PAQB two Perth's Plio-Pedic Arch Relief Dressy Street Oxfords Just arrived in Blue Kid, Brown Kid and Black Kid These Oxfords are built to give absolute foot comfort and maximum wear. $7.00 FPer AMILY SHOE Pair STORE LlD. The Home of Good Shoes THE DAILY NEWS. PKINCE KUPEKT BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News. Limited, Third Avsnue H. F PULL EN tne people 01 me country. Managing-Editor ADVERTISING RATES Classified advertising, per word, per insertion ... ; Local readers, per line, per Insertion SUBSCRIPTION KATES City delivery, by carrier, yearly period, paid in advatce ... Paid in advance, per week Advertising and Circulation Telephone . News Department Telephone ........ 86 Member of Audit Bureau ot Circulations in .02 .25 Paid in advance, per month 50 By mall to all parts of British Columbia, the Bntt3h Empire and United States, yearly period, paid in advance By mall to all other countries, per year .... ; ....... $5 3.00 8.00 Tuesday, .October 19, 1&37. QUESTION OPlMPOtltAWOK i In some matters Great Britain is very sldw and certainly behind the times, in his address heYe last week Tom Waylmg remarked he did not like the 'liritiah method 01 procedure. He did not elaborate on the subject but the idea behind it. was something like this: When the country is called upon to take action on any important question the man who leads is the Prime Minister. He is the real ruler of the country because, under the constitution, the Ring acts on his advice. Then when it came to crowning the King the Premiers were relegated to the background and the socialites were introduced and given positions of honor. The social nobodies were supposed tobe nobles whereas the Prime Ministers of the various nations of the commonwealth were simply commoners. This matter of precedence is not Very important except that it is likely to cause irritation and it plays into the hands of those who like to see the whole kingly fabric destroyed, it seems to us that the time has come for the King and members of the British aristocracy to 'realize that tile representative of the people is next to the King the most important person in the country and should be recognized as slich. We certainly object to the Lord of the Bedchamber or some other person with nothing but a social standing taking precedence of Prime Minister Mackenzie King. If we are to have under our recently revised constitution that the equality which has been so much discussed, it should be shown at the crowning of the King. If this is important for the Canadian Prime Minister, it is even more important for the Prime Minister of England. The probability is that the change has not been made because the people Of the Old Country are used 'to that sort of thing. The really important people do not mind being shoved aside on state occasions for others of less importance. A STATED CASE Take the case of young Mr. Anthony Eden. It 'de-' volves upon him to undertake all important moves in con-' nefctibn with foreign countries. Next to the British Prime Minister he is the most important person in the British' Empire. Yet, at the coronation, he was relegated to;a' minor position behind these who were decorated with gold braid and other gewgaws. Even ttight Hon. Neville' Chamberlain was kept well in the background. j If any of these people visited Canada they would be'' given their true position and would be so acclaimed bv' it' 1 L BOWLING RESULTS North Star and CN.KjV. No. 1 Score Clean Sweep Victories in Commercial League North Star and Canadian Nation al Recreation Association No. i scored clean sweep victories in the Commercial Bowling League last, night, the former defeating Electrical Workers three games to oil ahd the latter winning over Biological Station by a similar margin. High average scorer was Jack Armstrong of North Star with 179 . Electrical Workers 12 3 .Little ..... 