THE DAlttf NEWS LOCAL NEWS NOTES 0P, ST) I Mrs. H. Mist of Terrace passed (ten. Weaver? C.C.F, candidate-, mrougn rnnce nuperi last evening speak Moose Hall Fridaf 8 p-nr en route to Vancouver (107, where she ulaha to reside. . ! Ttouirt 1 fnitnM Via a ;.rr!vffi Mrs, Robert Corlett of Ter-1 in the city from Vancouver to race arrived in the city last HiKht; join the staff of the: Canadian and boarded the steamer I'rinctr ' Ifank of Commerce, succeed inj? George for Vancouver where shi j Arthur Culi who has left for Van-wiii visit.. ieouver, ' E9SB N love the "Snap, oi of Kellogg jvenoggs Rice nice uracKie, rop Krispies in milk or cream. First thtj listen. Then they eat. A ready-to-serve rice cereal, extra delicious jvith fruit or honey added. Easy to digest. And there's nothing crispef under the sun ! At grocers everywhere. Served hy restaurants and hotels. A Mother Goose story panel on every package. Made by Kellogg in London, Ontario. For Mothers Day SAY IT WITH CHOCOLATES Afresh shipment just arrived specially wrapped for "Mother. Place your order now. OrmesLtd. Jim Pioneer Dritqe?ists The Itexall Store Phones: 81 & 82 Open Daily From 8 a.m. till 10 p.m. Sundays and Holidays from 12 noon till 2 p.m, 1 p.m. till 1p.m. UNION STEAMSHIPS LTD. Steamers leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver: T.S.S. CATALA EVERY TUESDAY, 1:39 PJW. Due Vancouver, Thursday pan. T.S.S. CARDENA FRIDAY, 10:30 PJrl. Due Vancouver, Monday am. II convenient please purchase tickets at office. Further Information regarding reservation and tickets from A. W. NEWMAN, Prince Rupert Agent, Third Ave. Phone 568 HALIBUT The source of Sunshine Vitamins A and D Boiled Halibut with egg sauce is digestible, palatable, satisfying. CANADIAN FISH & COLD STORAGE CO. LTD. Prince Rupert, B.C. It's interesting to know when reading the Daily News that the people of the whole district are doing the same. Gyro Coronation Dance, May 12 limited number of tickets available from any Gyro or at Orme's Drug Store. f 10S Rev. Frank Bushfield. United Churah pastor at Port Essington sailed last night on the Prince George for Victoria. Later' he will attend conference in Vancouver-. Sirs. Elwood D rooks of Ter race arrived in the city on last night' train to- visit with friends Mr. Brooks expects to' join her here for the Coronation celebration next week. C. H. Burns, inspector of cus toms, was a passenger aboard the Princess Lonise this mbmtmr vn. ing through to Whitehorse on of fielaf business. Mr. and Mrs. S. F. Dabh and daughter, Sybil, are leavfmr on this evening's train for Montreal I where they will embark May 14 aooara the steamer Aurania for a visit to CornwalL England". Rev. Falher Josenh Altard nf! r ' ... . - omuners arrived in the city last evening and left this mnrnintr nn the Princess Louise for Atlin where he will remain a month and then Droeeed In Whiteh nrsp and other northern points. Mrs. James Martin and dauehter. Mrs. Edward Pongs, who arrived in tne city from Massett on the Prince John Wednesdnv niht. sailed lat night. w - George for Vancouver. Having been cauea sown on account of the Illness of Mr. Martin, they received word here yesterday of his death. BLACKHEADS Get two ouneea of peroxln powder from yowr oYuireirt. SpflnkJ. on hot. wet !oth will Le dlmolved. The one m1. core and iniple war to remove blackheadi. Have a liollwood complexion. P. W. Racey. well known Van couver mining engineer, who was formerly located at Surf Inlet. was a passenger aboard the Prln cess Louise this morning bound for Juneau. He is