LADIES AND GENTLEMEN: The Spring is here again. Don't forget your SPUING SI IT and TOPCOAT for the Coronation Celebration on May 12th. 1U37. Prices are reasonable. M. T. LEE Ph. irren o M Ave, w. COAL TO PLEASE EVERYBODY Satisfaction Guaranteed FAMOUS (DSOM U IIK.KTA COAL HI I KI M VALLEY COAL VANCOI VKK ISLAM) COAL PRINCE RUPERT FEED COMPANY PIIONE: S8 and 55H NEW ROYAL HOTEL J Zarelll Proprftoi a home wvav mam HOME" Kales $1.0u up 50 Rooms Hoi Hi Cold Water Prince Rupert, B.C Phone 281 P.O. Box 19fi THE SEAL QUALITY mm GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye PINK SEAL Finest Pink Salmon Packed by the only salmon canning company with an all the year round payroll In Prince Rupert i 1 Hyde Transfer Phone 580 DRY WOOD JASPER COAL Furniture Moving Light Delivery 315 SECOND AVE. Don't forget when visiting.' Portland Canal that the Frazer Hotel is the best place to stop. (tft Synopsis of Land Act PRF tM PTION8 ACANT, unreserved. survryod Crow lands msy be pre-rmpled by British subjects over II vears of age and by on deelarlni intention to become Brituh gubjects. conditional upon residence, occupation and improvement Ml Information concerning Pre-emp-tloni , Is given In Bulletin No. 1, Land Series. "How to Pre-empt Land." copies of i which can be obtained free of eharire by addressing the Department of Lands, Victoria. BC: Bureau of Provincial Information Victoria, or any Government Agent. I Records will be granted covering only land suitable for agricultural purposes within reasonable distance of road, school and marketing facilities and which is not timbcrland. i.e. carrying over 5.000 board feet per acre est of the Coast Range and I 0OO feet per acre west of that Rangt. Applications for pre-emptions are to be addressed to the Land Comm: .'toner of the i Recording Division in which the land appiifd for is situated, on printed forms obtained from the Commissioner. Pre-emptions must be occupied for five years and Improvements made to value of tlO psf acre, including clearing and cultivating at least five acres, before a Crown Grant can be received. Pre-emptions carrying part time eondl ISossl of occupation are also granted. Pl Rdl W OR LfJlM Applications are received for pur eh ass of vacant and unreserved Crown lands, not being timberland. for agricultural BWrpsS Minimum price of first-class fir-' land is IS per acre, and second-class (gra.nngi land. 12 so per acre P-irther information is given in Bulletin N1" 10 Lsnd Series. ' Purrhase and Lease of Crown Lands " As s partial relief measure, reverted lands may be arqu red by purchase in ten equal instalments, with the first payment B-iapended for two years, provided taxes are paid when d'ie and Improvements are made during the first two years of not leas than 10" of the appraised value. Mill, factory or industrial sites wn timber land, not exceeding 40 acres, may be r Mir chafed or leased, the aonditlons in'l".d ng pavment of stum part U n su r . e y cl ar ea&. not exceeding 10 acres mav be leased as homesiles. eondi-t ions', unon a dwelling being eretod (fi the first year. title being obtained after resutSACfl and improvement conditions fert 1 ittntwl and land has been surveyed. Por grtStssJ and tndustrtal rir'.KMM M ggj 'i;ri 4 acres may aw - person or a company. Da 1st lbs Oraing Act the Provmss si divided into granng districts and the ranfS administered under grasJng rsgula-tions amended from time to time to asset c conditions. Annual (rasing psr-l are Isnsd bssed on eertsln monthly rates per head of stock Priority hi (rasing privileges ts given ss resident stock n Stock-owners may form associations for range management Free sr par (ally free permits avatlabls far aett'era, can pert ana uaveiicra, m va m IN I III si PBEMK i " Kl Of If It 1 1 IHI COM n.i In llu Li It it of (he "AdiniliM nil kH AvV A ml In tin- M:ilt-r of I hr IMiite "f M.Ur vuulul PeecMedt IntCMsttc Take notice tlwt by order of HU Hon or. W. E KIsImt. the 1st day of Marx. A D 1937. I waft appoui'ccl AdinlnlKtra tor of the estate of Mike Ssuidul. d" reused, and hII par ten having claim.-i'liut tlie id eUtte are liereby re tj wired to furiitotfi name, properly verl fed. to me on or before the 2nd dy of May. A D 1937, and all partis In dented to the estate are required t' pay the amount of thetr indebtedness to mc forthwith. NORMAN A WATT. Official Admiiitfctnitor, Prln.ce Rupert. DC Dated this 2nd duy of AprU AD 1937 IN I III Kl PRI Ml 1 III Kl 01 1.1:1 1 1-11 I Ol. I Mill A IN PRO BATS in 1 in- Mattel hi tha "AdsUaMntKM In the Mattel i Mic Batate of Eeufcil 11. SandVi ni ian TAKE NOTICE UMkt h order ot HIk Honor. H. E. A. R'ilx-.taon. tl 15th duy Of April. A D. 1937. 1 w;i SSpOtntM vciminw.ravr ol ttw ruair erf R-bv H. Bandy fccced. and all l artlps hav- ia i n .-..-!. t h id ; c , hc i-eln rt- ! 1 i tun. .Mi .s-unc. ;r.)- any verified, to nu on or before tli at day i May. A D. 1U37. arid all ixrttc Uid'htl to vUe wtate are re cmlriid to pay tlio umount of tlielr In debtedm.-s m. fortltwl'.h. NOItMAN A WATT. Official Admliiuatrntor '' - H'"r it-' IBS7 I v I III. -I fill Ml. till II I III 111(1 I II I III I Mill 1 PROBATE Ill till' Matter' ol ihr "AasUnlatrathNi art" Mill III Ihi- Natter i the Ratate i Han Mm llaiylwaa Paeaaaw Take noUOa tliat by vlrtxie of an o--dor of hi Honor W E. PWier rriHflii tlie 5th dy of February. 1037. Lettr Probata a! tin- mil of the ttbove-irunc 1 miiry nun iicniisiii. uvetwMxl, ikmii' 1 This advertisement u not published or displayed bv the T.muor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. out or the HUh Conn of Jimtlce. lx - ui ocaiue, ownea ana SKip- ; go, angfaum on me asth tiny oi May. pcred by Capt. Tom Breivtck was 19,10. were iwilxl hi the Supnui- ,., . .. .... Court of Bi n a(i Columbia. Prince Ru :,. ' 001 1 u, latter part of last week pert H-. i . r. ami all pernoiwi hvlnWlth a catch of 6.000 pounds The ilalnia aKallurt the mid entitle are lien- I by reulrocl to ftirnlHh the same prop- Hannel- oQ.,. ,i,i lli('h u 1 Is powered j with a! riy voriiiea to the iiucleihlgnecl on or UMore the 7th day of May. A D. 10:17 and nil purueh indebted U the bold nutate are required to pay the amount of their Indcbtedneaa to tlw under aljrned PATMORE & KUI.TON Soll'-rtom. Priiif. Rupert. DC Attomeye for tlie Exe-utor Datx-d tlie ftth nay j April. AD. las: WHIFFLETS From the Waterfront 1 Halibut Landings at Seattle Last Week Ships Off iters WttoQMM In Ketchikan Case. Halibut landings at Seattle last week totalled 579.500 pounds. Sebastian-Stuart Co. was the heaviest purchaser with 126.500 pounds: Washington Fish & Oyster Co. wan second with 109.500 pounds and 'Whiz third with 96.000 pounds. jCapt. Lars Voge's Zapora was the first Canadian halibut boat to land a catch at Seattle this season, disposing of 16.500 pounds to Whiz on Saturday at 93Bc and 7c. The Zapora also had 1300 pounds of mixed cod for which 5c per pound was paid. Other vessels celling at Seattle Saturday were: Doric. 