Pka roua USED School Books Elementary, and High We Buy, Sell, Allowance in Exchange The Book of Knowledge The Children's Encyclopaedia Used Tools, Stoves, Ranges, Rifles, Shot Guns, Musical Instruments Used Furniture Beds, Dressers, Dining Room Suite, Kitchen Tables, Odd Chairs New Furniture 5-Piece Bedroom Suite $98.50 3-Piece Chesterfield Suite $79.00 ELIO'S Furniture Exchange Hours Open 9 a.m. Close 5 p.m. Phone Green 916 Prince Hupert, B.C. HALIBUT The source, of Sunshine Vitamins A and D Boiled Halibut with egg sauce is digestible, palatable, satisfying, CANADIAN FISH & COLD STORAGE CO. LTD. Prince Rupert, B.C. Smithers Having Decoration Day SMITHERS, Aug, 28: Great War veterans of Smithers will hold a decoration day parade to the local cemetery on Sunday af-ternobft to decorate the graves of their departed comrades. The pa rade will be headed by the Smithers Band under Bandmaster John Gray. It is expected that there will be a large attendance of veterans fro mthe llulklcy Valley ,for this parade and service. Rev; W. B. Mclnlosh will hold the service .at the cemetery and will' lie assisted' by Rev. Jack Vance. By Westover ! Bernice Palmer says . . . Why can't typing be done to music as so many other things are these days? Have you ever tried to think out any really seii-ous subject to the tune of half a dozen machines, each on a different note and tuned to a different tempo? Well I have, and right here and now I register niy disapproval. They seem to have the same effect on me as harmonizing has on my small daughter. Listening to a program on the radio the olher night, her daddy and I Were quite pleased to note the rapt expression on our small daughter's face. At last, we thought, she was beginning to absorb some of the finer points of music we had been so diligently trying to instil in her young soul. Quile religiously we had Fat through the "better" programs for a long time now. After all, now is the time to mold the mind and develop that love of the mas ters Something had to be done to offset Ihe influence of jazz or so we thought. The harmonizing was particularly beautiful. Lights and shadows flashed across her face, and her small hands were clenched at her sides and her breath came in short panting gasps. Yes. she was absorbing the music. We were taking consolation from the thought. Finally, unable to sland the strain any longer, she jumped .o her feet. ".Mother," she said, "Why won't that man wait for the lady? Aren't they singing the same song?" And that is just how I feel about the typewriter situation. It is awful. The keys are all the same, and the letters match, but the harmonizingl Oakland. CHhKKIO! GOVERNOR GENERAL tContinued from Page 1) Mrs. Redfern, LiuuU Rivers-Smith. TUB DAILY NEWS Saturday, a Waterfront Whiffs Heavy Canadian Halibut Landings During Past Week Several Salmon Canneries Still Open fleet was bunched pretty much together. Some of the f Lsh was taken incidental to cod fishing as Is now permissible to a certain extent under the new regulations of the In ternational Fisheries Commission. This brought the grand total of Canadian landings for the season to date up to 5,820,350 pounds as compared with 4,656,500 pounds at a corresponding date last year. American landings for the week amounted to a iotal of 216.000 pounds, making the season's American ag-fregate to date 4.828,000 pounds as compared with 3,588,700 pounds a year ago. The grand total of all landings at Prince Rupert so far this year Is 10,648,350 pounds as against 8,244,200 pounds in 1936. Prices during the week continued at a good level. The top bid of the week for Canadian fish was 9.2c and 6c paid the Capella and F.G'.W. for catches of 17.000 and 9000 pounds respectively while the low was 8c and 6c which a number of vessels received. For American fish the top price of the week was 10c and 7c paid the Tacoma. for 25,000 pounds and the low 9c and 7c which a few boats received. The pink salmon run in Prince Rupert district this year has been one ot ine lightest on record. Only in the Delia Cnola district was 41 i . . mere any suosianual ap- Mrs. Pape. Alistalr Buchan and';1, "itt"ve 1,118 neiv in? Commissioner Parsons were flown'..1""1 r.un is;now awaited by 8uch from Point Susan on Intata Lake 1 " T u"1 .imalninjr n-n Gill-netters MnH,u t H.n, t'Wi n open. are "' co.hocs alf ??L?nch. day Capt. Campbell-Preston. Dr. MacEwen, Guy Rhodes and E. T. 8fTrI 01 "u?" uIL;; .r outs,de- Canneries still open ii. nf 1 , 8 the dhiticl e Clton. In'ver- Thl rr!,V ' , . ness- Cassiar, and Carlisle on the The route out was by way of Skeena River, Wales Island ori yuqu rass. a iwo-nour ana the