1 PXQB IXiUH 1,11 1111 1 ... I IU J I .HJL BUSINESS CONDITIONS (Continued from Paire I) vest Mr. Hungerford inspected a number of the landing fields that will be used by the trans-Canada Air Lines. He stated excellent progress is being made in the completion, and equipment of the chain of landing fields through western Canada. Officers of the railway who accompanied Mr. Mcngerford included: A. EL Warren, Tice president western region; H. A. Dixon, chief engineer western region; W. A. Kingdand, Tice president, central region; M. A. Metcalfe, assistant to the president and W. S. Thompaon, director of publicity. C. N. R. TRAIN'S For the East-Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays 6 pjn. Fridays n ana. From the East Sundays, Tuesdays and Thursdays 10:45 pxa. Mondays and Saturdays 2:30 pm. Phone 18 and 81 P. O. Box 575 MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE Quality Groceries Low Prices Courteous Service Prompt Delivery Boat and out of town orders receive careful attention NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. ZarelU Proprietor -A HOME AWAY FROM HOME" Rates 81.H a j SO Rooms Hot & Cold Water Prince Kor-rt, B.C. fbone 281 P.O. Box 1M THE SEAL of QUALITY feist GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye PINK SEAL Finest Pink Salmon Packed by the only salmon canning company with an all the year round payroll is Prince Rupert Hyde Transfer " Phone"580 DRY WOOD JASPER COAL Furniture Moving Light Delivery 315 SECOND AVE. Be wise. Read tn want ads. . .... t4 : 4 . . . 1 SYNOD OF ANGLICANS About 300 Clergymen and Laity Expected in Halifax Many Distinguished Visitor HALIFAX, Aug. 24: (CPj Delegates to the General Synod of the Church of England in Ca nada, numbering approximately 300 clergy and laky, will me?t here starting next Sunday. The first General Synod to gainer i'i Halifax, it is the 14th since the .nception of the Dominion-wide synod which meels every thr.c years. There win be three dele gates from Prince Kupert Bi shop G. A. Ilix, Dean J. B. Gib son and Jliss K. 31. Davies O.I5. C In accordance with a report to the Executive Council of the General Synod, arrangements have bfen made to combine with this ession the celebration of the 150th anniversary of the conse-cralion of Charles Ingiis as "Bishop of N'ova Scotia and its Dependencies." Bi.'hop Ingiis was consecrated in St Paul's Catht.' ral, London. Aug. 12, 17S7 and came to Halifax the same yr-ir, adopting old St. Paul's as hU cathedral church here. Prior to his ordination. Bishop Ingiis, born, and" reared in the little Irish vHIage of Glencolumb-killie. went to the "Sew World" as a teaching missionary in l7-"5. Three years later he entered the diaconate and then the priesthood. Returning to America after Ms) ordination, the pioneer cleric! was licensed a missionary al Dover, then in Pennsylvania but now a part of Delaware. Here he-1 was incumbent of Christ Church In Ihe churchyard of the sti'l-standing build'ng. his first wifr and their twin sons are buried In this old church special com metnorative services were held m celebration of the 150th anni, versary of the consecration of it former pastor as the first bishop of the first Anglican diocese outside of the British Isles. To Dedicate Plaque In St Paul's Church, Halifax. which was the centre of the pio neer uisnops activities and where he was buried, the Mof Rev. D. T. Owen, Primate of AH Canada, will dedicate a olaauc 'o mark the last resting place of Bishop Ingiis. A commemorative service will be held in St. Paul's Cathedral. London, Ihe scene of Bishop In- is consecration 150 years ago. On Sunday. Aug. 29. the Si- nod's opening services will be held when all the delegates wiK parade to AH Saints Cathedral the present rent of the bishops of Nova Scotia. There several memorials including one to "First Bishop" Ingiis will be dedicated by the Primate. During Ihe service His Grace W'H also dedicate Primatal Cross for the use of the Primate of All Canada. At this service the Special Preacher will be the Rt Rev. J. G. F. Day, Lord Bishop of Ossory. Ferns and Leighlin, who is per forming that function for the Host Rev. C. F. D'Arcy, Arch-bishop of Armagh and