paqs two THE DAILY KFXS Tfougkr. Maeh 25, 1937 EASTER FOOTWEAR We have just received the argejt range pf Ladies' Hine Shoes in the very latest deigns ahd yjig. Ppeed to sujt every purse- TCew Shipment qf HAgTTSj and FpOT PRESERVER Shoes for men Your Inspection is cordially invited Family shoe store ltD. The Home of Good Shoes THE DAILY MEWS. r-ELVCE BCPEBT - BBITISH COLUMBIA PcbSshed Et7 Alteroocn, Exrepi Smtlay. by Prince Rupert Dally Jfe, Lilted. Third ATnue H. F. PULLE; Managing-Editor AD VEE USING RATES TnnUest display adrtrtiiicg, per irh. per Insertion Caaaied adTertiing, per word, per insertion Local niCtn, per line, per Insertion AiiTcrtisnir and Czmnation Telephone News pepartmeat Telephone DAILY EDITION A Plain Talk n it 1D0 SSI Thursday, Marfh 25. 1937 At the public meeting last night Premier Pattullo gave a plain talk in a homely way about political affairs as they affected his 'government There was no pretension of oratory and no attempt to appeal to the galleries. re talked to the Prince Rupert people about governmental problems as he would talk to a group of friends, believing, as he said, that they would be interested in knowing about their own business which he was conducting. Many people are disappointed that Mr. Pattullo does not "get after" the opposition, "lambaste" the Reds, tell stories which are to the disadvantage of those who disagree with him. There is nothing of that about the Premier. People who go to listen to oratorical gymnastics are always disappointed. They do not get what they went for. There are no fiery jibes or cynical periods. He lets people know, indirectly, that he is the Premier of the province, premier of the Conservatives and the reddest Tied, al of whom he treats with the utmost respect. He has the truly democratic mind which is that every person has a right to his opinion, no matter how radical it may be. Doubtless some people went to the meeting to hear some Of the nettv leaders make rrnnr! tVipir rinnsB nf Virmr tlioir were going to treat the member for the district. They . . . . " 1 1 iL. A! 1 M .1 1 jieairu uie uismai wan 01 me tnree sea-appomtea spokesmen arid were not imnressed with thpir pffnvto Vot in spite of the futility of their efforts, Mr. Pattullo treaU eu mem wnn proper respect and gave them considerable latitude. One was allowed to make a speech, even though it was only questions that were supposed to be asked. The cares of office seem to have mellowed Mr. Pattullo a great deal. He sees things in their true proportions and refuses to be moved by importunities of his f rjends or the attacks of his enemies. While he may seem to have lost some of his fighting fire he gets nearer to the people through his closer human sympathy. While the Premier would not admit that the election would be at any particular time, he did admit that the early summer seemed like a good time for an election and it seems not unlike! v that t he T j a " w j w Ma v J UIODUIVVU before another session is held and that the next meetinc win ue ui ine newiy eiecieu memners in the fall. We do not have to forecast the result of the pler-H Pattullo did that for us last night. He said he expected to ue reLurneu anu nmtea tnat tne development of the country would be so great in the next four years that the people would want him to