1 60 Chapter ing Needy . n I 1 m . 1 1 Chapter, imperial uiucr, hters of the Empire, was held ening at ine nome oi mis. r rchard McLeod. Tne rener Ittee reported tnai e (inn uiubiiiiiKi S. DU children, Palm snoes, school been purchased for as decided by tne unapter troDhv suitably .inscribed. urchased and donated to the Cadets. ,al Dlans were made for the ,'0n Tp.i to be held In the I nn,c tin nn iJPtnhpr 2Q I'lluna er McCallumls Legion Head .-.i iinnut i-roviuru ror r.ieripn w HIIU " hJrfTrophy 'For Sea taoeis ..-.ior mnnthlv hieetine: of Oreat frorlh Mnn t Meeting Last Night Other Officers Chosen The local Moose Legion FIRST CAR JUST ARRIVED Of f he Popular last , v.vwtu umbers ior tne ensuing term of office as follows: I Great North Moose, William' B McCallum. ' South Moose, B. J. Bacon. East Moose, Ole Stegavlg. West Moose, Richard Long Oilldlng Moose, A. k. Nelson. Treasurer, A. Ohnesborg. Custodian, J. L Blaln. 1 Argus, William Gray. Herder, Fred Scadden. Following the med ting, refresh-ments were served. Timely Recipes SPlCED GRAPE JELLY Wash slightly under-ripe grapes, Remove the stems. Put grapes In a uicscrvinK 'Keuie. nnowinc u. run ,- ...--B 4 IVlneear. 1 lJ!ltnnnn mhnla .!..'. I u I ........ ' " ....y.v wvj.io. t 11 J-... strike. So far there : JL. uiiwutii uuuuie ciieeseciOLn Sr!lfSl.nnn ieUT bag! Measure Juice; , , vuj cup ougai sugar to iaj each cam Luy cup ui . 1..L.1.. Uttnnri' In nvtA nnto -v Splrelia Corset factory and the i i another They whiled away lint with cards and dancing room, A birthday party even held for the small son of of the workers. The little fel- iSl his brother were hoisted igh t window In the plant; LL - LIJLJ K .1 ni . luraiu miner amy una uii- li ULUlt LU 1111.. A I will U IIUllllll I to stand up for Its rights, lit down on them. e czv hip SLriKH Dfit;iii n rnn .m m ".: iifiiiv rifin in annrnaT Juice. Boll until a little of the Juice Jellies when poured on a cold saucer (15-20 minutes). Pour lri-to hot sterilized glasses. Cool and seal. Fourth Victim OfHotelFire Death Toll as Result of Destruction of Grand Central Hostelry In Sherbrooke SHER BROOKE, Que., Oct. 19: (CP) Firemen were interrupted yesterday In their search for jf the building ahd the girls bodies In the debris of the 75-year fcilt UiHlIb uli a. Lll 1U1 rille. a part of Metroool- Lj.i and even the sight- mtib atuuuu itaw wav conversation "Have you ) the strike yet?" CHEERIO! bid Orand Central Hotel, which was destroyed by fire, to 'piit out another fire which pro'ved to bcf hot, serious. Fourth victim of the Grand Central fire, Robert Coop er sucdtlmbed yesterday to burns Three other men had been burned to death. Tonight's train, due from the East at 11 o'clock, was re'pbfted this afternoon to'be 6n time MURRAY POTATOES Obtainable at the 'Following Stores: Albcrta Market Mkley .Market J; E. Hunt Ud. Irs. E. Hannan Johnson's Grocery I'ipsett Ud. IJiwcy & Davica LAMPS OvervVaitea Ltd. Q & S Grocery Itance & Hardy Phillips Grocery . 'Sterling' Markets Ltd. 'Sunrise Grocery Thrift Cash & Carry Crown and racked In Special New 'Printed Sacks KxclulvelyTP6r 1 S. C. Thomson PATRONISE OUtt OWN PAll.MEltS LAMPS We are now showing our new fall stock of lamps of all varieties, in the latest and most modern styltfs, at exceptionally low prices. Drop in and see the new lamps. You 11 be agreeably surprized at their style and price. Till LITE MOOR LAMPS BRIDGE LAMPS TARLE LAMIS HOUDOIR LAMPS REl) LAMPS Lamp Shudes of all Descriptions GORDON 'S HARDWARE honeail McBrideSt. 