identified with the A. B. Trites interests and is on his wav to the Kennincrtnn mine near Juneau. Ernest Love of Stewart. Con servative candidate for Atlin in the forthcoming provincial election, after visiting Alice Arm and Anyox, arrived in the eity on the i rmce Oeorge last night and sail-this morning on the Princess Louise to visit Atlin and other points in the north end of the riding. Announcements Oyro Club Coronation Dance, Armory, May 12. Norwegian May. 17. Independence Day, Presbyterian tea, Mrs. J. H. Carson's, May 18. W. A. Canadian Legion Coro nation sale and tea, Legion Rooms Slay 20. BanM C Y. S. Spring Frolic, Oddfellows Hall, May 21. Catholic tea, Mrs. kerson's, May 26. George Nlc- Orange spring sale, Oddfellows' Hall, May 27. Qlrl Guide Tea, Mrs. J, R. Mori-son's, May 29. High School basketball tea, Oddfellows' Hall, May 29. Fresh Local Raw And Pasteurized Milk VALENTIN DAIRY PUONE657 Capt. G. A. Carry, inspector (of Indian schools, in the course IT. . . . ill J!..fx oi a lour oi mis uisirii on oin-cial duties, will sail tonight by Ihe Princn John for Massett ami other Queen Charlotte Islands f points. ' F. C, Freeman of Port Simp-j son sailed last night on the Prince George for Vancouver en f route to Woodstock. Ontario. On his return he will be accompanied by Mrs. Freeman and, child who .have been visiting at Woodstock Following a visit here as the guest of Bishop and Mrs. G. A. Rix, Mrs. Breukelman of England sailed last night on the Prince George for Sooke near Victoria where she will be the guest for a time of Mrs. H. L. Roberson, CLEAN FALSE TEETH -GET RID OF STAINS New Luty Way-No Bruiting Stera-KIeen, amatlnt new.diaeoverjr, re. moves blackeit italni, tarniih, tartar like magic. Jutt put falie teeth or bridges in a (lass of water and add Stera-KIeen powder. No ratiij brushing. Recommended by dentists approved by Good Housekeeping. At all druggists. Money back if not delighted. Test Ad No. 2t-R Charles Goldstein, well known Juneau merchant and fur dealer and Mrs. Goldstein were passen gers aboard Ihe Princess Louise this morning returning to tht Alaska capital after a trip to California. J A Rnrnnm. lit insnprtnr for the Canadian National Railways, arrived in the eity on last evenintr's train and returnpH ti the interior, on the freight train this morning. He makes his head quarters at lerrace. Albert Farrow, steamboat in spector, after spending a couple ot days, here on official business, sailed! by the Princess Louise this, morning for Whitehorse and Daw- son. He exoects to be back herp again about June 1. Mrs. Earl Walker of Ditrbv Isl and will sail tonight on the Prinee John for Port Clemen! enroute fo Dead Tree Point where her husband has been relieving as operator fn ehuree nf iha ??m. less station. They will be return ing here in a couple of weeks. SPRING TEA IS SUCCESS Fine Affair by Woman's Auxili ary or St Peter Yenterday Afternoon Favored bv ideal weather con ditions and. a large attendance, the annual tea and gnrintr sale yegterday afternoon of the Wo man's Auxiliary of St Peter Anglican Church at Seal Cove Was a very successful affair. The cnurch nail had been .beautifully decorated for the occasion by the young people with coronation colors and daffodils. In the enforced absence of the rector. Rev. J. E. Rfrehall. Rev. Canon W. F". Rushbrook opened the affair. Mrs. J. E. Rirehall and Mrs. G. A. KflseV received h crnoofa Mrsr A. J, Croxford was In charge of refreshments and was assisted by Mrs. Ted Shrubsall and Mrs. S L. Peachey. The tea tables were presided over