33.000. Sebastian. 878c and 7'8c: Estep. 21.500 pounds, wash ! ngton. 9'8c and 6c; Chelan. 9.000. McCallum. 10c and 7c; F. C Her- jert, 5.000. Whiz. 10'oc and 7c: Flint, 8 000. San Juan. C and 7c; SI Junior. 8.000. New Enuland. 934c nd 7c; Havana, 18.000. Booth. 934c md 7c. On Friday halibut sales at Seattle were as follows: Chelsea. 53.000. San Juan. 9'2c and 7c; Ethel S . 14.000. Booth. 12'8c and 7c; Chancellor, 7.000. Washington. 12c and 7c; Joan. 2.500. McCallum. 12c and 7c: Ionic. 14.500. Sebas- tian. IP8C and 7c: Argo. 14.000. . ... . ... -.. Washington. 12c and 7c Union steamer Catala. Capt. Tames Ftndlay. arrived in port at 7:30 last evening from the south ind sailed a couple of hours later for Port Simpson. Stewart and -ither northern points whence she s due bark here tomorrow south-1 'oud. Northbound from Vancouver on regular scheduled voyage to Uaska. C. P. R. .steamer Princess .Vorah. Capt Clifford Fenton. was in port from 8:30 to 9:30 yesterday norning with a total of 134 passengers on board. One disembarked lore from the vessel while eight txiok passage from at his port for the north Going north to Ketchikan as a passenger aboard the Princess Norah yesterday was the regular sKipper of the vessel. Capt, William Palmer, who disembarked last nignt at Ketchikan where, with other officers of the ship, he will appear as a witness for the Canadian Pacific Railway in the defence of a damage suit which Ls being brought against the company by Mrs Smith who about a year ago sustained injuries in falling down a companion way on the Princess Norah. Alex Gordon, who wa.s chief engineer on the vessel at the time, Purser Ernest C. Cornelius and Mrs. Liggett, stewardess, are also stopping off as witnesses In the case at Ketchikan. All will rejoin the ship on the .southbound voyage. Northland Transportation Co.'s steamer North Sea, Capt. A. W. Nickerson. arrived in nort at 4:35 o clock yesterday morning from Ketchikan and, after discharging fish here for transshipment east over Canadian National Railways, sailed at 8 a.m. in continuation of her voyage to Seattle. The vessel unloaded four carloads of frozen halibut and mild cured salmon here. Making its first call of the season here, the steel halibut boat 1 n., , ... WashlliKtoil-EStep full diesel ell-1 gine. was built a year ago and made two or three calls here last .seasbm Frank WatSfhotpji 1 1 1 mil 1 1 i Soiithholm is due n, port A-lhu Til DAILY NEW! Monday, April 19 HIGHWAY TO ALASKA FEASIBLE I .1 Little Says Stewart People keen On It In Connection With Their Medadia Lake proposal The people of Stewart are very keenly in favor of the Alaska Highway with a branch running into Stewart and with the firt section of tha' branch to be built immediately as far aa Meziadin Lake, according to J. J. Little, president of the Prince Kupert Chamber of Commerce, who spent a few days in the Portland Canal mining centre last week. Meziadin Lake is expected to be used as an airplane takin'-oft' place for interior points including the Unuk mining district and also for the whole north and east, it being outside the coast belt and free from fog and constant rains. Mr. Little saya some of the members of the Stewart Hoard of Trade are talking of sending a delegate to the Board of Trade convention' in Prince Rupert this summer and asking them to en iorse the proposal, which it ij-thought quite possible they may do. For several years there has been no representation from Stew art at the conventions owing difficulty of access hut this ycai the convention being at Prince .'Rupert makes it easy for them t itt. .11. 