Nuptials of Mrs. Wallis Simpson And Duke of Windsor Within Week of Coronation MONTS, France, May 7: (CP) Preparations for the marriage of. the Duke of Windsor and Mrs. Wallis Simpson seem virtually BURNS LAKE LOOKS GOOD New Buildings and Improvements To Old Ones Make Impression Burns Lake has the appearance of being tlvj most prosperous town on tho line cast of Prince Rupert. It ha to new well designed stucco buildings Just across from the rail way station, one erected by the Ruddy Motors Ltd. and operated by the firm garage and dlstrlbut druggist, formerly of Prince Ru pert Both buildings are a credit to the place and the owners of the other buildings have tried to keep In line by having theirs painted. The result Is most pleasing and is an excellent, example to other towns along the line. Burns Lake docs not seem to be any more prosperous than other towns but it Is undoubtedly mak ing progress. It has other new buildings besides those mentioned. John Berg, the grocer, Is doubling tho capacity of his store with an addition alongside It. John Cowan, owner of the power plant, has recently built a new home for himself and Is making a very fine lawn and garden around it. T. E. Taylor has erected a new store for bv. the timothy seed sale this year netted the peonls of the Burns Lake country $40,000. And In the aethers area the sale of this arm product was even larger. Bums Lake, being the shipping Point for the Francois and Ootsa Lakfl districts. Is undoubtedly de-s'lned to become an Important centre. anarchists have seized control of .d.ered shot b the Soviet autho Gerona, important railway city, ready for a ceremony soon after! thirty miles south of the French is also reported near Tortosa. Barcelona broadcasts picked up here say that fighting is still un- j dcr way there In the civil war I within the civil war and the whole city Is virtually paralyzed. Four hundred are reported killed and 1000 wounded. J Evacuation Continues ' BORDEAUX, France. May 7: (CP) Two shiploads of Spanish refusees from Bilbao, numbering nearly three thousand, reached safety in France todar. The i steamer Babana anchored at La Rochrlle, north of Bordeaux, and the Izarra at Fauillac, clown the river from Bordeaux. Three other French ships steamed into Bilbao to bring out more civilians. PIONEER J. General Synopsis Pressure remains low on the coast and moderately warm weather has been general. There have been light frosts In the Okanagari and Prince Rupert District and Queen KKNTV1LLK, N.S., May summer, ' v . ,1 It. Alex Klnnu ,-,lrn,.d honn, hist theatre, l'lans lor me ""'lit from Usk, a liuxiness visit to have already ueen raz inf of the old one started. 7! (CP) A $100,000 building boom is anticipated in Kentvllic this wilh consirucuou ui houses and .a ABBEY IS GORGEOUS Rich Satins and Gold Braids Trim Seats of Mighty and Stools Of Lowly For Coronation LONDON, May 7: (CP) Gold, red and blue will predominate the coloring of Interior decorations of Westminster Abbey for the Coronation ceremony. Red velvet upholstered Throne chairs for the King and Queen will be made on a design taken from a unique chair belonging to Lord Sackvllle. Faldstools (armless chairs) will be finished with red satin and gold braid and tassels. A design of oak leaves, Tudor ro?es and English crowns will be embodied In the Brocatelle fabric lining the fron- Railway Town SMITHERS. May 7: Decoration of the streets of Smithers In preparation for the Coronation celebration is going forward here and the town will present a garta appearance when the celebration takes place. -.'I Oil A, B.C. T Today's Weather Tomorrow's Tides (8 AM.) still ylHgh :. ..ll:4f a.m. 19.4 ft. Prince Ituperl C? heast ' 23:48 pjn. 22.0 ft. wind, 8 miles per & Urometer, Low 5:33 a.m. 3.5 ft. 29.70; sea mod 17:36 p.m. 5.5 ft. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER . Vi Vol. XXVI., No. 107. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., FRIDAY, MAY 7, 1937 PRICE: 5 CENTS V. Thirty-Three Believed Dead in Crash PLANS FOR I BARCELONA MARRIAGE1 IN REVOLT Civil War Within Civil War Now Rages Steady Evacuation From Bilbao Continues CERKERE, Franco - Spanish Frontier, May 7: (CD Armed the Coronation on May 12. The ; frontier. Fighting: between anar-bride-to-bcV trousseau Is almost j cliists and Valencia assault troops complete. The Duke and Duchess of Kent and the Earl and Countess of Harewood may be the only representatives of Great Britain's Royal Family at the wadding, a source close to the Chateau de Cande, Mrs. Simpson's present residence, said, The Duke of Kent will probably be the best man and Herman Rogers, friend and spokesman of Mrs. Simpson, will give the bride In marriage. Perhaps a week will elapse between the Coronation and the. marriage as the Duke of Windsor wishes that as little attention as porslble be detracted from the London celebration. The date of the wedding will be announced on the Friday after the Coronation, Mr. Rogers intimated today The Duke of Windsor and Mrs. Simpson, hand-ln-hand, posed to day for photographers beneath a. wee oil, the, Jawnf Cande, "We are very happy. We are al-wavs very happy," the Duke said smiling, Engineers Are Ordered Shot Hailwaymen Wfio Make Mistakes In Russia Are Speedily Dispatched I MOSCOW. May 7: Two locomotive engineers, held responsible for a recent train wreck, have been or- Late Telegraphs IIEDLEV GOLD REPORT VICTORIA The final report of G. L. Fraser K.C. on the Medley Amalgamated Gold Mines Ltd. will be made public on Monday and not toJay as origina ly NO ALBERTA ELECTION EDMONTON Premier William Abcrhart Indicated yesterday that he had no intention of calling an election. His opponents do not enjoy the confidence of the people, he believes. CANADIANS PRESENTED LONDON -Sixty-nine Canadian women, are being presented today at a court by Kin; George and Queen Elizabeth. OPENS LONDON BRIDGE LONDON Prmirr William Lvon Mackenzie Klnr of Canada officially pnened a new S1.8,.s.fl00 bridge over the Thames River yester-fav and was the first to walk across. UNDER WAY when James Arthur Smith passed a royal cypher In gold will be used tlon will take place. It Is expected ! away at his home at 1132 Second In the upholstery for the chairs of Premier T. D, Pattullo will be the . . . . . . . , .. . . ! 1 j Y. I I- I 1 t I I I . .1 u. . lie nau Deen sunenng uic pvtia unu ui-Miups, numais u. unanimous tiiuiue. from a throat affection for almost gold bearing the royal coat-of-arms District officers were elected as a year and his condition during the for the royal box and Queen Mary'l follows: ast uw weeks had become quite , box. j Prc;ldent, M. P. McCaffcry. icrlous. j About 5,700 stools, blue-velvet,' Vice-president, E. Singer (Mas- Born upwards of sixty years ago' saddle-seated and decorated with rctt). in Charlottetown, Prince Edward gold, will be used in the Abbey an I Secretary, Arthur Brooksbank. ' .sland. the late Mr. Smith had nex where thi guests will rest, while Executive Robert Gordon, Ro- jcen a resident of Prince Rupert waiting for the procession. for twenty-seven years. He came j Famous tapestries of the Duke ol here first from Chicago to engage Buccleuch will be used to decorate n railway contracting with his the annex, The crown jewels will bert Frlzzcll, O. W. Nlckerson, C. G. R. Anderson and presidents of local associations. . Retiring President W. M. Brown brother, the late V. W. Smith. He be designed on a spcclally-design- j was In the chair had lived here ever since and be-, ed table, covered with gold silk and 1 ;ame well known and very popu- embroidery, its feet being small lng station for Ford cars, and the iar. He was a charter member and gold Hons. oilier built by T. V. Smith, the ih? first president of the Prince The four-ton carpet for the Ab- Rupert Club. He was a prominent bey Is blue. It is seamless and 172 nember of the Masonic craft. feet long and 17 feet wide. Gold The bereaved, who will have the carpets will be laid In the theatre, sincere sympathy of many friends, the sanctuary and traverses. The Include the widow