..v June 15, 1937 Mil Clothing for Tennis and Outdoor Wear .MEN'S FLANNELS qq CA Off Off Grey ail sizes t?uuvr to ?0AO MEN'S FLANNfcLS White nil sizes SLEEVKLfcSS S'WKATKKS Pure wool pullores, fancy knli colors wnue ana Deige, an sizes $6.00 2.25 MEN'S ANKLE SOCKS Garter top, colors grey and Cflo white, pair mu LADIES' SLACKS Pure wool, smartly cut. colors QJt Off rrey royal, urown ana navy xiuu WATTS & NICKERSON Men's & Boys' Clothiers Phone 315 458 Third Ave. it : The Latest in Science Now Offers You Dufaycolor Films "For Photography in Color" Made by Ilfortl Limited of London, England. A roll of films may be taken with any camera. Just load the camera snap the picture IN NATURAL COLOR Just as You See it Dufaycolor Films now on sale. Come in and see our samples Try the New SELOCHROME FILM Every picture guaranteed. Regular sizes at regular prices. ANOTHER BRITISH SUCCESS! Ormes Ltd. "Jim Pioneer DrUqej is ts The Keill Store Phones: 81 & 82 Open Daily From 8 a.m. till 10 p.m. Sundays and Holidays From 12 noon till 2 p.m, 7 p.m. till 9 p.hi. MACKENZIE'S FURNITURE Kirsch Atavlo SeU-Color Old Copper, Poly. $135 and Tangier; price, set Swing Cranes-For Archway and Window SI. v 7 5 Price, set 200 Curtain Rods Extend 48 Inches 15C each Phone 775 "Rain or Shine PHONE Hoss Mazzei 35 "Day or Night' TAXI Al trench Promnt and Courteous Service Stand VjSft e Itopl Hotel, Third Avenue UNION STEAMSHIPS LTD. Steamers leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver: T.S.S. CAT ALA EVERY TUESDAY, 1:30 PJH Due Vancouver, Thursday p.m. T-8 S. CAltDENA FRIDAY, 10:30 TM. Due Vancouver, Monday am. If convenient please purchase tickets at office, rurlher Information yarding reservations W J, A. W. NEWMAN. Prince Rupert Agent. Third Ave. PboneM Dean gibson WASSPEAKER Addressed Local British Israel Society Last Evening Very Rev. Dean J. B. Gibson was the speaker at the monthly meeting of the local British-Israel Association held in Toe II rooms last evening. The speaker empha sized the need for syst'emntlt study of the Bible and outlined 'different methods of approach. I Taking prophesies from Daniel and Revelations, he showed how ithey paralled each olh'er in many ! respects and clearly defined the trend of the nations through th ages and the condition of tht church from Apostolic days to the present time. The speakti pointed out that the lukewarm ness and spiritual lethargy so evi dent today was one of the condi tions that would exist before tht Recond coming of our Lord. The challenge to the church was to Ibe constant and faithful and refuse to be submerged by material fsm. Bemice Palmer says . . . Mr. and Mrs. James McNulty left California recently for England. Mr. and Mrs. Bazett-Jones, who were visiting their son Sidney, In Hollywood, were on hand to see them off at the boat. Sid writes they also saw Harvey Peck (remember the "shoe Pecks") who is now operating the Astor Hotel. Mrs. Peck is still playing extra parts in the movies so be sure and keep an eye but foC her. It looks as though Prince Rupert folks turn up in all the professions. Sid, you will remember, is now with Colum bla Pictures, who have such stars as Gary Cooper, Jean Arthur, Irene Dunne and Grace Moore. "Lost Horizon," Columbia's most ambitious effort to date, will be released through the smaller thea tres, when it. has completed its year of exclusive road showing. This picture played to capacity audiences in San Francisco recently and is worth waiting for. And for those of you who, like myself, are ardent William Powell-Myrna Loy fans, here is news. M-G-M plans featuring the two stars in another "Thin Man" opus, this time, "More About the Thin Man" and two other favorite screen celebrities will also appear in the pro ductionyou guessed it Astra and Mrs. Astra. I told you these are the Dog Days. Oakland, Cal. CHEERIO! Hotel Arrivals