PAGE TWO THE DAILY NEWS FIT-STYLE o VALUE $1 65 THE VISIBLE Ntiing Syt'em ihowi m.iia you exactly how they fit WONDERFUL WEARING QUALITIES in the season's smartest styles. Jfackand Jfi U ee our to $Q50 EDITORIAL J Fishermen Need Charts- HEALTH SHOES complete showing of these popular shoes Where Most People Trade F AMILY SHOE STORE LTD. PHONE SS7 (Estab. 1908) THIRD AVENUE What of Spain? Several months ago we expressed the opinion that the insurgents would win in Spain and the country would come under fascist domination. Then came the unofficial intervention of other countries. From Russia and France came troops which bolstered up the flagging zeal of the government and the other side was strengthened by troops from Portugal, Italy and Germany. This has kept the civil war going and has made it almost an international war. Already something like two-thirds of Spain is now in the hands of the fascist forces but the loyalists are fighting fiercely to retain their hold on the other third and to push forward here and there in counter-attacks against the enemy. It is one of the most nornble civil wars in nis-tory. Recruits for one side or the other have come from many countries, including Canada. Possibly the result will be a stalemate. At any rate there seems to be little present likelihood of a breakdown on either side. MacKENZlE'S FURNITURE 250 Window Blinds, 36x72-lnch Colors Green and Cream. While they last, each 90c 100 Pairs Window Curtains From $1.00 up We are Chart Headquarters for Northern B.C. and carry a complete stock of the essential Charts for the North Pacific British Admiralty Latest Charts Corrected to January, 1937 REDUCED ritlCES 1917 Vancouver Island $1.05 1923 Caamano Sound to Port Simpson 1.65 1927 Cape Caution to Port Simpson 1.65 1933 Cape Caution to Caamano Sound.. 1.65 1737 Eddy Pass to Portland Inlet i' 2.25 2430 Banks Island to Cape Omancy .J. i.65 2431 Port Simpson lo Cross Sound 2.25 2453 Browning Entrance to Prince Rupert Harbor 225 3751 Parry Pass to Port Louis .. 2.75 3754 Dixon Entrance i.c5 Also U. 8. Department of Commerce and Hydrographlc Charts-Canadian .Government Charts and B. C. Coast Pilots Trawlers and Fishermen's Guide, Tait's Seamanship, Brown's Rules of the Road Dividers Parallel Rules Course Finders Free Tide Tables S PO RT SCYTHIANS FINALS IN BEATREG'T BADMINTON Earn Right to !Play-Off With Moose C.N. K. A. Club Tournament Ex- 'For Second Half Honors 'In Intermediate Hoop League Scythians defeated Regiment in play off with Moose to decide second half honors. In the Senior League game last night Moose won over Lambie & Stone 62 to 31. High School won a close Ladies' League game from Annette's 18 to 17 while, in the Junior League, Junior Moose defeated High School 33 to 23. Further Play In Badminton Games played last evening In the Prince Rupert Badminton Club championship tournament 'resulted as follows: Men's Singles Percy Mcintosh beat George Mitchell, 15-8, 15-5. Percy Mcintosh beat Jack Mc- Rae, 15-7, 15-9. Ladies' Doubles Caroline Mitchell and Frances Cross beat Dorothy Macdonald and Ceridwen Morgan, 15-9, 15-11. Ladies' Singles Margaret McKay beat LucilJf Brooksbank, 11-9, 14-11. Caroline Mitchell beat Mollte Lawrence, 11-3, 11-9. Bessie Thompson beat Margaret McKay, 5-ir, 13-11, 11-4. Frazer Hotel, the only steam heated hotel in Portland Canal, 