tA.31 TOUT. Tit Our SPECIAL SUNDAY NIGHT DINNER Soup Chicken with two Vegetables Dessert Tea or Coffee All For 50c KNOX HOTEL "Banquets a Specialty- TRAPPERS! Attention! Don't sell your furs until you see Frank Lockwood Phone Bine "Z9 P.O. Box Delayed Funeral Held Wednesday Interment of the late John Mc Ewan.of Telegraph Creek, whose death occurred a couple of weeks ago and whose burial bad to be deferred as the Cemetery road was impassable on account of snow. took place yesterday in the returned soldiers' plot at Fairrfew Cemetery. Rev. i. W. Stevenson, pastor of First Presbyterian Church, officiated at the commit tal serrice and the Last Post was sounded by Robert Greenfield Pallbearers were J. A Allen. James X. KeHy. Malcolm McLeod and Ar thur Beale. Father Lofthus of Vancouver who has been conducting missions for the Roman Catholic Church at Terrace and Stewart. Is now in the city and will conduct a mission here throughout next week. l'ork ami Itcans A Whole Meal In Themselves Unusually popular with regular raeab, this Royal City product fills,.' rwny an emergency call for food. Keep i few cans handy. "l can honestly say BOVRIL saved me from the grave: it brought me from a hopeless skeleton to a strong healthy man. Praise God for the wonderworking power or BOVRIL" Come and see our New Wallpapers We have Just received our new wa.lpaper stock. We invite you to drop in and Inspect them. We have a large selection of smart and beautiful 'patterns at very reasonable prices. Gordon's Hardware Mcllride St. Phone 311 The Fish which made Prince Rupert Famous "Rupert Brand" SMOKED BLACK COD Prepared Daily By Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. TODAY'S STOCKS Oounec? 8. D. JcHciMQ Oo.) VancouTer B. C. Nickel 21. Big Missouri, .63. Bralorr.e, Z20. B. R. X, .11. Cariboo Quartz, 133. Dectonia, 2S't. Golcoccia, 20. Minto. 22. Meridian, JD5. Morning Star. sa. ; Noble Five. .15. Pend Oreille. 6.05. Pioneer. 6.00. Porter Idaho. .10 li. ' Premier. 3X5. Reeves McDonald, 136. Reno. 1.18. Relief Arlington. JO. Reward. .174-Salmon Gold, .124. Taylor Bridge, -09. Wayside. -05. Premier Bonier. -03' j-Sifbak Premier. 3.70. Congress. J02. Silver Crest. .12. Home Gold, .04. ' Grandview. 22. - Indian. .05 4. Qualsino Copper. .13. Quesnelle Quartz, vl6. '" Oils r A. P. Con, -73 . Calmont, 1.42. . C. '& E, 4.90. . Freehold, 20. HargaL 20. McDougaQ Segur, 35. Mercury. .60. . Merland. 2Z. Okalta, 3.25. Pacalta, 21. Ranehmens, .90. United. .40. Weymam, 20. Toronto Be-Utie. 1.45. Central Patricia, 4.75. Gods Lake. .81. Lee Cold. X5i. Utile Long Lac, 730. McKenzie Red Lake, 1.82. Pickle Crow. 8.40. Red Lake Gold Shore. 131. San Antonia, 2.10. Sherriti Gordon, 3.75. Smelters Gold. .07. McLeod' Cockshutt, 235. Oklend. .41. Mosher. .32. G'.lbec. .05. Maden Red Lake, 1.16. ,i ! . Stadaccna, 1.63. Frontier Red Lake. .17. Franeoeur,. 129. r H' Manitoba' Sc ESern. .10J. Moneta Porcupine; 1.78. BoaseadUlac.- 1.00. j; Rubec. .094. Bailor. jOV.'i. ;, c . . Bankfleld. 136. East Malartic. 1.79. Preston East Dome, 133. Hutchison Lake, 2Z. DaTon White, .45. McCualg Red Lake. .23. Rajah Red Lake, 36. Aldermac, 1.80. Kerr Addison, 3.40. Utchi Gold. 1.15. Federal Kirkland, 34. BAR SILVER NEW YORK. tCPi-Bar silver was unchanged at 4c per ounce on the New York metal market 'oday. Rev. and Mrs. Evan Baker and family, after a visit to the city, sailed by the Prince George yesterday afternoon on their return to Anyox. Mrs. Baker Is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. Worsfold of this city. listen to this - - "I never thrust my nose Into other people's porridge. Every man for himself and Ood for us all." Sancho Penza's saying has been expressed by many others In dlf ferent words. "First things first says Herbert Spencer. To thine own self be true" says ShakcsDcarc "You deserve the best" say Albert Mcuanery. For twenty years Albert & Mc Caffcry's coal has been the best available. It is the best today. It gives you the most heat for the least money and that's what you want. And besides eivine vou the most heat, It's the most economical because It lasts! Next time you need coal, Just pnone 116 or 117 to Albert & Mc Caffery and order Nanalmo-WM Hngton for furnace and heater. For the kjtchen range, ask for Egg size uaiican Minehead Alberta sootless, It's trade name U "Itifen.o" M'i hot! nd It lasts, too. Yyu deserve Uir Ut! TEE DAILY KSTTS Thursday Ftbrnarr PAINS ALL OVER HIS BODY Kroschen Made Him Feel a New Man Read the experience of this man who had rheumatism so badly that at times he was prevented from working: "About 10 months ago." he writes. -I suffered terribly with rheumatism and neuritis. The pains were all over my body and some days I could not even get up from bed to go to work. A friend visited me and suggested that I should try Kruschen Salts. I did so, the result being that' the pains seemed to gradually disappear. I have been going to work ever since without a break, thanks to Krus-chen Salts, and I feel a new man." AR. Rheaumatic conditions are