Wednesday, July 14. 1937 KNITTING COTTON IN ALL WANTED SHADES Coines in Skeins of 525 Yards Ideal F6r Making Blouses, Dresses, Rugs, Etc.. Knitting Cotton Combined with AVool Makes "Beautiful Heavy Rugs and Covers Instruction 'Given JUST ATiRlVED A Shipment of Crofter Balled Knitting Wool In a Full Range of Colors 'For -a 'Cheap Yarn This is a Wonderful Value at the 'Old Price of 10c a ball Phone 9 WALLACES Third & Pulton LOOK! BOYS & GIRLS FREE SHOWS This summer Kelly, Douglas & Co., Ltd., makers of the famous NABOB brands of good foods, want every boy and girl In British Columbia to have a real summer holiday. So they have arranged to provide free shows, unt 1 further notice, at your leading theatre every Saturdayi All pictures will be full length features with added attractions and admission will be by NABOB or RED Si WHITE coupons which mother gets In her NABOB tea, coffee and caking powaer. - EVERY SATURDAY CAPITOL THEATRE Here's all you have to do. Save three NABOB or RED & WHITE coupons and present them at the box office. They will admit you to these Saturday Free Shows. NABOB Anona Soaps As Purchased by H. M. The Queen ANONA 1937 Coronation Toilet Soap Imprinted in color which will not wash off and remains visible throughout the life of the soap. Super Patted, Triple Milled. 75C Per box of 3 cakes . ANONA Dog Series Imprinted in color. gQ( per box of 3 cakes ANONA Cat Series-Imprinted in color. Qq per bx of 3 cakes ANONA tttirsery Scries Imprinted in color. Per box of 3 cakes Produced by Disabled Ex-Service Men at Preston Hall Industries, British Legion Village NR Maidstone, Kent, England t Ormes Ltd. Vim Pioneer Drut&tst rhones! 81 82 The Kexnil Store Open Dally From '8 a.m. till 10 p.m. 12 noon till 2 'p.m., From Sundays and Holiday. 7 p.m. till 9. p.m. LOCAL NEWS Canadian lgion, U. E. monthly feting tonight. S. l.; (162) Just arrived, a complete line of "whisper" and "Mystery hose at the Mayfair. (tf) Miss Helen Kasper arrived In the city on the Catala yesterday from Stewart to p"ay a visit here with relatives. Mrs. W. Oarlick find the Misses T. and O. Dolrori sailed yesterday 'afternoon on the Catala for A. G. Rlx, district manager of the Imperial Oil Co., returned to the city on the 'Catala yesterday from a trip to Stewart on 'company bus Iness. A meeting of the executive of the Canadian Legion was held Monday night in preperation for the regular monthly general meeting lo be held tdnight. Father Anthony Meulenberg, parish priest for the Roman Catholic Church at Stewart, arrived In the city from the north on Catala yesterday for a brief visit here on ecclesiastical business. T. H. Johnson will be the speaker at the regular weekly luncheon of the Prince Rupert Rotary Club tomorrow. A charter member and past president of the local Rotary Club. Mr. Johnson Is now a mem ber of the Victoria Club. O. W. Laldler, 'former local man ager of W. H. Malkln Co. Ltd. and now sales manager for trie com- pany with headquarters In Vancouver, passed through the city on 'the Catala yesterday returning to Vancouver after a ten-day visit lo northern points Including the Queen Charlotte Islands, Stewart and Anyox as well as this city. J. C. Brady, district engineer for the provincial 'department of 'public works, returned to the city on the Catala yesterday from a trip to Stewart on official duties. He was accompanied aboard the steamer from Stewart to Alice Arm by Hugh MacDonald, road 'Superintendent for Atlln district with headquarters at Stewart. Mr, and Mrs. J. W. McAuley are leaving on this evening's train for Prince George to take up future residence following the promotion of Mr. McAuley to be divisional master mechanic of Canadian Na tional Railways. Mr. McAtfley ar-' rived from the Interior Monday afternoon 'to meet Mrs. Mcauley and accompany her to 'the Interior. A new Industry 'Is being de veloped in the Trince Rupert dl; trict. The village of Dodge Cove is now grdwing starwbernes for market and shipping them th Prince Rupert. An average of five Or six crates a day has been mar keted at one of the local Stores. Many of them are shipped in large baskets and retail at 50c a basket. Hotel Arrivals Prince Rupert E. M. Cimarron. Chicago; Mr. and Mrs. J. W. McAuley, Prince George; O. Woodall, C.N.R.; 'E. Williams, Edmonton; A! L. Cuffe, Vancouver; E. L. MacLeod, Victoria; C. E. Sal-;er, Haysport. Central