I ' s lists' FAOfc THHZI fty. August 3, 1937.. , TBEr DiULT HITTING SUPPLIES e Have a Wide" Range of Knitting: Wools for Your Approval, Knitting Needles; hooks, etc. Crofter- -A serviceable three-ply Jn; several shades. A utility yarn of unusual value, uau k A four-piy pure botany wool of even texture In a large range of shades. Ball IVrctlc- TWo-ply cfochet for suits, drCsses, etc. In io shades. Skein fatona- A tweed'effect yarn In various blends. A very popular yarn for suits or dresses. 2 ozs. ror Lade Ezzl-A fast knlttl'ng'yarn for sweaters, rugs, etc. (n several popular snaaes. z ozs Kylvan Crepe A new silk and wool mixture In various Excellent for suits or dresses, monies in pleanlng shades. Oz. : - 10c 20 c 15c 55 c 35c shades. 25C WALLACES Il'hone 1) Third and Fulton WANTED Used Kitcherf Ranges, Singer Sewing Machine, Musical Instrument, School Books. ELIO'S Furniture Exchange l'honc GItEEN 916 New Furniture Bedroom Suite 5 Pieces-Dresser, Vanity, Chiffonier, COjQ JJA VVOvv Red and1 Bench. Price WINDOW SHADES Size 3Gx72. Cream fQ or Green. Price, each DOMINION PRINTED LINOLEUM- gj Price, sq. yard LINOLEUM HALL RIJNNER 21 inches H An Wide, Price, yard ,.. REXOLEUM MATS-Size 18x3G. Price, each 25c D. ELIO FURNITURE EXCHANGE WE BUY, WE SELL, OR EXCHANGE Phone Green 9IG Hours 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. I . a 1 MacKENZlE'S FURNITURE SIMIVfQN'S MATTRESSES Now oii Display for Your Inspection and Comments Priced-$19.50, $25.00, $27.50 The Famous BEAUTY REST-$42.50 PHONE 775 LOCAL NEWS QlFg Moose meeting Wednesday. (179) Mrs. C. L. Ml Giggey of for Jus( arrived, new shipment of Oxfords. "The MayfairV tf. W. Good'rick sdils today oh' the" Unidn steamship Catala for Van"' couver. A. Skinner of the C.N.R. Express office left on last" riight's train for a ttrip east. E. S, Catala south. Allistone is sailing on the today for a holiday trip fiev. A. Crisp of Terrace h a passenger aboard the Catala fcr day going south. W'. Pitts, who has beeri visiting in the city, sails on the Catala today on his return to Vancouver. ! Weldon McAfee accompanied'' by his daughters Jean and Mary, left i m t : i i it . i ior ueorgewwn at me weesena. Miss Helen Valentine, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. E. N, Valen tine, left on last night's train foi a holiday Irip to Prince George. James Bryant is sailing on the Catala today for Victoria, where he will altend the naval training school at Esquimalt. Mrs. C. W. Swanson and daugh ter of Butedale are visiting in the city with headquarters at the Prince Rupert Hotel. The Morning Af terTaking Garters Little Liver Pills Mail Schedule For tine East Monday, Wednesday", and Friday 5 p.m From the East-Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday 10t45 p.m: For Vancouver- Monday 2 p.m Tuesday 12130 p.n ! Wednesday 4:30 p.m. Friday - 9:30 p.m Saturday 4:30. and 6 p.m Ss. Pr. George 7 p.m". July 11, 25 ss. Pr. Robert 4 p.m. From Vancouver i Sunday ss. Catala 4 p.m ' Monday ss. Pr". Alice a.m ! Wed ss. Pr. RuDert 10 a.m. Friday ssi Pr'. Charlotte .. .9 a xn Rs. Pr. fieoree 10 a.m. Ss. Pr. Adelaide 4 p'.rri Ss. Carderia P m For Ariyox and Stewart- Sunday ss. Catala 8 p.m. Friday ss. Pr. George 3 p.nt From Stewart arid Anyox Tuesday ss. Catala ....11:30 a.m Saturday ss. Pr. George ....7 p m. Tiisrlav ss. Catala .. .11:30 a.m. For Ocean Falls- iLfnnrinvs rs. Pr. Qeoree .3 p.m Friday ss. Priri. Adelaide JO p.m. Saturday ss. Pr, Rupert ....7 p.m From Otean Fall; w.h ss Pr. RuDert .... ... 10 a.m. Frldav ss. Pr. George .... 10 a.m Ss. Pr. Adelaide 4 p.m. ss. Cardena p ni Fnr Queen Charlotte Island Julv 17. 