4 Pacific. 1 VICTOB&, Today's Weather Tomorrow's Tides (8 AJrt.) High 7:26 ajn. 15.7 ft. I'rince Rupert Fair, northeast 20:00 p.m. 18.1 It. wind; barometer, 29.80; sea Low 1:16 am. 7.6 ft. smooth. 13:15 p.m. 7.3 ft. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER V01. XXVI.. No. 138. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., TUESDAY, JUNE 15, 1937 PRICE: 5 CENTS 1 1 A I Conference Is Concluded KiLBAU NEAR i ALL Complete Capture of Basque Capital by Insurgents Now Appears Imminent WITH THE INSURGENTS OUT-' SIDE BILBAO, June 15: (CD-Ad- ?J2K SIS, the streets of Bilbao yesterday with rifle fire from scattered houses in the outskirts which they had occupied. Generalissimo Francisco Franco's troops had cracked through the Basque defences and carried their red and yellow flag to the city's edge. The morale of the Basques was, . apparently, breaking and their capital was seemingly given up for lost although the government of President Aqulrre denied reports that some of its members had fled to Santader No surrender was contemplated, Basque officials said. Basque militiamen hurriedly threw up street barricades today tor a last stand defence against the insurgents who continued to light their way into Bilbao. Insurgent bullets were still falling in the streets. The defenders are facing the onslaught calmly. British Consul Leaves A landing party of British sailors today rescued British Consul R, C Stevenson from Bilbao under a hall of Insurgent fire. Stevenson's staff and other British nationals vere evacuated a long time ago. ALL POLLS REPORTED Subject to Official Count Next Week, I'attullo's Clear Majority Stands at 27 Final returns for Prince Rupert riding following the recent provincial election have been received with the reporting of two small polls on the Queen Charlotte Isl ands. Premier T. D. Pattullo has a clear majority of twenty-seven over the combined vote of his three opponents. The totals arc: T D. Pattullo, Liberal, 1473. George Weaver. C. C. F., 783. C V Evltt. Conservative. 050. Capt J Bowcn-Colthurst, Social Credit 13. These totals are subject to revi sion at the official count to be held June 21. The final polls to report were Murchlson Island which gave Weaver two votes and Pattullo one and Lockeport which gave Weaver three votes. The vote per polls was as follows not Including absentee votes from ouL-lde the riding: 8 9 a c c o Iflnce Rupert ,...13 Cumshewa Haysport Inverness Lawn Hill Lockeport Massett Murchlson Id. .. North Island Osland Port Clements ... port Simpson .... ' Q Charlotte City Sandsplt Skldegate Sunnyslde Surf Point Tlell Humpback Bay Jap inlet Oceanic M na River D1Bby island .J Goose Bay Squadaree Wafk Channel i zyas island .4. 534 1120 471 4 3 14 5 6 4 0 22 04 1 2 23 1 13 2 29 21 23 5 17 0 4 3 11 3 5 4 8 0 10 1 3 11 5 2 13 3 2 11 1 8 9 2 Election in Free State July First I (CP)- during prSo de Valera declared he would pro- claim an Irish Republic if a partition of the Irish Free State and Northern Ireland did not exist, the Dall Elreann last night approved a new constitution draft and dis- solved. A general election will be held July 1. Today's Weather (Government, Telegraph) Terrace Cloudy, calm, 57. Alice Arm Raining, calm, 52. Slewart South wind, cloudy, 54. Hazelton Heavy rain, calm, 52. Smithers Cloudy, calm, cooler Burns Lake Rain, calm, 51. Victoria Cloudy, west wind, 4 miles per hour; barometer, 2U.88 Lstevan Kain, southeast wind, 12 miles per hour: barometer 2D.8G. Prince George Cloudy, south east wind; barometer, 29.72. Vancouver Cloudy, east wind, barometer, 29.88. - Alert Uay-CIoudy, cairn, barometer, 29.9G; temperature, 54; sea smooth. Dull Harbor Overcast, show cry, southeast wind, 1 mile per hour; barometer, 29.70; temperature, 55; light swell. Triple Island Cloudy, won! wind, 4 miles per hour; se; smooth. Iangura Island Clear, calm barometer, 29.80; temperature. 