PAGE FOUR THE DAILY NZWfl RELIEVE SUFFERING QUICKLY WITH KELLOGG'S RELIEF RELIEF Aatima or Hi j Fever are quickly end limply relieved by Kellof Aathma Relief. Thie tamoue herbal preparation eold in Canada for CO yean ha a alreadyjbenefittd ASTHMA mouaanaa, At your nearttt Drug Slor tJc.eJ1.00 Alao in cigarette form. Northrop and Limited, . 1 oronu, Ontario. K-ei DUNN'S Holiday Cottages A camp for an enjoyable vacation. Meals provided. Good cooking. Picnics, open air badminton, fishing and hunting. Miles of wonderful beach. Terms moderate. Apply for particulars to MRS. DUNN, Sanjan River, Near Massett, B. C. NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarelll Propritor -A HOME AWAY FROM HOME" Rates $1.00 up 50 Rooms Hot & Cold Water Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box 196 Fresh Local Raw And Pasteurized Milk VALENTIN DAIRY . PHONE 657 THE SEAL of QUALITY "'os.ocr.r'l GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye PINK SEAL Finest Pink Salmon Packed by the only salmon canning company with an all the year round payroll In Prince Rupert Hyde Transfer Phone 580 DRY WOOD JASPER COAL Furniture Moving Light Delivery 315 SECOND AVE. TOLD ABOUT D0UKH0B0R Unusual Address Heard by Alberni Women's Canadian Club .Describes Coloring Three Distinct Groups liack-! ground and Customs j Described PORT ALBERNI, June 15: With a greeting quite unintelligible to all her listeners, Mrs. G. H. Ren- wick of this city opened a talk on "Life Among the Doukhobors," to the Alberni District Women's Canadian Club here. After her strange greeting which is the usual salutation between Douk hobors on meeting friends or en tering a home, the speaker went on to say that there are three dis tinct groups of these people, but those about which she was going to speak were the Community Doukhobors. Of the fanatic she knew little as she had rarely seen them but they were wild and shaggy looking with long hair and beards. They have no horses and no machinery, and possess a childlike simplicity together with a low cunning which is often found in these circumstances. It was persecution in Russia which caused this fanaticism. Tohtoy Responsible The name Doukhobor means spirit wrestler, and Tolstoy was responsible for their migration to Canada, and they took up citizenship here on condition that the should have no military duty, nc registration of births and deothi and no schools. Both men and women are finely built and the women are not the fat and dumpy creatures that we Imagine from their freauent nip- tures. Their teeth and complexion are very good, but it is the type of dress that is worn which gives the plump appearance, as it consists of several pleated petticoats, and a narrow band cf very heavily pleated cloth round the waist which buffs out the skirts more i.han ever. On their heads thef wear a piaioKe," itne SDelline is nhnnpUe and your correspondent's) of white or coiorea cloth. The men dress much the same as Canadians py- cept on Sunday when their gar ments follow the fashion of the Russian peasant. Each Has Own Industry Brilliant is one of the community centres, and here thev have n inm factory where they make the most aencious strawberry 1am This u sold east of the Rockies, chiefly to iuc f. K. in individual Kmnll jars. Nothing but pure sugar and iruu go into this Jam. All the communities have some special In- uunry; one will have a lumber mill, another a brick nlant. anri n on. They grow flax and make their own linen, and the women do th most beautiful hand-drawn work. This is not sold and is not even ! supposed to be eiven sumably so that the younger generation will not become dissatisfied Have YOU a PIANO? A piano, to be kept in good condition so that it will please the musician and do justice to the student, requires the attention of a piano tuner at least twice a year. For good tuning call George C. Walker Member Piano Tuners and Technicians Association of British Columbia Phone Blue 389 212 4th St. Phone 18 P. 0. Box 575 MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE Quality Groceries Low Prices Courteous Service Prompt Delivery Boat and out of town orders receive careful attention COAL TO PLEASE EVERYBODY Satisfaction Guaranteed FAMOUS