'u ! : i. - . ' - . mmtmmmmiiimwmmmam 1U, Meeting will be held Wed., Oct. 20, 3 p.m. harp In United Church to hear Rev. E. J. O. Fraser newly returned missionary of Korea. All Urged to attend. (243) Judge W E. Fisher left on last; evening's train for Smlthers to con duct a session of County Court. He. Is accompanied by his son, Harold Fisher. DUe to a typographical error, an article yesterday In regard to alr-; plane landing field possibilities here read that 'one scheme had a possibility of two "two thousand foot runways.. This should have read two "four thousand foot run ways." BOARD IS SUGGESTED Advisory 'Committee on Schools Suggested by Trides and Labor Council The Prince Rupert Trades and Labor Council has endorsed and will support the convention of la bor unions to be held at .Victoria at the end of the month. The council feels that It would be beneficial to teachers, parents and pupils If there was a repres- entatlve voluntary conlhilttee act ing ras school board, this Cbmmit tee not to have ddntrbl Jf finances but to act In an advisory capacity. The City Commissioner will be asked to endorse this rrteasllre. A protest frbm the VahCOuvei Pressmen's Association regarding the printing of text books outside bf the proVlhce has been endorsed Commenting '6n the vast sums 'ibf mohles being expended on de- ?! fence measures, measures, the tne council Tveni 'ion recdrd as favoring 'the building of a recreation centre as a means of building up the health of our 7Qiihg; people raiher than the building of armories; Gratification was expressed ;at observance In Saturday's press that Commis sioner Alder has already made a suggestion in that direction. It 'beiiig reported that several employers, were not observing the Hours of Work Act and the Miiil-itium Wage Act, it was suggested that, in 'the hear future, prosecutions might result. J. M. ''Camp bell Is the government Inspector for this city and he is empowered to act In such cases. Fire Hall mattters came up for discussion. It being ascertained 'that the department Is being bp- Announcements All adyertisements ln thLs column tvlll be charged, for a full month at 25c a word, Anglican dirls Bon'n, October 21. fjyro Hallowe'en Dance, October 29. Tea, Mrs. Gib- Parent Teachers telephone bridge, Friday, October 22. C. C F. Bazaar, October 23. I Toe H Tea, October 27. Hill CO Tea October 20. THE DAILY NEWB LOCAL NEWS NOTES Oyro Masquerade. Tickets at Ormes, 8tOnes, Watts and Nlcker-son'B or any Oyro. (243) Charles Graham, Inspector of mines, left 6o last evening's train for a trip to Smlthers on official duties. J. L. Roaf, managerof the northern division of Home Oil Distributors Ltd., sailed this afternoon on the Catala for a trip to Vancouver. . Just Arrived! shoes. Mayfair. Wew shipment of tf. LUtherah Fish Cake Supper, Wed., Oct. 20, Metropole, 2-10 pjn. 50c. (243) John 'Garrett, manager of Atliri Inn, was a passenger aboard the Princess Norilh this Tnornlng golrig through to 'Vancouver. City Commissioner W. J. Alder sailed this afternddri on the Catala for a two weeks' vacation trip to Vaneouver. 'Dr. and Mrs.' Joseph T. Mandy sailed on the Catala this afternoon for Victoria. Dr. Mandy will Visit Mines Department headquarters In his capacity as resident mining engineer for the northwestern mineral survey district. Mothers ! In treating your family's colds, don't experiment f m tpt and don't takem0 chances. ..use V VapoRUB Resignation Is Accepted Congregation of First Presbyterian Church Regrets Impending 'Departure of Mr. Ilolllngworth At a meeting last night of the congregation of First Presbyterian1 Church, the resignation of the pastor, Rev. W. D. Grant Hollingworth, was accepted. Appreciation was expressed of Mr. Holllngworth's services for the church during the past seven years and regret voiced that he had found It necessary to resign. Tentative steps were' 'taken to se cure a successor to Mr. Holllng worth who has asked to be released not later than January 1. Thomas McClymont presided over the business meeting with Mr. Hol-llngWorth leading the devotions. Hotel Arrivals Koyal E. O. Graves, city; Juneau. Central J. Kaldal, Dawson. SALE Piano 2nd. Ave. W. Crated with, a reduced personnel J ANTEDHome . . . It... - I. - .111 't,. ,nilA.tUMAft' ;mose in cnarge. win uc iiucotiuiKu tin the efficiency of same. P. Castlno, nssiFiE0 FOR SALE FOR SALE A few large bundles of old newspapers, 2 for 25c. FOR 309 $50.00. WANTED Apply tf. for two-year-old babv. Close to town. Cau between 12 and 2 n.m. at 715 6th Ave. W. (243) FURNISHED Housekeeping Rooms. Upstairs, 934 2nd Ave. West. 1249) I..M ACT Notice of Intuition to Apply to LefiHt IjiihI In Prince Bwlwrt land KcotdUlg Dlitrlet ot British Columbia, MW ltu-ate on Whlt Sand Ialwld. Take notice that Frank Waterman ol Prince Rupert, occupation miner, In-tonda to bDlv for a leaAe of the fol lowing described lands: Commencing at a post planted on one oi the high cliffs on wnite nana Island and being 300 reet rrom tne a. E. corner of White Sand Island, and on Its east side, thence 800 feet 8. W.; thence 800 feet N. W.; thence 600 feet N. E.; thence 800 feet 8. E. and containing 12 acres, more or less. FRANK WATERMAN Dated August 28. 