LLsday. -February 17, 1937 It n Galloway, managing dlrec-.. . n..,H Mininc. arrived f np juwdiu -r , ' i ... on the Prince George L afternoon proceeding .latecj the day aboard the power vessel Lb to visit the company's Surf oint and Eddye Pass properties a porcher Island. A party of men aS alSO van.cu coronal on Day. May 12. will bo I hniidav for school children liroughout the Empire. i WAKE UP YOUR LIVER BILE- And You'll Jump Out of Bed in the Morning Rann to gp -1 ..tA iuiii nut tun tmnnifa nt Tim liver biiuu k' wv, ...... liimi.1 bile into yu' t"e "y- ,'' "' nut flowing frJy. your f 'KhI dmn t d1(f.t. It iunt l-ya In the boonAn. (, liloata up t'.ur Uiinaih. You grt romUnatMl. Marmlul Luisoni t" Into the Ixwly, and you M vtut, r , . T.i..udiji.yiLliiiiiib. una ami i'iw wn. r-.. AnnrelMiwi-lmnvprnentitoMn tlwayfrt . . .....I a,.m.Jl.irii Iknl (ui.rlH trie u"ft i w -" !Bt un the livrr u well. II ; lhnne S'ml. i p,,und of bile flowing frerfy ami make ynu w."up end up "t lUrmlMi and centle, thiy mike the line nnw irmjr. n-j .i mn i n( nlomM but have ni calomel or nwcury In L 1i 1 lira Ihtr a .1. f - i ab iLa bkumI SlublHirnly r-Iuwi aoythinn 4e. 2:,. ejjn' fL I I4L . S HOTFJAttMVALS Savoy Mrs. S. Beaudin, Terrace;. Mrs. George Latimer. Snames. Prince Rupert Jack Balkln, Vancouver; Mrs. N E. Pratt, Port E3Sington. Central A. J. Hipp, Billmor; P. Soren- sen, Jasper; J. Gonick and J. A. Bradford, C.N.R. Knox J. Brown, Terrace. THEY BELIEVE THE BEAR BRANTFORD. Ont., Feb. 17: (CP) Not because a groundhog said so, but Bill Campbell's pet bear. "Ted dy" saw his shadow on Candlemas Day, Brantford folks expect six weeks of "hard winter." "Teddy" blinked In bright sunlight, yawned refused to eat and went back to his den for another steep. i The Crown actually used In the I Coronation Is the Imperial or St .Edward's Ciown, wiilch Is sup posea to r?-moie trie one worn : by Edward the Confessor. It Is of 'gold and was mad? for Charles II NoNwdhWowJIkruf 9 a36 Pi r $1 no - w Tost a few piece or a tub full of soiled clothes into tha new ABC One - Thirty Six Washer, and irf a very few minutes they will be spotlessly clean . . . Here's quick . . thorough . . . safe . . . economical washing with no effort at alL No need to worry about clean clothes when you own an ABC Washer . . . With an ABC One-Thirty-Six, you can enjoy snowy WHITE clothes washed the modern ABC Way ... at greater savings! Exclusive ABC French Type Agitator with rubbing surfaces on fins and base and the large capacity Porcelain, Tub Design washes clothes snowy WHITE faster than you have ever dreamed possible. The ABC Patented Heavy Duty Four-Spring Suspension Wringer, equipped with Instantaneous Touch Release . . . ABC Finger Touch Clothes Feeder and large over-slzs Balloon Rolls and other exclusive ABC features, make this the outstanding value in a low priced large capacity. Precision Built, high quality Washer. We will be glad to demonstrate this Washer in your home. Just phone ' NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA POWER COMPANY LIMITED FEBRUARY FURNITURE SALE continues G Chesterfield Suites 1 Chesterfield, in splendid condition $40 Priced at Bedroom Suites, Dinette Suites Kitchen Suites MACKENZIE'S FURNITURE Phone 775 Prince Rupert, B.C. UNION STEAMSHIPS LTD. Steamers leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver: T-S.S. CATALA EVERY TUESDAY, 1:30 VM Due Vancouver, Thursday p.m. T.S.S. CARDENA FRIDAY, 10:30 I'M. Due Vancouver, Monday ajn. If convenient please purchase tickets at office, further Information regarding reservations and tickets from W. NEWMAN, Prince Rupert ARent, Third Ave. rhone 568 LOCAL NEWS NOTES Moose Lodge and Moose Legion meet tonight. (40) Miss E. M. Earl will .be sailing tomorrow night on the Prince Ru pert for a business trip to Mrs. Douglas Sutherland returned to the city this afternoon from Vancouver aboard the .Prince George. Miss Daisy Sharpe was a passenger arriving in the city on the Prince George this afternoon from Vancouver. William