EDSON ALBERTA COAL BULKLET VALLEY COAL VANCOUVER ISLAND COAL PRINCfi RUPERT FEED COMPANY PHONE: 58 and 558 Rheumatism Spread To All Her Joints Obtained Relief by Using Kruschen Salts Here Is a sad story of suffering, but it has a happy ending. This woman was attacked by severe rheumatism which spread to all her joints. But Kruschen brought relief as she describes below: "I feel it my duty to tell you how Kruschen Salts brought me relief from a severe attack of rheuma tism. I had rheumatism in my legs and knees, later spreading to every joint in my body. This lasted over a period of 13 weeks. I was then ordered to bed with acute rheuma tism. I was recommended to try Kruschen and before finishing the second bottle I was able to perform my normal duties." (Mrs.) I. D Kneumatic conditions are fre quently due to an excess of uric acid in the body. Two of the Ingre dients of Kruschen Salts have the power of dissolving uric acid. Other ingredients in these Salts assist Nature to exriel the dissolved uric acid through the natural channels. with the simple life bv havins too mucn money. The manner of arraneint? tht buildings in these centres is rather peculiar. Two large square house are set down side by side: the.x- contain a sort of large living room ana laree Kitehen anrt i.- u ubauo are bedrooms. Incidentally thpv . " a are not at all crowded in their Sleeping quarters. Two sisters might OCCUDV One rnnm Kut tf ihere is only one girl she will have i room to hprplf RoVtlna u - - . , Mtmuu wic&e :wo buildings is a long narrow juilding in which live the oiriw people and children; this, in order inai me workers shall not be disturbed in their rest by the chil-iren. Behind this again is the immunity bath house. Community bathing by the way is not ming-ing of the sexes, and each sex has ts own time for this purpose. The bath is after the Turkish style, steam being generated by the primitive method of stones and water. In the kitchen Is an ordinary large stove, but the oven is built beside it of stone which is neaiea by fire inside, and then swept, out and the large whole neat Joaves, or black bread, being .)laced In this heated cavity. This Ji tuurse is ine oldest type of oven found in all primitive places. Being strictly vegetarian, thev use lartro --.. ... MUduuues oi unseed oil In cooking, and a sort of sonn paiirt r vwitbu ourscn w tnejr chlef dIsh jj. meais are lengthy affairs, being prolonged by much slntrinrr h. - " - V iween courses. Their vptori 1U11 ruies caused some amusing situations sometimes, as the teachers "v.v Hiivu mj DC nKcwlse, so mat n tncy were to have nnv moor meals It had to be smutrelpri in nnrt cooKea surreptlously, all sorts of uevices oeing resorted to in nrrior that the inhabitants shonlri not suspect. Not Many Children There are no animals, no noise, no cars, no priests, no musical instruments and surprisingly enough not many children in most of these communities. Two children are most common, sometimes three or four, and a family who had five children was considered quite unusual. Kindness is a supreme virtue; it is their religion. During the whole of the speaker's residence among them she only saw children spanked twice. This may now be altered, sue remarked. Times have changed. In Fear of His Life Peter Veregin the elder was an outstanding figure among them. Tall and kinglike in appearance, he ruled with an iron hand and yet was a father too. He flogged them but he fought for them, and dally went in fear of his life. In illustration of this, Mrs. Renwick mentioned an Incident that occurred when she offered him some flowers to smell. He sprang back to the other end of the room, while she stood Draetlrsllv ntrtti .uu " J --i..mvu wnil astonishment. He explained later assassinations had frequently taken place with a pistol hidden In flowers. He lost Ms life a year later. it Veregin had taken his followers to an Island somewhere well away from modern civilization, withenfhM llmaU: was etuable' with his ideas and their religion they might well have had a Utopia. They live self-contained lives, well able to get on without much outside assistance, but the civilization of today haa tnimnort and Is doing Infinitely mlorc harm HONORED BY UNIVERSITY