N. G. Hedemark, Wrangell; Gus Peta. Edmonton; P. J. Holts, C. E. Foster and E. C. Brown, C.N.R.; Robert Wilson, Terrace; C. E. New, Vancouver; H. Enoksen, O. Nybo and Pauline Zemenitik, city.. Knox J. D. Campbell, Edmonton; Mr. and Mrs. Dunn, Edmonton; W. L. DeMary, A. Schwendjeger arid S. IL MillsOttawa; A. Evans, Blllmor; G. Wicks, city; K. Hidks, 'Queen Charlotte Islands; Hqrald Jensen, city; Gus Peta, Edmonton; Oberg Skagen, Seattle. Piano Tuning Georfe F. Taylorexpert piano tuner, will be In town for a few days. Take advantage of (his opportunity to have your piano put in A 1 shape. Inquire G5 Taxi THE DAILY. NEWB. PAOE THREJ Mrs. C. H. 'Hanklnson and fami ly left on last evening's train for Lake Kathlyn near Smithert where they will go frito residence for the summer. Walter McLean, In charge of reduction plants for the B.C. Packers, arrived In the city or, the Pririce Rupert this morning from Namu. He is on his way tc the company's "plant at Namu. City Commissioner tV. J. Aldei returned to the city on the Prince Rupert this morning from a ten day trip to Vancouver and Vic toria. WAKftlNO CANUCKS (Continued from Page One) by a unit of Frenchmen. This is an all-time record for front-line service, according to military men. Then, recently, the Lincoln bat tallon which Included the 40 Can adlans was moved back to a rest camp for three week's leave. Dur ing the rest, Canadians were with drawn from scattered fighting units in Spain and 300 were organized into the Macfcenzle-Paplneau Bat talion. A , check-up at the rest: camD showed that, as nearly as could be calculated, 17 Canadians have been killed In fighting since the beginning of the war. It was estimated too that there are 500 Canadians in Loyalist Spain. Many are in medical and transport ser vices. Now that the three-week rest period Is up the Mackenzie-Paplneau Battalion Is on the f rorit about 26 miles southeast of Madrid, protecting the hlghway'toValencla. The veterans who were there 'In February and March didn't have much fun. The earth was-bare. It rained arid 'the temperature was chilly 'or worse. They slept dh grotlnd Sheets lh 'damp dugouts. in April the countryside became greeh, anil sweet-smelling lilacs addrried rNo-Man's Land, 'when SpTlrig gave way to Stitrimer, the lilacs disappeared arid popples spread their carpets of fire over the fields. Olives grew on the bul let-Scarred trees between the op posing trenches. 'Carries 'Offer 'Diversion The Insurgents behaved Urem !elves, and the Ldyalfsi volunteers Were rfble to rig Up their fedreatidh centre and also to, strengthen fortifications: In the evenings, the Joys iplayed poker and listened to the radio. 'On rainy 'days they had ''Iridlan tangos" -with the Insurgents, affairs in which both lines blazed away i like Dervishes for an hoiir or so, ! btit ho 6ne saw anything. The volunteers on night watch frequently engaged In verbal skirmishes with the insurgent trenches. Voices ca'rry well in the quiet'of 'the riigHt, and if the Insurgents were mellowed by a good supply of cog-j tinp ami hetrnn slnolnp t.hpv ronlrl I use a summer camp on ine jarama front. But It will be plenty hot. Announcements Catholic Ladles' Tea, Mrs. sanich, July 15. Bus- is tiik si riiKME cot:iiT ok iihitish 'fOLl'MMA IN FROHATK In tlir MAHer of Hie "Administration Aft" And In tir Maltfr ot the Kstiitp of Thonns II.. ... ItMltlt 11Mfl takii! NtmCK that tov ordw of ilia Honour 'W. E. FUtver. the 7th day of Julv AD. 1B37. I appointed A3 lulnlfltrator of the esitate vi ThMnaa mtiu-a nnbb. dtxxtibea. and il parum having ctelnifl 'galnat the said wrcare are heroy required u iunun mu:i, twoperly verified, to tne on or before the 8th day of September, A.D. 1937, nrf d.11 iruuttles inauiea to uie rataio are required to pay the amount of their Uidebtrdnes to roe lurrawim, NORMAN A. WATT Official Administrator, Pr'ivce RUDert. B. O. Dated the JM day of July, AD. 1937 Today's Weather General Synopsis Pressure re mains stationary on the Coast and showers with cool westerly winds prev'ail on the lower main land extending eastward to the Okanagan and Kootenays. Prince Rupert and Queen Char lotte Islands Moderate southerly winds, mostly cloudy and moderately warm followed by show. rs. Prince Rupert Cloudy, south west wind, four miles per