n Srsday February 25, 1937 PI RK&BEAN5 Rich in Sauce Rnc in Flavour A meal in itself... wholesome & delicious c. ASK YOUR. GROCER FOR (Wnl.m) Lid. Mussallems Economy Store These Prices Good Till March 4th Lenten Specials f Inion l'lnk, ls (p 2 tins Combination Specials 1 tin Orchard City Peas, alto 4 1 tin Royal City Corn 1 tin Royal City QQn li llcrrlnr In Tomato Banco I Tomatoes. 22,s 1 uow a. : 1 Cauliflower j j I Canadian "Cheese-- 2()C 1 S ntliS .. . 9C' ! per lb. . ' , .... . Shrimp, Dunbar Purity Flour- 2.29 But' T 1st grade QCp Corn Flakes Quaker Offo' I 3 lbs. JOt 3 pkgs III Free Delivery on Orders of $1 l Phone 18 P.O. Box 575 1 Break r Cold DOMINION C. .11. 0. TAHLKTSr The little red hox used the world over )f per box HEX ALL BRONCHIAL SYRUP A safe . healing preparation for the relief of bronchitis, coughs and colds, guaranteed ftp by Ilexall; per bottle For the Children ORMES II0REII0UN1) & HONEY With white pine, wild cherry and eucalyptus. Pleasant to take and soothing for old and Qp young; per bottle Ormes Lid. 3tfr Pioneer Druqgists The Rexall Store Phones: 81 & 82 Open Daily From 8 a.m. till 10 p.m. Sundays and Holidays From 12 noon till 2 p.m., 7 p.m. till 9 p.m. k?d "uft&t, to W N- mmmk ,y having your Loai nin -r if i r - . i j ,!! wn&Z9uu LIKC full oi me ncsi coui r IMEWAV I Jhevtreatyqu) town. PH1LP0TT - EVITT & Co. Ltd. Hove the Coal to Suit Your Requirements 651 PHONE G52 Powerful Skin Remedy Discovered This wonderful antiseptic, kriQtfn all over America as Moone's Erriei1 ! aid Oil, is so efficient In the treat i ment of skin diseases that the itch-I mg of eczema often stops with one ; application. A lew applications and the most uerslstent rasp nf PMifflo' hftcn are healed never to return. Moone's Emerald Oil Is safe and blcasant to Use ahd It Ls sd powerfully ahtlseptlc ahd penetrating mat even old stubborn cases have yielded to Its influence. Moone's Emerald Oil in the original bottle ls sold by Ormes" Ltd. and druggists everywhere to rid you of stubborn pimples and un- signuy SKin troubles. HOTEL ARRIVALS i 4 Savoy Mr. and Mrs. Ed Peterson,- Alice Arm; O. Lindstrom, Salvus; E. Berg, Palling; Mr. and Mrs. II. Bergesen and Mr. and Mrs. C. Johansen, city; Mr. and Mrs. A. Johnston, Vancouver; Ernie Hill and Robert Hllli, Kitkatla. Royal Alex Chlsholm. Southbank: J. h. Sullwiiand and II. McN. Frasei and J. It. Eassie. Vancouver: C. R. face, Toronto; J. N. Kelly, city. Prince Rupert Dr. Bernard Lundahl, Robert F Wray, A. C. Sartford ahd A. Sc6 Vancouver; Mr. and Mrs. J. .f Caller, Port Esslngton. Central Pete Colombo, city; P. 0. Bed-Mont and J. A. Bradford, C.N.n.; W. II. McConnell, Terrace. Knox R. Nllsen, city. Mike Comadina and S. Bergseth will sail tomorrow, morning on thj Prliicess Notall fof Whltehorse. LOOK OUT FOR THOSE HALF-SICK DAYS Everybody, at one time or another, has had such days. You may have a headache, bad breath or coated tongue. You feel listless "down-in-the-mouth." Often these are signs of common Constipation. It's dangerous to neglect consti- This condition is usually Sation. ue to "low-bulk" meals. Get "bulk" hack by eating a dolicious cereal. Kellogg's ArirBiUN has helped - niillipng of people keep regular habits. Within the bodr, ALL-JiRAN absorbs twice its weight in water, fbrnts a Soft mass, gently ileanccs the intestines. Isn't this food better than taking artificial pills and drugs often habit-forming? Try AuHran for a week. If not satisfactory, your money will be refunded Ly the Kellogg Company. Just eat two tablespoonfuls daily, either as a cereal with milk or cream or in cooked dishes. Three times daily, in severe cases. Sold by all grocers. Made and gudruh teed by Kellogg in London. QiiiEO FOR SALE FOR SALE--Furnished house on waterfront Seal Cove. Apply Mochlda's Store. Seal Cove, (tf ) FOR SALE $100 rashld-12 h.p' 2 cyl. 4 cycle gas engine. At-water - Kent ignition. Suitabb for trolling or gill netting. $150 cash 6 h.p. Petters desel, perfect condition. Can be used sta tionary or marine. Box 10, Dally News. (48) FURNITURE Factory samples must go this week. Guaranteed 10-piece Chesterfield groups $69.50; 10-plece loose pillow arm groups. $72.50; ,10-piece bedrodm suites (round mirrors) $74.50. Furnish your home complete three rooms, 59 pieces all for $165. Many other bargains. Terms If you wish. Order today. Jdilus Shore Mall Order House, 8th'floor Beklrts BUlldlng. Vahcoiivdr. (tf) WANTKD WANTED TO BUY Deposit of wtute China clay. Please state full details lh first letter. Box ,11, Dally News. PERSONAL (47) GENTLEMEN'S Sanktary Supplies,! hlghdst grade 15 for $1. Pacific. Supply, 751 Granville. Vancouver. MEN Get vigor at. once. New Os-trex Tonic Tablets contain raw oyster lnvlgorators ahd other stimulants. One dose peps tip organs, glands', ll not deHghleU( aker