and four sons , annex will be carpeted In blue. ' Floyd. Carl and Walter of this city i and Edward of Vital Creek In the Dl Omlneca mining country. There 1 1 ICUllllllg I 111 are a brother and a sister in Prince! Edward Island and a brother in Lcthbridgc. Funeral arrangements, In the hands of D. C. Undertakers, will be, announced later. Weather Forecast Furnished through the courtesy oi Dominion Meteorological Bureau Victoria and Prlnre Rupert. This lore cnit la . compiled from obncrvutloiM , t - ii.. nt Mrs. Taylor and Is now having a'nwir piod ending 6 p.m. tomorrow). :'w omcc built for hlnueir. F.vcry-thing looks like prosperity and yet money does not seem any more Plentiful in Burns Lake than in other places, The tie checks have "ot yet Rrrived and the money for Uic timothy seed is spent. Dy the Crowning In Making Survey Managing Director of Chinese Newspaper Visiting City In Course of Long Tour M. Cheolln, managing director of the Chinese News Weekly of Vancouver, arrived in the city last ANNOUNCES HIS ROUTE Details of Premier I'attullo's Air ; Tour Up Coast Arranged VICTORIA, May 7: (CP) Definite Itinerary for Premier T. D. Pat-toullo's aerial tour up the coast the latter part of next week Is announced. Leaving Vancouver May 13. on board Pilot E. C. w: Dobbin's sea-1 plane, the Premier will call at Powell River and spend that night at Ocean Falls. Friday night he will be at. Stewart and Saturday night I at Prince Rupert. He will be back in Victoria on Sunday. READY FOR GREAT DAY Plans Well in Hand For Coronation Celebration in Prince Rupert The Coronation celebration committee was again In session this decorated and wired for illumina tion toward the end of this week. One of the features of the parade which will be carried but by the local naval detachment will be the "Fue de Joi." This ceremony will RELEASE PmU O IS ASKED Premier Pattullo Takes up Cudgels at Ottawa on Behalf Of Relief Camp Workers VICTORIA, May 7: (CP) Premier T;.D: Pattullo said yesterday that he was sending a telegram to the Department of Justice at Ottawa recommending that fifty relief ramp workers who had been sentenced to a month in prison for obstructing police in Vancouver be released. The Premier said that "it is felt that the men who have been charged with the offences could not have been aware that the British Columbia Department of Labor was' at the time endeavoring to, find accommodation for them in camps and that they were -victims of unsound advice from those who did not have the welfare of the men at heart." PROTESTS OF YUKON week. Progress In regard to all tea- , .... . . . .... , . it nr Kemmican aaviseaanai ne wouio. Arthur Smith, Well Known tho recognition-ehatrs in the sane- - 1 ' '' T' - ' ,' invitation in the Ketchl- Citizcn of Prince Rupert, ; tuary and the chairs for the Dukes The provincial election Liberal kan ress to the citizexxs of Ketchi-Passes Away j of Gloucester, Kent and others, nominating convention for Prince kan and that tn?re was a possi. I Their faldstools are also finished Rupert opened this afternoon In bmty tnaj severai excursion par-Death removed another of Prince with red satin, gold braid and tas- the Mctropole Hall and. following tles may come down sels. election of officers, adjourned un-j Rupert's very well known pioneer the two '"e skeleton " work for citizens at 3 o'clock this morning Plain blue and gold braid with til this evening when the nomlna- l , JL Avpnue WV Mww - " Is now completed and these will be be performed In front of the Gourthexation proposal had been re-House and the entire parade will eived with "indignant alarm" be stopped while It Is going on. Another addition to the parade will be the featuring of a pipe band with pipers and drummers under the direction of Piper Sam Leslie. A request was made by the Prince Rupert General Hospital officials that the parade route be arranged to pass the hospital, allowing pa Ui All Lanada.met with tnc appfovai f the com .1 milkCC Willi cerium umnuiiuua uuu It Is proposed to have the floats