for gillnetting than they have been since the season opened. Clear, sunny weather might bring in improvement in the run, it Is thought. However, a heavy sockeye run was not anticipated this year. . Imperial Oil Co.'s small tanker Maryolite, after spending a couple of days in port, sailed yesterday for Vancouver. The troller Takla 0., Capl. S:im Olson, delivered 1100 pounds of coho salmon and 100 pounds of spring salmon and the troller Jcnney, Capt. Chris Derg, delivered 5,500 pounds of coho salmon and 400 pounds spring salmon to ,the Prince Rupert Co-operative at the advanced prices of 9c and Gc for spring and 0c for coho. King George and Queen Elizabeth Visiting Wales LONDON, July 14: -- King George VI and Queen Elizabeth left todav fnr fhpir firnt visif in ' Wales since the Coronation. They will participate in Ihe traditional ceremony of entering Carnarvon Castle. Former Premier Davie' Lloyd-George will give an address of welcome and there will ; he music hy a Welsh choir. Kingsford-Smith Plane Wreckage Believed Found RANGOON. July 14 : Wreck fge of a plane, believed tn bi 'hat of Ihe machine of Sii Charles Kingsford Smith, missing since November 19115 in the course of a flight from England t Australia, has been picked up from the shores of Ihe Bay ol Bengal. : MOTOR UNION OIL COMPANY OF CANADA, LTD. GO PHONE CO KAIEN TRANSFER .Wood, Coal, Haggage, Messenger, Kindling, Furniture Moving rrop KI2I) OILMS NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarelll. Proprltor "A IIOMI5 AWAV FROM HOME" Kates $1.00 up 50 Rooms Hot Si Cold Water Prince Kupert, B.C. Phone 281 I.0. Box 196 TODAY'S STOCKS (Courteay S. D. Johnston Co.) Vancouver B. C Nickel, ,17'a. Big Missouri, .48. Bralorne, 7.10. B. R. Con., .04 (ask). Aztec, .08.!-. Cariboo Quartz, 1.55.' Dentonia, .122. Dunwell, .02!a. Golconda, .OG'j. Mioto, .13. Fairview Amalg., .07. Noble Five, .OG. Pend Oreille, 3.55. Pioneer Gold, 3.80. Premier 2.41. Reeves McDonald, .75. Reno, .81. Relief Arlington, .10. Reward, .08. Salmon Gold, .09. Taylor Bridge, .04 VI. Hedley Amalgamated, ,05Vi. Premier Border, .02Vi. Silbak Premier, 2.15. Congress, .04. Silver Crest, .07. Home Gold, .02!-. Grandview, .19. Indian, .02. Quatsina Copper, .01! . Quesnelle Quartz, .11. Oils A. P. Con., .40. Calmont, .77. C. & 3.25. Freehold, .14 (ask). Hargal, .22. Mc Don gall Segur, .33. Merucry, ,VW. Okalta, 2.20. Pacalta, .21. Home Oil, 2.20. United, .31. Weymarn, .07. .Toronto Beattie, 1.21. Central Patricia, 2.87. Gods Lake, .59. Lee Gold, .03. Li I Hp. Long Lac, 5. 40. McKenzie Red Lake, 1.22. Pickle Crow. 5.85. Red Lake Gold Shore, .42. S.-n Antonio. 1.70. "bpTitt Gnrr'nn. ?..8. Stnptter Gold. .02'2. MfLeod Cockshutt, 2.10. OV'end. .17. ' Mher, .?(). Gilbpc. .nm. Madson Red Lake, .80. fdaconp 1.30. Frontier Red Lake, .07. F'anrnpur. . 7fi. Mnitnb- h Eastern. .0258. Moneta Porcupine, 1.70. DOLLAR IN NEW YORK NEW YORK. July 14: (CI') The Canadian dollar closed at a iiscount of 9-G4c on the . New "ork foreign exchange market yesterday. I CARBON SCRAPES REPAIRS SAVES gasoline by allowing termadvanced spark setting -without causing "ping." Saves oil. It is a safe, full bodied lubricant long after many oils are worn out. Keeps carbon below the knocking point. Saves car boa scrapes. It saves motor wear, minimizes repairs. Why? Because Triton is Propane-Solvent refined, 100 Pun Paraffin-base.100 Pur Lubricant. Next time try Triton! Mrs. McKenney's Funeral Held The funeral of the late Mrs. II. L. McKenneyy wife of Provincial Constable McKenney of Terrace whose death occurred last Fri day night in the Prince Rupert General Hospital, is taking plact this afternoon at Terrace fron the First United Church there tc Kitsumkalum Cemetery. The remains were sent from here to Terrace on Monday evening's train. There was an es cort from the chapel of the B. C Undertakers to the train consist ing of police officers and mem bers of the Masonic craft. The escort consisted of Ser geant Robert Gibson, Corp. G. H Soles, Constable Gordon Daniels. Constable Gaunt of Smithers, W D. Vance, James McGlashan, H. E. Benson and V. M. Watts. The remains were accompanied jto Terrace by the widower; a sis ter, Mrs. Milton McConnell of Hamiota, Manitoba, and E. 1. Kenney, AU L. A. for Skeena, who came in frorn Terrace to assist. With a capacity list of passengers, consisting largely of round trin tourists tn Alaska. C. N. R Steamer Prince Rupert, Capt. Neil AIcLean, arrived in port at 10:45 this morning from Vancouver, Powell River and Ocean Falls and will sail at 1 nm. fnr Dhagway and oiner northern points whence she is due back1 back here next Mondav south-! bound. 