Thp Prince Rupert Trades and Ubor Council, at a well attended mPtmE last night, In addition to ground Work Expected to Be Major Objective for Ensuing Year Qat committee. . The water had been Sne Into now J II1VUIU VI u 1 1 IX 1.4 W thprp urns n 1oixA Im -vfc.uj,, laict ui a nun .inn n Shelter Thp nnlhUHf The club decided to hold a com nation dance on May 12 at which 1 . f..., " vuueouver ismnn cWdy andrm Colder S norlhwest wlnds-shower, wlth Probable HVCKEYSCORES LICENCES 1. lual Taxes Abolished by Pro-Vincial Government While Plant Fees Raised Scale of Imposts attending to a variety of general Some Xnterestlngr Changes Made-business, elected the following of-1 Eacn Lne of Business Now fleers for the ensuing term: I Must Pay helped to carve a fifty-foot totem pole for the Nakat Packing Company which was being made b Chief Wallace of Hydaburg ft Waterfall Cannery. The old can- iurv thprn 1 hpfnir torn down and,.. ' thpro in u I will be no eamcs of chance .ln h nnnH hn wner forms of raising money Mr. Edenshaw and his. party or- v Mills ivilllS wn was annolntpd fltinolntnrf nrrf or(rt l !,. l Alit-Vn Va Instructed to rl!in n rtnn.-n VhipJl n-lll t.. i . . lon. It ill be a program af. me sprvipps-nr tho r,. Inline, i. " . They were entertained at two banquets each by Mr. and Mr.? Charles Homer. Mr and Mrs David Jason, Mr, and Mrs ' ' lO IiaVP hoon nff...J ... ... ... Of tho . -. "' 1VUV15, iir. uim jviio. tain iwt6iu .. .. ""'"res. nnrt Mr and Mrs. Fred Grant -ancrs Of c uh nU inlivc viv IXJ j, nt.llepAj . i ... . ... u uo Wednesday's v at wWch 010 President, D- -"touj, wiis in me cnair Weather Forecast (Piiw.i.i.-. .. ' l)mi,,i. TJ'.ri,"; th courtesy o. VlVla 11 "0llcl Bureau r l a ml, rt r'nce nPTt: ThUi fore H at s . ,,rom observation t vuumj, o p.m. tomnrrow). Pressure remains .i Pn. , nn uu HIV and the main- and Prince Runert riicf,i4 j Sw coicr at ? night. Wlnd5' part cloudy and de?aUto1 Charlotte Islands-mo-oerat to fresh . n( j luiLii mi in riiM chant. P,art. cloudy and nt much wC8t Coast , Others who gave banquets or parties to the visitors, were The Sisterhood, the S. O. S.( Lodge, th Girls' Club, the Bachelors' Club Mr. and Mrs George Vandel, Mr mid Mrs. Boyd Nakatla. Mr. ard is reported. Late Telegraphs TROPHIES ARE GIVEN Annual Banquet of Prince Rupert Bridge League Held Last Evening Presentation of trophies of the past season's play was one of the features of the annual banquet of) i Prince Rupert Bridge League In In addition, plants carrying on j the Knox Hotel last night. W. A. more than one business pay an "McLean, president of the league, ; extra licence for each business. New schedules include: Fish col dstorage, herring and pilchard canneries, $100. Continuation on an Increased' Pilchard, whale reduction and a!s of ::troervlscd Dlaveround ac- "erced salmon paints, $500. .Titles, which were Initiated with Salmon canneries, $1500. succss last year, was fore-, Co-operative firms are exempted as the major objective of the .from the $25 fish buyer licences. iv Rnnprf. flvm Cluh for thp I 1 1937 at the monthly business playground committee, oi T, wn if i i nrrn ie rnoirmnn raider consideration plans' for for supervised activities. A i- - r' w- j-. j - lby tb committee at a special meeting of the club to be f. H, Tobey chairman of th? Carving Of Huge Totem Douglas Edenshaw of Massett And Party Returned from Lengthy Vh't to Alaskan Neighbors Massett, B. C, March 12: Douglas Edenshaw and party have Just returned frcm a four months visit at Hydaburg. Alaska, where they u-oro lavlthlv pntprtnlnrd n r. trttk skat nr HnL- inrl cwlmmlni . ...... v .. .. t..cfnf m reinnuris 11.1111 ikii Lira.. .11 projent wim wmcn tne no- eacn 0f whlch from fifty te Club is also asso:iatcd, re-UpVPnv.f!vp wrt-P nresent ported on the