4 hile sonic of the Deonln nf Stewart still believe their town i-ilhe logical outlet for the Peait ,r" u,iU l,wm 1 """k jum now 1.1 the road to .Meziadin Lake with eventual connection with the Al aska Highway. Some of theii members have recently interviewed Delegate Ditnond who has bee-pressing the matter of the high way at Washington. His idea i-that the United States might loan the money to build the highwav tri ( .t- ,i , t hamiImI .... ... " " nte , , , interest repayable over a lone term. The matter Is also beinu Ki-iwvi.,1 Viv C. ('. I. f I) ' ' " t ottaWfl , l( h 4 U I cue proposal a. now set out i ciuite feasible. time this Week to loud a caTgo of some 565 tons of streeiiings for 'Vancouver from the local elevator A.. H - BKrtA..,EbdeM - tpnlrrr - ) chief steward of the steamer Ca-' tala, is at present ashore in Van-1 couver on hLs annual vacation. Charles MclnnLs. second steward. Is relieving as chief steward during Mr Ebdvn's absence. Imperial Oil Co.'s tanker Imperial. Capt. A. S. McGaw. arrived hi port at 1 o'clock this morning from loco with fuel cargo for the company's local station. After discharging, she sails this afternoon on her return south. The Ketchikan motorship Beloit was in port this morning with one oarload of fresh halibut for transshipment east over Canadian National Railways. Announcement la maue of thctM IT C C k I 1 FUQ IppOlntment of Thomas Boulter us1"' V O J AL L t JT O engineering foreman at the local dry dock In succession to the late ! W. B. Morgari, who died recently ! Mr. Boultei-.s suceessoi as machine ' shop foreman is Reg Kelacy. TODAY'S STOCKS Comntmj S. u. Jo&naton Oo.) Vanrosver B C Nickel, .25. Big Missouri. 51. Bralornc. 7.60. Aztec Mines. .09. Cariboo Quartz, 1.50. Dentonln, .15. Dunwell. .03 . Oolconda, .10L2. Minto. 23 U. Fairview Amalg.. .10' 2. Noble Five. .08. Pioneer. 4 85. Premier. 2.68 Reeves McDonald. 1 45 Reno. .95. Relief Arlinutnn. .26. Reward. .10' 2. Salmon Gold. 10. Taylor Bridge, 07V4-Hedley Amalgamated. .12. Premier Border, .03' 2 Congress, 073. Silver Crest. .07. H'me Gold. .03. Giandvlew, .15'2. Indian. .02' 2. Quesnel Quartz. 14. Oils A P. Con., .31 Calmont, .60. C. it E.. 2 60. Freehold, .09' 2. Hargal. 18 Mercury. .27. Merlaiui. .14. Okalta, 1.30. Pacalta. 14. Home Oil. 1.55. Weymani. .17. Toronto Seattle, 1.23. Central Patricia, 3.30. God s Lake. .57. Lee Oold. .04 Little Long Lac, 5.40. McKenzie Red Lake. 1.30. Pic kle Crow. 6 15. Red Luke Gold Shore. .62. San Antonio. 1 58 Sherritt Gordon. 2.35. Smelter Gold. d5 McLeod Cockshutt. 2.05. Oklend. .28. Mosher. .44. Gilbec, 04. Madsen Red Lake. 89 SUidacona, 1.70. Frontier Red Lake. .17. Francoeur. .95 Manitoba & Eastern. .04. Moneta Porcupine. 1.46. Bou.scadillac, .65. Ruber. 06" ? Thompson Cadillac. .85. Bailor. 04' ?. Bankfield. 1.00. East Mala-rtic. 1.20.; - - PrfiWon Fast Dome. .99 Hutchison Lake, .18. Dawson Whitv .18. McQuaig Red Lake. 18. Raiah Red Lake. .21. Aldermar. 1.15. Kerr Addison. 2.70. Uchi Gold. .95 Martin Bird. .95. Chcstervllle. 2.35. Hugh Pam. .28. Aii'-'ite Porcupine. .32. Rirhmac. .54. Quebec Manitou. 