June 2, 1937 p THE DAILY" NEWB PAOE THRE1 WATTS & NICKERSON Seasonable Wear for Boys BQVS SWIM TRUNKS Made 'by Harvey-Woods nA Colors Blue ana uiats ?XUU BOYS' UNDERWEAR Lightweight Cotton 1tln 2 piece per sun, g BOYS' OVERALLS Blue Denim Q-f rn made lor low oi wear t?xVV BOYS' SIIIKTS AND ULOUSES Open-Neck Type. White or Fancy uoiurs. iviuuo uy Arrow, 85C vl 00 WATTS & NICKERSON Men's & Boys' Clothiers Phone 345 458 Third Ave. SPECIAL Introductory Offer Pint Tin "61" Quick Drying Enamel (your choice of color), reg. price . . . One Extra Fine Brush (bristles set in rubber), reg. price . . Total value f or IO Fresh Local Raw And Pasteurized Milk VALENTIN DAIRY PHONE 057 C . . .35c ...25c ...60c While They Last Only One Can and Brush to a Family Watch for the valuable coupon that will be delivered at your home We carry everything needed for your painting requirements, whether it's a whole house or just a small chair. We shall be pleased to give information. & suggeslions on any painting problem Kaien Hardware Company Telephone 3 The Central Hotel ItOOMS and CAFE Phone 51 For Best Household Coal MRS. C. E. IJLACK UNION STEAMSHIPS LTD. Steamers leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver: TJS-CATALA EVERY TUESDAY, 1:30 FJVl Due Vancouver, Thursday pjn. . CAHDENAi FRIDAY, 10:30 FJW. Due Vacsouver, Monday ajn. H convenient please purchase tickets at office, further Information regarding reservations and tickets from W, NEWMAN, Prince Rupert Agent, Third Ave. Phone 5C8 HALIBUT source of Sunshine Vitamins A and D BUed; Halibut with egg sauce is digestible, palatable, satisfying. CANADIAN FISH & COLD STORAGE CO. LTD. Prince Rupert, B.C. from went LOCAL NEWS Phelns. well known Whitehorse barrisler, and Mrs.. Phelps were passengers aboard the Princess Louise yesterday afternoon going through on a trip to Vancouver. R. M. Winslow, assistant general, maanger of I he Canadian Fish and Cold Storage Co.,. re turned to the city on the Prince Rupert this morning following a trip to Eastern Canada and the tnited States. Mrs. James Martin arrived in the vessel here while .south aboard her. Mrs. F. W. Stamp-Vincent, who has been, paying a visit here with her daughters, the Misses Helen and Violet Stamp-Vincent, sailed yesterday afternoon by the Princess Louise on her return to Vancouver. J. Mason Adams, former Smi-j thers druggist, who is now l.cn- j ted at Del Mar. California, and Mrs. Adams, after a week's visUi to Smithers, arrived in the city from the interior on last night'3 i train and will proceed south on' I .the Prince Rupert tomorrow. night. The Prince Rupert Boys' Rand, under leadership of Bandmaster! Robert Greenfield, further enliv-1 Funeral Today Of Joseph Rowat Mrs. Inadore Goldsteiniand sop, Robert, of Juneau were Rassen- i The funeral, of the lata Joseph gers aboard the Princess Louise Rowat took, place- this; afternoon yesterday afternoon bound for from the Funeral Parlors ot the B. a trip to Seattle. t C. Undertakers, Rev. Dr. Stevenson Willard L. officiating. Pallbearers were Sid Hamblin, Jack Judge, Harry Dag gett, P. H. Llnzey, J. J. Little and R. Morrison. Miss Olafson was at the organ, A large number of friends gathered to pay their last, respects. Today? s Weather (Oovermnent TlegrajhJ Victoria Calm and fair, bam meter, .",0.1 G. Estevan Clear, north wind, 1G ithe city on the Prince Rupert. miles I)er hour; baromeler, 30.22. this morning from Vancouver I Prince George Cloudy, north-where her husband recently died, west wind, 4 miles per hour; bar and will nail for her home at Mas- meter, 30.06. jsett on the Prince John Trid'yi Vancouver. Fair, northeast Inight. .wind, 4 miles per hour; baro meter, 30.14. Mrs. W. J. Currie, wife of Alert Ray Cloudy, fresh north-1 Provincial Constable Currie of west wind; barometer. 