accomplishments of , while m Alaska Mr. Edcnsha x was in the chair and the cups were presented as follows bjf the Honor, ary President, Bert Morgan: League Cup, Musketeers, re celved by F. E. Wermlg. League runner-up cup, Grotto, received by II. O. Kennedy. ' Individual high average cup, re celved by Louis Richardson for James Skinner. Tip Top Tailors' Cup. Grotto, received by Everett Leek. During the speeches It was sug gested that next year there might be contract' competition "open' to all four player teams which wished to enter ladies as well as men. The speakers Included Bert Mor gan, W. A. McLean, D. A. MacPhee, A. H. Hill-Tout, Robert McKay and F. E. Wermlg. Andrew Home, D. A. MacPhee and James Taylor sang and there was also community singing. Improvements In Business Premises And Store Changes Third Avenue today is looking as ... a swimminK DOOl Will ra nr nlont prprtPfl nnri nn Jlllv 41 " all the natives of the surrounding villages are Invited to attend tht raising raising Ul of the uic totem, uuvem, the uic i finale cf business soon. Watts and Nlcker-son are having one of the Hell-broner stores prepared for them and expect to be opening in men's wear next month. The People's Store is having .a new shop front and much, interior Improvement carried- on at present. The pr mlses, formerly known as the May- fajr, are being overhauled and fit- Simited. evidently for reopening, Mar garet's store is moved further down the street and the premises have been Improved and reopened by Copeland's fruit store. The stores in the Moose- Building are being occupied by D. Ello. All these changes are being made right now and there may be others soon. Mrs. Sherman Alexander, Mr. and There is general activity and the Mrs. Frank Nix, Mn and Mrs. Luke Indications are that Third Avenue Frank, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Morr!- will be a real'llve place when wqrk on, Mr. and Mrs Gibson Young, on the post office begins. Mr. and Mrs. Nick Baronlvlch, J.'r ana Mrs. ixiuie rom, rar. uuu Jolin Wallace, Mr. and Mrs. Leon-nrd Charles, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Nix, Mr and Mrs. Blllie Hamilton, Mr. and Mrs. David Frank, Mr. ana Mrs. James Edenso, Mr. and Mn Claude Morrison, Mr. and Mrs John Bennett and Mr. and Mrs Frank Nathong. Unemployment Is Becoming Lower OTTAWA, March 12: (CP) Unemployment in Canada this February was the lowest for any February in four vears. It was an- Capt. Harry Hanson, general i nounced yesterday. manager of the Queen Charlotte I . . Islands Fishermen's Co-operative! . . ,, Association, arrived at Sktdegate! Rev. W. J SeMer returned safely Queen Charlotte City on. Sun-kaua, a few days ago with the Canowa- jto one of Uie Association's large :day evening last rom Prince Ru-and and went1 pert with the United Church Mis-fhr suecdy fish packers, JrL dPate Inlet to Uw ioti boat Udal..Mr. Selder was ac !.!k'iTllttl0n nbns companled by hU wife and W. II the we es establishment awisranen of . a - large 1"""," experienced " T over to the mainland, provincial LIBRAR VICTORIA, 6.C. Today's Weather Tomorrow's Tides (8 A M.) mm High 1:28 a.m. 21.9 ft. prince Rupert Clear, northerly 13:41 p.m. 21.9 ft. Wind four miles per hour; baro-meter Low 7:45 a.m. 3.0 ft. 29.82; sea moderate. 19:58 p.m. 2.9 ft. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER Vol. XXVI., No. 60. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., FRIDAY, MARCH 12, 1937 rRICE: S CKNTJ MACDONALD REELECTED Trades ana u,lwl ,vvw Its OiHCs iur ensuing Term SHERY president, S. D. Macaonaia, Vice-President, Thomas D. Black.. VICTORIA, March 12: (CP) The Secretary-Treasurer, Thomas El-j provinclal government, In the 1937 liott ' fishery licence schedule Issued ves- Executive - George Anaerson day, abolished individual taxes ineeD oeu ricwnc. arrectine seven thousand Briusn William Reid (Electrical Workers' Coiumbia fishermen and raised Union and J. J. Olllls (Carpen- flsn plant fee5 prs' Union). I Thp fnllnwlni? tnyps u-prp nhni. Committees and other officers iShed: mi i UAca. of Vin rtpvt mpoMno I i . i i . . . GYRUS 1U BE ACTIVE rnfciiMi in .1 ii ii r i v i u i iai purse seiners, $25. Salmon drag seiners, $25. Salmon glll-netters, $2.50. The licences increased are: Herring dry salterles, $500 to $1000. Herring reduction, $250 to $500. Extra Licences CASE DISMISSED VANCOUVER Judge Lennox in County Court today dismissed with costs the joint wage claim of John L. Lovseth and Mrs. M. Bower Hopkinson against Premier Aberhart of Alberta. NEW JAP CRISIS TOKYO A new crisis brewed in Japan today as opposition smouldered to the Army against declarations of foreign policy by the new foreign minister, Mao-take Sato, before the Diet. AFRAID OF ASSASSINS Elaborate Protection of Japanese Premier's Life Special House Built TOKYO, March 12: (CD-Premier Hayashi of Japan is taking elaborate precautions against .assassination. He has moved into a special assassin-proof house. The rooms are bombproof and there are numerous secret passages. Even Hayashi's wife does not know what room he may be sleeping in. TODAY'S STOCKS Courtesv 3. D. Johonton Co.) Vancouver B. C. Nickel, .29. ' Big Missouri. .61. j Evalorne, 8.55. ! Aztc; Mines, 10V ; Cariboo Quartz, 1.58. . Dentcnia, .21. Dun well. .04 Y2. Golconda, .16. Minto, .202. Morning Star, .03. Noble Five, .14. Pend Oreille, 6.00. Pioneer, 550. Porter Idaho, .10. Premier, 3.40. Reeves McDonald, 155. Reno. 1.07. ; Relief Arlington. .25. Reward, .15. . i SVmcn Oo'd, .11. Taylor Bridge, .10 Wayside, .05 Hedley Amiltrafitcd, .20. Premier Border, .04. . -Sllbak Premier, 355. Congress-.08. v Silver Crest, .107 Home Gold, 034. , Grandview, .17 'i. Indian, .05. Quatsino Copper. :10. Oils A. P. Con., .55. Calmont, 1 17. C. & E 4.05. Freehold, .20. . MrDougal Segur, .38. Mercury, .44. Merland, 21. OV-alta. 2.35. Pacalta, .24. Home Oil, 2.30. Toronto Beattie, 1.42. Central Patricia, 4.10. Gods Lake, 75. Little Long Lac, 6.65. McKenzle Red Lake, 1.60. Pickle Crow, 7.20. Red Lake Gold Shore, .86. San Antonio, 1.96. Shsrritt Gordon, 3 55. Smelters Gold. .08. M:Leod Co:kshutt, 2.35. Oklend, .24. Mosher, .22. Gilbec, .6412. Madsen Red Lake, 95. Stadacona. 1.62. v . . ' : Frontier Red Lake, .19. Francoeur, 1.05. Manitoba & Eastern, .08. Moncta. 1.70. .''. Bouseadlllac, 64. Rubec, .q9'2. Thompson Cadillac, 1,40. ' Bailor, .07. Bankfleld, 1.30. ' . East Malartlc. 1.52. Preston East Dome. 1 06. Hiftchison Lake, .19. McCualg. Red Lake, .19.. ' Aldenmac. 1.62. Kerr Addison. 2.90. Uchi Ooli. 1.00. ; - . Federal Klrkland, 21. . Upper Canada, .60, ' POUND AT MONTREAL MONTREAL, March 12: (CP) ! The British pound sterling closed at $4.8838 on the Montreal ex change market yesterday. The Forest Branch cruiser Lillian D in charge of Ranger J. B, Scott and with L. S. Hope, the new a slstant forester on board, arrived at Queen Charlotte City from Prince Rupert last Sunday night From Queen Charlotte, the Lillian . an extremely D. proceeded to Cumshewa Inlet SSurrSU Charlotte it rough trip, especially on the run 'and other Moresby Island logging Point, Queen 1 points. rV 'J,;;: DEFENCES Lonaon mn Talk Defence 1 LONDON, March 12: (CP) Imperial defence will be one : of the subjects to be taken up at the Imperial Conference here in May, it Is announced. It is suggested that a central Imperial defence committee may be formed. General' Jan Smuts of South Africa is men- tioned as a possible chairman. ALICE ARM LIBERALS Party Credited With Doing Much a j Good Officers Elected ' ALICE ARM, March 12: The annual meeting of the AMce Am , Liberal