Jn w. ,ui. Use- 640 tig""' phone R price 802 or 118 friR SALE ir citf 1R ft nnpn lUnch, 4 n.p.. w.u. reasonaoie. t-iiuuc uiecu kitting room cnaira. mc (G3) rnltwe for sate, few tables ana cruura nom " nt nallv News. $4 00 ana ihuh-s hum .- $3.00. tf Modern hotel at Hy-J 4 fiday March 12. W THE DAILY NEWB Cla F0R-SAI-1E ssiried Lr DC steam heut, excellent FOR RENT- . i . mi location, licensed premises, win Ibc sola m u uu&m er Hotel, Hyder, B.C (tf): Ads WANTED Five-room modem j WANTED Scow, jJdhn Group, Box Ave. Eas'.. i ir,i 1 1 1)33, Oity. FOR RENT (01) '. I APPLICATIONS For the position of manager of the Prince Rupert Fishermen's Co-operative Association -will be received up until March 18th, 1937. Address applications to P. O. Box 264, Prince Rupert. (62) FIVE Roomed -cottage, 9th Ave. E., $15 per month. Phone 74. tf Nicely lurnlshed room in private home, steam heated, close to business district. Phone Ulue 905. (61) Nanaimo-Welllngton for: FOR RENT Beautiful home with fmace and heater. Alberta Egg- good garden and splendid view for the Kitcnen range. : Ssootles"!. Albert & McCstffery, -Phone lie j or 117, , RlRNITURE Factory samples must ho this week. Guaranteed 10- jpiece chesterfield groups $09.50; ,: loose piuow arm groups !10-plece -$72.50; 10-plece bedroom suites hround mirrors) $7450. Furnish . . i ii ' I your nome cumpieu; uiree rooms. 59 pieces all lor $165. Many other bargains. Terms If you wish. Order today. Julius Shore Mailorder House, '8th floor Beklns Building, Vancouver, (tf ) FOR RENT ... . BIAN, Well - furnished modern iapirtments. Phone Red 444. (59) won RENT- Bedroom in private family, for lady, with use of living ! room. Phone Blue 409. (61) of harbor, situated In a good: neighborhood on Graham Avenue, Westvlew. Fine large living room overlooking harboi where all shipping passes. Usual number of rooms with den extra and conservatory. Glass-protected porch. Phone 98 foi particulars. PERSONAL GENTLEMEN'S Sanitary Supplies, 'highest grade 15 for $1. Pacific Supply, 751 Granville, Vancouver. MEN Get vigor at once. New Os--trex Tonic Tablets contain ra oyster lnvlgorators and. other stimulants. One dose peps up (Jr- igans, glands. If not delighted, aker refunds few cents paid ..all or write. Ormes Limited tf Try a Dally News want-ad. Mussallem's Economy Store WHERE QUALITY COUNTS These Prices in Effect Until-March 18th Eureka Bleach ftp Household Ammonia Qp J-UU per qt Q- Butter Sodas McCor- jftp Ming Powder-Blue 9i 0 t,v Ribbon, 16 oz. A-' mlck's, 1-lb. bag Reckitfs Blue tZ0 Butter-First grade Qffp per pkg 3l 3 lbs Brown Beans Qp Bago & Tapioca-Cello- Op per lb. phnne pkgs., 1-lb. bag Sweet Mixed Biscuits Op Marshmallows With Ogp per lb. recipes, 1-lb. cello Cocoa- Bulk, excellent '-I Op Roman Cheese quality per lb. i0t per lb. VKCJKTARLE ( Celery, 1 Lettuce ('O.MIMNATK)N ? bunch CarrotSi 1 Rhubarb ) 37c UNION STEAMSHIPS LTD. Steamers leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver: T.S.S. CATALA EVERY TUESDAY, 1:30 P.M Due Vancouver, Thursday p.m. TS.S. CARDENA FRIDAY, 10:30 FM. Due Vamouver, 'Monday a.m. If convenient please purchase tickets at office, further information regarding reservations and tickets from A. W. NEWMAN, Prince Rupert Agent, Third Ave. Phone 568 TheFxsh which made Prince Rupert Famous "Rupert Brand" SMOKED BLACK COD Prepared Daily By Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. LOCAL NEWS NOTES Frazer Hotel, steam heated C. C. F. meeting. Moose Hall, rooms, Hyder, B.C., near the Stew- Saturday, 8 pin. Speaker, Oeo. art dock. (tf) Weaver, Vancouver. Tom Johnston sailed last nfcjht ! Another sign of spring came yea- on the Prince George for a holl-!terday when "Brother Moody" was day trip to Vancouver. Alex Rogers, who has been spending some time in the city, will sail by the Prince John tonight on his return to Lockeport, Qpesh Charlotte Islands. Sherwood Wirt, city editor of thr Alaska Press, Juneau newspaper was a passenger aboard the Princess Norah