138 123 149 McRae 135 129 116 Pottlnger 146 106 105 McAuley 62 Forman 126 140 121 Fidler 164 155 Handicap 70 45 45 Total 697 707 691 ! North Star 1 J. Armstrong 165 J. Irvine 146 McMeekln 104 R. Armstrong 144 McLedd 160 Handicap 73 10 for 10ji 25 for 25! SO for 50j 2 186 122 121 130 137 73 PLAIN OR CORK TIP 3 186 133 ioe 158 118 73 (Total .. '792 7C9 774 I C.N.K.A. No. 1 1 2 3 i Irving 168 171 179 Rutter 130 129 153 West 152 176 154 I Franklin 132 112 137 ,J. Paul 123 148 143 Handicap 32 32 32 Total 737 768 798 Bio. Station 1 Cade 129 Cook 75 ' Stamford 141 Sunderland 103 Sutton ': H4 00 1 Handicap 97 .12 2 145 131 125 117 115 97 3 117 98 135 162 144 97 Total 629 730 753 Commercial League Printers C.N.R.A. No. W L Pts 7 2 7 6 3 6 THE DAILY NEWS STAN WELL Canaaian Boxer c a Ticcicn Defeats Dutch No Doubt Aboiit It, Best Team Won World Series, Declares Local Baseball Sage "Well, the series is over." writes Stan Moiin, Prince Rupert's base-, ball sage, from New York. The card to the sports editor of the Daily News was written Just after the final game last Sunday. ' "The .best team by far won,'' says Stan. "The Yanks are a real ball team. They have not a weak spot on the team." Stan left New York a week age Sunday night for Detroit where he 'was to pick up a car and rnotot west by way of Los Angeles in company with Lawrence Kubley of Ketchikan. He is due homt about the end of this month. HOCKEY IN NORTHWEST Vancouver, Portland ahd Seattle Circuit to be Operated Again This Winter SEATTLE. Oct. 19: (CP) There will be professional hockey again In the Pacific Northwest this winter, It was definitely announced here yesterday following a conference In Which Vancouver, Portland and Seattle we're represented. Rupert Motors 5 C.N.R.A. No. 2 5 Gyro Club 4 North Star 4 Electrical Wo'rkers 3 Biological Station 2 REX BOWLING ALLEY Basement of Exchange Block rifONE, 658 Technical Knock'out for Al Del-uney In Seventh 'Hound fU London LONDON, Oct. 19: (CP)--Al De-laney of Canada, 178 poiinds, scored a technical knockout in the sev 5nth of a scheduled ten round' bout here last night over Harry.. Stoil, 198-pound heavy weight champion of Holland. Windsor Invited To Grid Dinner Will Duchess Also be Entertained Hy Mrs. Frankllh D. UooseVelt? WASHINQTON. D. C, Oct. 19: The Duke of Windsor has been Invited to the annual gridiron dinner here. Usually, the wives of the guests at the gridiron dinner are the guests of Mrs. Franklin D. Roosevelt at the White House. CFPR Programs MONDAY 'IM. 6:15 Request Program. 6:30 Dally News Broadcast. 6:45 Hawaiian Melodies. 7:00 Paper Moon. 7:15 Cecil and Sally. TUESDAY A.M. 11:15 Message Period. 11:30 Weather Forecast. 12:20 Stock Report 12:30 Dally News Broadcast." 1 12:40 Monitor Visws the News. 12:45 Eb and Zeb. SNOWING AT BURNS LAKE Ualn at Other 1'oints with Temper atures Generally Falling in Northern District It was snowing at Burns Lake this morning, according to the dally weather report of the Government Telegraphs, arid the thermometei wai: at freezing point.. There has been as milch as a foot of snow In the Omineca mining district. At Hafcelton. smtthers and Terrace it wa& raining. There are lower tern ceratures throughout the district Today's weather report; , Terrace iieavy raiivcaim, vem ' perature, 39. ' Alyansh Rain, calm, 42. Alice Arm Rain, calm, 44. Anyox Cloudy, calm, 41. ' Stewart Cloudy, calm, 41., Hazelton Rain, calm, 40. Smlthers Rain, calm, 38. Burns Lake SnOwlng, calm, 32. Prince George Raining, south east wind, four miles per hour; bar ometer. 