Association was held last week when the following officers were elected: Honorary President, Rt. Hon. t William Lyon Mackenzie King. WEAKENING Insurgents Claim ot Have Advanced Thirty-Two Miles In Thirty-Six Hours To Head Patrol large' majority of the citizens of Two Dutch Admirals and Danish prince Rupert tne slsters of st. Colonel Will Run Spanish Blockade LONDON, March 12: (CP) Two Dutch naval officers and a Danish colonel have been named to run the International nonintervention committee's blockade against foreign volunteers and munitions shipments to Spain. Admiral Van Dulm of the Netherlands has been placed in charge of the entire neutrality project. Admiral Olivier, also of the Netherlands, will direct the' naval patrol and Colonel Lunn, Danish, will supervise frontier agents along the Franco-Spanish border. MADRID. March 12: (CPI De fences of Madrid are weakening costing upwards of $200,000 on an ever-widening front, lmpar- Honorary vice-presiaeni, non. i. tjai observers here agree. Pattullo. gent quarters declare that their j president, l. h. rayne. (orce5 nave advanced thirty-two Vice-president, W. B. Bower. mlies ln thirty-six hours. ! Secretary. J. Wells. whue militiamen erlmlv due in I Executive E. Peterson. Oscar on Madrid's northeastern front. j unt, a. u. Mcrnau ana j. iva. the government command asserted I uie president, in a brief address, that the drive on the capital of 30,- Igav3 a synopsis of tha year's ac- 000 Italian soldiers had been check-' HOPES FOR NEW0FFER City Commissioner W. J. Alder Further Discusses Local Hospital Issue City Commissioner W. J. Alder, speaking last night, expressed hope I that, if a request was made by a 'Anne might redonslder their decl-Islon In withdrawing the offer to build a $200,000 hospital here. Mr. , Alder suggested that fixed assets . of the present hospital might be offered without cash and securities now held by the hospital, j The commissioner expressed belief that the majority of citizens were convinced that the present hospital situation was intolerable. Mr. Alder quoted the annual hospital financial statement for 1936 which gave the total value of fixed assets at $37,144.26 with cash, securities and book accounts at $20,000. If the assets had been turned jover to the Sisters the last , item would have been the only one of any value in erecting a building VISIT TO SKIDEGATE Massett Church Choir Heard To Advantage on Saturday Night tlvlties. He said great credit was ed fortyfour miles from the city. Idue the provincial government for Meanwhile uncensored ' renorts' SKIDEGATE. March 12; A real J assistance to the mining industry reaching New York by mall from muslca1' eat was provided for all ird policies in general. Mention Valencia. Spain.- -said tnat"o3ds ln attendance at the Skidegate A was also made of the Reneral lm- araimt n PovprnmPht. virtmr in ihP'1153101 Community Halt on. Sat- - nrovement-ln business conditions civil war had gone up to three toiurday evenlne 'hen-Jhe StL; John's tnrougnout Canada directly awn- one, even in that temporary gov-l. , " " "T w"r, butable to the Mackenzie King ernment capital. The majority 0f,8T of 36 perscms under 4 the capable overnment. observers at Valencia believe it will. -lu -on"' Mooney Pardon Resolution. Is Passed by House SACRAMENTO. March, 12: The California state assembly has passed a resolution designed to , pardon Tom Mooney, famous con-J vict, who is serving a term of lift i Imprisonment at San Quentlr. I Penitentiary for participation in 'jth-2 fatal Preparedness Day bombings ln San Franclrco ln 1916. Tht resolution was passed over advlre that the legislature had no authority to grant such a pardon. Ad. option by the Senate Is necessary Credit Is Due Gerry McGeer Mayor Miller Opposes Proposal To Have His Picture Removed From City Hall VANCOUVER. Mar. 12:-r-"What- 2vcr may be said about him, it must be admitted that he, mare than any other man, was respon sible for the new City Hall beluj passed built," declared Mayer George Mil-, from the halL EXTRA FISH TRAIN GOING EACH WEEK r 4 4 be June at the earliest before peace HV nT f "iTZ is reached. 