1 "TILLIE THE TOILER" THB DAILY NEWS Wednesday, July h, 1937 -II .!.., U RAILWAY MAN DIES "Shorty" Stafford, Well Known Engineer, Victim of Heart Attack SMITHERS, July 14: T. L. Stafford, well known locomotive engineer of Smithers, popularly known along the line as "Shorty" Stafford, died Tuesday evening while enroute to Smithers to cuter hospital. Air. Stafford was working on the ditcher at Woodcock on the Skeena Biver and had not been feeling well for several days al though continuing with his work. Tuesday afternoon he decided that he would have to have medical attention and he was being brought to Smithers for that purpose. The doctor was called at Hazel-ton and gave him atlention there but decided that he could not be moved to hospital at Hazel-ton. He died on the train about fifteen minutes after leaving Haz-elton for Smithers. Heart trouble was the cause of his death. Air. Stafford was well known throughout the district and had made his home in Smithers for a number of years. With Pilot Kutzer at the controls, an airplane, carrying three passengers, arrived here early yesterday aflernoon from Seattle .md, after refuelling, hopped off in continuation of a flight to Ketchikan. Gyro Club To Be Well Represented At Kelowna Meet The Prince Rupert Gyro Club was in reular monthly business session at its weekly luncheon today with Dr. H. N. Brocklesby, president, In the chair. There was an executive luncheon yesterday preparatory to today's meeting. Among the matters to be discussed was the district convention at Kelowna next week where the local club will be represented by four of Its members, taking with them the nomination of W. H. Tobey as lieutenant district governor and an invitation to hold the district convention at Prince Rupert in 1939. Conference Of All Nations Is II Duce's Hope ROAIE, July 14: Premier Benito Alussolini told George Lans-bury, British Labor leader, yesterday that he would welcome a conference of the nations on world peace, armament reduction and economic matters but the iniliative for such a cotiferecne, II Duce declared, must come from a nation other than Italy. Be wise. Bead tn want ads. Is Prepared r- i .. So Easily On The Modern ELECTRIC RANGE 1 u When the daily menu grows a bit stale when the family appetite needs pepping up try a broiled dinner, and watch how the plates come back for "more!" Perfectly cooked. All the flavor. Health-values conserved by perfectly controlled heat. Tender little sausages. Juicy, fla-vorfull pork chops. Lamb patties, bacon-wrapped, and grilled to a golden brown. Garnished with slices of broiled pineapple. Corn pudding perfectly cooked . . . Just a sample of the delights made possible by the never-failing, automatic electric range. Our low monthly terms make it easy for everyone to enjoy the benefits of electric Dad Whoops It Up! : Northern British Columbia Power Company Limited IS VIVID ROMANCE "Garden of Allah" Mid-week Fca-ture Offering on Capitol Theatre Screen The famous desert romance, "Oarden of Allah" with Marlene Dietrich and Charles Boyer in the stellar roles, comes to the screen of the Capitol Theatre as an outstanding feature for the middle of this week. Produced entirely in technicolor, the Immortal story Is heralded as a glorious feast of color and romance. Marlene Dietrich Is cast as the lovely Domini Enfllden who goes to the parish of the kindly Father Roubier In the Algerian desert to find a new life and falls madly in love with the strange, brooding, mysterious Boris Androvsky who, unknown to her is really a trappist monk who has fled from the monastery after taking the eternal vows. Boyer portrays the terrible conflict in the soul of a man who is torn between the love for a woman and his duty to Ood, The glorious but Ill-starred romance between the man and woman from widely separated worlds provides one of the most thrilling stories that has ever come to the screen. The desert backgrounds adant themselves well to color as do also the vivid bazaar and dancing girl scenes. Basil Rathbone and C. Aubrey Smith are Important members of the supporting cast. Try a Daily rcvt. want-ad. TONIGHT & THURSDAY Last Show Starts 9 p.m, SWEEP J i4L 'JROFTHE 1 fM DESERT! P j IhB Undying ft Zr love that I wozX thllllil f ! UolorJ llfTiiilHI (At 7:42 & 9:42) ADDED TREATS Hal LeRoy in "Hotel a La Swing" Crime Doesn't Pay Series "A Thrill l or Tlielma" Men's Suits Pure Wool Imported Blue Sehje COO CA Sizes 35 to 42;.. . ; . . , . y&A.O) 1 Dark Worsted gUitrf-Made from selected West of fciigland Worsteds. Grey,' brown 91 and blue. Sizes '68 to 14"...1... SUits and Topcoats May be 'Purchased on Our 15-Pav Plan if Desired i i ! Watts & Nickerson Men's & Hoys' Clothiers I,,,one 315 50G Third Ave. z r i. ma fr z m - i ittt; ? .,.-.r.z. 7" m wm m m wm m m m wm mm nunu Trans-Atlantic Pacific Transcontinental Trans-Pacific v v. . uican i nus ana nay rorts Princess Adelaide every Friday, 10 p.m To Vancouver Direct I'Hneess Alice l'rlncess Louise Princes rimrlntte X July 3rd, 14th. 24th; lot" July 7th. 17th. 28th; July 21st 31st Connection at Vancouver with Canadian Pacific Services tickets and Reservations from w W. i L. r,uTi-B COATLS, fiencral Agent j Prince Itupert. D.C. I ir t ... " you lose anything, advertise for it. By Westover r Wit I S W Aw TTiS ( vp c V17 1 (Hi ' J'qQ'SPr- TWOUGHT l (SOT -Tle J S IHrDAD It EOWnT I, A T;,B J