A3E FOUR Margaret's The Latest Spring Models SUITS, COATS, DRESSES 305 West Third Ave. I'hone Ked 810 Try Our SPECIAL SUNDAY NIGHT DINNER Soup Chicken with two Vegetables Dessert Tea or Coffee All For 59c KNOX HOTEL "Banquets a Specialty" The Central Hotel ROOMS and CAFE Phone 51, For Best Household Coal MRS. C. E. BLACK Trappers and Buyers I have to fill my orders YOU CAN GET 20 More From 3Ie I am strong on everything. Make your shipment. As soon as I receive It I will send your money. G0LDBL0OM NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarelll Proprietor "A HOME AWAY FKOM HOME Rates $1.00 up 50 Rooms Hot tt Cold Water Prince Kupert. B.C I'lione 281 P.O. Bor 1!)G Hyd e Transfer Phone 580 DRY WOOD JASPER COAL Furniture Moving Light Delivery ' 315 SECOND AVE. CONCERT AT SKIDEGATE Splendid Talent Heard at Island: Village Friday Night i SKIDEGATE. Marth 12: A isnlendid di6Dlav of real talent wasi j witnessed by the crowd which at-I tended the concert given by the 1 Skidegate Mission Concert Party i at the Skidegate Mission Commun- ity Hall pn Friday night. Mrs. Adolphus OcrllJtson, Mrs, Edna Crosby ana Ed. Calder were responsible for he excellent program. Ed Young displayed considerable l skill in a piano accordion solo and I Miss Holt, Mrs. Gordon H. Jolliffe 1 and Ernie Wilson delighted their ' audience with vocal solos. A quar-j tette by Mrs. Adolphus Collisoif, 'Mrs. Edna Crosby, Miss K. Mcln- tyre and Mrs. Paul Brentzen was well rendered and a piano solo by Miss Weaver was much enjoyed. Little Miss Florence Mclntyre gave a splendid exhibition of tap dancing and won great applause. Ed Calder proved to his audience that he could handle the violin and Magnus Green gave a fine mandolin solo. A double quartette by ten maid voices was much enjoyed and a musical selection by four young men Joe Tulip, Ben Roberts, Ralph Young and Billy Young-was exceptionally good. James McKay, Percy Gladstone and Ben Roberts gave a splendid saxophone selection and a guitar duet by M- Adolphus ColiLson and Ed Young was well applauded. Mrs. Edna Crosby's rendering of the "Cattle Thief" by Pauline Johnson, was particularly clever and Miss Van-dervcen's rendering of "The Battle of Vedda" by the same author was exceptionally good. A special feature of the program was a demonstration of the Hydah Crest by the old folks in native dress. This number, well acted, took the aud ience back many years. A short-comedy skit entitled "The Meeting of the Minstrels" in which Mrs. Edna Crosby made a hit as Topsy. produced much laughter. The song "Old Folks at Home" by two of the darkles concluded the program. Many irora queen. Cnariotte City and Skidegate attended and expressed their delight at the qual ity of the program and the effi cient manner In which it was ren dered." Miss Weaver officiated at the piano and Percy Gladstone proved an efficient chairman. The pro ceeds of the evening, in ald.df the Young People's Society of the United Church, amounted to $70.70. Delightful refreshments were served to all by the ladies of Skidegate Mission at the conclusion of the program. Stop at the Frazer Hotel when visiting Stewart or Hyder. The only steam heated hotel in Portland canal district. (tf) END PAIN Soothe SORE HANDS Rubbing in ix Tin: mtkimi: oi kt or mutism (.'OLI'MlilA In IToliatr In I lie Miitlrr or the WilmliiMrutlmi Act" And III the .Mutlrr of I lie IMatr of Mah-iiltn Mllloy, Dm-UM-rt Honor w E. PUhar, the 23rd day of .... Ant.il tntn v iuwmi aujr. Hi cimx1. and all parties having clalmi aiptUiat the aald cNta,te are hereby re- CtUlrAd to fllmt&h ram. tvi.iv1 -- jflcd, to me oil or before the 27th dj . nf JlYattJ A n Kin i 1 1 . indebted to the rotate are required to pay the amount of thir lndebtedneg to me IorUih. FRANK PEARCE, Port Clemeuta. B.C. DuUxl the 2th day oX February, ' A.D 1037. TRAPPERS! Attention! Hrinj; Your Heaver to Frank Lockwood I'lione ISIiic 729 l'.O, Box 200 WHIFFLETS From the Yatcrfront C. N. R. steamer Prince Charles. Capt. Edward Mabbs. arrived In port at 9 o'clock Jast night from Vancouver via the Queen Charlotte Islands