1?: .Durlng evfng Today's Weather I Oovcniiiieiu TrlegraphJi Terrace Clear, north wind, 40. Aiyansh Cloudy, calm, 38. Alice Arm Part cloudy, calm, 40 Anyox Part cloudy, calm, 40. Hazelton Cloudy, calm, 38. Smlthers Cloudy, calm, cool.. Burns Lake Dull, calm, 32. Stewart Part cloudy, calm, 36. Victoria Cloudy, north wind, 22 miles per hour, barometer 29.64. Estevan Calm, cloudy, barometer 29.58. Vancouver Clear, east wind, 4 miles per hour, barometer 29.70. Prince George Clear, north wind, 10 miles per hour, barometer 29.96. Away Suddenly at Simpson Yesterday Port ler Wednesday in opposing a pro- j posai that a picture of Formet P0RX SIMPSON, March 12: Mayor G. G. McGeer be removed Georce U:K.y of Kln.0nth died ' suddenly In Uie Port Simpson Gen eral Hospital Wednesday. The re- iiuuic.ia were auiy aenverea Dy Chief Councillor Alfred Adam. Chief William Matthews and Olive Adams all of Massett, and Chief Councillor William Russ of Sklde-g-ate, O, D. Beattie and Gordon W, Jollffe of Queen Charlotte City. The program was as follows: Chorus, "Gracious Father". (Beethoven). Speech, Alfred Adams. Chorus, "Glorious Is Thy Name (Twelfth Mass") (Mozart), Cantata ln two parts, "Crown of Victory" (Witty). Speech, WUllam Matthe-vs. Chorus, "BehoM the Lamb of God (Messiah"), (Handel). Chorus, "Song of the Free" (Verdi). Chorus, "The Glory of the Lord (Messiah"). (Handel). .Triple Island Part cloudy', wuaneue, - come Tnou Fount." northeast wind, 6 miles per hour,1 ch?rus. "Lilt Up Your Heads, O sea smooth. ' !Ye ates 'Messiah"), (Handel). rjimram TsinndPnrr. nimidv ' Chcrus, "Heaven are Tellins calm, barometer 29.72, temperature 42, sea smooth. Dead Tree Point Cloudy, calm, barometer 29.76, sea smooth. George McKay Of Kincolith Passes; (Creation"). Hadyn). Chcrus, "Worthy is the Lamb '(Messiah"). tHandel). Chorus, "Hallelujah Choruj (Messiah"), (Handel). Every number was well rendered and much credit is due the choir and its leader for the ex cellent performance. Delightful refreshments wrt3 .served by the ladles of the vlltoye ' U 1 1 i me lAuitiusiuu oi uie program. Strike is Over; Normandie Sails mains were taken Thursday by J. Waterfront Workers In France Re- MsKay to Kincolith where inter-: s,e Work. Thus Endinr ment will be made. 1 Ship Tic-tip TRAINS GOING OUT LE HAVRE, March 12: A strike Comenclng the week after ! of waterfront workers having been next following the opening of With the big snowslide three settled, the French liner Norman- the halibut season, the Cana- . and a half miles west of Kwlnltsa die was able to sail yesterday for dlan National Railways will expected to be" cleared by evening, New York. start running an extra fish the regular train for the east Is train out of Prince Rupert leaving at 6 o'clock tonight with a HALIBUT GEAR THEFT each Tuesday. It will leave at stub train going out at 5 o'clock to Kenneth Clay Brown, charged 6 p.m. and will make the same ' pick up and return tomorrow with being in possession of three time as the regular mixed morning with passengers, mall, ex- angents of halibut gear stolen tains which "go out Monday, press and baggage left at Terrace from the cabin of John Anderson Wednesday and Friday eve- by the train which failed to get at Cow Bay, appeared in city pollco nings. through last night. The way freight court before Magistrate McClymont will go out at 7 o'clock tomorrow yesterday and was remanded until t t ' morning. ' this afternoon.