50; sea smooth. Dead Tree Point Overcast calm, barometer, 29.88; sea smooth. DISORDERS IN STRIKE Violence Between C. I. O. and A. I L. at Cambridge, I'a. CAMBRIDGE, Pa., June 15: (CP Rival factions representing the Committee for Industrial Organization and the American Federa tion of Labor battled today at the main gates of the National Elec tric Products Co. Nearly a score of men were beaten as strike-breakers marched to the plant chanting: "We're going to work," being struck by pickets affiliated with the C. 1 O. Many Arrested After Shooting Lengthy Questioning, However, Re sults In Releasing Anderson Shooting Suspects ANDERSON, Ind., June 15: (CP Within a few hours after extreme violence flared up In this strike- ridden city yesterday alter an unnamed man had used a shotgun, the police had arrested nine men, Including six victims of gunfire, but later released them on their own recognizance after lengthy questioning. Halibut Sales Canadian Svalbard, 5,500, 8.2c ana c Cold Storage. American : Seattle, S9.000, 9.1c and C.5c, 4 0 3 37 2 8 2 38 2 31 19 4 2 4 3 17 15 33 22 11 "Margot" as" Elizabeth Costumed as Queen Elizabeth not the present Queen, but "good Queeri Bess" the Countess of Oxford and Asqulth, affectionately known as "Margot," Is pictured at the Coronation costume ball in the Albert Hall, London. The ball, a feature of the Coronation festival program, was held to help provide a national theatre. Helped Himself To City Wood So Will Serve Time John l'rodanuik, who had bw evidently making a business of helping himself to cordwoo'cl bo-longing to the city at the end o( Wantage Road, and relailing U, pleaded guilty in city police court this morning to a charge of theft and was sentenced to thirty days mprisonment. The wood' which ''rodanuik had been taking was cut by relief labor for the city to be used as fuel in schools. FLIGHT TO START SOON Soviet Aviators Plan Non-Slop Or One-Stop Flight Moscow to San Francisco OTTAWA, June 15: (CP) Soviet aviators, who are planning a Moscow to San Francisco flight, Intend to make It non-stop or, possibly, with one stop at Fairbanks. They have already been given permission to fly over both Canadian and American territory. The flight Is expected to be made as soon as conditions are suitable. Will Probe Jap Fishing WASHINGTON. D.C., June 15: (CP) The Department of State announced today that United States government re- presentatlves would be sent to the Pacific Coast and to Alas- kan waters to Investigate actl- vltles of Japanese fishing boats reported to be operating near Bristol Bay outside American territorial waters. Many complaints have been made against the Incursions of these vessels upon fish which It has been endeavored .to protect. TODAY'S STOCKS (Courtesy 8. D. Jonuston Co.) Vancouver B. C. Nickel, '..20 ',2. Big Missouri, .47, ,. Dralorne, 7.00. B. 11. Con., .04. t Aztec, .08. i Cariboo Quartz, 1. CO. Dentonia, .14. . Dunwell, .0314.-t Golconda, .08. Minto, .15. ; Meridian, .01 '-a. . Fairview Amalg.,, .07. Noble Five. .05$. Pend Oreille, SiBOi I'ionoer-3.3 Porter Idaho, .04. Premier, 2.20. Reno, .82. Reward, .09. Salmon Gold, .09. Taylor Bridge, .05'2. Wayside, ,0V4. Heley Amalg., .01. Premier Border, .01 1,. Silbak Premier. 2.00. r Congress, .OS1-;. Home Gold, .02. Grandview, .lC'j. Indian, .02. Quatsino Copper, .04. Quesnelle Quartz, .09. Oils A. P. Con., .33. Calmont, ,.73. C. & IS., 3.20. ' . Freehold. .10'; ;' Hargal, .18. McDougal Segur, Mercury, .'V7. Merland. .12. Home Oil, 2.20. ' United, .151; J Wcymarn, JO1". vt Okalta, 2.25. Pacalta. .17. Toronto j-Beattie, 1.20. Central Patricia, 2.80. Gods Lake, .W. Lee Cold. .03. Little Long Lac. 5.25. McKenzie Ked Iake, 1.14. Pickle Crow, G.10, Red Lake Gold Shore, .42. San Antonio, 1.40. Sherritt Gordon. 2.10. Smelters Gold, .03V1-. McLeort Cockshutt, 2.05. Oklend, .15. Mosher, .27. Gilb-c, .02. Madsen Ked like, .70. Stadacona, 1.44. Frontier Hed Lake, .14. Francoeur, .75. Manitoba & Eastern, .0.1. Moneta Porcupine, 1.33. Uubec, .03. Thompson Cadillac, .08, Bailor, .02. Bankfield, .80. East Malartic. 