Goldbloom sailed yester- ; day aftej-noon on the Catala for j Namu. He will be back on the Ven-j ture Friday night, returning by way of Kltlmaat. Cases under the Games Act In-1 vplvlng James Ryan, Eddie Ryan' and M. H. Lawrence have been' further adjourned from today .un-; Ul tomorrow afternoon. Annual meeting Conservative I Association will be held in Eagles' I Dean F. M. Clement of the De-ipartment of Agriculture at the Uni versity of British Columbia arrived In the city on the Prince George aide. ClSlFlEO FOR SALE FOR SALE New Scale Williams Piano, over strung steel frame, In good condition. Phone Red 810. (41 FOR Quick Sale, fully equipped butcher's shop with refrigerator Would consider cash or terms Apply P. O. Box 980. (44 FURNITURE Factory samples must go this week. Guaranteed 10i piece Chesterfield groups $69,50 ; 10-plece loose pillow arm groups -j-$J2.50; 10-plece bedroom suites (Yound mlrrors-$74,50, Furnish your home complete three rooms, 59 pieces all for $165. Many other bargains. Terms if you wish. Order today. Julius Shore Mail Order House, 8th floor Beklns Building. Vancouver, (tf) FOR RENT 2129 Graham Avenue with large garden. Will be vacant end of February. Apply Pullen, Dally Ney (tf) FOR RENT Beautifully furnished three-room suite with unexcelled view suitable for' two men. Phone 71. (43) FOUND FOUND Pet Rabbit. Phone Red 450. (42) PERSONAL GENTLEMEN'S Sanitary Supplies, highest grade 15 for $1. Pacific Supply, 751 Granville, Vancouver. MEN Get ylgor at once. New Os-trex Tonic Tablets contain raw oyster lnvlgorators and other stimulants. One dose peps up organs, glands. If not delighted, iaker refunds few cents paid I or write, Ormes Limited, tf New 'shipment of dresses at People's Store. AH slzes. Weekend special, $3.39. (40) J. J. Payne will JTsail tomorrow night on the Prince George lor a business 'trip ;to Vancouver. Mrs. F. St. Amour teturned to the city this afternoon on the Prince -George from -a trip to Vancouver. At the first SNIFFLE Quick! Use this specialized Vicks aid for nose and upper throat, where most colds start. Helps prevent colds. VicksVatronol J. -C. Brady returned from a tripj to Vancouver aboard the Prince George this afternoon. The caw of James Ryan, Indian sharged with assaulting his wife Hall, Third Ave.. Wednesday, Feb. has been further adjourned foi 17. 8 p.m. All Conservatives n- eight days in city pouie court. vltcd. (40) , Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Nlckerson, Rev. Bishop B1a:k, United who hava been on a trip as far Church mlicnaty teaih-er at Kit- East as Detroit, returned to the (zeguclar is paying a brief visit to city on the Prince George this .he city, havlns arrived from the afternoon, ntfirlor on this mornng's train. ; l - Dsflnlte Improvement Is reported Jin the condition of E. N. Valen ttine, who sustained a fractured likull in an accident at (the end ol : last week aboard the steamer Pfince Rupert which Is receiving srpalrs at the lo:al dry dock. Mr ' 'Valentine has completely regained ; consciousness, University Extension LECTURES Hear Dean F. M. Clements discuss Canada and British Columbia in their relation to British and European policies and trends. Presbyterian Church Wednesday, Thursday, Friday at 8:15 p.m. this afternoon to conduct a serlc3i bf extension lectures here this eve- w. B. Morgan, engineering forc-nlng, Thursday and Friday. He man at the local dry dock, was re-will address te Rotary Club to-1 moved to the Prince Rupert Gen- mprrow. Dean Clement will be here j oral Hospital yesterday afternoon j until Friday night, when he will He is suffering from.pneaumonla irptarn soutrcorrtberPrincess Ade Heavy snow conditions In the lower Skeena Valley took the tele graph wires down during the night and they were still down at noon today. Also held up by snow, the train from the East did not arrive until 6:15 this morning, eight hours late. UNITED CHURCH PRESBYTERY IN SESSION TODAY The United Church Presbytery opened its session this morning with routine matters