3ittiated at Hyder. B.C. (tf) KEEP THE BREATH SWEET THE THROAT MOIST BjjgajYS Pleasant, Soothing 10 & 25 i JONES Family Market PUONE 957 I-Boh3 Roast per lb. Prime Rib Not rolled per lb. Rum,p .Roast per lb Pot Roast o ibs., : Sirloin Tip per lb Round Steak 3 lbs Sirloin Steak per lb Hamburger 3 lbs Short Ribs 3 lbsr . VKAL Leg of Veal C lbs PHONE 951 Saturday Specials Fillet Roast per lb Boned & Rolled Shoulder per lb. Veal Chops 2 lbs Veal Steak per lb. , I'OHK Slifoulder Poik Roast per lb Leg of Pork per lb (Loin of Pork ' per lb Fresh Side Pork 4' lbs ; . POULTRY Roasting. Chicken . per , i Frying Chicken Milk per lb. Fresh, Turkeys per lb. 20c 15c 16c 50c 18c 50c 20c 25c 25c $1.00 22c fed 20c 35c 20c 15c 20c 20c 50c 25c 30 c 28c :pecUil to He Finished At Week-end The annual games of the Can the Intermediate Basketball adian National "Recreation Associ-League last night by a score of 41 ation Badminton 'Club -are rapidlj to 30. thus earning the right to ! progressing towards the flnalr which it is expcited to play over the week-end. In the men's singles P. Mcintosh defeated Otto Young 15-4, 15-4 and F. M. Davis defeated J. Gibson 18-16, 15-2 in the first round. In the -second round P. Mclnt03h 'de-! feated Roy Franks 18-14, 15-1 ano F. M. Davis defeated P. Petersen 15-9, 15-9. In ladies' singles Miss Thclwa Davis defeated Mrs. R. Gibson 11-6, 11-6, and Miss Elsie Davis won from Miss Gwen Palmer 11-4 11-7 and subsequently from Miss Muriel Vance 11-5, 11-4, thereby advancing to the finals. ! In the ladies' doubles Miss E Davis and Mrs. O. Young won from Mrs. W. Miller and Miss Evia Rlvett 15-10, 15-10. Mrs. R. Gibson and Mrs. W. L. Stamford won from Miss Gwen Palmer and Miss A Turgeon 15-4, 17-14. In the second round Miss E Davis and Mrs, O, Young defeated Mrs. R. Gibson and Mrs. W. L Stamford 15-5, 15-10, while Mrs. F. M. Davis and Miss Muriel Vance and E. Meadows took the measure of W. L. Stamford and J. Davis With A SMirP Of 17-14 1S.11 nhlla finnls by winning from F. M. Davis and A. Burbank who had drawn a bye with a .score of 10-15, "15-9, 18-15. In the first round of the mixed doubles Mrs. and W. L. Stamford lost to Miss Sheila Stuart and P Mcintosh 15-11, 14-17 and 15-9 Miss Elsie Davies and A. Burbank Davis and and Mrs. Younz defeated Tho! : Davis and Ned Tobev 15-12 's.l 12 In the second round Miss Sheila! I ni a. .K ' joiu.irL ana v. Mcintosh beat Mrs.' Gibson and E. Meadows 15-8. is.n' Miss Elsie Davis and A. Burbank won from Miss A. Turgeon and F.l Rash 15-1, 15-3, Miss Gwen PalmeM and J. Davis won from Mrs. and' F. M. DavLs 15-10, 9-15, 18-15, Rupert Motors Win in Bowling Rupert Motors defeated Biological Station thrne games to nil in the Commercial Bowling Leaeue last night High average scorer fori tne evening was Johnny Saunders with 199. Individual scoring: MU, STATION 1st Carter Cade .120 Pugsley ,..,129 Stamford ioo jSundcrland 144 Handicap . io7 Total ;74o RUP. MOTORS 1st Taylor 147 Herman .. . us Saunders ..25 Houston " i3o Robertson 145 I Handicap 8 I Total ....795 The league standing: j W. I Rupert Butchers 7 Rupert Motors w. c IMcMeekln's . 