PAGE FOUR Have YOU a PIANO? A piano, to be kept In good condition so that it will please the musician and do justice to the student, requires the attention of a piano tuner at least twice a year. For good tuning call George C. Walker Member Piano Tuners and Technicians Association of British Columbia Phone Blue 389 212 4th St. TRAPPERS Will guarantee top market prices for Beaver and Muskrat. Other furs at value. FRANK LOCKWOOD i'hunc Blue 729 P.O. Box 200 DUNN'S Holiday Cottages A camp for an enjoyable vacation. Meals provided. Good cooking. Picnics, open air badminton, fishing and hunting. Miles of wonderful beach. Terms moderate. Apply for particulars to MRS. DUNN, Sangan Kiver, Near Massett, B. C. PIONEER CARPENTER Will examine your buildings, give estimates on all repairs and plans drawn free of charge. Phone Black 442 or drop me a card, general de livery. A. II. McPherson THE SEAL of QUALITY GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye PINK SEAL . Finest Pink Salmon Packed by the only salmon canning company with an all the year round payroll In Prince Rupert NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarelll Proprietor -A HOME AWAY FItOM HOME" Rates $1,00 up 50 Rooms Hot & Cold Water Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box 196 Hyde Transfer Phone 580 DRY WOOD JASPER COAL Furniture Moving Light Delivery 315 SECOND AVE. Bernice Palmer says WelJ the rabbit experiment hasn't turned out much of a success. For all my work and devotion, only one is still living and, like his namesake, Haile Selassie, looks most forlorn. Next time I u ll ') 1 1 1 .1 n'ltlii'it 1 1-i rrJ rf Vlov own business. Afler all, her methods are older than mine. And another thing, now that Selassie is goinjr on two weeks old and bids fair to live to maturity, what are we going to do with him? We could never enjoy eating a rabbit raised by hand on an evedronner. nor would We have the heart to sell him. II is nil very confusing. And the superiority of Mrs.' Longcars. She jut sniffs every time I look at her family (threi tinu-a th sizi of mine) as much as to say, "I know you couldn't do anything about it." After three days of heavy show ers, it has a! last cleared up but is so cold it is hard to decidi which was worse, lou see, de ceived by a week of near tropic weather, everyone removed the stoves that had been used during the winter, glad at lat Califor nia weather had come into hei own. And now look. It reminds me of old Pat Carey who used to be watchman in Ihe early days on the u. T. I. wharf. He used to ay he never did see why peonlf wanted to leave Prince Ruper for a change when thev could have more different kinds of weather riirht where thev wei e in one week, than any other cit could offer in a year. That about uims up the situation here. CHEERIO! Oakland. ERVICE 0 PECIALS At Money Saving Prices Wednesday, 2nd to Saturday, 5th First Grade Butter 89c 3 lbs Bacon-r-Good quality 26c per lb Grade A Large Eggs 26c per doz .i...,....'... Chef Sauce . 