100. I Live and Learn That quality foods. fre!h fruits and vegetables are bought refj . reasonably at ECONOMY STORE Confectionery Store open evening l p- - 8051 575 MacKENZlE'S FURNITURE 100 PAISLEY RUGS Sizes 25x IS inches, each $1.00 Sizes 27x.")l inches, each $1.25 While They Last 'J27 Third Ave. Phone 775 UNION STEAMSHIPS LTD. Steamers leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver: T.S.8. CATALA EVERY TUESDAY, 1:30 P.M. Due Vancouver, Thursday p.m. T.S.S. CARDENA FRIDAY, 10:39 P.M Due Vancouver, Monday am. If convenient please purchase tickets st office. Further Information regarding reservations and tickets from A. Vv. lv.Vi,mm, i-.nte kupert Agaut, Third Ave. Phous Mi HOTEL ARRIVALS Savoy J. Petroff, H. Klassen and J Miguez, Vancouver; G. Slstrom, Seal Cove. Royal A. Kristmanson and W. Johnson, Osland; B. Kristmanson and H. Johns, city. Central Jack SfcCna, Allan Mowat. L Ardland, John Koski and (i. Big off. city; F. J. Hipp, Billmor: Sam King, Port Edward; J. Er landaen, Reino; J. A. Bradford, C.N.K.; John Seppala. Surf Point Mine; A. Mackenzie, Vancouver; Marie Millar. Kispiox. Prince Kupert A. Pringle, Vancouver; J. A Humphries, Calgary: James J Mullen, New York; Mr. and Mrs J. Williams, Smlthers; Mrs. J. A BroWB and Miss Ada Brown, Porl Edward; Miss Myrtle QeTOW Burns Lake; K. B. I'rowd, Victoria . C N. R. steamer Prince Charles, at present tied up in the local drv dock, will be goinu up the latter part of this month for annual i overhaul Build B.f. Payrolls" Thanks For Urn This ( - 11 Letter "I am a user of Pacific Milk I have used It for four years for all my cooking Previous to using Pacific Milk we had cows. I find Pacific Milk more economical in every way and a saving on butter because of! its extra richness ' - Mrs A Pacific Milk IRRADIATED OF COURSE TRAPPERS Will guarantee top market prices tot Beaver and Muskrat. Other furs at value. FRANK LO0KWOOD Phone Blue 723 P.O. Box 200 s swMuccg a FOR ONE STORY Vhhmi cur aasUMTi SI. mm tut u -hurt lir. Mi nrlllru In lir;ln-Sn, lliinilri-il- f atllt-li-r-liKikln; Utr SM WfHm. I iiilmilil- nii.i laSsyli hissii firiil nf ii-BOCtaaJt fur ball nu-n mill aro bmm. our i m i. baafcM "WMT-nm i on iMiori r- tii- ro hi- facta. Writ' fcr mir ropx IimIio. Dept. .-,. M.C.C, Hr hoals, i.iii.. vinniM-j or Teiaala, in. TUMUU1 and Ilhs7?! Lastcomplctf' . :iWi 8 A Merry Mirthquske-. They lunched on beans dined on champagne sol- ved a murder aili settled on matrimony A 1 1 1 I . i in At 7:00 & 9 41 PLUS - fKBRaT-H ' J 4'J i WPsl S SJ Own Lift hrYINtJ ST TO Ul( OTUiGSI I JOHN I I BOLES i I RUSSELL ROSALIND I 1 i At S:ao once Only WORl.lJ NEWS A BBBBBBBBIII 203 Thud Ave. Phone Blue KIMIE'S DKESSM AKIM. SllnPI Dressmaking Remodelling Pre Alterations Miss Kimic (Jyede, Prop. I I w To Celebrate the CORONATION of King George WEDNESDAY, MAY 12th FLAGS Canadian and Union lack Size 4x6. each 6c Size 6x8, each llk' Size 8x12, each 15c Size 12x15, eacl 26c Larger Sizes at ;5c, 50c, 80c, 75c and up Flag Holders, aine Flag Cluster Holder Varnished wood holder with a picture of George VI. Complete with 5 flags 75c Flag Shield Attractive looking shield with pi of King & Queen, complete with - large flags $L2o DENNISON CREPE The finest decorative materia for floats & costumes, plain colors, fold I5c Crepe Streamers Red white and blue streamers, 40-foot rolls 15c 2 for ... -H' Decorated Crepe Flag and patriotic designs. '" by 20 inches, fold 25c and 36c Special Flag Streamers 12 feet long, strong white tape with 12 flags, ideal ear decoration This will be a gala occasion make your plans and get your materials early