occupying the attention of the gathering. Those present were Rev. Ivan Baker, chairman, Rev. R. J. Love, secretary treasurer, Port Simpson; Rev. H. Moore, Hazelton; Rev. Bishop; Black, Kitzegykla; Rev. Adam Crisp, Terrace; Rev. Frank Bush field, Port Essington; Rev. Frank Hardy, Ocean Falls; Rev. C. D. Clarke, Prince Rupert, and Rev. S, S. Osterhout, D.D., superintendent of missions. L The Presbytery will continue in session this afternoon and evening. Announcements FOR RENT Seven room house,! University extension lectures, February 17, 18 and 19, Presby terian Church Dean Clement. Anglican Chancel Guild tea, Mrs. Rorie's, Friday, 19. Presbyterian Tea, Mrs. p. Lakle, February 25. High School play, Presbyterian Church, February 25 and 26. Baptist March 1st Tea, Mrs. Bert Morgan's. 18. Rebekah Fashion Show, March Junior Chamber Dance, Friday, April 2. Fresh Local Raw And Pasteurized Milk VALENTIN DAIRY PUONE 657 OFFICERS ' OF LEAGUE Local Navy Braneh in Annual Session Last Night The Prince Rupert branch of the Navy League of Canada held Its an nual meeting last evening at the i office of P. M. Ray -In the Besner Block. There was a large attendance of members. Reports received from the chairman, R. M. Win-slow, and commanding officer, Lieut. G. H. Greenwood, as well as the secretary, W. O. Vlgar, Indicated a very successful year. Officers elected were as follows: Honorary President, Hon. T. D.' Pattullo. Patrons, Olof Hanson M.P. and: T. H. Johnspn. president, R. M. Winslow. j Secretary treasurer, W. O. Vigar. Executive P. M. Ray, F. A. Mac-" Callum, E. B. Baker, W- H. STobey, i M. A. Burbank, Lieut. G. H. Green-1 wood D.S.C., Jarvis McLeod, Dr. R. G. Large, F. N. Good, Lieut. Com mander W. Hume, Lieut. L. H. Ha- j worth, Dr. L. W Kergln arid Alex, McRae. ' Twenty -Five Years Ago February 1", 1912 General Superintendent W. W C. Mehan 'today gave notice to the City Hall. Post Office and other j buildings to move from the railway j reserve on Centre Street and Ru-, jpert Road in order to make way iot exi?nY1ve terminal unprove-ments which -are to be made. Ex cavation work for the dry dock, station and hotel is also to be Initiated, it is announced. In the in tcrior it is expjoted to start construction -soon of the Skeena Crossing bridge. Two children of Lighthouse keeper Oulette of Lucy Island had a narrow escape from -death as a result of drinking a potent patent medicine while playing doctor Prompt first lad measures happily resulted in the lives of the young sters being saved. QUEENS MOVING UP BRANTFORD. Ont. Feb. 17: (CP) Queen's University, Kingston, is training men and women for plo- neer work in the north In mining and geology. Dr. R. C. Wallace, I principal, said in an address here. I He said Queen's was becoming a ' national university. 1PAOE thrbi Break that Cold DOMINION C. Ii. Q. TABLETS The little red box used the world over 2lC per box REXALL BRONCHIAL SYRUP A safe healing preparation fqr, the relief of bronchitis, coughs and solds, guaranteed flf by Rexall; per bottle ..v For the Children ORMES HOREHOUND & HONEY With white pine, wild cherry and eucalyptus. Pleasant "to take and soothing for old and CQp young; per bottle Ormeslld. yfte Pioneer Drvuggists The Rexall Store Phones: 81 & 8:! Open Daily From 8 a.m. till 10 p.m. 'Sundays and Holidays From 12 noon till 2 p.m., 7 p.m. till 9 p.m. The Rsh vihich made Prlnce Rapert Famous USED FURNITURE Dininp; Room Tabic and Chairs 6-Piecc Dinette Suite Arm Rockers, Girl's Bicycle Singer Sewing Machine S-Tubc Battery Radio Kitchen Ranges "Rupert Brand" SMOKED BLACK 7 COD Prepared Daily By Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C If you lose anything:, advertise for it. ELIO'S FURNITURE Beds all sizes Chesterfield Suite Baby Carnages Baby Crib, Baby Swings Blankets i? Suit Case and Trunks Folding iMetal.Bridge Table Linoleum Rugs Congoleum Rugs Printed Linoleum by the yard ELIO'S TRADE IN OLD FURNITURE FOR NEW D. Elio Exchange Phone Green 421 Prince Rupert, B.C. Store Open S a.m. to 5 p.m.