25c per bottle ,. C. B. Curried Beans with Chicken- icken Something different 25c per tin Barco Pineapple 10 slices 10c per tin Manitoba Honey 55c 5-lb. tin Peach & Pineapple Jam 50c 4 lbs. R. C. No 4 Peas ' 27c 2 tins for Liquorice All Sorts 25c per lb Milk All Brands $1.15 per doz. ; Quaker Flour 33c 6-lb. sacks Malkln's Baking Powder 23c 12-oz. tin Royal City Corn 27c 2 tins for El Rancho Corn Beef 25c 2 tins for Nabob Coffee 40c per lb Ranee and, Hardy.'s Special I Blend Blend Orange Peko Tea 55c per lb : Red Arrow Chocolate 30c Eclairs, per lb. Canadian Cheese 23c per lb i , Ranee & Hardy's For Quality Foods Prompt attention to out of town orders COAL TO PLEASE EVERYBODY Satisfaction Guaranteed FAMOUS EDSON ALBERTA COAL nULKLEV VALLEY COAL VANCOUVER ISLAND COAL PRINCE RUPERT FEED COMPANY PHONE: 58 and SSS DERBY WAS RUN TODAY Victory of Midday Sun Brings Fortune or $80,800 to New Westminster Man EPSOM DOWNS, Eng., June 2: (CP) Mrs. G. B. Miller's Midday Sun today won the 158th. running of the Derby. Mrs. F. Nagle's Sandsprite was second and the Asa Khan's Le Grand Due third. The win for Midday Sun meant a small fortune for C. J. Pineo of New Westminster who held an Irish Sweepstake ticket on that horse. He will receive $80,800 owing to the fact that be sold half interest to a New York syndicate. TODAY'S STOCKS (Courtesy 3. D. Joniuion Co,.) Vancouver 15. C. Nickel, .21. Big Missouri, .11. Uralorne, 6.75. IJ. U. Con., .01. Aztec, .08. Cariboo uartz, 1.55. Dentonia, .14. Dunwell, .03Vi. Golconda, .07. J Minto, .10y4. Fairview Alamg., .08. Noble Five, .Ooi. I'end Orielle,- 3.50. Porter Idaho, .01. Premier, 2.50. Keeves McDonald, ,7C. Heno, .84. . . ' Reward, .10. , Salmon Gold, .08. Taylor Bridge, .OGVi-Hedley Amalg., .01. Premier Border, .02' i. Congress, .05. Silver Crest, .0G. Home Gold, .02. ' Grandview, ,10. Indian, ,02Vi. Quatsino Copper, ,0334. Quesnelle Quartz, .09. Oils A. P. Con.,, .33. V ' Calmont, .01. C. & E., 2.90. ' -. Freehold, .09'2. Hargal, .18. t-MDoguall Scgur, .21.. Mercury, .33. ' Okalta. 1.60. . Pacalta. ,13. Home Oil, 1.90. United, .26! !'2. Weymarn, .1031. Toronto ' Ueattie, 1.16. Central Patricia, 3.15. Gods Lake, .53. Lee Gold, .03. Little Long Lac 5.25. McKenzie Red Lake, 1.18. Pickle Crow, 6.20. Red Lake Gold Shore, .43. San Antonio, 1.15. Sherrit Gordon, 2.50. Smelters Gold, ;03. McLeod Cockshutt, 2.10. Oklend, .12. osher, .33. (HI bee. 02 .i. Madsen Red Lake, .70. Stadacona, 1.47. Frontier Red Lake, .13. Francocur, .80. Manitoba & Eastern, ,03. Moneta Porcupine, 1.38. Dunwell, .03V4. Q Rubec, .03'2. Thompson . Cadillac, .09. Bailor, .02. Uankfield, .96. Kast Malartic. 1.10. Preston Kast Dome, 1.00. Hutchison Iikc, .18. , Dawson White, .14. McQuaig Red Lake, . lo. Rajah Red Lake, .17. Aldermac, 1.08. Kerr Addison, 2.44. Uchi Gold, .70. Martin Bird, .67. PATTULLO GOVERNMENT IS RETURNED Continued from Page 1 Gordon Sloan lo the British Columbia Court of Appeals, will hand it, over to the Vancouvei barrister. II. G. Perry, Speaker in the last Legislature, won out with a 200 majority in Fort George after early returns had nlaced him be- Ihlnd his CCF. opponent, Jolinj ' Cariboo riding returned the bearded Louis Lebourdais, known as "Tfie Cariboo historian" for his colorful portrayal In .letters of the faptly reviving gold mining country. Edward Llpsett arrived in the city bri the Prlnceltupert thU mornitag from Vancouver to. pay one of"h!8 periodical visits to his local Jiuslne'ss. , THE DAILY NEWS Wednesday, Junt 2 . : ELECTION WINNERS (Subject to Revision) Alberni-Nanalmo Liberal, Hon: George S. Pearson. Atlin Liberal, W. J. Asselstinc. Burnaby C..C. F., E. E, Winch. Cariboo Liberal, Louis Lebourdais. Chilliwack Conservative, Aid. Leslie Eyres. Columbia Liberal, Thomas King. Comox C. C. F., Colin Cameron. Cowichan-Newcastle C. C. F;, Sam Guthrie. Cranbrook Liberal, Hon. F. M. McPherson. Delta C. C. F., Leonard Sheppard. Dcwdney