30.34; tem-! Mill Ray, left this morning on peratur.e. 52; light swell. her return to her home on the Bull Harbor Overcast,, fair raa River after a visit here with northwest wind,, miles per! Mrs. J. Connery for the past hour; barometer, 30.3G; tempera ' week. iture, 50; moderale swell. I ! Lantrarn Isl.inrl Parf plmiHv I There were 71 passengers in all northeast wind, 12 miles per aboard the steamer Princess hour; light swell. Louise which was in port yester-1 Langara Island Part cloudy, day afternoon from 3:30 to 4:15 southwest wind, 10 miles per southbound from Ska g way to Van- no"r; barometer, 30.40; tempera- couver. rive Persons d sembarked; v"re. moderate sea. three.' Dead Tree point Clear, calm ibarometer, 30.30; temperature, 47 sea smooth. ibers as "Hail, Hail, the Gang's business ' I All Here" and "They are Jolly 1 v tHnrirl F1 Intra' WPro nliivprl. nOTEL ARRIVALS savoy S. Makao, Mr. and Mrs; D. T- 1 , nt- 1 nt.. rr IT Queen Chosen For i j July First Event! Miss Astrid! Petersen, to Preside' Over Gyro, Club Celebration I The May Queen: and maids of honor, who will preside over the Gyro celebration on July 1, have been chosen and are as follows: Queen, Miss Astrid Petersen, Booth Memorial School; I Maids, of Honor jllss Eleanor jciappof Borden Street School and Miss Leona Whlffin of Annuncia tion School. James Boyd, supervisor of fish. I ened election night in i'rince.uu.'erieS( and I)avd jiyQr sailed pert by parading the downtown 'yesterday afteroon. on the Catala streets last evening. Such num ,fn jam nn fuhprlea rWii-impni Notice of Sale TAKE NOTICE that under, and by virtue of certain mortgages inJ our favor we shall offer for sale I Weather Forecast ; (Furnished xhrougi the courtesy- o X Dominion Meteorological Bureau it Victoria and Prince Rupert. Thla lore-cost la compiled from observation t ken at fi. a.m. today and. covers, tue 3 hour period ending S pm. tomorrow). General Synopsis The baro meter ib rising all along the coast whila showers have occurred, ou the norlh coast but it has been warmer in other parts- of B.C. Prince Rupert District Modej- ;ate west winds, clearing' with no the hvmn beinK "Lead KlndlV irhnniro in 1mnpratni-e Light." Interment took place In the I Qjjeen Charlotte- Islands Mod K. of P. plot at Falrview Cemetery, iate southwest winds, fair. Wet Coast of Vancouver Isl andModerate northwest winds, fair and, slightly cooler. Albert Farrow, steamboat in spector, who has been on a trip U Vhilehorw on official duties arrived1 in the city on the Prin-; cess Louise yesterday afternoon from the north and. will proceed by this evening's train to Francois Lake to make an inspection of the government ferry there after which he will go on to Vancouver via Jasper Park. ClSssiFlEO FOR SALE FOR SALE Cheap, used electric washer. A bargain. McRae Bros. (127) ! COAL Nanaimo-Wellington for ! furnace and heater. Alberta Egg-! j sootless, for the kitchen range.: j Albert & McCaffery, Phone 116 or 117. (tn ; FURNISH Your home with brand new factory samples. 66 piece three room groups $184 Ideal for the working man; extra hlgh( grade groups $232; 10-plecei Chesterfield groups $5&.50; silk tapestry Chesterfield groupsI $89.50; kitchen tables with! drawers $2.95; dressers $9.95; beds complete $13.95. Terms If desired. Here Is an opportunity of a lifetime. Act quickly. We need the space. Free storage. Write today. Julius Shore, Mall Order House, 8th Floor, Bekins Bldg., Vancouver - (tf) FOR RENT FOR RENT Modern apartment. Close In. Phone Green 698. (129) FOR SALE OR RENT FOR SALE, or RENT Modern house, 229 7thi Ave. E. Apply Apartment 2, Emad Block; (tf) MALE HELP WANTED Scott, city; Mrs. W. Walsh. Tel; r ,he th ver n r th GOVERNMENT Jobs-How to