5 Balllnger's 1ZZ.......4 Gyro Club Blologl-ial Station 4 Don't forget when vlsiUne Port land Canal that th'e Frazer Hotel Is Uie best place to stop, (tf) The Letter Box IIOSPITAL SITUATION Editor, uaily News. Will you allow me space to make around the offer of the Sisters of St. Ann and its subsequent with i'drawal. The Intent of this letter is to dispel, .If possible, the distrust, bitterness, acrimony and Intolerance inseparable from 'discussions of 4hls kind. They are regrettable but inescapable. There are many Sisterhoods in the Catholic Church. Some nurse the sick, others care for tile blind, others "succor and help the way- ..... 11 1 1 1 n mini. Hmlr rn rf Ionia r jorlty in this city. J BlshOD Bunoz can. if he wishes to do so, lift this matter clear 'out the realm of religious contro- . ... I f . . t r P. Mcintosh and Malcolm Wilding . "iy oy BIVinff specmc assurances 8-15, 15-2, 15-11 and P 'Peterson 1 ' UlSfar as non-Cathollc Pa and N. Tobev won from r .Tnrmnir, , t!ent a" concerned, the code of J and Fred Rush, 15-10, 15-7. In this competition Boy Franks and E. Meadows have advanced to the ethics laid down by the British Columbia Medical Association shall be the only code required In any Catholic public hospital that shall be established In this city, this assurance to be agreed to by any Sisterhood seeking the support of public funds. Catholics will thus be 'secured In their right to subject themselves to the discipline of their church, and non-Catholics will have the as- aeieated Miss Elsie Finley end1 surance that their liberty of r-nn-1 Palmer and J. Davis won from fered with. Miss E. Cavalier and P. pmawi FnrthormAro tut tu. n.iu-n. 18-16. 14-17, 15-10. Mrs. and F. M ethic on baDtism KhnM nnt anni won irom Miss M. Vance f non-nathnlirc anH thif a . Woods 15-4. 15-9. and Mr circumstances shall the Catholic consent or the parents. That a proportionate number of non-Catholic graduate nurses shali be Dermanentlv employed on the u ' 7 active staff, the number to ;be " tMnM.. r.f r, rwrrt tin nr f .AAHArnmd 111 the number of beds. That the condition demanding a monopoly of hospitalization for ''- ' suspicion, liberty, and even elementary nu-man rights! are being stamped un- erfol .dteUto . it be- vocation, all, without exception, ,? i. hooves m rtAtfot Kntii both rnTrlle Catholics and ailn 'firm- non are bound' by th most solemn vows to enhance the prestige and extend the influence of the Catholic Church. The Medical Association of British Columbia is a body of honorable men, some 600 In number, whose skill in medical and surgical practice cannot be gainsaid. They have drawn up a code of ethics in medical and surgical practice that Is in strict conformity with the laws of Canada. Their code of ethics Is accepted in every non-Catholic hospital in British Columbia. The Sisters of St. Ann Insist, as a condition to any doctor practising, either on the active staff or as a visiting physician in their hospitals, that he or she shall sign and agree to abide by their own rules and regulations. Certain of these i Catholic ethics are of a dlstlnc- i tlvely denominational character. (I have a copy of these rules and regulations before me as I write). I No natholif nppH fppl nntmopH n nnley and ' by the statement that some of Miss Sheila Stuart 9-15. 