1.08. Preston East Dome, .90. Hutchison Lake, .15: Dawson White, .13. Uajah Red Lake, .22. Aldermac, 1.00. - ' Kerr Addison. "2.45, Uchl Gold, .65t sr. Martin Bird, .G4. FIRES IN K INTERIOR! Kain at Wcck-F.nd Gave Promise Of Relieving Situation, Olof Hanson Reports Rains had started to fall at the end of last there appear-1 weekend reiteTS forest fire situation which had already done consider- able damage to timber .tands and was threatening other areas in the , Hazelton district, it was reported F n i ound Declares King Canadian prime JMinistcr Well Satisfied With Ilcsults Of Meetings Better Understanding is Great Help LONDON, June 15: (CP) The Imperial Conference en(e(i jts labors today. Prime Minister William Lyon nf pnnnri R:ri tw tj.p rlpHWntinns nf by Olof Hanson M. P. who arrived 1 " ? , 1 t j tui. ee f from the interior on Saturday the conference had emphasized once more the ef fective-nicht's train and is rctumine to ness of reason and .co-operation in conduct of interna- smithers this evening, in the Kis- nlox district mere was lire in con- was as'wel las In One of his own. Mr. Hanson said. There was also a large fire in the vicinity of Nash where the Han'on Timber & Lumber Co. assembles timber floating down from the upper Skeena. Weather has heen verv hot and i 'Iry in the Interior for the past two ; or three weeks, making a rather I M.TV, fir ha!irH ABERHART IS SAVED ! Speaker Comes to Rescue jpf Al-aLbcrtaSocjal CreditC'i-r, Budset'lsTasscd EDMONTON, June 15; (CD Speaker Dawson rescued the Alberta Social Credit government from defeat last night when he ruled out of order a Social Credit legislator's motion to terminate on a year's notice the Dominion-provincial agreement whereby Alberta is policed by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police. The motion had passed 23 to 20 against the vole of every cabinet minister. Earlier the government's budget was passed removing the immediate cause of an insurgent threat which almost wrecked the Abcrhart government in April. CHARLTON IS WINNER Touring English Team Had No Dif ficulty Winning Four to Nil At Victoria VICTORIA, June 15: (CP) Charlton Athletic defeated Victoria All Stars four to nothing yesterday. tional affairs. They have demonstrated anew that peoples 4fyfKpr IcY Ilvll JmLjU mJ 1 UNIVERSITY One Canadian and Five Americans "egrees ai iiwiuric Vermont BURLINGTON, June 15: Honorary degrees were conferred by the University of Vermont yesterday upon five distinguished Am-j erlcans In addition tp S. J. Hun-1 gerford. president of the Cana-' Idian National Railways. The degree was conferred upon President Hmgerfofd byGuy-W. Bailey, president of the university which was founded by Ira Allen, brother of General Ethan Allen ol Revolutionary War fame, In 1791, the year in which Vermont was admitted to statehood as the first commonwealth to join the original thirteen states of the Union. Within a stone's throw from the original building on the University of Vermont campus the cornerstone of which was laid by General The Marquis de Lafayette, distinguished French soldier in 1825, Professor Frederick Tupper, head of the university's department of English, after the degrees had been conferred by President Bailey, read the citation which accompanied Mr. Hungerford's degree: The Citation "Samuel J. Hungerford, chairman and president of the Canadian National Railways, Grand Trunk Western Railroad and Central Vermont Railway and chairman and president of the Canadian National Telegraphs and the Canadian National Steamship lines, at the time of the Vermont flood in 1927. was active In his support of crippled Vermont railway systems." Ten vears atro this fall when the I ana other railroad lines. Mr. Hun- i gerford, as vice-president of op - j eratlons, maintenance and con- jstructtons of Canadian National ! lines came to Vermont before the J flood waters had subsided on a1 I personal tour of Inspection. Noting ' the seriousness of the situation and realizing the necessity for prompt action If the Canadian National outlet to the American seaboard was to be restored ne nasicnea back to Montreal, reported to his superiors, secured authority to restore the Central Vermont line and mobilized an army of workmen and tralnloads of material. Leading the reconstruction forces he returned to New England and began Jie gigantic task of restoration jvhlch necessitated rebuilding of tome connecting lines to reach 1 stratecic worklnz nolnts on the j Central Vermont. Ninety days to a Monty Wilkinson scored the onlyraglng flood waters in the narrow goal for the touring visitors In theiNew England valleys laid waste! first half while Don Welsh Pr-1 mile after mile of Central Vermont iormea me nai wkk m wie acuuuu. , It was an easy victory for the Eng lish First Division team. Weather Forecast Furnished througi the courtenjr 01 .I Dominion M?Urologlcnl Bureau Victoria an1 frltve Rujwrt Thl fore ost Is compiled from observation t ken t 5 a.m. today and covert the 31 hour period ending 5 pjn. tomorrow). A disturbance Is Blowly h;.-proaching Vancouver Island. Showers have occurred on the Urltish Columbia coast and In the southern interior. Prince Rupert District un Queen Charlotte Islands Southeasterly winds increasing U strong tonight, part cloudy untf becoming showery. Delayed by having had heavy freight for theNaas River as well as an extra call at Carlisle in the Skeena River, Union steamer Ca - tala is due in port at 8:20 tonight southbound. - ,. v.o - operation Dasis is pursuing common ideals can find a means of working together for the common good." The Canadian Premier said that the function of the conference was not to formulate or declare policy but the value lay mainly in free exchange of Information and opinion. "In the Imperial confer- ence m Klng sald ,we have en joyed and exercised the family privilege of frank and free speech. This has contributed not only to a better understanding of the tasks and problems of other members but to an attainment of n sound basis of co-operation," HIS DEATH IS MYSTERY Rescue Workers Unable to Understand Why One of Extension Victims Did Not Escape NANAIMO, June 15: (CP) Rescue workers, who took out the body of young Joseph Carr from the workings of the flooded Beban mine at Extension yesterday, endeavored to discover why Carr went back Into the mine after evidently having had an opportunity to escape. Discovery of tools led the rescue workers to theorize that Carr finished work at the pit bottom, started out and then, for some reason, laid his implements down and returned to the deep end of the slope where the water caught him. PATIENTS BY PLANE Two Mercy Flights Within Forty-Light Hours by K. C. A. F. Officer Within forty-eight hours Sauad- mn !jo, r v vt.ricU..r in charge of the detachment of planes wnlch is conducting topographical survey work for the Department of National Defence on thLi nart. of the coast, has made two "mercy flights' from Queen Charlotte islands with patients for the Prince Rupert General Hospital, on Saturday evening Squadron Leader Mawdsley brought In from j the A. P. Allison Logglrig Co. at Cumshewa Inlet Walter Jensen who had suffered a severe arm cut with an axe while at work. Last evening John Carmichael. stricken with acute appendicitis at one of Morgan's logging camps, was brought In for emergency surgical treatment. 1 11ARRLI) FROM DRIVING A youth of Juvenile age who drove a delivery van which figured In a collision on the Kalcn Island Highway last week; appeared be fore Stipendiary Magistrate An- I drew Thompson In provincial po- day after the first high water had) lice court this morning on a charge : been reported, track, trestles and j of driving to the common danger. j bridges on the Central Vermont He pleaded guilty and was fined had been restored to a sufficient $25, his driving licence also being (Continued on Page Four suspended for two years.