hour; barometer, 30.04; sea moderate. Halibut Sales Summary American 88,000 pounds, 9.Gc and 7c and 10.2c and 7c. 7c. Canadian 17,500 pounds, 9.1c and 5.5c and 9.3c and 5c. American Explorer, 35,000, Royal, 9.5c and 7c. Arrow, 30,000, Booth, 9.5c anil Zarimbo, 17,000, Atlin, 10.2c and 7c. Canadian Viking, 8,500, Cold Storage, 9.1c and '5.5c. Cu'lvic, 9,000, Pacific, 9.3c and: 5.5c. French Gov't Is Increasing Tax For More Funds: PARIS, July 14: In order to raise additional revenues, the French government contemplates the In creasing of the taxes on cigarettes and railroad fares among other things. There will be a twenty per . Cent Increase In the cost of clgar- 'ettes CUssiFlEO FOR SALE FOR SALE Speed boat, 13 knots. Seal Cove Post Office. (tf ) FOR SAL'E Westinghouse Electric range. A bargain on easy terms. D. O. Stewart. Phone Green 89. (165) FfJU 'SALE Trolling boat. 33 ft 10 h.'p. engine. Ready for fish ing. "Snap for cash. Apply Daily News. dCfr) COAL Nanalmo-WelUngton for furnace and heater. Alberta Egg-sootless, for the kitchen range. 'Albert & McCaffery. Phone 116 br 117. (tt) be heard in the government trench- J HOUSEKEEPING Rooms, Vernon es . 1 Apartments, Phone Red 421. rne Doys wouia poice ineir neaas above the sandbags and yell at the Insurgent trench some of the lusty VACANCY JULY 15 Angus Apart- Spanish expressions they had pick-' ments, front three and four room ed up. The Insurgents would stop suites. (tf) singing and yell back. It would be-. come quite a session until someone, ; Instead of shoutitig, would start; shooting a machine gun. Then,! everyone would fall back into the. trench, Out of sight. This Is the sort of thing the 300 Canadians of the Mackenzie-Pap-Ineau Battalion will find In their FOR RENT FOR RENT Seven-room house, sun room and glass protected porch, with electric range, fur nace, good garden, one of finest harbor views in city. Apply to Pullen, Dally News. (tf) FOUND new position on the Jarama front. 'F0UNDSman sum 0f money, unless Generalissimo Franco really AppIy Daiy News. (lfil; is concentrating his forces about Madrid with an eye to throwing all , his weight against the old capital's IIELP WANTED defences. If he does, It Won't be ! WANTED Capable girl to tare for baby. Ten dollars, room and board. Apply 136 9th Ave. We?t between 1 and 2:30 p.m. MALE HELP WANTED WE Have helped hundreds obtain civil Service positions as Post men, Clerks, etc. Free booklet, "How to get a government Job." M c. C. Civil Service Schools, Winnipeg. (tf) PERSONAL riRMn f.maN With some means wishes to correspond with re-t fined lady 30 to 35 years who knows something about chicken ranch. Object matrimony. No ob Jcctlon to nationality. Apply Box 17 Tin lv News. HOD) - - t CLEANING & PRESSING SPECIAL: Price reduced 25 on dry cleaning and pressing ladies' wear Pioneer-Canaaian Laun rfrles. Phones 8 and 118. (tf) ELICTS Furniture Exchange THIRD AVENUE, PRINCE TtUPEliT, KC. Used Furniture Dining Room Suites, Beds, Sprinirs. Dressers, Odd Chairs, Tables, Etc. i Used Rifles Ross 303, 32 Winchester Special, 30 U.S.A. Army, German Mauser TCifle, Single Barrel Shot Gun, 12-guage Double Barrel Used Instruments Orpheum No. 1 Tenor Banjo, Student Violin, Organ Trade Mark Bell ; Used Washing Machine Thor Electric Machine, Water Power and Hand Washing Machine Hand Sewing Machine Drop Head Singer, arid Hand Machine Singer Protexit Treated Wall Tents These tents arc guaranteed to be absolutelyvater-proof Under all weather conditions. D. EL 10 FURNITURE EXCHANGE WE BUY, WE SELL, OR EXCHANGE Phnne Green 916 Hours 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. HALIBUT The source of Sunshine Vitamins A and D Boiled tidUbiit with egg sauce is digestible, palatable, satisfying. CANADIAN FISH & COLD STORAGE CO. LTD. Prince Rupert, B.C. UNION STEAMSHIPS LTD. Steamers leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver: T.S.S. CATALA EVERY TUESDAY, !1:30 P.M. Due Vancouver, Thursday pim. T.8.S. CARDENA FRIDAY, 10:3 IMkL Due Vancouver, Monday am. If convenient please purchase tickets at office. Further Information regarding reservations and tickets from A. W. NEWMAN, Prince Rupert Ajent, Third Ave. Phone 568 The Central Hotel ROOMS and CAFE Fhone 51 For Best Household Coal MRS. C. E. BLACK Fresh Local Raw And 'Pasteurized Milk VALENTIN DAIRY FHONE 657