31 P. Charles ....10 p.m; From Queen Charlotte islands July 15, 29 ss. Pr. cnanes .. a.m For Alaska, Monday ss. Pr. Alice From' Alaska- Monday ss. Pr George . Wed. s. Pr. Louise Satur. ss. Pr. Charlotte July 11, 25 ss. Pr. Robert 9 a.m. Announcements T....t.. rhnrnhnr of Commerce Dance, Thursday niglit, Auu. 5. Moose Hall. Kntertaininir Interior Hoards of Trade delegates. Every- body welcome. Admission 50c. is a visitor in we city 10- Mrs. M. Anderson of Pacific is- day, retfistered at" the? Prince" visitor fn the city- today. 'pert Hotel. Israel Demsky who was" fined fe'w days ago for vagrancy" tfas in the police court again this morning arid was given t'eri days' without the option of a firitf by Magistrates1 Walter Vance arid George" Jonn-stone, acting in the" absent of Police Magistrate "Thomas Mccfymonf. say$ . v make a world, arid all kinds trades to keep cbmmerce on its toes. Jack Dernpsey Washington Tvler. neero. of daklarid, has a frninprf turtle h rents' out to cleari elbgged drain pipes". Three pretty local Mexican girls catch leeches arid sell therii to folks with black eyes. The leeches' draw' the blood from the shiner arici obviate need less explanations. Arid a" heigh bor's bov rents out his banty hen to 60. men who will squire a lady at so much per or even act as a fourth at bridge! This agency is run along lines simlllar to any employment agency and references are required from both parties. However, this' is J ?,0 . 00 one case where the lady pays. Evidently they like it, becausi from a group of three young men, it has grown into a regular business. CHEERIO! Hotel Arrivals Savoy Mrs. M. Anderson, Pacific, B. C Mrs. Doberezak, Pacific, B. C. A. E. Jones, Pitt Island. Royal J. Candow, city. Prince Rupert t T-iob-cn vletnrln Mrs C. W Birthday Party Held LastNight Miss1 Edith Jotinstbher Guest Ilorior; Recipient1 of Gift Last; evefilri an enjoyable sur-; prise p'arty was given by George' Madlll; Wallace Block; in nonor 01 the' birthday of Mlsaf Eidlth Johiuf stdrie. The evening wai spent In contests' arid" dancing; Prize win- J hers vWftf Mis KfatWeeri Buliet, l Miss1 Efsie Firiley, Robert Mansofil arid Ken Gr'ee'rr. After the sefVirig df delightful refresHmeriU by the Vifi" ' hMutifnlw decorated birth day cake yfraS cut by the guest of Pi.tt&tlbn- of a- sliver bracelet, a1 gift frbhi lief assembled ifielids, Was- made td' Miss Johri- ifrinp hv Mr Madlll: fitter iisfsf l'rtf ilud'ed Misses" JOv Margaret OulicK; fteri arid OYe'en; It 4 takes; , v all 11 u kinds j. 0 At people Kii- fn fo . . Mm. gdltn Connery, Elsie Davis' arid" Torn Johrist'orie, Morty Vineberg, Maurice Davey, Wilfred Hicks"; Joe Landrey and Victor Dell. todays Weather (bbreVnment TelegriM)' Terrace Cloudy, calm; temri. 5& Alice A'rrh' Raining, calni, temp. ......... . . meter-. 30.22, of take care of "day old chicks" until Hazeltoh Cloudy, calm, temp. 59. they are able to shift for them- Smlthers Cloudy, calm, temp. 59. selves. While my own young off- Bums Lake Cloudy, windy, temp. spring will carry his sister's books j 51, to school for a small consideration. Stewart Raining, calm, tern. 54; San Francisco has a group of young Victoria Calm arid' clear, baro- Estevan Clear, north wind, 6 miles' per hour; barometer, 30.24. Digby Island Northeast winu, 10' miled per hour; barometer, Prince George Southeast wind, 10 miles per hour; barometer, JO. 04. Vancouver Calm and clear, barometer. 80.20. Bull Harbor Light southwest kVind, barometer, 30, 16; tempera- ure, 5G; sea smooth. Alert Bay Calni, clear, baro meter. 