Conservative, Dr. Frank Patterson. Esquimalt Conservative E. V. Finland. ' Fernie Labor, Tom Uphill. Fort George Liberal, H. G. Perry. Grand Forks-Greenwood Liberal, E. C. Hennlger. The Islands Conservative, Captain Macgregor Mackintosh. Kamloops Liberal, R. II. Carson. Kaslo-Slocan Liberal, C. S. Leary. Lillooet Liberal, G M. Murray. Mackenzie Conservative, Battleman Milton Mclntyre. Nelson-Creston Conservative, A. T. Horswill. New Westminster. Liberal, Hon. A. Wells Gray. North Okanagan Liberal, Hon. K. C. MacDonald. Oniineca Liberal, M. M. Connelly. Peace River Liberal, Glen E. Braden. Prince Rupert Liberal, Hon. T. D. Pattullo. Revelstoke Liberal, Harry Johnston. Rossland-Trail Liberal, R, R. Burns. Saanich Liberal, Norman W. Whittaker. Salmon Arm Independent, R. W. Brulin. Similkameen Liberal, C. H. P. Tupper. Skeena Liberal, E. T. Kenney. South Okanagan Liberal, Captain C. R. Bull. Vancouver-Burrard Liberals, Mrs. Paul Smith and J. Howard Forrester. Vancouver-Centre Liberals, Gordon 8. Wlsmer and Alderman Fred Crone. Vancouver-East C. C. F., Harold Winch and Dr Lyle Telford. Vancouver North C. C. F., Mrs. D. G. Steeves. Vancouver-Point Grey Conservatives, R. L. Maltiand and A. J. Paton. Liberal, Hon. G. M. Weir. Victoria Conservatives, Herbert Anscomb and Aid. (Dr.) J. D. Hunter. Liberals, Hon. John Hart and W. T. Stralth. Yale Liberal. Dr J. J. Glllls WHIFFLETS From the Waterfront Three trollera from Banks Island and vicinity are in today with salmon for the Co-operative. They are: Sonja II., Capt., Olof Anderson, 750 pounds; Bothnia, Mike Happala, 1700 pounds; Nordic, Capt. Gus Normann, 1100 pounds. Nine cents and six cents was advanced. Try a Dally News classified ad Phone 18 P. O. Box' 575 MUSSALLEIVTS ECONOMY STORE Quality Groceries Low Prices Courteous Service Prompt Delivery Boat and out of town orders receive careful attention Final Count Cranbrook Hon. F. M. MacPherson (L) ....2990 Samuel Shearer (CCF) 922 llossland-Trail ;R. R. Bums (L) 1821 L. T. Nimslck (CCF) 872 'n V. Prrurp (PI 19fKl I Saanich N.'W. Whittaker (L) 2054 W. E. Pierce (Constr.) 217 T. G. Sheppard (CCF) -.1510 j Leslie F. Osborne (C) 1638 A. H. Jukes (SC) : 262 F. B. Shearme (Ind.) 33 Vancouver-Burrard (Two members) Mrs. H. D. Smith (L) 8288 J. H. Forester (L) 9600 Mrs. C. Bufton (Constr.) 352 George Pollock (Constr.) .392 A. S. Trotter (CCF) 7004 Don Maxwell (CCF) 7248 II. D. Wilson (C) '. 7083 ' C. J. White (C) C200 P. V. Paynter (SC) 2751 Mrs. E. M. Brooks (SC) 272 G. H. Broughton (Ind.) 51 Vancouver Centre (Two members) i Gordon Wlsmer (L) 5819! Fred Crone (L) 5743 1 jj. T. Burnett (Constr.) 452 A. M. Lester (Constr.) 372 Matthew. Glenday (CCF) 4533 Frank Roberts (CCF) : 4240 A. S. Johnston (C) 4455 M. G. Caple (C) . ..4624 Paul McD. Kerr (SC) 777 James King (Soc.) 206' Victoria City (Four members) Hon. John Hart (L) 6695 j Byron Johnson (L) 60101 1 W. T. Straith (L) 6103 Mrs. Nancy Hodges (L) 5594 Rev. Robt. Connell (Constr.) 2350.2 Mrs. Margaret Hall (Constr.) 659 IMF W. B. Caird (CCF) : 2176 J. J. Walker (CCF) ::...2l79 Nigel Morgan (CCF) ..: 2339 Mrs. K. A. Bell (CCF) '. 