and the Prince John wiL mil at 10 o'clock tonight for th south over the same routs. The Prince George, Capt. H. E. Nedden, arrived at 7:45 last evening from Anyox and Stewart and sailed at 10:30 p.m. for Ocean Fa'lls, Powell River and Vancouver. Having on board a light total of 38 passengers, the most of whom originated "in Juneau, C. P. R. steamer Princess Norah, Capt. William Palmer, was in port from 2:30 to 3:30 yesterday afternoon southbound from Skagway to Vancouver. Five passengers disembarked from Jhe vessel here while two left here for Vancouver aboard her. C. P. R. steamer Princess Louise, Capt. S. K. Gray, taking the place for three weeks of the Princess Adelaide, which is at Victoria fci annual overhaul, is due In port a' 3:45 tWs afternoon from the soutt and will sail at 10 pm. on her return to Vancouver and waypoln Union steamer Venture, Capt. W W. Mounce. is due In port at ?:30 this evening from Vancouver and waypoints' and will sail at 10 30 p.m. on her return south. FOR SALE Modern hotel, Hyder, B.C. Good opening for building up fine business at small cost. J1U11.I, t li,Utli Hyder, B.C. Curtains Frilled ed'ge,-rcady edge,-ready to to use use pairs" THE DAILY NEWS Friday, March 12 1JJI DR. CARTER IS SPEAKER Anglican Young People Thrilled By Scientific Discourse Dr. Neal Carter delivered an ex-j remely interesting address to the Anglican Yoting People's Associa-ion on Wednesday night In the cathedral Hail. His subject was Very Low Temperatures." Dr. Car-.er touched .on the methods that ! are used'bv- scientists to ootain these temperatures. He illustrated his lecture with numerous experiments with what is known com- mcnly as "dnr ice" but In reality, is j solidified carbon dioxide. His aud ience was impressed when an egg was dipped Into a solution of carbon dioxide and ether and, after a few seconds, was fished out nothing less than a white rock. It wai with no lese interest that the young folk saw liquid mercury frozen to a solid metal in the same solution. After many more thrilllnr. experiments. Dr. Carter closed his talk with an explanation of how absolute zero had never been reached but that an American scientist had come within more than an extremely small degree of reaching It. R. Yerburgh thanked Dr. Carter cn behalf of the association for his illuminating address and for the trouble that he had gone to. The meeting was then adjourned and an appetizing supper was served. Then a short business meeting was held at which the committee in charge reported on the arrangements that had been made for the tea to be held on April 10. Also it was planned to have a hike on Easter Monday instead of the usual meeting that week. Pure Linen Bridge Sets ' each Curtain Goods. With frilled edges, assorted color frill ff 2 yards Figured I Rayon Silks-Keg. to Doc yd., per yard . ... . Figured Georgettes Values 70 to $1.45 yd. per yard Plain Silk Georgettes Various shades, values to $1.50 per yard Pillow Slips Nice even weave 5 for $1.00 2Sc Quilt Patches In packages, all cut ready for use, 3 for -31, 31.00 Girls' Hankies Assorted colored borders Qff per doz. ;', OtJL Unbleached Sheeting 72 inches wide will wash and wear well, 3 yards . $1.00 White Flannelette Nice and soft CJ-fl A A 27 inches wide, 7 yards Foor Rugs 27x50, "Barrymore Minaki quality, reg. $6.75, colors blue, rose and grey j Q. C. ISLANDS Mrs. G. A. Charter, wife of Doctor G. A. Charter of Queen Charlotte City, who left the Islands before Christmas on account of a serious nervous breakdown, Is still confined to her bed and Is making very slow progress towards recov ery. Miss Dorothy Stewart, graduate nurse from Vancouver. Is assisting Doctor Charter in the work at the Skidegate Inlet Hospital. The Skidegate Co-operative Commonwealth Federation staged a very enjoyable dance at Queen Charlotte recently. The affair was very successful with a good atten-iance from various Skidegate Inlet joints. The Harmony Boys' Or-:hestra provided the music. The A. P. Allison Logging Co. at Cumshewa Inlet has hired a good, nany Skidegate Inlet men for the logging camp at