. bunch, 07 Carat:: 6 lbs 2. arrow .vi bunch, .07 Botfuuse Tomatoes ' . ttv u i. 1 l n UwUUdgC iu, U l 3 lbs. 10 r i.npnmruirB in reed lbs. 1.45 BUkley Valley 3.10 2.20 n?s zy.'.i "efort, lb. 2 as - 2.65 Mash 3.00 Shell 1.45 Meats "V 1, iU. Iff rHiU1.An IV a . V . ................ .w first grade, lb 35 side sliced, best grade. .. .40 -ihoulder. lb 20 loin, lb 35 leg, lb JO wy sail, lb .25 loin, lb 25 shoulder, lb 20 pot roast, lb. 15c to .18 bolllno- lh in tn IK ....q, luv, lV-l fOSHt hrlvnA rili lh . . Steak lh w t 11 Moulder, lb 25! If 6 It-, oo! . --o, aw. ,OVJ I Fish uc.4 1U. fltJ 4 "Tfviui UV-, UllU .U Hour 49's No. 1 hard wheat 2.70 at the Salt Lake. ay, August THE DAILY. NIW PAUZ THR GETABLES ND FRUITS Advancing ,.,mmr fruits and vege- are now being featured In nne nnd are verv at- Kew line or rruits in- . . . i. . A Ann Calirornia ycma u.iv. tr,rAhlp marrows are the new Vegetables. . .... flnur mnrlrfctft nrp nd advancing. The sugar ; steady jfresh Extras. Grade A e -:af wncwi - lot1 Hw .45 I1CW iaiu, wv Appl" stein 2 lbs 25 Fruit ( Ooz., 40c to 4u ... fim .iif in ...... . 1 1 j i4 paI nrl ill ITUIV tat. " Pears doz. .40 as, lb .122 les each 20 nupes. 2 for 2!" Batter cartoned, lb. i 40 Creamery, lb. .38 'Creamery, lb. 39 Lard lb. .20 Vegetables Potatoe:, 10 lbs 25 Potatoes. 10 lbs 2-r Onlcns. lb, 05 Onions, l Duncnes ua Imported, per lb. .30 ukutii. 4 "wui iu ins. .113 Nuts lire !.. . r . i nnrio anviicu, iu u S. lb. ,12 W Cooking Fjgs. lb Id s- lb, 8c to .l'i Tl nnH r . Quu urange peel 27 " ici 35 e 30-40, lb .15 . 40-50, 2 lbs 25 C0-70, lb 11 no .... . rtusira lan ph ih ia lns. Cal., seedless lb. .15 "'. lb. .... lis PM. 11 ID OH 'J1, "ned ,ir peeled, icc to 20 Suear le- 100 lbs a , ow, inn tK. " I" - " 8.B5 lion tctf.d IIoney. Per Jar 22c to Cbeete f' solids, new, lb 2S "., b. ton, lh "idiure. in. LOCAL NEWS NOTES Just arrived, a new shipment of skirts. "The Mayfair." If. Fashion Footwear are clearing all lines 'of men's work boots at reduced prices. t.f. Mrs. George Qrosvenor and child left on last evening's train for a visit to Terrace. J. A. Hinton sailed yesterday afternoon on the Prince George for a' trip to Vancouver and Victoria. Pupils Venelia Feero, teachor of piano, will take limited number. Phone Blue 787 for arrangements. (197) Tonight's train, due from the Rast at 10:15, was reported this mornfng to be on lime. Alex Rix, district manager of the Imperial Oil Co.. left on last evening's train for a brief business trip to Terrace. Mrs. H. Vann, who has been visiting with friends In the city, is sailing by the Catala this afternoon on her return to Vancouver. Thomas Young was a passenger aboard the Catala Sunday evening going through to Arrandale for the winter after spending the summer In Vancouver. David Watt, father of Mrs. B. F. Smith of Premier, arrived In the city from the north oh the Prince Rupert Saturday evening and left on last night's train for a trip to Winnipeg. .50 .33 .39 .80 .60 James Mbrrice. postmaster at Stewart, passed through the city on the Prince Rupert Saturday even-ing enroute to Vancouver where he will Join his sister, Mrs. Taylor, and proceed on a motor trip through the United States to Ottawa to visit with his mother, THE THRIFT CASH & CARRY THRIFTY VALUES Vttr WEI)., TI1UKS., I'HI., SAT., KELLOGO'S CORN FLAKES- -Spkts. UilU 1 UUW1 NABOB PEACHES-Fancy, No. 2 tin 18c RED BIRD MATCHES 09p A Per packet CATCHUP Llbby's Polly Prim 12-oz. bottles. 