refunds few cents paid uall or write", OrmM Limited, tf' 732 DAILY NZvTB )f AOS' rant LOCAL NEWS - i i ! Tony Bussanlch sailed on the, fcardena on Tuesday afternoon for Vancouver. H. S. Parker returned to the city on Tuesday night's .train from one pf his periodical trips to the interior on company business, Dr. and Mrs. J. H. Carson will sail tonight on the Prince George for Vancouver. They will be away three weeks and plan on making n motor trip to California. i Edear Provlnse and A. Provlnse f bf Hyder were passengers aboard j the Prince George yesterday rc-i turning north after a trip to ' ISeatlie. j Chest Colds J""- t . . .Distressing syrhptoms V"f rfelieVtd by rubblhfe oh KM'.M'.tiimi-mi.'mn Mr. and Mu, J. T. Harvey and child are salWnT tonight oil the1 Prince toria. George for a Ulp to Vlc-i The case of James Ryan, charg ed with assaulting his wife, has been further adlburhed days pbndlng return of to the city. for eight a witness T. A. McWatters, local manager bf the W. H. Malkln Co. Ltd., returned' to the city on Tuesday hlght's train frorn a brief business trip to Terrace. Mrs. J. J. Glllis stills tonight oh' the1 Prince George for a trip south, accompanying her mother, Mrs. M.i 0. Lambert-Maberley who is re-d turning to Seattle after a visit here. Mrs. Glllis Is taking her young son south with her. I Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Tucker will; sail tonight on the Prince George' for Vancouver where they will take up future residence. Accom-j panylng them Trtll be their daughter, Miss Winnie Tucker, who will visit 'liV th& south. ,:' Capt. A. McKlnnort of the Fran-cols Lake ferry, after spending a month's vacation at Vancouver and In the OKanagan country, arrived in the city on the Prince George yesterday and proceeded to the interior oh last evening's train, Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Gibson of Stewart will be here aboard the Prince George tonight on their way to Vancouver. Victoria and Seattle for a vacation trip of six weeks or two months. In Seattle they will spend some time visiting, with their scninlaw and daugh ¬ ter, Mr. and Mrs. Munrp Esterley. Mrs. Harry Franks of Woodcock, whose husband was killed in a recent accident with dynamite while employed on the railroad, left by last evening's train on; her return tb the interior after a "brief busi ness trlD to the cltv. Mrs. Franks intends (W' continue :farmfng at Woodcock' for; the tlme'i being at least. A. Funeral Notice The funeral service of. our late brother, A, J. Buttlmer, will be held at the B. C. . Undertaker's thapel at 7:30 panj Friday Members of Tslrnp'scan Lodge and so journing brothers please attend. 1 W. D VANCE Rdwlnro Announcements Presbyterian tea, Mrs. p. Lakle, February 25. High School play, Presbyterian : Church, February 25 and 20. Baptist March 1st Tea, Mrs. Bert' t 1 iviuigiiiia. ', 1 1 hient, March 17. ' University extension lectures, ' March 17, 18 ahd 19, City1 llalll Dean Buclianan. f Rebekah Fashion Show, March is. f, Junior Chamber Dance, Friday, April 2. Charles Graham; Inspector' cf, mines, left oh last evening's train' tor a trip to.Smithers on official business. E. R. Checkley 6t Prlrice George, local chairman of the brotherhood bf Railway Trainmen, ahd S. J. Mayer of Smlthers, local chairman bf the .Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers and Firemen, returned bn last evening's tralh to the Interior after a .brief visit here on Brotherhood business. AGREES SO WITH ALL m m mm. TE is delicious WELL wuiiauuii A CANADIAN PROCUCT , :i.,f -m. 301 BABIES .JP MILK has mac a CARNATION special reputation In the case of ptc-rhauirc and other haitl-to-ralse babiet. But it also is specially good for All bot fed babies. It is so !asy to digest, sq, safe, Jlnd has an extra amount of sun shine' vitamin D.. Thdse virtues are the results of the way Carnation treats rich, vvhole miikva- poration, homogenization, irradiation, and sterilization. t :- Carnation U also extra good for cooking and creaming. Try It. Wrta for these Carnation bboks. "The Con- tented Baby ls'lree. ine carnation :tCook Book vltK fulUpage, full colour?" ."'fliiustrations is 10c. ' Address Carnation'".1 f Company Limited, Abbott St., Vancouver IRRADIATED Milk "FROM CONTENTED COVVS" Bankets Suit Case and Trunks T ' li'lli ELIO'S FURNITURE Beds all sizes Chesterfield Suite Baby Carriages Baby Crib, Baby Swings USED FURNITURE Dining Room Table and Chairs G-Pioce Dinette Suite Arm Rockers, Girl's Bicycle SinRcr Sewing Machine 8-Tuhe Battery Radio Kitchen Ranged yr)-' ' V??-'v. fcKoldMeUBridge fable 3et Linoleum Rugs Gongoleum Rugs Printed Linoleum by the yard ELIO'S TRADE IN OLD FURNITURE FOR NEW D. Elio Exchange Phone Green 42 1 Store Open 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Prince Rupert, B.C