Cumshewa. Capt. Charles Valley, secretary f the Skidegate Inlet Fishermen's "-operative Association, paid a arief visit with friends at Skidegate last week-end. The regular meeting ' of the Queen Charlotte City United Church Ladies' Aid was held at the Anglican Tea And Sale At Mrs. Tobey's The home of Mrs. W. H. Tobey Pacific Place, was the scene of a delightful Anglican tea on Thursday afternoon. The guests were received by Airs. Tobey, assisted by Mrs. C. V. Evltt. The tea table, attractively decorated with daffodils and1 jonquils. jwas presided over by Mrs. George iCripps. Mrs W. J. Nelson, Mrs. It L. Mcintosh and Mrs, J. C. McLennan. The tea room was In Mrs. J. G. Johns, Mrs. H. G. Ken-inedy, Mrs. J. W. Nlcholls and Mrs !a. E Parlow serving the guest' .Mrs. F. A. MacOallum was cashlt. and the Home Cooking was looked after by Mrs. W. C. Asplnall and Mrs. J. H. Norden. home of Mrs. P. F. Size last week. There was a good attendance. A splendid new waterworks sys tern Is being installed at Skidegate Mission. About forty-five men are employed on the work which Is being supervised by A. L. McNaugh- ton. departmental engineer, and for which W. H. Russ Is foreman. k tKsu ibibib ra ra jbibib tai a grata 1 a 1 a ia ura 1 n 1 a r a 1 a i:a ra E 1057 DELUXE HEATED CARS a. u o u s 1: u v 1 c E 35 TAXI iapea an round, 54x76 each "Our Motto" Prompt and Courteous Service Ross Mazzei Opposite Royal Hotel Al French ms w ! " m bib;ib;i bib ibibibj a:i aj a j b;i u AAl La La - El S Linen Squares 36536, nicely embroidered, 2 for Japanese Printed Napkins 6 for March Clearance We are offering .some remarkable values in yard and staple household lines, fancy linens, etc. SEE OUR WINDOWS Linen Vanity Sets Lace edged 2 sets $1.00 Rubber Door Mats 26x14, reg. $1.50 jJ QQ Dresser Scarfs Hemstitched and embroidered, 3 for Dress Goods Serges and other weaves per yard I'urc Linen Table Cloths 18x18, striped borders and large check design, in assorted color combinations. Each Turkish Hand Towels 18x36, striped, Q-fl A A soft and serviceable, 6 for jJliUU 31.00 89c $1.00 25c Plaid Tea Towels Assorted color plaids C-f A A 22x36, 6 for JXUU Pure Silk Black Duchess Satin 7Qp 36 inches wide, per yard Figured Velvets Handsome designs, s Very special 7- per yard ; I til Swiss Curtain Panels Ecru shade, 36 inches by 2J yards long 70o each ; fix Linen Holler Towelling Striped 9CT border. 2 v:irds Mf C each" Forms"1',xl4 Pure kauok fillitr 39( Feather Pillows Striped art tick covered, blue or pink, reg. $1.50 $1 00 Flannelette Sheets-Extra large size, 76x91), extra heavy quality, comes in cream only, English made whipped sing reg. $3.95 . COIC per pair tJJOTttl Jap and China Silks In assorted colors -t ff 27inches wide, per yard XDC Quilted Mattress Protectors or Silence Cloths $2.95 21 11 0 u II s F. It V I C E 1 f""i""T'Tr I TONIGHT i svritnTTr M Last Complete Show at 8 'm Direct to you from its ccssful Vancouver ru u.c; smartest, swankiest and W musical show in a lonr thwl New York's latest reaft romance set to music e rhythm . . . swank hu.1, ter . . dancing and l Irvla Berlin Melody. ON THE ALICE FAYE -The R1TZ Brothen and Jt-a - lIlKMSfllir ,JH kJB? ten tlluilKirrn miiTAi i (At 7:36 it 9:41. ADDED TREATS OUR GANG In "PAY AS YOU EXIT "Hollywood the 2ml Slrp" (Sequel to "Hollywood Extra ikplctlng the 2nd sU-p in he me oi an extra WOULD NEWS EVKNTS Fresh Local Raw ki Pasteurized Milk VALENTIN DAIRY rilONK 657 HERE IS GOOD NEWS! Our .store Is a store vou can c your own because It Is operated a i co-operative system whereby it share the profits with you. When the purchase Is made and the price is paid you receive tokens which entitle you to FREE PREMIUMS return. So make our store your store. MUSSALLEM'S 317-319 Third Avenue H'eM Phone 18 P. O. Boi i COAL TO PLEASE EVERYBODY Satisfaction Ouarantecd FAMOUS EDS'lN Al.BtRT COAL liULKLEY VALLEY COAL VANCOUVER ISLAND COAl PRINCE RUPKKT FBKD COMPANY PHONE: 58 nd Si A LENTEN SUGGESTION Seal Salmon 0 - . . LfY V.!) ;J Ii"ancy Red Sockeye Packed by the only salmon canning compaW with an all the ;ear round payroll in 'ince Rupert.