remain in office for yet another term after the next. hoes vnmt pi.ooit rovT.ttiNr. look bkaht Have it Renewed With DOMINION I.IN01.F.IIM It's easy to keep clean. Wc have it In most 'attractive patterns. Priced from square' yard 45p to $UQ MacKENZlE'S FURNITURE St. Pat?s Day Is Observed Fine Masquerade Dance Was " " I At 3Ia-e IM4 j MASSETT, March 35: St. Pat rik Dav was MiilaMr eelebra- Kb at a'ma4fterie daseV in t?K Mole Left! Han Abort diuu. fWy c4iles were prusent au,ocnt on the iarften Then how tarjuit1 lai t -.. nil. when J. spme very clever and beantifui jjt spent J Let aa take the ariNjWi-n Mt fym J. tM toa Wfrt j rindni (WrTl;ul--r: V a.. ! I'' " Tr DonnTa Blue Beard, with j illustration- TteUdtiu Ajrent i There wTe -vt-i.-ii upsets in his seven wive attired in Turk ! omiJifd witfc T tint ih ....-. !ihe iHU-e of the strie Her. Ub robe, made quite a hit. First prize fcr ladies weat to Xfc-t'repper is a snnflor?r. pdwtard rtrew fir men prize a MwduM burner, while Ha Mane rot the mir as ""fVlii 'iS. Caf club. TODAY'5 5TOCKS OtMiuxj 5- D. i',fim OOJ ' Vancouver B. C Meket 3 Big Missouri. SA. Bralorne. 2 66. Aztec MJoea. J&v.. Cariboo QaattB, lJa. Dentonia. J7. DunulL taVt-Cohxmda. .17. Minto, 3Ht. Mfridian. J3. Wombig star. J8. Noble Five. .12. Pend OFeffie. S8. Pioneer, 5.16. Porter Idaho. M. Premier, 225. Reeve McDonald, 1.C0. Reno. 1.65. ReHel Arlington, 22. Reward, .18. Salmon Cknd, .10. Taylor Bridge. XI7. Wayside. xiiVz- Hedley Amalgamated, Premier Border, .03. Silbak Premier, 3.00. Congress, .07. Silver Crest, .09. Home Gold, .02. 6randvlew,.4-, , Indian, .03. Quatsino Copper, .05. Quesnel Quartz, .11. Oik A. P. Con., .15. Calmont, .90. C. & 3J5. Freehold, .15. Hargal, .182. McDougal Segur, 22. Mercury, .33. Meriand, .17. Okalta, 1.70. Pacalta, .19. Home Oil, 2.40. Weymarn, .17. Toronto ' ' "' Beattie, 1.43.' Central Patricia, 4.30. God's Lake; .74. Lee Gold', .042. Little Long Lac, 6.70. McKenzie Red Lake, 1.63. Pickle Crow, 7.40.' Red Lake Gold Shore, .71. San Antonio, 1.91. ''' Sherritt pordori. 35. Smelter Gold, .05. ' McLeod Cockshutt, 25. Oklend, 21: Mosrier, 25. Ollbec, .04'2. Madsen Red Lake, J.15. Stadacona, 1.99. " ' Frontier Red take, .18. Francoeur, 1.16." " Manitoba & Eastern, .04. Moneta Porcupine, 1.67. BouscadUldc, .71. Rubec, .10. Thompson Cadillac, i.4l. Bailor, '.05. Bankfleld! 1.28. East al'artlc, 1.75. Preston East Dome, .99. Hutchison Lake, 22. Dawson White .31. McQualg Red Lake, .20. Rajah Red 'Lake. ",26. ' Don't forget when visiting port-land Canal ha.t the Frazer Hotel is me Desi piace to stop. (tf) CUTS L SORES Apply Miurf fftly. I( bo u Mad cImbm(. Aar mad SmIi h'0't nothing batlaf 1 1 1 1 oa The Letter Box INDIANS AND IHMTORS Editor. Daily News: If any of your readers should choose to doubt the contents of any of rov letters at any time, I hereby challenpe them to prove them laise, either in public or bv private communication. . -i !h-2J& yu-for the valuable frar?s n yftUr ymfter IVAN ApAMS Massett. nissiFlEO FOR SALE FOR SALE Large English buggy. Phone Red 514. baby (tf) FOR SALE Modern hotel at Ryder, B.C., steam heat, excellent location, licensed premises. Will be sold at a bargain. Apply Frazer Hotel, Hyder, B.C. (tl) COAL Nanalmo-Welllngton for furnace and heater. Alberta Egg-sqotle!, for the kitchen rane Albert & McCaffery, Phone 116 n. 11T (tr) PURNITURE Factory samples must ' ILL' L 4 bu mis wees. Guaranteed 10-plece Chesterfield erouns (!! ih- 10-piece' loose pillow arm groups $72.50; 10-piece bedroom suites rouna mirrors) $74.50. Fumlsh your home complete three rooms, 59 pieces all for $165. Many other bargains. Terms if you wish. Order torlnv .TnHn Shore Mall Order House, 8th floor ueicins Building, Vancouver, (tf ) MALE HELP WANTED GOVERtftyEW: Jobs How to get tnem. Be ready for spring appointments. Free Booklet. The M. C. C. Civil Service Schools, Winnipeg, (tf) BOARD AND ROOM ROOMS AND BOARD Modern j ten roorrl house, steam healed, snower oath, centrally located. Phone 543. (if) PERSQNAL GENTLEMEN'S Sanitary Supplies, jii6icsfc .graae 15 ror $1. Pactfif. 8PPly. 751 Granvine. Vancouver. 1 ' MEN--Oet Vlcnp at nnrn Nam " trex Tonic Tablets contain raw oyster invlgoratb'rs arid ' other I stimulants. One dose peps up cr-1 gans, glands, if not delighted, i '"'aker refunds few cents paid Jail or write, .Ormei Limited, tr 1 Many of ntr readers may ra- j may I add at I am tweji l" have year year ohjf a4 I haven't seen it9t Mx (" mmtt IB1 Wllf IIwBa Jack Wilson Wins ! Lesion Cribbaee Defeated J. A. Trar 14 Nij-W In Final IrUeretinit (Vm petition dtr why the ImHaas are always remplaiaia while ihe JHrt-. The cHbbajre tournament amor . .... . I .t -u. I I v ..r t lontaa Affair is neiM iw-'"- m- " ir tiw ImJUa dimr ma. be joaw of (hoae oWior yet nor havej ;1 heard or 'we that Kas lnefit-ited aB Indian. The Lord aaid Feed my shee" nut "Pretend to my hep." It iy not too late )ta obey the of our Lard. wmM require only one man to jriaji. th Indian towns on a con Trtabl one. thjaand dollar twt an if aoch good doctor as Doc tAr fSwLttt 4 mllu' Mna rt' omnlAi-ui) iBa aa thr -aee fit instead : f pafins faiattos specialist u" faarT better remilt wnld ie obtained and a laiy xaonnt of money would be Raved which, properly jpent. would heln tbe Indiana to become self suj.- j Jrting citizens of our fair coun ! try. Teen the Dominion Government, who .are our cuardians. jvvtwld be prepared to answer our jLord on the day that he return ami aci; them to Rive account of their stewardship. tb-riUKiI ion , much murb msey uu 1'ie la f'n&Hiii l--i if An! fiat the n"i- i. Kinpire i-riku f tn- F.fru- ollar yacht. A VapUic awfiul" rT'1 f J VWf enrinn-r must be employed au4!,M JiwYPM' th Uke olf JJSe brat run. inti-j "lB ffeinj' S. . M tonald : i money 4nd a Malremau is not lo be ferifej, TW rij. the' tmr'-, V" de baric Indian loWh. Then we t",ul' TW! ' ?P Aiaami. (bvtn. wk -f on and from ioa im outdoor e The lirhthouAe tender Ajberri U uliri f. iir.. 11 ltivitie will enraffe the' aiteftftfu, ! beinr in Mal. Caot. Harr, 1 nr-i k'., ...u'LLi 'i.lof membem. Alt.ii'rth. i th. I Oram ton an4 several of his crer ,rhrk tuberroais and other aeri V ,e" ,,n'" of wny' inter ere very welrrme meats of 4 he di&eaaea ataonr Ladies, Bowling Laat night's Iay iB tiie ladies' Bowline Iajcne readlted aK tot kwat Annette', Ifttfi; Doada. 1632. Blue Bird. t527; Canadian tional Ret reation Annoeiation hf the Indian Department) were j Li , . - . Punpers. ltd the nHiitber- -iiji-1 (he eoii 1827; Spark Flue- I486. Knockeota. 