Central G. H. Mogdon, Pacific; E. Checkley, C.N.R. hnox M. L. Clark, Georgetown;, Hamilton. and C. Nelson, city. NOTICE THE DAJL NEWS PAGSaTEREB- R. II Prince Rupert Tennis Club annual tournament. First round Saturday, June 19. Entries close Thursday, June 17, 5 p.m. (138) Announcements United Novelty Sale, June 1C. Presbyterian Tea, Mrs. Smith's, June 2.1. Catholic Ladies' L Hlain. June 17. Excursjon to First. C.N.R.A. R. J. 1). Tea, Mrs. .). Parent Teachers' Tea, Oddfellows' Hall, June 18. Anglican Tea. Mrs. C. V. Evltt's June 24. Tea wnd Home Cooking by Roys' Rand Parents Association, Jun 20, at Mrs. J. Joy's, Third Avenue, 3 to C. Tea cup reading. Terrace, July .nyrojClub Flag Day, July 2. The Central Hotel ROOMS and CAFE Phone 51 For Best Household Coal MRS. C. E. BLACK LOCAL NEWS Communist Party raffle postponed to JUly 1st. 138 Norman A. Watt left on last evening's train for a brief trij. to Terrace. J. O. Johns, manager of Kelly- J Douglas Co. Ltd. here, left on last evening s iram ior a dusuic&s uip to Smithers. D. F. Gunneff, who has been navinir ft visit at Hillmor, sails this afternoon by the Cathla nr. his return to Vancouver. Henry Wey, Indian Department auditor from New Westminster U now at Hazelton after spend ing a week or so visiting the locai ncrencv and district villages on official duties. J. L. Roaf. manager of the northern division of Home Oi Distributors Ltd., left on last evening's train for a trip to Smithers and other interior pointh on company business. Mrs. Jessie Jacobs of the Indian Department office is about to leave the Prince Rupert General Hospital for home after hav ing undergone surgical treatment During Mrs. Jacobs' absence, Miss Margaret Fritz is relieving at the Indian office. Canada's first million dollar super-production ... Is a world-wide cinematic triumph! 1 filmed at Revelstoke, B.C. ... in the heart of the Canadian Rockies . . . begins tomorrow for 4 days ati the Capitol. (138) This week's luncheon of ihe Prince Rupert Gyro Club is post-noned from tomorrow until Fri day when it is expected there will be a large attendance of members and guests to hear an address by Sir Francis Floud of Ottawa, British High Lommis- sioner lo uanaaa. isexi-wptK ui club will have as its speaker Joseph Schwartz on . "The Jew ish Situation" and the week after that the luncheon will be given over to entertainment of the captain and officers of the Japanese cadet ship Kaiwo Maru. A Funeral Notice An emergent meeting of Tslmp-sean Lodge No. 58, A. F. & A. M. will be held In the Masonic Temple on. Wednesday, June 16th., 1937, at 2: SO p.m. for the purpose of con ducting a fuheral service for our late Brother Simon Donald Mac donald. Members of Tyee Lodge and sojourning Brethren are invited to attend. W. D. VANCE, Secretary. LAM) ACT Form So. 13 FORM OP NOTICE mslar l.anil District District ot AWn TAKE NOTICE -hat Fred Ackla anc Cliwles Oberlnnder of Atlln, B. C, occupation Miners. Intend to apply for permission to purchase th following described lands: Commencing at a post located twe miles south of Qolden Gate en Tag1h Lake. North West Corner Post, around runs 20 chains from this poet in southern direction then 20 chains ea then 20 chains nori, then 20 chains west, to legal past of beginning FRED N. ACKLE3 CHARLES OBERLANDER. Dated April 6th. 1937. New Laundry C6r. Fifth Ave. & McBrlde St. DAM I WASH 10 lbs, 50c THRIFTY Wearing Apparel Damfe Flatwork Ironed 10 lbs. 75c Over 10 lbs. 6c per lb. ROUGH DRY Wearing Apparel Dry Flatwork Ironed 10 lbs. $1.00 Over 10 lbs. 8c per lb. Finished Shirts, 15c ea. 746 Phones 858 Had Great Trip To Ocean Falls Prince Rupert Operatic Society Played to Two Full Houses Generous Hospitality Members of the Prince Rupert Operatic Society, returning home yesterday from Ocean Falls where they gave two presentations of the musical comedy "H. M. S. Pina fore," reported having a highly successful and enjoyable trip Both shows drew packed audiences and appreciation seemed to be gen eral. The local party, numbering some thirty-five, found the people of the paper town very generous hosts and there was plenty of he Dltality and entertainment which made the visit all too short. Leaving here last Friday night on the Princess Adelaide, the party got home yesterday mortilng on the Princess Charlotte. For being an inmate of a di- orderly house, Mabel Johnson was fined $50, with option of thirty days' imprisonment, by Magistrate McC'lymont in city police court yesterday afternoon. The fine was paid. KELLOGG'S ARE SO CONVENIENT "There's no fut anl Ivoiii-r (iround Mic kltcVn vlirn I M-rve Kellogg'. N' p,l an.l pans to clean. Jul pour on milk or rream and lliry're ready lo eat." Every one lilos the crisp, tempting goodness of Kti-logg's. Serve them at any time bf the day. Kellogg's are sold by all grocers. One of the biggest values you can buy. Made and guaranteed by Kellogg in London, Ont. CORN ffc , FLAKES ml tfll&yfl C0RH FLAKES Made Better Packed Better Taste Better FOR SALE FOR SALE Cabin Phone Blue 801. at Salt Lakes (141) FOR SALE Camn at Salt Lakes. Apply Wallace's. (143) COAL Nanaimo-Welllngton for furnace and heater. Alberta Egg sootiest, for the kitchen range. Albert & McCaffery, Phone 116 or 117. (tf) FOR RENT FOR RENT Modern house on Biggar Place. Phone Green 378. (tf) FOR RENT Seven-room house, sun room and glass protected porch, with electric range, fur nace, gdod garden, one of finest harbor views in city. Apply to Pullert, Dally News. (tf) EXPERT TUITION EXPERT Tuition by experienced commercial teacher, In shorthand, typewriting and book keeping available, for a short lime only. Special speed classes will be arranged for those who already have theoretical know ledge In these subjects. For further particulars Phone Blue 67 or apply at Rose, Cowan & Latta Ltd., Besner Block. PIONEER CARPENTER Will examine your buildings,, give estimates bh all repairs and plans drawn free bf charge. Phone Black 442 or drop me a card, general de livery. A. H. McPherson We Deliver Quaker or Kellofgs Corn Flakes 3 pkts. Red .Arrow SODAS Large package Best Foods Mayonnaise 8 oz. 21c: 1G oz. WElNERS Swift's, per lb. Red Arrow Chocolate ECLAIRS 1 lb. Cello Australian RAISINS 2 lb. Cello naclcaee Royal City TOMATOES No. 2 tin. 2 for Large Size BEETS Fresh Tons. bunch Ripe Red TOMATOES Small Size, lb. 25c 37c 28C 21c 2Jc 7c c T" Thrift Ca Phone 179 Swet Mixed or Mustard PICKLES Qc ppyvaie. at. jar Btif Arrow or IJl.C. mm Wafers limited, pfcg- 2ic Sandwich Assorted, 3-oz. tins fl MarshmaTlows Lawney's, Cello pkg. for CUCUMBERS Larre. ereen. each Tender NEW PEAS Full Pods, 3 lbs. D. Elio Furniture Exchang MOOSE BUILDING, THIRD AVE. Phone Green 916 i ... , it,. .. Baggage !2c Malkin's Bst Sliced, No. 2 tin PEACHES 4 Cp While they la. KETCHUP Libby't. 12 -oz. bottle Brentwood PEAS No. 2 tins. 15c 15c 23c sh & Carry Suit Cases, from $1.50 to $5.50 Trunks, from $9.50 to $18.00 Wardrobes, from . . . .$14.50 to $37.50 USED GOODS Beds, Dining Room Suite, Chairs, Table, Refrigerators, Kitchen Ranges, 50 Feet Fire Hose, 30 Gallon Water Boiler, English Prams, Organ (good make), Gramaphones, Records, Violin, Tenor Banjo, Books, Singer Sewing Machine. Good Set of Books tho National Encyclopedia, Teacher's Encyclopedia and Book of Knowledge. TO THE HOUSEWIFE: Have you started spring cleaning? You may have furniture, crockery, utensils, luggage, blankets, suits, clothes, etc you wish to get rid of. Wc Buy Everything CALL GREEN 916 ElIO'S Trade-in Call Green 9 16 We Sell Everything FURNITURE EXCHANGE Moose Building, Third Avenue, Prince Rupert, B.C. Hours: Daily from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. OEM If you lose anything, advertise for it.