2200 Herbert Anscomb (C) 6133 J. D. Hunter (C) L..:....6318 B. A. McKelvle (C) u 6008 F. A. Willis (CI : 4788 Mrs. O. H. Knudsvtg (SC) 218 C. B. Messiter (SO 218 F. S. White (SC) 263 P. E. George (SC) 394 l..Nri ACT I'orm No. 13 FORM OP NOTICE Cnshlar jtncl DMrUt PMrlrt of AIMm TAKE NOTICE that Pwl Ackle ni Charlca Oberlander of Atltn, B. C. occupation Miners. Intend to apply fo permission to purchase th followin' described lands; Commencing at a pot located tw-mllea south of Golden Oat on Tg1h Uke. North West Corner Post. Oroun-I runs 20 chains from this post In a southern direction then 20 chains eaa then 20 chains north, then 20 cbaln west, to local post of beginning FTJED. N. ACKI.ES CHARLES OBRRLANDER. Dated Ajrll 8th. 1B37 TERRACE On election day everybody was seen in town at least once in the day. Settlers who seldom come, prospectors from distant claims, all were here. The vote was: Kenney 272, Doney 135. A ":.. .. I .. Hf,l., n,,u, plenty of excitement. All the carsj jand the crew from the sawmills' went lo put it out. There was hot! much damage. It was a smoke j house behind Mr. Wests' and some outbuildings burned with it V Diroct M SIUY $?MOtL H 7 l,o..n... La 9Qi tieul. $2.00 runrrSSE2S2S fcM Mb Hollywood ind . " ' Last Times Tonight GLADYS SWARTIIOUT in "CHAMPAGNE WALTZ" (At 7:29 & 9 44) Also NEWS and CARTOON ON' THE STAGE At 9 P.M. Only "DANCE REVUE" (Pupils of Miss E. Titc) Featuring "Swanec Kiver Tap." "Buck and Wing" & Russian gwwwwwp?floPOiMOMaooooo New Laundry Fifth Avenue and McBride Street Is now open for business. We do wet wash, family wa,:h and flnUhtd work. Phones 71( & 858 MHJ0lWlW0Q0lMOOOCHO060OCl0 MACKENZIE'S FURNITURE 12th Anniversary Sale SUITCASES, from $1.50 LADIES' AKUO PACK ... ,$7.50 LADIES' TWIN SETS S17.30 ALL STEEL SUITCASES :$G.00, $7.50, $8.30 BAGGAGE Suitable for Sea, Air or Land Travel Phone 775. Removal Genuine Reductions on Household Necessities. Use Dollars. Snapshot Albums. 20c Fancy Napkins, doz Paper Rope, 6 skeins Picture Frames, all sizes 25c, 50c & oouvenir vomers or Pr. Ilupert .. .5c Sec Our Half Price fable of Fancy Goods. Bargains For Everyone! KECOHDS Limited quantity of withdrawn Victor Records, while they last, each 25c mm irvi 1 111 i Writing Paper, pound boxes values to 80c for 50c Boxed Paper ana Envelopes 1-3 off ., 25c to $1.25 Correspondence Cards, box .......15c Gummed Initial Seals, pkg. 5c Sealing Wax, stick 5c Wax Seal and Wax 25c Silk Fringe and Braid, values to $1.00 yd. per yard 25c Silk Lamp Frames .35c & 50c 5c Bed Lamps 25c Colored Globds nunge rurses, eacn $1.00 Lead Pencils, doz. Wire Trays, each 25c Wire Baskets, extra large, 50c KADIOS WASHING MACHINES SEWING MACHINES We must have the space. Bargains and easy terms that you cant afford to miss. This is YOLK Opportunity to save money. Come in. This Sale is For This Week WAKE UP YOUR LIVER BILE- And You'll Jump Out of B.d , a. Morning Rtrin' to jo The IIt ihould pour out t. . Iquld bil. Into your S?lS? U not flowlnf freely, jour food dL.. kB It !u.t decy, lTtnrwtD,":'-your tomicii. You tet on.p,id n u ?' polioni o Into th body, and you'tL,ul unlc and tht world look punk. M aw' A mern bowel movement daMn'i .1. .t th. u. You need !SSiSSf on th liver u well. It Uken thL ."J1! Crter1. littl. Uver Pill, to &1 round, of bill flowing freel .d JT U U "up nnd up", H.rmi d .-Si'.t mk. the bile flow freely. Th-y JoTh.'. f of clomel but h.v.o lomVo?me,T, them. A.k for CirtW. Littl. Uver p?" nm I Stubbornly reluw .nythini H : Hcgiiining Thursday Night. Calls: Black 820 Sale Your Cents and Save PIS 50c lOc Pil BOOKS 10c Koa niir fn in 2.)C 10c Bargain Table of Books Stafford's Ink, bottle 5c Household Labels, pkg. 10c Decorated Crepe, fold I0c Banclocks, reg. $3.00, special Yellow Lumber Crayon, each !c 32-Color Box Paints, regular $1.50, special 50c Only