18-15 and ,,,- mthnlin etMn o n. ta-(. In the men's doubles R. Franks Of Catholics to stand together 'In 'defence each of the others' right to freedom of conscience and freedom to worship In 'his 'own 'peculiar and particular manner. With this controversy out of the way, the citizens can 'then dispassionately consider whether it Is 'in the public Interest to turn over to the Catholic Church the assets of the present hospital'. As to the fire hazard, may! suggest that until a new hospital is built, some o'f the extra men that are to be taken on to the staff at the fire hall be detailed to the protection of the present 'hospital structure. Thank you, sir. JOHN MORAN. ix mi: r ItDMi: COI ICT Of it it 1 1 IS II (HII.I MI1IA IX l'IIOItTK llir Mailer iif flir Kulatr nt IMrr-e Olalzil.i. Urrrasril Nollrr lo Crrlltor anil Itflitnrx Take aoUce thut ton 'LeMm Probate d3te4 the 4th idar csf January, 1037 ; was appointed ol exc-utor of the estate of Pierre "Otolla. dwt)d. lat of Prince nuptrt. -British Columbia. nd all partln having claim against U ceptable to the non-Catholic ma-nteh xtn mmo trvptriy verified to m on or befr? the 30th of April 1937. arc all parl ndbtl -Jo the eald estate are required tc pay the amount of the!r 'Mftterliu? to me forthwith. Diilecl th 'lllh day of March. ;I837 THBO COLLART. Prince Rupert. D. C CHURCH Fiiday, March t2, ltn The Prince Rupert Shrine civs t Its Its regular regular monthly monthly mtw meeting .. t. J : rite of baptism be performed on a at child of non-Catholic parents ( night In the Masonic Temple de. without the knowledge and free elded to hold a dance on April for the benefit of the Shrine Crin pled Children's Hospital. The vj,' fng was. presided over by v Davies, the President, and th was' a good attendance of mem. bars IV-TIIK wITHRMI Oi l . Mill 1 '''"Ml l I'lionvn: In (In- Miittrr "' I ' Al'liiilr,l, sincerely believe that Should 'the ah.i Sisters of St. Ann or any other ,"' M" m!XX "' community oi nursing sistera accn im r mat ny om. r to come herVa m'drVfriendly feel-tf h ? u puU:s m "f hu idtli lntl in these days, wnen religious 'z -r r-r niw and oil navi!i:. .i,,!,,. nr" h, rh.. qiilretl to (urnWi ssme, pr pfrlv vorifui to me on or berore the son, h,v rt April 1037 ad all parti. Uhm.xA t ;hc 'Bmtp 4re ruimj t .1. f:lhwlUl. NORMAN a, watt 'OWdai AUm iis'r,', Vr :? H L-Dated the 11th di i M; i . : HUDSON'S BAY DEMERARA i RUM This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the 'Government of British Columbia. NOTICES PENTECOSTAL ASSEMBLY Tonight at 7:45: Lantern slides of India, Africa and other countries will be shown by Miss Katie Builder. Missionary from India. Sunday, 11 a.m. and 7:30 p.m., Tuesday and Friday. 8 p.m. Speaker, Miss Builder The Missionary will also speak to the Sunday School at 2 p.m. She will wear the India costume. Don't miss these interesting lectures. Doors open at 7 30 pm. illSIIRfZilHHHIHHiHIHHHHBHHHIHHHHHHB HRfesS -'fe '"1 in Ma life. We're u gmlefut to M 1 St Ch"rle' Milk" M HF . Kl AK TOln Dncton about St Charles U 1 'H 'BP'-'H -t I i)kr Uihy. It's so easy to digest ami it 9 I . k irrailiated by Uie Cneat tnelliml known to j mm f j &wjhm s: " ' m vJJsiH Only fresh pure milk from selectwl farm. is 1 iH k Jlf$r JfM erepted by llorden's for St Charles. It's the M m X tMf aaaaa ""t m''k ,0U can '"' Knioy ex,ra 2nd 3rd fJJp 1 185 188 " - ' ' -vs-L-.L') . '-u ... ; 4 2 4 HiDHPWnilK! 11 4 MWMifii.iiiiiiiW:' mmiKvi .Jt.s.ui:u wu HfiiTi rr ,N BOND UNDER fcANAni! Viniirt.a.raix c..ditbui;I0N Tlils advertisement Is not published or displayed by the liquor Control Board or by the Govern- ment of British Columbia,