yesterday afternoon go ing through to California for (holiday trip. THE COUGH DROP medicated with throat -soothing ingredients ot Vicks VapoKub. Alex Holden, well known com mercial aviation pilot of Juneau, and Mrs. Holden and child weie passengers aboard the Princess Norah yesterday afternoon goin: through to Seattle and other points in the south on a month's visit. Farewell Fishermen's Dance will be held in the Moose Hall on Fri day, March 12, at 9 p.m., under the auspices of the Bulkley Mar ket, Van's Bakery and the Domln ion Dairy. All fishermen are in vited. Mrs. Black's Orchestra. James Calvin, well known Alice Arm prospector and mining man arrived in the city on the Prince George last evening from the north, being here to receive treat mcnt . for his right -wrist whMi has been fractured In two places. Mr. and Mrs. Claude V. Syms and family are leaving on th'.s evening's train for Smlthers where they will locate. Mr. Symes has purchased the farm of William Powell, two miles west of Smlthers on the Lake Kathlyn road, and will engage In poultry and fur farming. Mr. Symes has been a resident of Prince Rupert for sixteen years, Announcements Presbyterian Tea, Mrs. J. Little's, 4th Ave. E., March 16, ment, March 17, Catholic Hall. Easter Rooms. rll 6. 'seen around with his 6traw hat on. For driving to the common danger in permitting people to ri'de on the running board outside the body of the car, John P. Saunders was fined $10 hy Magistrate Mc-Clymoht this morning. Miss Elizabeth Callison of Yakima, Washington, who has been spending some time in Juneau, was a a passenger aboard tne princess j Norah yesterday afternoon going j through to her home in the south. j Chester Hamilton, manager cf ithe Northern Commercial Co. nt White horse was a passenger 'aboard (he Princess Norah yester-iddy afternoon going through oi a 'trip to Vancouver and Seattle. J. St. Patrick's Tea and Entertain University extension lectures, March 17, 18 and 19, City Hall-Dean Buchanan. Rebekah Fashion Show, March 18. i - Prince Rupert Boys' Band Con cert, First Presbyterian Churcn Wednesday, March 24. Tea, March 24, Legion Cathedral Spring Sale, April 1. Junior Chamber Dance, Friday, April 2. Dancing display, Hall, April 2. Oddfellows', Recreation Centre final display Exhibition Building, April 3. Shrine Club dance for Crippled Childten's Hospitals, Tuesday, Ap-j Presbyterian Choir Concert, 7. United Church tea, Annette Fashion Show, April 8. Circus First United Church, 9-10. April 10, A. Y. P. A. Tea, Cathe- dral Hall. . ! H. M. S. Pinafore. April 14, Ap ril 15, Capitol Theatre. C. N. R. 'A. annual dance, Moose Hall, April 10. St. Poter's Sale, May .8, Gyro Club Coronation Moose Hall, May 12. Col, J. W. Nichols, general man-lager of the Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., sailed last night on the Prince George for a combined business and holiday trip to Vancouver, Victoria, Seattle and other southern points: Miss Barbara Wynn, daughter ot a Juneau attorney, -was a passenge? aboard the Princess Norah yester day afternoon going through tc- Seattle where she will attend the University of Washington. Miss Wynn not long ago made a trip to Point Barrow -aboard the steamer North Star. Dance. George Waddell, formerly or this city, after having spent the past couple of weeks at the local dry dock employed in connection with the repair of the steamei Prince Rupert, sailed last night by the Prince George on his ret'irr. to Vancouver. Mrs. Gertrude Baylor, secretary to the director of the Works Pro gress Administration director -t Juneau, and Miss Nell McCloskey secretary to James A.'Truitt, At torney General of Alaska, were in the city aboard the Princess Norah yesterday afternoon bound foi a holiday trip to Honolulu. They will sail from Vancouver on the Empress of Japan and return on the AorangL HOTEL ARRIVALS Savoy H. McLennan, Surf Point Mine; J. McNaughton. Victoria; Simon Lewis, R. HilL Mrs. Helen Ryar Eva L. Roberts, and Minnie Lewk