Continued from Page 1 degree to allow for the near normal operation of trains. It was for his leading roll In tills gigantic task of reconstruction .hat Vermont's leading educational institution conferred an hon orary degree of doctor of mechani cal engineering on Mr. Hunger- ford. Six aix honorary nonorary degrees degrees were were con WHIFFLETS From the Waterfront Heavy Halibut Landings at Seattle Local Pleasure Boat Chances Hands Evelyn Berg in From Ketchikan. Twelve halibut " vessels sold con-; ; . ferred yesterday by the University I catchcs totalling 300,500 pounds at r , ...u i. Seattle Seattle yesterday yesterday as as follows: follows: Para Parn- icgrces in addition to the dls-lngulshed Canadian transport cxe-:utlve, were: Doctors or Divinity George Fletcher Beechcr. pastor it the first Calvary Baptist Church )f Lawrence, Mass., one of the' nost scholarly and popular clergy-nen In the Bay State. Dr. Arthur L. Kinsolving. rector )f Trinity Church In Boston, who reached the baccalaureate sermon lere Sunday. Dr. Klnsolvlng was Rhodes scholar from Virginia ;hrist Church. Oxford University 1920-23. He is a member of Phi 3eta Kappa and Delta Kappa iphllon. Doctors of Law George Percival Auld of New York, author of the Dawes plan ind accountant-eenerni nf the nter-Allicd reparations commls- lon from 1920 to 1924 and an of ficer of the, French T.PH Honor. George W. Alger of New York, a llstlngulshed attorney and author if legal and economic works as well is a member of the New York ;tate commission which drafted the present state parole law. Mr. Alger was commencement orator. George David Aiken, governor nf Vermont, and one of the Ieadine igriculturlsts of the state. Among the Canadian National jystem officials who aceomnaniprl Mr. Hungerford to Burlington Monday were D. C. Grant, vlce-nrpsi. dent in charge of finance; Edmund uescnencs. vice-president in charue of Central Vermont lines; R. H. M. Temple K.C.W general counsel and E. P. M.illnrv Pvprntlo nrrit to the president. PROSPECTORS Anna May Ullman) 1 r 4 luiiK-iaifu prospector came upon the picturesque town of Uarkerville. nestled in tht mmm tains, and declared. "The fir. Ihing you see is the ccmeten 1L i . ... men ine nospitai, and the nexi is Rarkervillc itself, shaped Uk u coffin." For years countless irold-spi-W. era old timers, checliakos, (Jri entals have roamed througl those mountains and un tht creeks. Some hide thcms-lv t.. I. isolated cabins, seldom comina out, except for necessary sunnllp.. Some camp near the main road. ineir lite history7 Well, it seems that the old tim era musi have been prospecting all of.theii lives. One who tomes frnm fnli tells of a terrifvinir exnprionr-o it ueaih alley. He av down i, slcen for th nlt'ht - - - uai . o ai. uvuvi Something slithered a!on? in tht uarkness and curled up on hfi stomach. A rattlesnake! Unmov mg, he lived an eternity in ihi hours that hp waited for tin snake to crawl awav. Up the pas lives a Swede who la useu to ue a sailor. His ship was torpedoed during tho U'.lr ami tr " ' 1 U11U 1 drifted for many days in an open ooat before he was nicked un. From Southern California comes K. K. Unifford. the minim' man, with stramre tales' of urns. pectors on the desert grizzled, tight-lipped, typical "desert rats" of fiction fame. They roam through tho mmm. tain fastness throuirh almosl In accessible canyons and along old creek beds, across the Mojave uesert where the jack-rabbit hides in I he meagre shadow of prickly cactus and little caly lizard scuttle out of the traveller's way. Where water holes are few and far between von'11 ftml l.tennh.i bones of cattle and sometimes a Human. You'll find them in the treeless h Us of Southern Arizona, in the UiaZlniT SUn. Dorhsn. im1 n II HI,. -6 V If I ' , Mexican burros, with a second burro to carry their freight, pick, shovel and gold pan on top. Try a Dally News want-ad. gon, 39,000 pounds, New England, 9c and 8c; Wizard, 36,000, Washington, 8',c straight; Kodiak, 39,-500, Bootlu 9c and 8c; Omaney, 35,000, Whiz, 8ic and 8c; Eclipse, 37,000, San Juan, 8ic and 8c; Foremost, 39.000, Sebastian, 9!j,c md 8c; La Paloma, 22.500.. Booth. 