25C CATELLI'S SPAGHETTI -With cheese. An J-Ul 10-oz. tin CHOICE PRUNES-2-lb. packet 19c ilAPPY-VA'LE PICKLES-S weet, Sour or Mus- ft n tard, Per bot SOUP- 9K 1TOMATOE Campbell's. 3 tins aoy CHRISTIES RITZ- 1 7( Per packet PEARS- Royal City, bp NO. 2 tin ORANGE MARMALADE- Nal-Ley's handy l)C tumbler GRAHAM WAFERS- Ol f Red Arrow. Per pkt. BACON Diamond OQn I 0C A. Per lb. TOMATOES No. 1. 7C 5-lb. Baskets Phone 179 P.O. Box 1591 Tom Dybhavn Jr. Is sailing this afternoon on the Catala for Baseball practice for Ketchikan trip, G:15 p.m. of player- Wednesday, It. C H. Elklns returned to the city on Sunday night's train from a trip to Hazeltoh. The fire department had a call at 5:15 last evening to a smoke scare In the Clapp Block. There was no damage. Mr. an'd Mrs. Carl Zarem are sailing this afternoon on the Catala for a trip to Vancouver and Victoria. C. Robinson, who has been visit-lng in the city recently, is sailing by the Catala this afternoon on his return to Vancouver. Miss Helen Valentine, who has bisters isabei ana Mary Vida of been visiting in Prince George, reregisters of St. Jos6ph are sailing1 turned home on yesterday after-this afternoon on the Catala for noon's train. ' Vancouver. 1 G. Mohr, who arrived In the city Mrs. Harry Long returned to the on Saturday evening's boat from city on Sunday night's train after! Stewart, left on last night's train paying a visit with friends at Ior Milwaukee where he will con Evelyn. 1 tlnue his studies. ' Local Sea Cadets will turn out as Mr. Mrs. Robe Rrorf t McCarthy nnrtv, returned i.,r we as the ,ocal Cana to town yesterday after spending Nayal VoiuntMr Reserve and th6 three weeks at her summer cottage . i02tlrf nMrv in or for Lord Tweedsmuir, Governor General, on his arrival In the city Friday evening. Dr. Hugh Morrison, who arrived In the city Sunday night on the Catala from the south to assume1 duties as school Inspector here, has j been teaching recently at Lord Byng High School in Vancouver. He is! a graduate of the University of j British Columbia and took his Doc. tor of Philosophy degree on the j subject of political science at Clark university, tcecenuy ne nas been ie. Capt. W. P. Armour returned to the city on yesterday afternoon's train from Lakelse Lake where he spent the week-end. He brought In a nice string of trout. Kenneth Brown appeared In city police court yesterday oh a charge of supplying liquor to Indians and was remanded for eight days. R. L. McLennan is acting as defense counsel. Mrs. Charles Bloomfleld of Fort St. James was a week-end visitor to the city on her way back to the Interior after a week's visit at Stewart with her brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and-Mrs. .Frank-Lewis. E. M. Haynes of Victoria, Post Office inspector, disembarks here today from the steamer Catala after making the trip north from Vancouver to Stewart and Anyox and will be hereabouts for the next few days on official duties. Mrs. Kuhn and child, who have been visiting at Smlthers with Mrs. Kuhn's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Gray, passed through the cltyfrom train to boat Saturday