get graph I'oint. Lfternnnn afternoon nf of Saturday, R.ltlirHilv June li.no 5th Kill' Royal D. ' Agassiz,, Vancouver; C. Christ and Jonas Simonsen, city; E. W. Gross, C.N.R. I'rince Rupert, R. G. Holmes, A. Farrow, Mrs. T T llnalim,. nnH P A Mnrrol i at Three p.m. the vessel "Taplow II." The said, vessel is now at said Sunnyside Cannery Wharf where it may be' inspected. TERMS OF SALE: Cash. DATED at Prince Rupert, B.C. - UW 31at day of May, 1937. m Vancouver; Mrs. G. h Bloomfteld, British Columbia Ffshi Fort St James; C. V. Hope, Ed-' racking paPkinrr rn i,q. monton; G. Tallamy, Victoria ; S: A. Duclos, Prince George; George May, Sausalito, Cal.; Mr. ard Mrs. J. M. Adams, Del Mai, Cal. Baseball Scores YESTERDAY'S SCORES American League Detroit 3, Cleveland 4. St. Louis 0, Chicago 8. National League Brooklyn 2, New York 5. Boston-Philadelphia, postponed. C. N. R. TRAINS For the East- Mondays, Wednesdays days - Presbyterian Tea, Mrs and Fri-.... 6 p.m. From the East-Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays 10:20 p.m. Announcements Presbyterian Missionary Tea, Mrs. D. C. McRae's, June 2. Queen June 8. Mary tea, Mrs. Brass's, Frank Blatchford, examiner, violin recital, June 10, Presby. 'terian Church. R.J. D. Smith's, June 16. j Parent 'Teachers'-' Tea, OddfeU lows' Hall, June 18. mem. ae reaay ior spring appointments. Free Booklet. The M. C. C. Civil Service Schools, Winnipeg, (tf) PERSONAL GENTLEMEN'S Sanitary Supplies, highest grade 15 for $1. Pacific Supply; 751 Oranville, Vancouver. T" Thrift Cash & Carry FINE FOODS AT LOWER COST SALT 7C Pep Bran Flakes Offc I Plain, or Iodized, carton 2 for AO j with a Handy Tumbler Free! ! Royal Crown : Washing Powder fin SYRUP o Largest package 1 Rogers, 2-lb. tin J.W Royal City, Sieve 5, No. 2 tin ; . CII pTinriynT A SPAGHETTI PEAS OEp 1 flC 2 for iSDV Libby's No. L tall tin AUV Fancy IJiscuits Cream. Cheese i ffn 1 lb. Cello pkg. MO Brookfleld, H-lb. pkt. M.O' FIRST GRADE BUTTER CQo Prince George Brandt A Northern B.C. Product, 3 lbs. Otf Heinz Malt or White Double Strength, ' VINEGAR f fte ! AMMONIA. fto 16 oz. J.V' Qmrt bottle l'v- 33 oz. - . ...30c 7777-; COFFEE OQc All Varieties UtfV Thrift Blend ' Heinz Soups 9tC Ground at the moment, of lO'i-ot. tins, 3 for Mt9 Purchase SPINACH Offc TOMATOES -ilQc Fresh and Clean, 31bs.AtIv' t No. 1 Small .size, lb. JLU : Phone 179' We Deliver A complete cosmetic ensemble for every type subtly blended, to harmonize with your complexion and costume ADRENNE Once-you try this smart way to, charm, and see the, finished-perfection it gives, you will never again be satisfied with yesterday's, .antiquated, .make-up. - methods. Ask For ADRLENNE SCIENTIFICALLY HARMONIZED COSMETICS Now on Display OrmesLtd. yfifi Pioneer Drvtqcfists The Rernll Store Phones: 81 & 82 Open Daily From 8 a.m. till 10 p.m. Sundays and Holidays From 12 noon till 2 p.m, 7 p.m. till. 9 nm. D. Elio Furniture Exchange MOOSE BUILDING, THIRD AVE. Phone Green 916 PRTCE 7 DAYS REDUCTION on all Floor Covering and Chesterfield Suites USED GOODS Beds, Dining Room Suite, Chairs, Table, Refrigerators, Kitchen Ranges, 50 Feet Fire Hose, 30 Gallon Water Boiler, English Prams, Organ (good make), Gramaphones,, Records, Violin, Tenor Banjo, Books, Singer Sewing Machine. Good Set of Books the National Encyclopedia, Teacher's Encyclopedia and Book of Knowledge. TO THE HOUSEWIFE: Have you started spring cleaning? You may have furniture, crockery, utenr sils, luggage, blankets, suits, clothes, etc. you wish to. get rid, of. ELIO'S Trade-in Call Green 916 : We Buy Everything We Sell Everything CALL GREEN 91G D. ELIO FURNITURE EXCHANGE ; Moose Building,, Third Avenue, Prince Rupert, B.C. ' Hours: Daily from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. v