by Mrs. W. V. Tattersal and Mrs. H. B. Eastman. Serviteurs were Mrs. D. Selvert, Mrs. Fred Ski nnei and Mrs. Wilfrid McLean and Mrs. A, Frebourg acled as cashier. Mrs. A. Bard ariA Mr. W Smith were In charge of the sew ing taoies: Mrs. W. p. VIgar and Mrs, J, W. Moorehouse, the home cookfnir: Mrs.' liavid Kr-ntt and Mrs. .T r. Vie ran is tvta jcandy, and Mr, J. Norrlng. ion, me plant table. lally News wamadsr bring Hotel Arrivals Knox J. M. Miller, C. Johnson and A. Rums, city; W. Thomas, Seattle; M. Mandruk, Surf Point Mine. Royal M. Smoydor, Terrace. Prince Rupert H. C. Brunver and Jatnl Lighter, Seattle; George McKen- zie, F. Henderson, T. Kaye anil M. Cheolin. Vancouver: Mr. and Mrs. S. F. Dabb and family, cfty: Mrs. C. Sawver. Amsburv. John A. Barman, Terrace; W. T Keid, Prince George. Central D. Prevest, Metlakatla; M McKeKnzie, city; C. V. Hope Edmonton; H. V. Wilson, T. Ol son. A. V AfflfXnilnn r v Robin and J. A. Bradford, C.N. R. : A. Larsen. Vancouver: A Stuart and II. ' Roberton, Lan-gara Island. Queen Charlotte Islanders re-, turning to their homes tonight aboard the Prince John aftei spending a couple of days in town will include A. R. Mallory oi rort Elements, W. S. Singei of Massett, G. H. Jolliffe and R. G. McKenzi? of Queen Chariots City, C. A. Moses of Dead Tree Point, Mrs. E. C. St Skidegate and James Denholme oi TJell. Phone 95 per lb Pot Roast per lb Short Ribs JONES Family Market Specials Prime Rib Roll II ELF 3 lbs Sirloin Steak 2 lbs Round Steak per lb T-Bone Roast per lb. Sirloin Tip per lb Rump of Beef per lb POKK Side Bacon By piece per lb Ayrshire Bacon per lb. Shoulder Pork per lb Leg of Pork per lb Spare Ribs 2 lbs Pork Hocks per lb Cottage Rolls per lb VFJIL Leg of Veal per lb Shoulder Veal per lb '. POULTRY Fresh Killed Frying Chicken, each Fowl per lb Roasting Chicken per lb. LAINIB Boned and Rolled Lamb per lb Loin of Lamb per lb Legs of Lamb per lb, ......, ... Phone 937 20c 10c 25c 45c 20c 20c 20c 16c 25c 25c 16c 20c 25c 10c 25c 20c 15c 60c 25c 30c 25c 25c 28c hi1-" 1 ! ! WHS , . THE WORLD'S GOOD NEWS will come to your home every day thro- ih THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR Ah Intrrnalional Daily Knttfaprr It records lor yo the world's clean, conetructlre do.: tv, u- docs not eartolt erime or sensation: neither doe- . " deate correeUYrty with them, restures Jcr bu. t,. ... lamfly. ineladUx the Weekly MaiaHne 89ctlen. " 'The Onristran Bclence Publuhlnt Society One. Norwsy Street. Boston. Msssachusetts a'po5oir mf ub,crlptlon u Th Christian Stlej ce vi -3 te , l'r W.O0 e months 14.90 j monthi u f , .5. Wetidsy Issue. lncliidg Msistlne Section: 1 )-,r IJ 6 I sin Nwne .. ... . Address SamU Cer Jf-w n w 1 1J. I JMII I lIBIIIIIIIf. I.AI.IIHIIV .AIOOSE BUILDING, THIRD AVE. Phone Green 916 a New Furniture Dominion Linoleum or Congolcum Cold Seal - 7 - rt j vwuiiiii:. nidiihcis. i.inrirnrrpc nnp r ' on cy y ----- Window Shades, Prams, Folding Carriages. IT I r usea rurmtun l-U, iVllilS l.flllf'Il. slorl I 't-ili Vinirnr MH iiiiii- iviirnon 'I'niiin kite ' -.-...j ... iviivii v'u.,v Ranges, Dininjr Room Suites. Dressers, firamaphc ft .1 ma -.! Desk, Etc. TO THE HOUSEWIFE: Have you started spring cleaning? You may have furniture, crockery, utensils, luggage, blankets, suits, clothes, etc. you wish to get rid of. ELIO'S Trade-in Call Green 916 lir .1 CALL GREEN 91fi D. ELI0 FURNITURE EXCHANGE lit t ! ... I Of ifiuuau miiiumg, iniru Avenue, Prince Rupcn, Hours: Daily from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Early Ad. Copy is appreciate