13S8; Grotto, 148C Hijfh aventffe scorer for Hie t-veninjr w M. Johnson of A11- lette's with 210 Jteodiujhat Western Canadian uiom&n. Aai about the QUAKER 6adu method, ofr Bakwcf 'BAKING IS NO LONGER HARD w-ORK FOR ME' uyi MRS. C. RILEY, Oljr, AlU. " use QualerTlaur and iht QuatrrLasj Method of Baiting aud not only save half ihe u ork and trouble, but get much better results in half the time." A ND no wonder Mrs. Riley is so 1 completely satisfied with Quaker Flour and the Quaker Easy Method of Uaking.Just imagine ... no kneading ... no sponge to set overnight ... no expensive and exasperating failures. Start using the Quaker Method with Quaker Flour today. Quaker Flour h not just ordinary flour it ii made by Quaker's own particular method oj mill'ng and is the best all-purpose flour money can buy. Snd for FR EE Booklet Iritrrihinir die (Juakrr Eajr Method if hrei hakinn. Quaker m Always thcS Fl lour Always tticDeit fur Bread, Cakes and Paltry Lit' IS Till: Kt'l'KKME C'OI'KT Ol' HUlTIMl f'OI.I'MltlA ix ritoiiATt: III thr Matter of Hip refute of PJrrr Ohilzoln, liMmsi-d Nullee lo Creditor nnil llrlilom Take Jiotlce that ibl Letter Probntt oatl the 4m ttay of January. 1BH7 i was appointed aole executor of tl,e -Wte of Herre Okatoola, deceiud. lute ol Prince Rujiert. Ertttah fjolumbla. anrt all parties having cl&lnin ugulruit t:o Hold enUite &re rx-rnhr nvm nUh the sum properly vjrlfied to m on or before the 30th of April 1937. wd ftU portkB Indebted to the said etatJ are required to pay the amount of thc.r Itvuebtednetwi to 'me lorthn-Mh uitun tne ntn day of March. 1937 TirEO COLLART. Prince Rupert, B. C, 7, 111 11 l i iMnll I m K. X&9 ml AVIM " t r 1 r 'r LllkhlnilnnnHS-BMnin WW THE IIRST deride what impcove-. inents you wish to make to your home-l neri pel an estimate. I'lumblng, iieatmg anil elej rieal mntradors; builders, 'painters, decorabirs, architects ami iwiqjtl y firms all stand rMjy n bejpytai determine iLe or A. ' With your estimates readyt.caH at any brancUojfejhiyui luL and discuss your t Jatw wllli tjie Manager. Ivans tofinanf-eltoow re jiairs. iinjknivrMnenls or eilen-fcions ran j arnmged 'by anyone of od credit fcLandin, able to repay out of inponie. NiMiinr-opVndorser U neieasary aiHl repayment can be made by monthly instalments spread over one to three j ears. Atk a any hraivrh Jttr Jrte Unhid "Uxiiut r Ifotne fgtnwe-rifii." gurtfutf iiipirtriaiioH aCoul the Home lmirotrmrnl Plan of (he iVufo'w EunLy-menl ( 'uniuiixdoit. ROYAL BANK or canada Say it with Candy FOR EASTER IA(IE & !Ar CADBURV KUO.N Montreal London t Toronto SAIT HAM RUN METCALFE Vancouver ' Kitchener X ' m complete lnt of frgji jjhlatos at Jjpnijlar prices A Speciql . . . FOR THE LADIES That Wonderful Fragrance Yardley of London A regular box of English Lavender Soap and a generous trial size of Yardley Bath D.ustfng. Powder with puff for the price o"f the soap only. Per b ox $1.00 Ormes Ltd. ie Pioneer Druqejists The Krxall Store Phones: XI h X Open Daily From 8 a.m. till 10 p.m. Sundays and Holidays From 12 oon till 2 p.m, 7 p.m. iill 9 p.m. SOUTH TO VANCOUVER Calling at Qcean Falls and Powell River Steamer leaves PRINCE RUPERT every Thursday, !():.() p.m. Canadian National Steamships V-12-"7 40oi3W m v-ianaaairuAU ui m laj u i aw iim i. L. immum Mmm Jin,.- i mmm This advertisement Is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Govern- niciu oi uriusn Columbia.