Primate of All Ireland who was originally expected to act as special The Canadian Church Unl.;n made arrangements early last vear for a transcontinental speak ing tour by Rt. Rev. A. W. F Blunt, Bishop of Bradford, who will sjeak here during the Si- nod. In a service of witness to be held in the Halifax Forurv September 2. Dr. Blunt's fellow speaker is to be the Rt. Rev. C. A. Bardsley, Bishop of Leicester. Olher members of the Episco pate who will be the guests of the General Synod and who will be heard by it at Tarious timM are the Rt. Kev. Benj. Brewstr, Bishop-of Maine; the Rt. Rev. G. C. Stewart. Bishop of Chicago; j the Rt Rev. Philip Cook, Bishop of Delaware, and the Rt Rev. W. C. While. Bishop of Newfound- Hand. There will fco oriental bishops 'attending the church gath. ering; the Rt Rev. Philip Lindel Tsen, Bishop of Honan. China, and the Rt Rev. Paul C. Saski. to Ketchikan turned out Sunday morning for practice. There was to have been another practice last night but unfavorable weather necessitated its postponement until tomorrow evening. Dido Ourvich says he is lining up a strong local nine and that he has every con fidence of being able to give the Ketchikanites some tough opposi tion. Steamship Sailings For Vancouver-Mondays Ss. Pr. Rupert 3 pm Tuesday-Catala 1:30 p.m. Friday ss. P. Adelaide.10 pm. 8s. Cardena 10:30 pjn. Bat Ss. Pr. Alice 5:30 p.m. Aug. 18 Ss. Pr. Loulse....5:30 p.m. From Vancouver-Sunday ss. Catala 4 p.m. Monday ss. Pr. Charlotte .... a.m. Wed. ss. Pr. Rupert . 10 a.m. Friday ssPr. Louise a.m. 8s. Pr. George 10 a.m. Ss. Pr. Adelaide 4 p.m, Ss. Cardena p.m. For Anyox and Stewart-Sunday ss. Catala 8 pjn. Friday- ss. pr. Oeorge . 3 pjn. Tuesday ss. Catala 11:30 a.m. Saturday s. Pr peorge ...7 p.m. For Naas RUer and Port Simpson-Sunday ss. Catala 8 pjn. "TILLIE THE TOILER" J HURRY, -the MINISTER'S HERE TO I i "TALK, nvce tv t .inkih i I - 1 n W CUUINC3 i NOVO U r AVJ . dflfcv TIM WATCH SWfeL A. t ANOja MAMrf TOT DAILY KTrVS WORKING ON CASE Suspects Questioned But No Arrests Yesterday in Liquor Store Robbery Half a dozen or so suspects were taken to the police station Bishop of mid-Japan, both of, and checked up on since disco-wbose dioceses were founded b'ery yesterday morning of the at-Canadian missionaries. tempt to break into the safe of According to the custom, the the government liquor store here Synod will sit in two houses during" Ihe night previous but all during their deliberations, the were released. The police are still House of Bishops under the presidency of His Grace the Primate nd the lower house which elects from Hs own number a prolocu working on the case. Except for $9 from a cash drawer, there was no definite knowledge up to this morning of tors, who are Very Rev. Arthurlanything else having been taken. Carlisle, Dean of Montreal an R. V. Harris. Halifax. These 'of fice bearers' preside over the lower clergy and the laity who constitute the lower house. Housing arrangements hare en made by Ihe Halifax Committee whereby bishop? are to entertained in private homes hroughout the city. Othr dele gates will find accomodation in King's College residence and Shirref Hall of Dalhousie University as the guests of the Col 'ege and University authorities. New Record For 100 Metres Is Made In Paris PARIS, Aug. 24: A new world's record for the 100 metre print was set here yesterdav by Ben Johnson of Columbia Uri-versity who covered the distance in 10.2 seconds. Two Horses Are Matched In Big Prize Meeting SAN FRANCISCO, Aug. 24: War Admiral, winner cf this year's Kentucky Derby, and Sea Biscuit, have been matched for a special race here this fall over one-an-one-eighth mile for purse of $40,000. BASEBALLERS OUT Members of the baseball team se lected for the Labor Day excursion Little, if any, liquor was stolen. The opening of the damaged safe today disclosed that considerable money therin was intact. j Coronation Medals Here Judge W. E. Fisher and City Com-missioner Alder Among: Those Honored City Commissioner W. J. Alder and Judge W. E. Fisher are among local people to receive medals from King George VI commemorating the Coronation. Accompanying the medals are letters captioned with the "Seal, O. R, I, Buckingham Palace." and stating: "By command of His Majesty the King an accompanying medal Is forwarded to be worn In commemoration of Their Majest New Fire Chief Due On Friday II. T. Lock is Arrivinr This Week, Accompanied by Wife and Daughter H. T. Lock of Saanich, who has been appointed chief of the Prince Rupert fire department, will arrive in the city Friday morning of this week from the south aboard the steamer Prince George, accompanied by his wife and daughter. J. R. Morrison, who Is retiring on superannuation. 