and bands parade past the hospital but all pedestrian features will be dismissed at .the disbanding point, theieby allowing, them also to witness the, parade of floats, etc. Regarding store window decorations, all contestants arc required to give notice of entry In writing might from the east In the course j to the secretary of the Coronation of a survey of Canada which has committee in order mat tney may already taken three' months. He become eligible for reward. will spend a day or two in the city. Chief Petty Officer J. G. Anslow. Mr. Cheolln has visited all the- R.C.N.V.R., has been appointed In provinces cf Canada In the course full charge of the fireworks dis-of his survey and Is now on his play and careful attention will be way to Vancouver. He Is a keen Klvcn to this feature so that Juvc- i student of affairs and Is narticu- nil" will be kept at safe distance. Disaster Is Starting Searching Investigation of Catas-tiopnc at Lakchurst, NJ., Yesterday to Be Held MORE MAY )IE Static Electricity, Bolt or Lightning Or Spark From Engine Among 'lhcories Auvanied i LAKEHURST, N.J., May 6; Of ninety-seven persons who were on board the great German dirigible ; Hindenburg, which was destroyed by explosion and fire last evening as she was aoout to land at the United States Navy air base following a trans-Atlantic crossing from Gtrmany, 33 were known dead or unaccounted for while 64 were still alive, it was Indicated by an official I check-Up early today. Searching of the twisted wreckage for trace of . further victims was being con- tlnued today. i Of nineteen bodies which had Conservative been recovered up to an early hour tures of the celebration on May 12, A ,alfon( ,)f Territory Send 1 today, only one had been identl aic ui in u. Messages to Ottawa fled. Identification of the dead. was nepiyi"B j made difficult owing to the ship's niPTlffY 7T1TV tv, oD r tv, f, Kr.Ml jVr.D scots' Jhe ' Llbcrals ,n Scsslon Th'S Afternoon .the committee on behalf of Ihe DAWSON, Yukon Territory,' passenger manifest being destroyed -iV 1 Lil scpis of oi me Abbev ADoey. And . . This , .Ev-nin, Evening citizens citizens of of Prince Prince RuDert Rupert the the Mayor Mayor u. M . r.n t... v..i. t..,.; . t tun v,i Red satin will be used to cover tory political association. JhaveL One spectator - was burned to protected" to1 Hon. Thomas A j death by falling debris. Crerar, federal minister'of mine? Survivors of the terrible disaster it i . - I I i i i , . . . . . t . . ... . . . . .. Trio 'I ii pi final r n meeting mpnimtr n? ine inn nrn. " v pi upro- -v- and resource, ajjainst the proposal of annexinp the territory to British Columbia "without first onsuitinir the people of th'e Yukon," The Young liberal. As uws and taxation system. Tndav'n Weather (Government. Huzelton Cloudy, windy, 57. Smilhers Clear, calm, eool. P. urns Lake Bright, calm, 37. Terrace Part tloudy, nortl rst wind, B(!. A'yahsh Cloudy, calm, 51. Alice Arm Part cloudy, calm CO. Alice Arm Part cloudy, calr, GO. Anyox Part cloudy, calm. 56 Stewart Part cloudy, calm, '51 Victoria Cloudy, southwest wind, 10 miles per hour; baro-tcr, 20.70. : Kst'van Cloudy, southeast wind. 12 miles per hour; barometer. 2!.7C. Prince Ceonre Calm and clear, barometer, r,0.()2. ' Vancouver Part cloudy, calm, barometer. 21.C'J. Trinle- Island Part cloudy, were removed to Lakewood, N.J.. where many are receiving hospital treatment. Five are so badly burned or Injured that they may not recover. One of those whose recov- sociation has telegraphed a reso- ery is despaired of Is Captain Ernst ition expressing "widespread dis Lehrmann. second in command Nati "faction aroused Iri the terri- and an officer of numerous Ger- ory by the proposal." (man dirigible Atlantic crossings. The Territorial Conservative The commander of the Hlnden-Association. in another telegram, burg was injured but not seriously. o minister of mines, said the an- Dr. Huko Eckener. famous dlrieible designer and former commander of the Hlndenbum and also of the nd would prove