fAQE FOUR THB DAILY NEWS UlUKJir.AaTOIji, rssarrBVai i i iPT1 1 1 il aM Kellogg'g Rice Krispies tempt appetite with sound! They're to crisp and cruncliy that they crackle in milk or cream! And they taste as delicious ai they sound! These golden rice buhhles . arc always ready to serve. So light, wholesome and easily digested that second helpings are always in order. Serve them for breakfast, lunch and the children's evening meal. Your grocer sells Rice Krispies. The waxtite inner bag keeps them oven-fresh. A Singing Lady story printed on each package. Made by Kellogg in London, Out. RICE i m KRISPIES. phi Ifi I LOOK! 3 Fotos 10c Hollywood Studios 220 Sixth Street NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarclll. Proprltor "A HOME AWAY FROM HOME" Rates 11.00 up 50 Rooms Hot & Cold Water Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box 196 Hyde Transfer Phone 580 DRY WOOD JASPER COAL Furniture I Moving Light Delivery 315 SECOND AVE. I Good Shows In Month of August A number o good shows will be recognized among the list of bookings for the month of Aug ust at the Capitol Theatre. The list is as follows? Aug. 5, G, 7. "Lost Horizon" with Ronald Colman. 9- 10. "More Than a Secretary" with Jean Arthur. 11-12. Alexander Kortla production "Fire Over England." 13-14. "Wake Up and Live" with Walter Winchell. 10- 17. "You Only Live Once" with Sylvia Sidney. 18-19. 'Tarneir with Clark Gable and Myrna Loy. 20-21. Feature not yet datei. 23-24-25-2C. "Wings of the Morning," with Annabella and John McCormack, 27-28. "Prince and Pauper" with Errol Flynn and Mauch Twins. ;?0-:u. "Call It a Day" wilh Hivia Deilavilland. Sept. 1-2. "You're in the Army Now." British comedy hit with Wallace Ford. CLASSIFIED FOR SALE TOR SALE Speed boat, 13 knots. Seal Cove Post Office. (tf) PRIVATE SALE of household furniture at 528 8th Ave. West. All must be sold. T. J. Sher-ton leaving for the south. (182) ABOUT THESE REPAIRS For lumber, shingles, cement, plaster, brick, Gyproc and roofings, see Albert & McCaffery Ltd. 'Phone 116. tf. RESIDENCE late Judge Younx for sale. Low price and terms arranged. Apply Alex Car michael, ci-o Bank of Com merce. (181) HOT POINT 4-hole electrie range, new condition. $95 Owned by late Judge Young Apply Alex Carmichael, c-o Bank of Commerce. (181) FOR SALE Fine quality timothy hay and also clover hay with a small mixture of timothy. Some peavine and vetch with small amount of timothy. De livery anytime. Mike Masich, Smithers, B.C. (190) FOUND FOUND Package containing clothing near Drydock gate. August 3. Apply Drydock Gate house. (181) FOR RENT ANGUS Apartments, three and four room suites. . (tf) HOUSEKEEPING Rooms, Vernon Apartments, Phone Red 421. (tf) FOR RENT Five-roomed house with two bedrooms. Apply D. A. Burnett, c-o S. E. Parker. (185) FOR RENT Seven-room house, sun room and glass protected porch, with electric range, fur nace, good garden, one of finest harbor views in city. Apply to Pullen, Dally News. (tf) WORK WANTED JAPANESE Lady wants house- work job. Phone Green 481. Seal Cove Grocery. (182) ALICE ARM ROAD WORK Prospectors Developing Claims To Make New Mines j Reports from' Alice Arm would indicate that the Public Works Department is do'tfig efficient work in that district with road3 trails and bridges. Mine operators in the Kilsault Valley are pleased with improvements made for transportation, and are confident of making mines there that will justifj monies spent for lowering mining costs. Falconer and his associates will soon have another shipment of high grade ore at the Dollv Varden for the smelter. Morris Peterson is working the Vanguard and is stacking up some nice ore. Archie McPhail has a good showing of silver-lead ore on thi Tyee. He is carrying out inten sive development work on his ground this summer. Another property on the Kit- sault that is responding to intelligent work,, is the Summit, owned by Arne Davidson. He is oing consistent work on his claims and is getting results. The Homestake, which is sit uated in the upper Kitsault valley, is responding to extensive urface work. Six men are employed at stripping their big ore zone, and the management is at highly pleased as the ore appears to be of better grade. No assays have been mad of new ores discovered. It is their in- ention to continue the main de velopment tunnel another 150 feet. ORE PLANT IMPORTANT (Continued