29.90 Vancouver Cloudy, easieffy wind, four miles per hour: barome ter, 30.14. Victoria Fair, easterly wind, six miles per hour; barometer, 30.14. Eitevah Raining, southeasterly wind, 22 miles per hour; barometer 30.00, Bull Harbor Heavy rain, south east wind; Mx miles per hour; bar ometer. 29.52: temperature 50: sea ' rough. I Alert Biy Overcast, southeast Wind; barometer, 29 82; tempera ture 43; Sea rough. Dead Tree Point Raining, fresh northeast wind; barometer, 29.48; temperature. 45; light "swell. ti Langara Island Raining, north-v east wind, 18 miles per hour! barometer, 29.56; temperature, 45; sea choppy. It Alt SILVER NEW YOUK: (CP) Bar sil Man in the Moo Oooddayl If nice t price more and ten ,. r world Is. still re0iv; n plte of the Bpttfi hundreds of Other . crt. 1 ' .u. 4 which we have ,.., Everyday thatlhe earth w an us axis that is anfittw aasseriiJ..., cn When :)ho ru ... . ,....,, UIal! .... crisis nasff iunA ,i, 5 ( niiVU m H, I ends Is found that mosYa When the pulp" mill-Ustarw.,, 4ther crisis: will have been beglln and, once the workmen commenfc hammering stohe for the basemen, 10 U MTUn T . . we snail reel that 1 iiiunuge 10 save money to buy a new hat a real J gooanesr -crisis will be oter, 1 nlmnti. .U.. .1 . t mnuYa uiv me Kreai mm When I see their pictures In tb paperf tney do not look 36 -great. Take Mr. Premier Heburn. He'i not'thb kind I would vote for, Ju'dj-Ing frbm-hls pictures In the papers. Yet ne was elected In uplte ottl C.I.O. and the local C.CP club. By the by, where Is the Ontario C.C.F.? Hollywood Is getting ready to receive the Dook. Possibly he plara to . make a career for himself is the pictures. John Davey was asked to solve 1 '. problem. It was how much 1 fish- Triple Island Showery, southerly erman wouid oet for a catch of wind, 22 miles per hour; sea choppy, salmon and halibut at fifteen cenU and ten cents if one third of the catch was salmon and the halibut amounted, to 1742 poundi John reply was that he could easily work ver was unchanged at 4iAc pr It If It was all halibut but he never fine ounce on the New York met al market today, Wttj the mildness, quality and purity of the contents Player's JM HBP'T?1' 'MiMs was yot young as a name when the "Old Contemptibles" VjH yISSISMK went ut t0 Fran,- but even then it was the largest j WmMwML ?i"SiH filing cigarette in England 1 Player's "Mild" have those kM M$KrH "ante qualities, are made in the same traditional English jCfli H ' wayand are now offered at popular prices, in a smart A BkIV new package. XJ m. Livi W Cork tips for those who prefer them plain ends for " .iV A V those who like cigarettes plain but good. 'Tf - V ' "Mild NAVY CUT CIGARETTES had anything to do lthbijnt I salmon. There Is a rumor that (m Bryant once vrent to KhUA 1 fish. Ort hi? return he was ii ' how many he taught He repM that the fish were too small i bother Willi 50 he got a couple i the boys to help him heave thti back Into the water DENSE FOG IN LONDON Four Deaths are Attributed lb Traffic ArchleiiM in Melforolorkal l lirahkrt 'LONDON.Oct 19: (Cfl-A densf blaiik rofe which has blanketed W British 'Isles li held responsible ftr robr" tleathS and forty Injuries I traffic accident Trlrice Rupert Electric Steam Massage Treatment For liheumatism, Tuberculosis Lumbago ond Dyspep'11 1'hone 281 K. HaTakair New Koyal Hotel ll Krtsh Local Kav And Pasteurized Milk VALENTIN DAIRY ri!ONE-fi57 the Central Hotel HOOMS awd cafjj fhone Si 'for Beit Household coal IIIS. C. E. BtACK NEW ROYAL HOTEL j. Zarelli, PropH'to "A 1IOME hViKi FROM HOME" Rte f Ml o 30 Rooms Hot & Crid wr Prince Hujxrt, 00.