THE WEEKLY NEWS ————eEEEE = — = Le ences ae ~— — ‘SALE OF WORK | WAS A SUCCESS $! | The Presbyterian Church | Ladies Aid sale of work was held last night in the church ‘hall. Sweetmeats, - cakes, \dainty fancy work, etc., \formed the bulk of the wares lexposed. Both branches of TRIP OUND ee ee ee ithe Ladies Aid united to carry out the sale. Rev. F. |W. Kerr with effective per- suasiveness helped along the sale. Very pretty was the | Bethany Girls’ stall, decorat- ied in white and gold, and | the musical programme with lsong, recitation, and instru- We have just arranged with one} of our clients to place forty-two | mental music was delightful. Phone 150 The Insurance People Fire Life Marine Accident Plate Glass Employer's Liability Contractors’ and Personal Bonds Policies Prepared While You Wait. Mack Realty & Insurance COMPANY. P.S.—Honses and Rentals diseccn | Nice Furnished Rooms, Mrs. Greenwood | For Rent—Furnished Rooms—B lots on the market under exceptional | In spite of inclement weath-! Notice to Ratepayers advantages to the purchasers. The 4» 4 large number attended lots are some of the best in Sections 7 and 8. The prices are as low) and enjoyed the s the sale. as any on the market, and the terms so easy—monthly—that any- Gift Goo Goode one can buy. Along with this| The genuineness of values in gold exceptional offer, each lot admits | jewelry, cut glass, sterling silver and the purchaser to a drawing for a|dozens of kindred lines all in direct FREE TRIP ROUND’ THE | keeping with the Christmas spirit, arc WORLD. If you hold the lucky! being displayed at Wark’s Jewelry ticket the trip is yours; or ycw)| store on Third Ave. can surrender it for a cash con-| Those who are buying early to send sideration. The chances are good—| to friends in Eastern Canada or to the one in forty-two. Come in and/|old land are delighted with the assort- investigate. |ment and values which are so extrem- ely reasonable. They possess a dis- tinctiveness not found at AND COMPANY Hay’s Creek Sewer By-law The following is a resolution of the Council passed re the above Sewer By- law: ‘That in carrying out the pro- visions of the Hay’s Creek Sewer By-law, the city engin- eer be instructed to construct a temporary outlet before the sewer is used.”” ERNEST A. Woops, City Clerk. else where popular prices. This firm are also selling cut flowers. These are obtained from the largest grower on the Deliveries on Wednesdays. NEW HOUSE BLOWN DOWN In the height of the gale last coast. J. H. Kugler, was on board the Prince Rupert this morning. companied comes to attend the sale of sec- C. tion iwo. D. Pattullo will preside at pe goyernment in the Presby- terian church to-night. New School Magazine The children in the higher clas- ses have received of the new school magazine, which will be published monthly by the B. department of education. | Capt. Clive Phillips-Wooley who wrote ‘‘A Tenderfoot’s Wooing’’ which appeared recently in the Daily News, is the editor. night, a new house being built for Messrs. Blyth Brothers was thrown down by the force of the wind. the framing being laid flat. No one was anywhere near at the time to run any risk of injury, and the structure can be speedily re-erected. Had con- struction been a little further advanced the building would have stood alright. A Good Booster “Uncle Jerry’’ copies Mrs. Kugler ac- him. Mr. Kugler Mr. Pattullo to Preside It is expected.that Mr. T. debate on commission Joins News Staff By the Prince Rupert to- day arrived MrGlenn Searle, Applications will be received up to November 25th, 1911, by who will operate The News the Board of Directors of the new multiple typesetting machinery. A ei, Work lace’s. of Art! Free! Prince Rupert General Hospital Association from women wish- ing to take a full course of training in nursing. 12t Wal- fall waists. | Wanted. — ee Lost and Found be meee eres “The News” Classified Ads. =~One Cent A Word For Each Insertion== —THEY WILL REPAY A CAREFUL ee me LOOKING ee es bebidas | tbeereriepan TF Canatban Oilcloths —$—$—$—$———— id EXTRA GOOD VALUFs ee OVER— 2 grades in a variety of patterns to | & | + penhdiiendiiee nid kde chee cme in For Rent ts ee Alder | Block: Third Ave. 178-tf y Block $2.50 week up. For Rent~Two roomed cat see to McBride, | freshly papered and clean per month. | H F. McRae & Co t-f pot 1m on ' Insurance Eccl AE aren mores OUR Companies are noted for prompt and just settlements. We write every known class of | Insurance. The Mack Realty and Insurance Co. Wanted { iced atime starve engagement from 260-265 on ee nurse open for Nov. 15th. Apply Box 2109 News. Wanted—Servant to do general housework Other maid kept. Mrs. L. W. Patmore. | Wanted — Girl for general housework. Mrs, Laney, 1208 2nd Ave Apply 265-257 Dressmaking, cleaning and press- ing, repairing for men and women Mre Charles Percher, 820 Third Ave. Phone2% Red. tf j FOUND—2 Small Keys. speeere News Office 225-tf Found—Ladies’ opal set brooch Owner send description to E.J.M., Daily News. ft Real Estate { Joes ere eer rere | Lot for Sale in Section 5, Block 22. Lot 15 Ave. Apply Mike Ruzich, Box 582 City tf Tth Will buy lots in Prince Rupert at bargain prices forcash. Apply P.O. Box 860 stating locatior price, etc. 231-tf Fo ee ee oe Stenographer j ee erred Eastern stenographer of wide experience wants position. Address “‘Stenographer.”’ 