3?ic and 8c; Maddock, 12.500, Mc-Callum, 8I78C and 8c; Huskie L., 10,000. McCallum, 87kc and 8c; Superior, 12,000. Chase, 9c' and 8c; Freya, 18.000. Drexcl, 9c and 8c; Merit, 0,000, San Juan, 11 'fcc and 3c. Endeavors are being made to contact the halibut schooner Thor, which left Seattle on Saturday for Sitka enroute to the halibut grounds, to warn the vessel to call In, Ketchikan so that John Larsen. one of the members of the crew, may make a formal report to Immigration authorities, having failed to do so on arriving at Seattle last week aboard the boat Mermaid. The Mermaid had called at a Canadian port prior to going Into Seattle and, evidently, Larsen failed to make the customary declaration. He is liable to a fine of $1000 and the only way this can be avoided, it is said. Is for him to make the report at Ketchikan. Havinjf completed the discharging of a cargo of fuel oil at the company's local tanks, the Imperial oil Co.'s big tanker Alberto-lite. Capt. A. Mosher, sailed at 9 o'clock last night for San Pedro, California. Capt. Larry Thomson! who came north as pilot on the Albertolite for its trip up the coast, sails this afternoon by the Catala on his return to Vancouver. Another well known local pleasure boat has changed hands with the purchase by Dr. C. H. Hankln-5on of the Gael from Johnny Pierce. The Gael. Is a thirty-foot raised deck, model equipped with a 0 h.p. Boeing Aircraft engine. The vessel was orislnallv O. nowe when it was named Mlpai Tanic WaterhousP If . .1 L L , ., "unnnoim. capt. A. W. Ogdcn, ar- ivea in port last night and was iiscnarglng local careo hi lng. The Alaska freighter r1v Berg. Capt. Eldrcd Hansen, arrived In port at 11 o'clock yester- Overwait Cash or C.O.D. BUTTER First 3 lbs. Puna Fish i's per tin Aylmer Boneless Chicken per tin Miracle Whip Salad Dressing, quart Jar Diamond per lb. CrLsco 1-lb. tin Veal Loaf per tin Ideal Tomato Catsup per bottle Chocolate per lb. Dried Apricots 2 lb3 Sultana Raisins 2 lb3 . Royal City Tomatoes 2 Vi'c 2 tins Lettuce Large heads per head Potatocs-Firm and 15 lbs New Potatoes 7 lbs Canteloupes each Free Dellytry on Orders Arid Over ii day .morning and, after discharging two carloads of halibut and salmon for trans-shipment east over Canadian National Railways,' sailed for Seattle. The co-operative packer Oeden delivered 13,000 pounds of salmon 1 rrom Banks Island and 2,000 pounds from Squadaree today. The Azurite delivered 14,000 pounds from Dundas and 1800 pounds from Zayas. The troller Judy, Capt. Hans Petersen, delivered 2,000 pounds to the co-operative at the advance price of 9c and 6c. Steamship Sailings For Vancouver Tuesday Catala 1:30 p.rrv Thurs. ss. Pr. Rupert 10:30 p.m. Friday ss. P. Adelaide .10 p.m Ss. Cardena 10:30 p.m. June 12 ss. P. Louise 5:30 pm June 19 ss. P Charlotte 5:30 p.m. June 26 ss. Pr. Louise 5:30 p.m. I 111 ig Phone mm ii fiP x ; . PTiVmW JO&rS A Bacon j 'i OV9mmmsMmTmmmtmMtami f I ! : ci. 12c 19c' i 1 I 25c 23c 25c III : ""x.&C 25c 11c J2.00 LAST TIMES TONIGI,T 9 32) CLAUDETTF COLBERT in - "Maid of Salem" At 7:32 ti ADDED I KON EHKOL In "One Live Ghost WOULD NEWS Begins Tomorrow For 1 l)ajJ "Silent Harriers'' 'Filmed at Revelstokei ews Interesting books that yon should read, recently added to our popular rental library. Join now-only 7c for a month of the latest jjood reading. .New books arc being added every week. ;The Late George Apley" Marqtiard Together and Apart" Kennedy "Fire Over England" .......... Mason "Heather of the High Hand" . . . .Stringer "In the Lives of Men" .... Hart "With the West in Her Eyes" . . . .Strange Return to Malaya" Lockhart "We Are Not Alone" Hilton "Thunder Dragon Gate" Mundv ;The White Crow" Macdonald Ine Affair at Flower Acres" Wells "The Dance Goes On" .Goldinir rgonor Bright" ...j'eyes "Bread and Wine" Silone "Honeyball Farm" Dell "By Night at Dinsmore" , . . .Esteven "Graham of Claverhousd" Dodge There is always a good book for you in our Library Come in i mm mmsm mi m mm mmm urm-imx m i;i i CCM. Bicycles Get Vour C. C. M. Bicycle at GORDON'S HARDWARE We carry a complete stock of Bicycles, Tires and Tubes, and repair parts, HALIBUT The source of Sunshine Vitamins A and D Boiled Halibut with egg sauce is digestible, palatable, satisfying. CANADIAN FISH & COLD STORAGE CO. LTD. Prince Rupert, B.C. S S i