w PAGE TWO THE DAILY NEWS lie. Proteet Your Feet From the Damp and Prevent Colds STELLA Rubbers to ' fit all the family (Estab. 1908) The New Year MELBA OVERSHOES For Women and Children CHIPPEWA All Rubber Work Boots for men with or without cleets, in black or brown Where Most People Trade F AMILY SHOE STORE LTD. PHONE 357 THIRD AVENCET THE DAILY NEWS. PKINCE KUPEKT - BRITISH COLUMMA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally, News, Limited, Third Avenue H. F. PULLEN Managing-Editor DAILY- EDITION Saturday, January 2; 1936 This is the first working day of the New Year. The holiday celebrations are over or should be and1 we-shall, most of us, get back to the old routine of living, whatever, it may have been. Some hav& made new year resolutions and a very few will keep: them. It is curious how the world carries on in the same way year after year. People are very conservative in their natures. They acquire habits, largely during the f irst ten oi fifteen years of their lives and they tend to follow those. That' is why university graduates are so often failures in life, according to some authorities. They do not learn to earn their own living until it is too late in life to turn tD real work and make a success of it. Among most people it is difficult to turn them from the religion or political faith of their fathers. People who are easily turned in1 this respect are just as likely as not to turn back to their'old ways of life. Witness what is taking place in Russia. Men and women who were among the foremost to oust the former owners of property from theii positions are the foremost to enjoy the luxuries which come with high position. Changing becomes a habit with some people and families just as not changing; is a habit-with others. Picturing Realistically Most people who advocate some new theory of govern ment or religion or even of science are able to do so realistically so that they make' people believe it whether it be true or not. The old preachers pictured hell fire so that the convert could actually smell the sulphuric fumes. Fear turned them from tlie path- they were pursuing and set them on the upward'path to heaven. It was not true but it was realistic. It is said that the writer of "Gone With the Wind" pictured Tara, the ancestral southern home, so realistically and so beautifully that many people have inquired where it was and how they could find it, yet the place existed only in the imagination of the writer. So the Suffragettes of a few years ago pictured the condition under which women might vote in such a derful manner that some even gave their lives for what proved to be nothing but .a myth, for there has been no appreciable difference in the body politic since women' obtained the vote. It has been found that women are just as human as men So if at any time in the dim and distant future there should be C. C. F., Social Credit or socialist governments,, it will be found that they are just as human as others. They will give important positions to people who have-been kind to them and especially to their friends and relatives. In Italy it is found that the chief position oi trust under Mussolini has been given to II Duce's son-in-law. That is a case of patronage just as outstanding as where a ward boss gets a job for his friend in one of the precincts of Chicago. The patronage system is rampant in Russia and Germany and all other countries. That is because it is human; As long as people are human so will governments be human and systems' will1 be human. The man who mounts a SQap box and declares that everybody in the world but himself is wrong is likely, to find the world hard and cold1 and the present system unequal and oppressive; These thoughts come to us at the beginning of a. new The Letter Box: AN8 WKItSh EDITOJU JtfJ Editor, Dally News: In reference to thee editorial, of your, paper dated December 30, 1936, headed "Unfair Criticism" and "Government is a Party," The newspapers you call organs no doubt applies to working, class papers, in. fact it is what you are aiming at. That those papers criticize everything and dislike everything involves a. "class Issue." Your paper represents to the full the interests of your class, the 'capitalists' class" as such supports all its institutions, namely as you jsald,, church, businesses and state, etc. The others represent the Interest of the toiling people, namely, the "working class."' As workers we are in constant battle with the rules and laws Imposed upon us since barbarism' and Justly so we criticize everything and all your Institutions working against the Interests of the working class, The dupes youi call! who buy those papers "organs" are the working men of this country. Those that have built it and are today, after a century of capitalist rules compelled to live In. dull poverty and semi-starvation in. a land: of unbelievable wealth! Dupes we were, but remember that through centuries of suffering ind need we are beginning to see light. Let the ruling class tremble at' the coming of a social, revolu tion (Marx). Your ravings and howling today is the tremor of that coming eventl Your class have ruled with bru tal severity, have killed and malm ed top many thousands of our folks. It Is now time that we llse and tfrke from the thief