4s now preparing to leave soon after the end of the month with Mrs. Morrison for Van. couver. Will Of Duchess Of Bedford Filed LONDON, Aug. 24: The will of the Duchess of Bedford, who dropped oif. of syrht several years ago on a transAtlantic flight, has been filed for probate. The estate amounts to $1,500,000. The sum of $10,000 -each is left to two airmen who-rescued rcr from the Arabian Desert nin-year3 ago when she was forced down. Cash Value OF YOUR OLD TENNIS RACKET Is 25 of the Price of a New SLAZENGER Racket COME tM REV, X.A WXNT you TO Ms s T My FATHER ' K VANCOUVER WHEAT ies Coronation, 12th May. 1EV7." VANCOUVER BEEF PRICES The medal shows the King and VANCOUVER. August 24: Van Queen on the obverse side in a couver beef prices yesterday: steers, raised circle." and on the reverse $6 to $630; heifers, $550; cows, $4. side, around the edges, the inscrip- tion "George VI-Queen Elizabeth. Crowned 12trf May, 1937." and the Crown and O. R. I. in the center. THE VANCOUVER, August 24: 'fan.. Frank Dlbb is sailing this evening g on the Catala for a trip to Vancou- 8 ver. 1 . it SPECIAL For a few days only we will allow you 25 for your old tennis racket any make on any Slazenger racket in our store. Here is a real Money Making Money Saving opportunity Bring in your old racket and Cash In on it. VJEt-U, -THAMK VOJ u l xj ill mm jr- yOU OLD COOT - . unrlrr4au. Inc.. mrt S"'it TENNIS BALLS To clear out our 1937 SLAZENGER Official Tennis Balls Regular 50c. C4 A A WHILE THEY LAST 3 for ?X.UU The quantity is strictly limited. Get your supply for the balance of the tennis season NOW. WAAI Ef IT AIM'T DEST0YER IS COMING H. -M. C. S. Fraser to be Here With Governor General First Visit to Port Accompanying the steamer Cardena. which brings Lor Tweedsmuir, Governor General of Canada, and the vice-regal part here Friday, night will be Canada's new destroyer, II. M. C. S Fraser. It will be the first vi?T to this port of the Fraser which will be here for a day or so. Commander Howard E. Reid R. C.V, formerly of H. M. C. S. Skeena, is in command of the Fraser. The new vessel is about one foot shorter but two feel more in beam than the Skeena and is a slightly heavier vesel. She was built a year later tbn the Skeena. Her armaments are Estate Amounts to $1,300,000 similar to tnoe oi the sKeena. Remembers Airmen Who mrcnased oy the Canadian Rescued Her government from the Imperial governmenl. H-M.C.S. Fraser "r rived on thU coast last spring ti replace H.M.C.S. Vancouver. WHEAT PRICES DOWN WINNIPEG. August 24: Wheat prices were down lc yesterday with Winnipeg at $1.22 and Chicago at $1.05. Mrs. J. B. Gibson Is sailing this evening on the Catala for a trip to Vancouver. And SAtvrfeni IT'S SLm TOMES &NNABEUA HENRY FONDA LESLIE BANKS JOHN McCORWA? At7:3 and t:fi Also NEWS C OM ED Y CARTOOJ TONIGHT, WED. and Tllttl (2nd Show it, 9:13) adian Press) Wheat was trading at $1,204 on the Vancouver market SKKKI'iHimiJUITEiruttKUni yesterday. ' u I I I I Mill ! Beautify Your Hoi With LINOLEUM The Modern Floor Covering Available in many de lightful patterns sf prices ranging from 45c to $1.40 per square yard We also carry a gcod variety of Cong;;te rugs in the newest pat- i' terns. GORDON'S HARDWARE Phone 311 McHrideSl i mm m rm i mr.mru tmzm i $ mrwravararwxi ro r Ottawa, June 22, 1937 Council of Canadian Medical Association Endorses and Urges Pasteurization of Milk and Cream We have pasteurized our products since 1923 for your protection. Positive Past-teurization for Safe Milk at no extra cost. VALENTIN DAIRY Phone 657 -By Westover DAY YOU DRCPPGt) TUB HOPpeB. TOAD DOVJW My BACK. AND THE fc5HETt THOUGHT I HAD THE ATReMorts ?