afternoon on their way back to their home in the Middle States. Robert Moxley arrived in the city a few days ago after spending part of the summer vacation in Vancouver and will be leaving shortly for Meadowvale In the Vanderhoof district to resume his school teaching duties. F. J. Hemsworth, who has been in charge of operations on the Georgia River mine in the Portland Canal district which have been sus pended by Gold Leasers Limited, was a passenger aboard the Prince Rupert Saturday night going through to Vancouver. Announcements United Fashion Show, September engaged in post-graduate work In! education at the University of Chi-' Gyro Hallowe'en Dance, October cago. He Is unmarried. 29. New Hearing For the DEAF Good news for those that are deafened and have headnolses. The New Coronation Acoustlcon will help you. No matter what the condition of your deafnessunless total the New Coronation Acoustlcon will help you hear normal, free and easily. Call in for free test on the Aurogauge, which makes possible custom fitting of your case. No charge of course. Ask for Mr. W. B. Pitman, 16 years experience in helping the deafened. PRINCE KUrEUT Prince Rupert Hotel Friday, August 27th, 11:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. Saturday, August 28th, 9:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. ACOUSTICON INSTITUTE OF B.C. Repairs and Batteries for all Hearing Aids COS Hastings West Vancouver, B. C. MacKENZlE'S FURNITURE AUGUST FURNITURE SALE 35 Simmons All Felt Mattresses All Standard Sizes in Stock. Price . Phone 775 $9.00 HALIBUT The source of Sunshine Vitamins A and D Boiled Halibut with egg sauce is digestible, palatable, satisfying. CANADIAN FISH & COLD STORAGE CO. LTD. Prince Rupert, R.C. Miss Krikcvsky j Honored Again Mrs. A. E. Dickens Hostess Shower Last Night For Bride-Elect At Mrs. A. E. Dickens jr was hostess last evening at her ho'r.v On Second Avenue at a del.ghtf.il shower In honor of Miss Ruby Krikevsky whose marriage takes place soon. The room was tastefully decor ated with pihk and white streamers with a whTte bell hanging from the centre. There were about twerity-five ladies present and an enioyaLle evening was spent in playing cards. Winners at bridge were Airs. James hnkevsky, .anas to la Johnson and airs. Georg Peters and for a novelty car.l game the prize went to Miss Sol berg Jensen. During the course of the eve ning a gaily decorated wheel barrow was brought in, containing a "complete set of kitchen utenils foi- the bride-to-be with a card wnicn was signea Dy those pre sent. Delicious refreshments were then served by the hostess. Invited guests at the show'er were, the guest of honor. Miss Ruby Krikevsky, airs. Jarres Krikevsky, Mrs. Annelte Woods, Mrs. B. Wendle, Mrs. M. Bud-(nlch, Mrs. George Peters, Mrs. Tommy Fraser, Mrs. S. Alexard-1 er, Mrs. C. Youngman, Mrs. W. Stewart jr., Mrs. Stan Johansoii, Mrs. D. V. Smith, and the Misses Blanche Jensen, Soltyerg Jensen, Edna Dickens, Tona Blain, Rita Stromdahl, Eva Morris, Enyd M6rns, Viola Johnson, Maryann Miller, Mary Cblussi, Mussallem, Angie Colossi, Nellie GUrvich, EvV Zarelli and Lou Zarelli. FOR RENT ANGUS Apartments, three and four room suites. (tf) FOR SALE ABOUT THESE REPAIRS For lumber, shingles, cement, plaster, brick, Gyproc