30.30; temperature, 53; ea smooth. Swanson, and daughter', Butedale! UoutHeast' Wind, bardrriefer, 30.00; . t - if f wr. 4 I . . . . If . . ,.11 j. a. lirowning, vaiicuuvci. mi, .i ;emperaiure, ai; ngni hwtn. L. M. Giggey, Terrace. E. wimams; rHmonton- Alta. Mr. ana Mrs. w. -U Wft.Ar TIMRFR- N1.K. All Kin i Trinle' Island Overcast, raiil.i ?outh wind. 20 miles per hour; moderate swell. Lah'rfara Island Rain, baro meter, 29.90; temperature, 54; moderate sea. Dead Tree Poinl Rain, fresh morale, noou, - sealed 5 i i ived by the A. and J. Davidson, Toronto, ont. Minister ox inds at victoria, b.c, not . rnnntn rrit A la.tm- .hn inobri on the thirtieth day of MISS " " T. Jmo f tt. ,rrt.V Ol Li. Jameison, Walnut Grove, B. C. cence xaisie to out 2,801.000 t&t. of Central lapruce", hemDock and .balaam on an area .... .. , 'mt' situated on Poch Lagoon, Range 4 1, n R. Lah ff. city. P. J. Rolla, C.N.R. T," rt nitrict. t Dnnrmor, Miv I Two (2) Tears will be allowed for Knox Hotel I Further particular of the Chief For w iiamo Pnrt Rlmnwn li)r Vlr'trla B.C.. or Dlstnot For Louis' Olsen, city. L. Marjne, city. BC' C.N.R. Trains Ior the East Mnndavs. Tuesdays, Wednesdays Mondays-ss. Pr. George .3 p.m Tuesdav Catala 1:30 pm Wednes. ss. Pr. Alice .. .5:30 p.m. Mit.n i P Adelaide 10 OJn 9 a m. Froni Naas Itiver and Port Slrripsort ... p.m. Tuesday ; .11:30 a.rh. p.m. For Queen Charloue isianus Julv 17 and 31 9 p.m'. Frhm Oufeh Charlotte Islands- July 15 and 29 a.m. Fnr Alaska- Mondays and Fridays a.m. From Alaska Xrnpdnv and Saturdays cm. Wed. ss. Pr. Rupert "... 1 p.m. Frldav ss. Pr. Charlotte .... a.m. From Skeena River Friday ss. Cardena p.m. Overwaitea Ltd. and Fridays 6 p m. r; su or P.O.D. Phone 843 T?r Have 11 ajn. Prntn thr Fast ava , sundavs. Tuesdays and Thurs davs io:45 p.m. Mondays' and Saturdays 2:30 p.m. For Naas River and Port Slmpsfth For Vancouver- Sunday ss. Catala 8 p.m. Frnni Naas River and I'orf Sliripsori BACdN1 Cello wrapped, -f B y2-lb. lA.lfi. pkt n'kt."" J-,i kRAFT CHEESE 1fif i,-lb. pkt - rt. 1 C 'I'- - 'LIMA' BEANS-' Q ' I tfror.Tinrmn' l.nn dri.nC PTRMJTTS 4 Am x.xj.y. uw... ramny size ICING SUGAR 2 pounds , ,i , . Ss. Cardena' 10:30 p.m: WALNUTS Tesn pwre Sat. ss. Pr. Lbulse 5:30 p.rn. per pound From Vancouver- Sunday P- Monday 9 a-m. Wednesday 10 a-m lTrMaw 9 a.m. For Anvoz and Stewart- Sunday 7 pjn Fridav 2 p.m Froni Anyox and Stewart TS'psriav :-ll:3Q a.W 2 S. 2 tins 15c 23c DESICCATED COCONUT "1 Cp Per pound . FIG BARS CellO wrappea JljQ Per pound AYLMER' RED'PLUMS f (!' rer mi POLLY PRIM PEARS OCp mm Saturday 5 prh.l qold' CROSS PEACHES ffp a.m. Foi" Naas River and Port Simpson-- jjWsl Per tin . Sunday .7 pitf. SWEDISH MINTS-' per pound 19 c PRESERVING APRICOTS Arriving on Wednesday's Boat Special Prices NEW POTATOES 8' pounds' FIELD' TOMATOES 2 pounds FRESlf GREEN1 DEANS Per pound WE DELIVER Orange Pekoe Blend Hi 1 i i 15c 10C 9C nit inin m n I Mm ll ll inunun "W"t All a rnone TEA in SPECIAL: Large Size Squib's Dental Creaiti With Guest Size Shaving Cream Both For 35c Dr. Sherwin's Stera-KIeen Gleans False Teeth New Easy Way No Brushing Removes Stains One Denture Bath Free With Large Size 75c Ormes TTiut Pioneer Druggists The Rej-iU Store Phones: 81 & 82 Open Dally From 8 a.m. till 10 p.m. Sundays and Holidays From 12 noon till 2 p.m, 1 p.m. till 9 p.m. - ' ' ' - - - -- - - , , i I pg J McCIacy RANGES Ideal for any home. Splendid cooking ranges and marvellous bakers. Models for Goal, Wodd and Oil. Prices Range From $55- Up Prince Rupert Agents 1.00 GORDON'S HARDWARE JfcBride St. HALIBUT The source of Sunshine Vitamins A and D Bdiled Halibut with egg sauce is digestible, palatable, satisfy'S' CANADIAN FISH & COLD STORAGE CO. LTD. Prince Rupert, B.C. The Central Hotel ROOMS and CAFE Phone 51 For Best Household Coal MRS. C. E. BLACK Fresh Local Raw" Artd Pasteurized Mlflc . VALENTIN DAIRY pnONE 57 1 4 j1 Vt VI ft lf s v i it i r