Kitkatla; Charles Miller, Porcher Island; A. Neil, Port Simpson; O E. Eriksen, Seattle; James Calvin, Alice Arm. Hoyal H. Sestholm, Yukon Territory; W Durk, city. Prince Rupert A. R. Mallory. Port Clemen William Radke, Buckley Bay. I Kalplan, Vancouver. Central A. Bigoff, city; T. Opsahl, Stev;- art - . j ' i y i h e- t-r-i. Eggs I A Grade, Large Q1 n 1 In Cartons, 3 doz wit PORK Butts OQ per lb &0s Butt Chops CSo per lb awt Hocks JLUU -lb. per, Spkre Ribs 25C Sausage Meat 9s 2 lbs., Butter First Grade Butter QCTn 3 lbs. , Swift's Picnic Hams QAa Shankless. per lb. Vv Swift's Diamond A OQ Bacon, per lb. iOv Ayrsliire Bacon OQn per lb Jewel Shortening f fn per lb. M K-9 Dog Food' 9Zf 2 tins V Peanut Butter 9Kn 2 lbs LRotaiy Club Has i Report of ttlVLS. I Pinafore' Event Pete Sunderland "Show 'Pictures Of Sailing Craft and 'Mentions Their Importance Colonel J. W. Nlcholls, who has charge of the business end of the' presentation of the opera "H. M. S.'l Pinafore," Gilbert & Sullivan's, masterpiece, announced at the Ror tary luncheon yesterday that It had been necessary to purchase a good deal of new scenery for the proper presentations of the play. Tickets were selling well but it was necessary to sell a good many to cover expenses. Colonel Nlcholls Is going away for a month and, dtirlng his absence from the city, W. M. Black-stock will have charge of the ar rangements and the sale of tickets! At the luncheon Peter Sunder land showed a number of pictures of sailing ships and gave 'a talk on "Training 'For Sail." He 'explained that many of the nations of the world still considered training on i sailing ships necessary for prbperj naval training. 'Harry Church of Vancouver toas a guest of the club at luncheon. uneau Newlywcds ' Here on Honeymoon Mr. and Mrs. John B. Holm, who were married in Juneau Tuesday. night, were passengers aboard the Princess Norah yesterday afternoon going through for a honeymoon trip to Seattle and. Portland. The bride was formerly Miss 'Catherine Goodwin. The groom Is in the lumber business at Juneau. They will return north to take up residence In the Alaska capital. The Corporation Of The City Of Prince -Rupert, U:C. Public Notice Notice is hereby given that Pol! Tax, Dog Tax and Licence Fees are now due and payable, and should be paid at the City Hall. Prince Rupert. Failure to pay - renders persons liable to proceedings. CITY COLLECTOR (63) ITCHING TORTURE STOPPED lit A Mm t I Tor quick relirf from th Itchioc of pinplM, Ualcltt, 'wtemL athleU'i foot, rube. cd other skin truj.tioM, 'Hly Dr. Dtnna' woliui. utatptie, liquid O. O. 0. PRESCRIPTION, lit (eotl. oili tooth tit irritated ilia. Clr, (rtudwiUKi lttil--lriet fut. fcitopt tlit moat Ioteoa. HtUni ioiUnUj. A tit trial bottlt, l drei ttorot, proret It money "jmL Aikfor 10 D.D.D. PAzAcAZotixn. Fresh from the Qardens Wit if A 11 AH iuiiinun "IT E At Shaving Specials FOR THE MAN Gentlemen's After Shaving Talcum and Gentlemen's Shaving Lotion 85c Value Both for 85c Value Both for 55c Gardenia Shaving Cream and Gardenia Shaving Lotion 55c Ormes ltd. TTttA Pioneer Driuzgrists The Rexall Store Phones: 81 & 82 Open Daily From 8 a.m. till 10 p.m. Sundays and Holidays From 12 noon till 2 p.m., 7 p.m. till 9 p.m. DELUXE WALL TINT The bright 'and cheerful colors of DeLuxe wijl fill your rooms with sunshine Easy to mix easy to apply will not rub f)) off costs you less; 5-lb. pkg. ' Thompson Hardware Co. Ltd. Elio's Moving Sale 9 ;a.m. to ?6 p.m. 'Saturday. 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. Exceptional Value The Finest FOLDING METAL BRIDGE SET Smart; Compact, Convenient. Sale Price . 14.50 ! Another Good Value English coaches Thorbugh'ly Built and Latest Styles. Sale Price 22.75, 24.75, 27.50, 29.50, 30.75 MATTRESSES For the Rest of Your Life Have a Spr ingr-Filled Mattress. Another tlbnal Value. Sale Price B16.75, 19.75 PRINTED LINOLEUM Mi Sale Price Per Yard 80c -.lit Exccp- D.iio Furniture Exchange Phone Green 421 Prince Rupert, B.C.