disastrous to all Graf Zeppelin, was not on board, tranches of mining activity" be- Four persons saved their lives ause it would disturb the presenlby jumping to the ground before. the final crash. Cause Uncertain The cause of the disaster has, so far, not been definitely ascertained. It occurred at 6;20 p m. Eastern Time. Static electricity caused by a storm might have been responsible. It Is thought by some. A spark from the engine, others theorize, might have been the cause. In Germany the belief was expressed that the ship was struck by a bolt 2f lightning, . The Hindenburg had first passed over "New York at 3:30 p.m. There was a gusty, wind and a ..! : r.T u u. awiiu upijuuu:u ku uu upimiuc.milg. She, apparently, went out to sea again to cruise pending an improvement in weather before landing. A slightshawer was In progress un she was tying up. Suddenly the bomb-like explosion, supposedly of hydrogen, occurred. The great craft has completely stopped by this time. She w,a's about 100 feet above t.h-3 ground. Large numbers of dcodIc arc ex-1 'ny ,'rei''in mn icmow coun- , porih wum, i; nines pi-r nour; names lssuea irom tne rear or inc ucctcd In town for the oceaslnn lr'mcn uld ll,cl welfare. He finds commune w,w in im mju- , fsjbllity, 05 miles; sen siuw.tli. ship. Soon she was a crumbled - - . m a 1 t I a lmatArnmfW " . , xnd children from all over the dis- uai U1C ' nmcsc nave many -j trct will be here to receive their i frlznds In Canada. Coronation medals and to enjoy Spcakln-r of the conditions in the free concerts and picture shows China, with which he Is In close which will bo put on for their cn-,0l'cn- Mr Ghcolln said the coun-Icymcnt. try was gradually being unified urt-! A large arcli Is being erected der the wise leadership of the Charlotte Islands-Fresh to strong HCm?5 Maln strccl ,n rronl of . President. Chiang Kal Slick. The!storauc cast winds, mostly cloudy and mild With showers ItUILDIMJ UOO.M Government Offices and for the'P0Un,ry bc,n orwned ud by first time in the history of the highways and air -services. -Educa- -own coloicd llnhts will be fes- tlon and modernization were mak-tooncd across Main Street's full ,n" ?rcat "rores. Tliey had scv-length whldi will give the town eral factories making their own quite a citified appearance during airplanes and a shlnbuildlng pro-' the Coronation celebration. Kram would be commenced soon.! I A.. .1 tt (I.I- ' I Mm wuin- 11 11 viua wus Koinii on Halibut Sales American Narrona, 20,000, 8c and 0c, Cold Canadian Norncn, 10.500, 7.3c and 5c, Atlln.' Domino, 8,000, 7.2c and 5c. Booth. Funeral Notice t J.'ni'Tn Isiaml Part cloudy. etist wind, M miles per hour; i--.t ".CO; temperature, 1 50: sllirht chop. Dead Tree Point Part, cloudy,! M-lm barometer, U'J.CO; tempera ture' 18. II1XMKT .SAVES IMT, niv.Kit. m:iii:RT. n.s.. Muy n-. (C!M- -The steel helmet he was wearing probably saved the life of (leorifo Stevenson, miner at the Standard Coal Company mine here. A larue lumn of coal fell NEW YORK. May 7: (CP) Dar the defences of the country were! The funeral or Peter Kan Rorvik down a 200-foot' shaft, striking silver was trading at 45c ocr ounce being built up. . . will take place Saturday afternoon him on the head and knocking on the New York, metal market Mr. Cheolln will be here for the at 2:30 o'clock from the chapel of him unconscious. Several stitches today. next few days. v . Jthc 11. c. unaeruiKers. I were required to close the wound. 'nass of wreckage. What might have haunenrd between the time the Hindenburg wa flrt seen over New York nnd three hours later when she at-temotcd to land had not been ascertained up to last night. Survivors were In such a condition that they were unable to throw much light upon the subject. It is said by some persons that the dirigible was on fire as she passed over New York but this Is doubted. Thc Hindenburg was several hours late in putting In .her first appearance owing to having encountered head winds over the Atlantic. There will be a searching Inves-(Contlnued on Page C)