frequently the result of an excess of uric acid in the body. Two of the tngredients of Kruschen Salts are notable for their work In dissolv- 'ng uric acid. Other Ineredients as- lst Nature to expel the dissolved icld from the system. To Take Course . In Artillery Officer Commanding and Others Of Local Battery Leave Tonight For Esquimau To take a technical artillery coast defence! course of training in preparation for a fuller course to be taken later. Lieut. Col. S. D. Johnston MC, VD Second Lieutenant J. T. Harvey, Battery Sergeant Major James Hadden and Acting Sergeants Wlzner Bryant and Alex Mitchell of the 102nd. Heavy Battery. Royal Canadian Artillery. Prince Rupert, will sail tonight on the Prince George for Esquimau. They will be away ibout a month. Miss Nancy Rorie sails tonight on the Prince George for a vaca- ion trip to Vancouver ANOTHER QUAKER PRODUCT the 700 Wiofe Wheat Cereal! Midi In Ciiudi by Tin Qmktr 0te Company The Central Hotel KOO.MS and CAFE Phone 51 For Best Household Coal 31US. C. E. BLACK CLARK'S STORE Cut Flowers Fancy Work Wreaths made up" PALMISTRY Evenings, Wallace Blk. Suite 7 Phone Blue 995 530 3rd Ave. COAL TO PLEASE EVERYBODY Satisfaction Guaranteed FAMOUS EOSON ALBERTA MLKLET VALLEY COAL VANCOUVER ISLAND COAL PRINCE RUPERT FEED COMPANY PHONE: 58 and 558 NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zareli: Proprltor "A HOME AWAY FROM HOME" Rates 5100 up 50 Rooms Hot & Cold Water Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box 19C Radio Station For Christmas Islands LONDON. Feb. 25:-The British government will establish a radio station on the Christmas Islands in the Southern Pacific, control of which it is taking over, it was stated here yesterday. The Christmas Islands are on the direct route from Canada to the Antipodes, and may be used as a stopping place in trans-Pacific air Vancouver Wheat VANCOUVER. Feb. 25: iCP Wheat was trading at 5135 per bushel on the Vancouver market yesterday, dropping to $1334 to day. C. N. R. steamer Prince Charles, Capt Edward Mabbs, is not expec ted in port before late tonight from Vancouver via the Queen Charlotte Islands. The vessel left Skldegate Inlet at 10 o'clock last night for Massett Inlet. On the way north the vessel made a call at Union Bay, Vancouver Island, to load coal. She or the Prince John will sail at 10 o'clock Friday night on the return south via the Queen Charlottes. The Prince Charles' north bound passenger list included a large party of loggers returning to the Moresby Island camps which are reopening after having been closed down for a couple of months or so. I l f if V;- Concert Is Appreciated Excellent Entertainment Last Night at St. Paul's Lutheran Church A verv enjoyable concert was staged here tost night at St. Paul's Lutheran Church under the aus pices of the Ladies' Aid, the en tertainment befcig very well at tended. The program, with Rev. L. C. Jensen presiding, opened with community singing and those con tributing thereto were Mrs. H. O Johnseri. with two piano solos; selections by a male quartette consisting of Peter Lien, Nels Gunder-son, B. Petersen and Ingvald Fen-ness, accompanied by Mrs. Fen-ness; organ selecUoas. "Courante In G. Minor" Handel", "Andan-tlno" Heller . and "Open Portals" Peter Lien. by Peter Lien, vocal solos by Mrs. Karl Dybhavn; and selections by the Varden Singers Refreshments were served, the whole affair being under the supervision of Mrs. Chris Jensen. ACCIDENTAL DEATH The coroner's jury at the Inquest yesterday afternoon before Coroner A. J. Lancaster Into the death of Jack Carlson In a railway rock pit near Salvus on Tuesday night returned a verdict of accidental death with no blame attachable to any person. Trv a D3ilv News classified ad "today our healthy dionne QUINS HAD QUAKER OAlb 1 DIGESTION. APPETITE J i thn to I I Replenish Enliven and Your Bookskelt -This Easy Way For 50 cents each good books withdrawn from our rental library In order to confine our Library space and to accommodate the latest Iwoks continually being added, books arc withdrawn after a few months. Many of them arc like new with original wrapper, all arc comparatively recent-publications and the most po-pular authors and titles. Naturally there arc no duplicates at this low price. 50 cents each eMaeMvs.Jjd LAST TIMES TONTntrT Last Complete Show at j r WARNER BAXTER - in -"The White Hunter" Wttb Jnne Lang, Gail Patrick At 8:17 once on!j plus Robert Young, Betty Furnts, "3 Wise Guys" (At 3:03 it 9 25 Coming Friday It's All In Color' "RAMON A" with Loretta Younj Fresh Local Raw And Pasteurized Milk VALENTIN DAIRY IMIOVE 7 Trappers and Buyers I have to fjll n, :!rs YOU CAN GET 20T( More From Mc I am strong on cvr 'j-., Make your shipm Ajjocj I receive It I sc;ii yea money GOLDBL00I A SUGGESTION 0 - Gold J? Seal w3 Salmon Fancy Red Sockeyc Packed bv the only sal mnn rnnninf pomnanv with an all the year round payroll in I'rince Rupert. Hyde Transfer Phone 580 DRY WOOD JASPER COAL Furniture Moving Light Delivery 315 'SECOND AVK it'