662 Cor- dova St., Vancouver, B.C t-f es eee eee For Sale oma cemncomsomeed> For Sale — Complete cabin furnishings, inelud- ing cook stove, tables, chai rs, tableware, cook- ing utensils, beds, with coal and provisions $25 C. Durant, Hays Bidg 264-270 Savoy Hotel Choice Wines and Cigars Cor. Fraser and 6th. RUPERT’S PALACE OF COMFORT |= LINDSAY’ i | OFFICE H. B. Rochester, Centre St. 35c and 45 These goods are after the style of Er good substitute Pe . SPECIALS Crockery and Glassware for t F.W. HART 2nd Ave. and 6th St. Phone 62 | SEEEEEESESESE SEE EEEEE ETE! Do away with this. Patromze a white laundry. White labor only at CARTAGE and STORAGE G. T. P. Transfer Agents Orders promptly filled. Prices reasonable. Phone 68. | We have clients for property on Second, Third, Fourth and Fifth Aves., close in. Submit your listings eae eles FIERCE STORMS RAGING OUTSIDE At 11 o'clock last night the S.S. Vadso berthed af the} wharf after a rough passage at the mouth of the Skeena. Tremendous squalls were driving down the river and the steamer was swept fore o; and aft with spray. sesercneenesrenen: eF5E3E Continental Trust Co, Second Avenue 32232 283: SPaepaceaers Severe ereeree oud eurree Jerry Built “Uncle Jerry’s’’ huge sheet | metal sign across Hays Creek | was levelled completely by the force of the wind last night. “FROM HOME TO HOME. HOTEL ELYSIUM Sid. Sykes, Manager The Finest, Newest and Most Up-to-date H | Excellent Cafe. Moderat Will Also Hold an Election (Canadian Press Despatch.) Charlottetown, Nov. 22—There | are rumors that a general elec- tion will be held in P.E.I. at an early date. } 1142 Pender Street West - Vancouver, B.C, Phone 8500. seeseeaeeseeaseneeneemensesersesceneesss SEStESE38 Section Two OF The finest Jewelry Cata- logue produced in America can be had free for the asking. It contains 124 pages of Dia- monds, Jewelry, Silverware, Cut Glass, Leather Goods and Noveltiessome of the articles being reproduced in as many as fourteen colors. CHRISTMAS — GIFTS — Srd Av. and 8th St. Cor, vw The James Nicely furnished roorns. Good table board Board $4.75 Room and Board $7.00 QUALITY HIGH PRICES LOW Pud ,% Toys, dolls, games, sleighs and fancy goods are to hand and we are busy as bees unpacking, pricing and dis- playing these goods. Greater var- iety, bigger and better values than ever. Write for it today —it makes gift choosing easy. You run no risk whatever in selecting any article, for we forward it at our expense, guarantee safe delivery, and cheerfully refund your money if you are not perfectly satisfied. GRADES IN SECTION 2) | Before the auction of lots in section 2, | intending purchasers should carefully | Study the Lot Grades You ean only do this satisfactorily by | obtaining a copy of the large map (3 ft | 6 in. by 2 ab ) complied from official re- 3 jcords by J. H. Pillsbury, C.E, ‘This gS topo: | street grades and —THE MOST BEAUTIFUL SECTION PRINCE RUPERT TOWNSIIE at Ryrie Bros., Limited Canada’s Largest Jewelry House das. Ryrie, Pres Harry Ayrie, 8ec.-Treas 134-136-138 Yonge St. TORONTO |gives full details of contours, graphical features, lot elevations. Harbor, to be sold Auction. B. C.COMME? At the entrance to the Public IN THE EMPRESS THEATRE, PRINCE RUPERT, cash for the amount you care HY 2 | WEDNESDAY, NOV. 29, 19] TERMS OF SALE—One quarter #9 Fe 2 date cash and balance in 1, 2 and: ™ ee eee aecithink Se 33 TERMS OF SALE:- One quarter Cash, | Valance: 1: G McRae Bros., Limited Everything for the office pate WO Beacons | } For Sale at the Office of | | |C. B. SCHREIBER & CO. - Prince Rupert | 618 Third Ave. P. O, Box 916 Phone 85 INNA OOOOOOooK SSIS see 3563 sesie seSseSse Se sezsee seaee SEO Tntending Purchasers of Section 2 Lots Novy. 29th is the date set for | the selling by auction of Lots | in Section 2, If you wish to | 3% get alot send us your instruc- Cc tions to buy, together with the | 9% CHIC DAIL w PME RPIORAR DU PI e e OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL 9 O'CLOCK RESTS SESES We Loaned We Loaned Money SEHEBSENE ESTER BED Money years 2 and 3 > at The palatial G.T.P. ‘etawils “Prince Rupert” o’clock midnight each Sunday; Fare, including meals and st room, $18.00. Leaves Vancouver 11 p.m. each Monday; Fi art including meals and stateroom, m8, 08, Arrives in Princ Rupert Wednesday a. m. 1 SSeSese as leaves Seat G R. NADEN COMPANY. Limited. Prince Rupert, B.C. 2239 wae’ ¢; eceece: | Second Ave. Per Cent. to Build This House Per Cent. to Build This House PACIF! THE your fnr- | er by C. H. CUTTING Practical Chimney Sweep Addiess: Knox Hotel, or PHONE 71 } menaee for winter al getting naces and flues put in orc “WONDER “Ciry”’ ‘COME AND SEE THE I OF Let us loan you the money to buy orj build a house or pay offa mortgage, CANADIAN HOME INVESTMENT CO. McIntyre Block, Third Avenue, Prince Es Head Office: Pacific Building, Vancouver, B, C —For full particulars and maps of townsite apply to DAVID H HAYS RT, BC NCI UPI Sole A PRI To Agent for G.T.P. Development Co. SESEENENEHEN ESRD ERED REDE NEE! | | = | Shoes..." | JOHN CURRIE SECOND AVENUL - - PRINOZ RUPERT — ee