and roofings, see Albert & McCaffery Ltd. Phone 116. tf. LOST LOST Pair tortoise shell glasses. Reward. J. D. Swartz, Prince Rupert Hotel. (197) AGENTS WANTED DEPENDABLE spare time sales people to work among their friends, acquaintances, lodges societies, churches and business concerns, showing our sample portfolio of prlnled-td-o r d e r Christmas Cards and boxed assortments. A postal card will bring our sample book without charge. A friendly company or-i fering absolutely the best values' and the most liberal commissions' to reliable Christmas Card sales-, people. Experience unnecessary. Write today. No obligation. Premier Art Guild, 576 Seymour St, Vancouver. t.f. IX TUB Sf I'llfc.MK rot KT ' llRITfSlI rOM'MIIIA lA lltf MaMrr of Ell Olxtrnf, Perrinnl Mid lA thf Matter of ttif ".trtmtnUtritlon Act" take notice .that by ordr of H Honour W. E. FUhw, th l&in day 01 August, A. D. 1937 I waa appomwu A.tnlnltrn,tnr of th rtat OI . Ell Obc4Tie. Dwxosed, ami all partl. haying claims against the said estate are hereby required to turn Us h aame, properly verified, to me on or before the ltth tlfty tit Ortober, A. D. 1937, tra 1I wrtle Indebted to ih legtat r recrulred to pay the amount of their Indebtedness ito me farLhWlth. NORMAN A. WATT. Official Administrator, . Prince Rupert, B. p. Dinted the 17th day of August, A, D 1937. - t .... IN THE MATTEh OF tltfc EStATK 6 THE LATE ANDREW BfALXiinu uc-OEASED. Indian of th Port Ewlng'cm biui'd, Intestate. , TuWe Notlc that by virtue 01 an.n.- orlty of tho Bupertineiiiaeivi urirerai tnkin Affftkm. Ottawa. I wis IP pointed .(OnilJklAtfft'tor 6f th estate otj AiWrew Spalding, dexteaaea maun ui tli Pert Estlntfton 'a. in xne rrov inn. v.f Afitfali rViltuhbla. All vferfloim having claim agalwtj the eatat are nere,Dy requuw wj im-lah (suite property vVrlfled to pit Xn or before the aeconul day of Beptember 1937, and all parties Indebted to the estate are required to etate their In-debtedneaa to me forthwith. W. E. COLLISON, Indian Agent. trySalada Orange Pekoe Blend "SALADA TEA The Hose of Merit Ringless Knit Perfect Fitting Latest Shades Comes in Chiffon, Service, Senii-Serviee and Crepe, also Knee Lfeii&th From 75c to $1,50 WALLACES Phone 9 Third and Fulton SPECIAL Odd lines of boxed writing paper to clear at half price. This is an fexceptional offertake advantage of it and stock up. Regular price $1.50. On Sale at 75c Regular price $1.25. On Sale at 65c Regular price $1.00. On Sale at 50c Ormes Ltd. "3iu. Pioneer Druqgists The Kemll Store Phones: 81 &;8S Open Daily From 8 a.m. till 10 p.m. Sundays and Holidays From 12 noon till 2 p.m, 7 p.m. till 9 p.m. Canadian Wt V 11 k7 Pacific Trans-Atlantic Transcontinental Trans-Pacific To Vancouver via Ocean Falls and Way Torts Princess Adelaide every Friday, lu p.m. To Vancouver Direct Princess Alice Princess Louise Princess Charlotte Ang. 4th, 14th; Aug. 7th, 18th, 28th; Aug. 21th, Sept. 4th Connection at Vancouver with Canadian Pacific Services tickets and Reservations horn W. L. COATES, General Agent Prince Ilupert, B.C. ' 1 ... LOOK! SATURDAY and MONDAY Special Now On Reprints Low Prices on Doien Lots Hollywood Studios, 220 Cth St. The Central Hotel ItOOMS and CAFK Phone 31 for Best Household Coal AIRS. C. E. BLACK If you lose anything, advertise for it.