Naas. Butedale, Klemtu, Na-wenty-minute Right during which mu and Tallheo donw the coast h -re uunj minuies oi iairly and Lagoon Dav on the Queen dangerous air travel through the Charlotte Islands. Lagoon Bay l IT " " va,ie- started up late to pack chum? The vice-regal party remained at which are jusl beginning to male tStuh; Lodge, forty miles up the Bel- their appearance around Mores- la cooia valley, until Thursday by Island. when they boarded the steamer Cardena for Prince Rupert. That R. G. Johnston, dean of Skeena 6-u v tcicorauon i;iver salmon cannery oterators. In honor of Lord Tweedsmuir. The in was town yesterday from lu-sieamer trip here was spent quietly, verness on business, leaving in ineirLxceilencles mingling Inform- the afternoon for the river after any among tne other passengers. having been in since Thursday EXCURSION To Ketchikan SS. Prince Rupert Sept. 4th Tickets Covering Reservations Must Be Taken Up By Sept. 1st to Hold Rooms Canadian National Steamships Despite the fact that Area No. 2, in which the large night. Rob, as usual, appears to be satisfied with the season's operations but, of course, he has never been known to be anything else but satisfied. On Ihe way south after a leisurely cruise as' far up the const is Ketchikan, the Seattle ower vacht Lazy Iu, with .Mr. at.d Mrs. Don B. Preston and son. Buddy, on board, was at the iv.tis oi ine i rnce ikuperx liowlsouth mg lacnt liuu irom inursuay evening until this morning. C. P. It. steamer I'rincess Adelaide, Capl. Henry Anderson, arrived in port at 4:30 yesterday afternoon from the south and sailed at 10 p.m. on her return to Vancouver and waypoints. CI'. It. steamer Princess Louise, Having come in hero first with the Governor General, Lnid Tweedsmuir, and his party Union steamer Cardena, Capt. John Boden, arrived in port at 8 o'clock last evening and sailed at mid night to make her regular calls in the Skeena Slough and on the! main river. She finished at Car-' lisle at 8 o'clock this morning majority of the Canadian vessels usually operate, has long i H. M. c. s. Fraser, after hav-since been closed to fishing, ,halibut landings at the portjing been here since Thursday of Prince Ruoert bv the home boats d urine the uast week afternoon making her initial visit rolled un ons of the heaviest totals for anv one week this to this port, left early this morn ,roo,. nrrnrHnrr AftO 1 Hfl nmtnrlc frnm f Vii t-f ,r.tVi.n l'nK '0r anCOUVer, Xlili wad UUC IU W1C lav. i.iav wit- and will sail Vancouver. at 5:30 p.m. for Hon. A. Wells ister of lands, who has been here in connection with the visit Id the district of the Gov-ernor General, went south on the vessel. Squadron Leaders E'. L. Mai- Ja.'o dand F. J. Mawdesley. who! have been in the district in connection with the visit of the Ofv- ! ernor uenerals party, arrivd yesterday with their planes ar.d were loday awaiting ravorahle weather conditions to proceed Three halibut vessels sold catches at Sattle yesterday. Thf prevailing price was IViC and 9c. Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Shcnton arc planning to leave in about a week's time for Victoria where thev will takp un future resi. Capt. S. K, Gray, Is due In portjdence. The change has been made at ":45 this afternoon from Skag- necessary on account of the con-way and other northern points dition of Mrs. Shenton's health. ii rrw iwwi nans TOMCHT Last Show Start. . Mark Twain's GreatT?! Mark Twain', Greatest J THE PRINCE AND THE PAUPER With EKItOL FL1SN Claude Rains, Henry Stephe.. I son and the MAlcil Tml r,u ana S:JJ) NEWS and CARTOON Coming Mondaj uiiTid iir uaviuand in "CUll IT A DAY" with Ian luJ Anita Louise 7 PRINCE RUPERT DRY DOCK AND SHIPYARD SkJpbaiUtn mi bUm hi ao4 inm ""-tin Vtldlng. mm Mtmlmc Maekl. M Tjfm Cm Ufim The Daily Nmrs lias an ial circulation, Play safel Magnifictnt 6 tubt 3-band Suptrhotarodynt with fan-(ational'Dittanc Booitar" and Magic Brain. Ramark-abla world-wida parformar captivating RCA Victor Baauty-tona cabinat. 'CBTU CUT CURRENT COSTS GiiolifM optlilti Brit ft Smiioa pof Inner. Greatest Value We've Ever Offered! Truly! These new 1938 RCA Victor radio u sensational value. RCA Victor engineers may well be proud of such outstanding achievements as the; have developed for this new line of radios. Drop in our store just as soon as you can and let us demonstrate them for you. To see and hear the new RCA Victor is to get an entirely new conception of radio performance and reception. C CHEER Uf-nLU6,V0UY COUUOM-T VOU HAVE HAWDVEC T I rfe ' ' j ' l SL. l! . Col. HI. XjUoZ Kml-M. ill ljH Ik. "TILLIE THE TOILER sav, if yoo TWO towr At-aeAcy Married r STOP AfiGf