what he lias stolen from us. Thef working class has always been ridiculed by your church, state and businesses. The reason why you want these sheets out of print is that they tell the truth, something that the capitalist' press has never had the honor of its sredlti The working class press tells us that your police, army and navy are running over women and children with tractors and war tanks and why7 It' tells' us the" causes of unemployment, and why? It tells us all what your class papers are afraid to" tell and therefore you are trying to suppress It. It Is only natural because it clashes with your Interests and' challenges your right as the ruling class over the work ing people. But all your howling and front page headlines will not abate Its fruitfulhess. To try to whitewash the ruling class of this ;ountry and present it to us as tittle harmless angels of ever so peaceful Canada is not swallowed any more without some kind of autopsy from our part. Canada is not a land of peace and good government. It is filled with misery and semi-starvation for many of its toil-worn, tired working people, t need not tell you all1 of what Is happening In this unhappy land for Its hundreds of thousands of youth who are un able to earn a living. A government that shuts down its schools because it claims not enough funds and builds, bombing planes and spends millions on armaments is no wee baby to be caressed and kissed every time it does anything. - Now about "faith." Capitalism has never worked on It. When you go to a bank and ask lor money you must produce material product something solid, real. Otherwise you don't get It. 'fell the banker to have faith for security, and he'll throw you out. Your class has never thrived on faith but they have on materialism. That's capitalist faith, Nor has pfogress been achieved on faith. Progress at all times has only been possible through cen turies of struggle and experiments, agitations and criticism'. Thus. faith has accomplished absolutely, noth lng. . The world Is progressing through hard practical work and mistakes to be' bettered ln lime: And' capital Ism as ever much better like- rail roads,- skyscrapers and mines for security, than "faith," A government that' waits until J an organization like-.the Red Cross year when our course of action is being.lauiout and when can a national emergency, tot 50 wi all; wonder what is going to happen, before the end of , ooo starving western farmers be 1937. J fore taking any notice la not wor thy of being in office ' A orivpmiTipnt. thaf'rirpvpnt.K the majority of its;future'citlzens from living like human beings is alsoj not wortliyof! office; A government j 'that makes an honest rhansan'd wo- j man a criminal' by starving them until they commit an offence in order to live and thereafter arrests and puts them Into Jail houses filthy and corrupt in all its meaning Is also not fit to rule the destiny of Its people, sopially, economically or otherwise. To call those that buy working jlass Newspapers offscourings of the earth is a damnable crime that we in this town will not so easily forget and remember that some of us are capable to match your con tempt for the working class literature towards your class Interests. As long as you have upon this jontinent of Canada unspeakable misery and suffering of millions you will have to listen and read ;these "organs." If: you don't like It make your country free from the causes, that produce such unworthy publications. It is very simple. Got rid of un-rmployment, get rid of crime, get vcrk and wages to the starving nllllons and you wlU see no more if these "Organs But "brother" as long as you :eep- telMng us that the unemployed are getting too much to at andi that ttw squawks of tarvlng men, women and child-en. are Russian Communists sent ver here to disturb the p?ace ind good government of this Country, I'll expect your editorials .o be filled with "Red Bogey." Communism, Radicalism, Red, igitators, you will have to deal vlth until such time as Canada .3 made fit to live In. They are only the harvest of our own foolishness and futility n trying tir hold together the irumbltng walls of a Society In iecay. Capitalism In Its dying igony is gasping for breath, for it s being choked with working class awakening. The hypocrisy with which the Canadian ruling class is trying to smooth its path to Fascism is jradually but surely toeing analysed by the "Dupes" who have jullt the fortunes of those who 'oday slander them with con-ynpt. Out of the Capitalist-made de-aression arises a class conscious army of men and women that be-'ore did not bother to think for themselves. The madness of men being put to work rafclrrg stones around :ourt houses back and forth for b ears until they look like cobble .tones Is nearly over "Brother." You have tried in vain to destroy he mental and physical fitness ol these poor slaves but as much as you have succeeded, enough of hem have been left to carry the Janner of the tradition of their jlass. Onward we march until we all' have emancipated ourselves ram Capitalist rule. For a free and progressive Canada based on service and world acquired know-edge and not on "Faith." May this letter be understood in the basis of classes and not jerscnall Knowing that our opinions never