1837, Masquer a d e iinot)e lg and g p. rj. Box 575 Haptlat tea, November 3. Hyggas Bazaar, November 4. Presbyterian Bazaar, November 4, Sonja S. O. N. Hawar, 12. Moose Carnival, November 17, 18, 19. Cftthtdril Bazaar November 30. Free Gift Tokens We are still Riving our Free Gift Tokens which entitle you to i wide range of Premiums. Come In and Look Them Over MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE REPAIRING GYMNASIUM Activities at Recreational Centre Temporarily Suspended Some Seventy Enrolled While repairs, Including the removal bf an old vault, are proceeding at the physical education and recreational Centre here, activities at the gymnasium heve been suspended for a week or so. They will be resumed as soon as the premises are In shape again. Three men's classes and four for women have been In operation at the centre. The men have been engaging in the Usual types of setting-up exercises. For younger women there have been exercises, tumbling and apparatus work and for the more mature women remedial excercices and games. Activities will be resumed at the I centre on an even more extensive scale, It Is expected, after the changes have been made. Alex Murray Ships Potatoes To City From Doughty A carload of potatoes arrived In the city yesterday from Doughty, shipped by Alex Murray formerly of Prince Rupert. This is the first carload from this farm. Another Is expected to follow soon. Mr. Murray's farm is about sixteen miles this side of Smlthers, close to the main road. It is some thing like 400 acres and a good deal of it Is under cultivation. AUCTION SALE OF Household Furniture At 118 Ninth Street and Second Avenue bn Thursday, Oct. 21 Commencing at 2:30 p.m. Instructed by owner who Is leav ing town I will sell by Auction entire furnishings of above premises consisting of: Chesterfield Suite, Large D. R. table. Walnut Gateleg Table, China Cabinet, 4 Dining Room Chairs, Kitchen Range with oil burner com plete, Heater, 5-plece Bed Rodm Suite with Spring filled mattress, 2 double beds, I single bed, 2 dressers, Rocker. 3 Lino. Rugs, Washing Machine. Kitchen. Table and Chairs, Stove, Clock, Blinds, Pots, Pans, etc. Must Be Sold Geo. J. Dawes THE AUCTIONEER Hyde Transfer Phone 580 FOR RENT Six-Room House tlatli anil Toilet 216 9th Ave. W. 315 SECOND AVE. PAQB THRB1 With Winter Approaching Puretest MALT and COD LIVER OIL A pleasant tasting vitamin Food medicine. Rich in natural A-B-D-G Vitamins so necessary for the health of children and adults. 1-Lb. jar .... 60c 2-lb. jar .... $1.00 Capsules Enjoy the Thrills of Short Wave Highest Potency Halibut Liver Oil Capsules Per Vial of 50 Qff Per box of 100 i Capsules . . . Ormes Ltd. "Jim fyon eer -'Druqey'iats The Keilll Store Phones: 81 & 82 Open Dally From 8 a.m. till 10 p.m. Sundays and Holidays From 12 noon till Z p.m, 1 p.m. till 9 p.m. R.C.A Victor uRadios Greatest Value" Federal Block See and Hear the 1938 Model Model 86k $109.50 Trade in Your Present Radio and Halance in Easy Terms Ask For Demonstration in Your Home MacKENZES FURNITURE Simmons Beds Brown steel bedstead. All felt Mattress and cable v gOfi 50 spring. 3-foot 3 Inches and 4-foot sizes PHONE 775 UNION STEAMSHIPS LTD. Steamers Leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver: T.S.S. CATALA EVERY TUES- T. S.S. CAUDENA FRIDAY, DAY, 1:30 p.m. 9:00 p.m. Due Vancouver, Thurs. p.m. Due Vancouver, Sun. Midnight If convenient pleaso purchase tickets at office Further Information Regarding Reservations and Tickets From A. W. NEWMAN, Prince Rupert Ajent, Third Ave. Phone 568 . . .j j' If you lose anything advertise for it. 1