Kiizegukla Marks Yuletide Seasom iMany Christmas Events Were field At Interior Village KITZEGUKLAr Jan. 2: On Christmas Day special services were held in the United Church. The choir was at its best and, un der the able leareship of Abbe Russ assisted by Walter Wesley at the organ, rendered four anthems which were fully appreciated' by the audience. Rev. B. Black conduc t.pd the service and save- the Christmas address. In the evening a Christian En deavor service was conducted, by Peter Mark. Everybody fully en Joyed this service. Christmas carols were sung at both services. On Saturday evening a' com nunlty Christmas dinner was held in the home of Joe Wesley. A var iety of different good things-loaded down the tables. Everybody ln the village was Invited. After an unusually good dinner the chairman called for a competition, in telling good stories. Some very Interesting stories were told. The. one by Mr? Weget, however, won the prize which was presented by Joseph Wesley. Monday night another Community banquet was held In the same home. Joseph Wesley opened his house for the Young People to sponsor a feast for their fathers and mothers. Music was provided by the local brass band and certainly added to the enjoyment of all present Speeches were given by the older people, recalling their experiences as young men and women and contrasting conditions then with those .now enjoyed. A delightful ceremony, was performed on Sunday night when 26 school children re-dedicated themselves1 to Christ at the usual Christian Endeavor Society service. It was ai very Impressive service. WATCIINIGIIT. AT ARMY Thd usual Salvation Army watch-night service was held New Yfear's Eva. It was conducted by Major Eva Laycock assisted by Captain Elizabeth Robertson. were published In your antl-Work-ng Class and pro-Communist paper, I'm only doing my duty as a worker to do more criticizing :n the interest' of my, class in the form of letting you know that tome of us are still quite alive in Tplte of your relief officers and other well looked after politicians notions in trying to lay us down and keep our mouths shut and die quietljr. That is what yau call a real Canadian. One who stands quietly and works for the city at 75c per day in the mud up to their necks. Eut not ma Brother. I've only begun my criticism and hope to succeed in making quite a good Job of it too. Yours Noisily, GERALD PATRICK MURPHY i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 rmmiiii i in iiihiii iii Milium iIIIIIIIMIIiriilllUllltllllllII 1LJ IIIIIAA1 TWO Trips to England or 1500.00 Cash Are you smart? Here's a puzzle that will test your wlta. The Scrambled Letters below, when properly rearranged, will spell the nam of a Famous Movia Stir. ProbiMjr V" " tn nta" f "Wt ol tie Famoue Movie Start, but iuit R.? EXLJWJ"vfif2rl J'.S'tXji"b Fr.d,ic Math, ja Jctn Iliriow, Di:k Powell. Virner Baiter. Ginger Roerr, ' uirr uPr ana mt rranm. Whea tlx Scumbled Latleri above (re properl. rearranted. thtr will ipell the name ol a Famout Movie Slar. Start witcluni' the' lettera around: are il you ran (ieure It nut. II vonr amwrr jf.rr"Jri' ""-""'" " m" urge size picture of this fJMOVS MOT IE STAR FREE ' -beautifull. rolored and tuiubl. lof Iratnini-and the opportunity to win two ALL F.XPENSE trip, to Entland on the' Queea Marr lor the Coronation el the Hint, or II.500.W IN CASMj Be) The Big Winner. Second Priie Winner geta JtJOO in Caih) 3rd, )00 in Caihf 4th, $200 in Caih) 5th,- jflOO in Caiht and many other Caih Prizei. Duplicate prizes in caa f titi;, SEND NO MONEY! Jutt your niwer to the Movie Scramble above. USB THE COUPON. HURRY! DONT DELAYJ Addresir M cme ocram bl Slovel BuiMinc Winnipf g Canada es J COUPON - ... Stovel Bid's., Winnipeg, Canada My anawer. A'e Ci'ry., Send me lb. Free Picture Saturday, January 2, IMG HAPPY NEW YEAR To our many friends and' customers' we extend bur5 best wishes for a Happy New Yean. May, good Health and good; fortune be puya always,.and may 1987' bring, you full measure- of Peace; Happiness and Prosperity. GORDON'S hardware: MACKENZIE'S FURNITURE Complete Home Furnishing EVERYTHING FOR THE: HOME Phone 775' Prince Rupert, B;C. Under-New Management Confectionery store next to Capitol Theatre NOW Macey's Confectionery Store We carry a goodluie"' off 'pipes5 and tobaccos, candy including Lowney's, Mbir's and1 Neilson's Chocolates. Give the family a. i'reat. Buy a. box for New Year's. Your pajronage will lie appreciated' ' rrt it l i l . . 1 li. i i i - iu mi uur ii luuus un mini, in ngnu noun's aim at sea we wish A Happy and Prosperous New Year t 1 riUlW SUIN MAKUWAKb CU. L I U. yrwHrlrlw Greetings and a- nice, warm FURRY HOLIDAY is the wish for everyone from GOLDBL001 The Old Reliable R. HICASKLL We loan you free a complete Home Permanent Wave Machine for 3 months: All vnn npprf do ;l iend:$3.00 to cover the cost of shipping and ure uu tor o complete remanents, will not Harm the finest hair. Any one can guarantee a perfect wave with this machine. No electricity or experience needed. When yoif have used, these supplies more oil can be obtained1 from us at fifty cents a Marvel Wave Factory 1183' East 41st. Ave. Vancouver, B.C.- Have New Year's dinner at "BaiHiuets a Specialty" Phone 71 N. M. IJKASr.I.L If you lose anything, try a classified nd.