from Page One) ed in the south of the province with respect to the north. This was a spirit which was difficult to overcome. Very' few people of the south cared anything about i ,he north. Ridiculrfus claims were made as to the amoujit which the south contributed in taxes. Van-' couver would say seventy-fuel percent and Victoria thirty-five percent or between them 100 percent without taking the rest of the province into account what ever. The Associated Boards of Trade of Central British Colum bia, now in session in Prince Rupert, had a work of self-defence to carry on In addition to its efforts to bring about the development of natural resources which were second to none in ny other part of Canada. In addition to the address by Mr. Kenney, the luncheon pro gram included vocal solos, "Captain Kldd" and "Smilin' Thru," by Dr. R. G. lirge, accompanied by C. P. Balagno. Dr. H. N. Brocklesby; president pf the club was in the chair. Guests included delegates to the convention of the Associated Boards of Trade of British Columbia as follows. Roderick MacKenzie and H. C Richardson or Williams Lake. Earl Malcolm and C. H. Allison f Quesnel; W. L. Armstrong Harry Bowman and J. O. Wilsor. of Prince George, George Ogstor and Sam Cocker of Vanderhoof H. H. Griffin of Smithers, E. T Kenney, R. W. Riley and Harrj King of Terrace and S. E. Parker, J. J. Little. Arthur Brooks-bank, W. M. Black-stock, P. M Ray and Peter Lakie of Princt Rupert. OLD GOOSE PRODUCER FAIRLIOHT, Sack., Aug. 5: (CP) On the farm of R. E. Wallace, near here, 145 miles southeast of Reglna, a 23-year-old goose hatched 11 goslings last spring and now Is setting on six more eggs. DOMT F,ff OLD TILLIE THE TOILER" VME-EHJLtlU'RE "JUST IN I TIMS "TO SBTTLE AM . 1 ARGUMENT MAC VJANTSi MB "TO STOP UlORKAMG (T f A OP CC5U2SBTILU0 SHOJUD 60 OM VUOtlKIMOT Playground Doll Contests Start Preliminaries Being Held Thi Afternoon with Final Tomorrow Today individual doll contests are being held at each of the Gyro playgrounds. The judges officiating at..,the different parks are Mrs. R. Cameron at Seal Cove, Mrs. J. N. Forman at Wesl-vfew, Mrs. A. G. Phillipnon at Acropolis and Mrs. J. A. Hlnton McClyymont. The judges art required to choose from among the entries the following winners: the smallest, the largest, the funniest, the best dressed, the best home made and the be! rag doll. Tomorrow the various winners will enter their dolls agajn for the intcrplayground contest to be held at the gymnast urn building. A short program will be provided by some of tht children. Mrs. W. A. Riddell and Mist Marion Large have consented to net as judges and prizes will bo Vfiven for firsts and seconds. TALE IS BIZARRE "Lct Horizon," One of Outstand ing Pictures of Year, Presented at Capitol Theatre "Lost Horizon," one of the out standing picture productions tr, the year, comes to the screen o, the Capitol Theatre here for i special three-day engagemei! commencing tonight. TlnJ ca which portrays this bizaire pi of mystic Tibet from James Hil ton's nocl of the same name h eludes such luminaries as Ronal .Coleman, Jane Wyatt, Ed war I Everett Horton, Isabel Jewell, II B. Warner and John Howard. In the story a small group r white travellers is caught up i the fury of a Chinese rebellioi They find setiming safety in at airplane piloted by a native bu discover too late that they ar being flown into the interior o Asia. The plane crashes and th' pilot Is killed whereupon the sui Ivivors learn that they are In : mystically idyllic place wher-time stands still and peace i perpetual. Fantastic events oc cur' in the lives of these" extra ordinary people. The visitors an made captive and their lead" falls In" love with the age-oli and ageless woman who holds them prisoner. Eventually he b elevated to the position of Lama Persuaded by his brother, h escapes only to decide ultfmateJ,' -o return to the allurements t-1 the strange land. The story is . presented in novel way and, the picture js en tirelv new in type and method o' produclion. CLEAN FALSE TEETH-GET RID OF STAINS New Esjr Way No Brushing Stera-Ktrtn, amazlnr tw discovery, tf-rnovts blackest stains, ttrniih, tartar lik magic Juit put false trcth or hridsn In glass of water and add SteraK1een powder. No messy brushing. Recommended by den. tilts approved by Good Housekeeping. At all druggists. Money back If Dot delighted. AV4 "SHUCKS, MAC, i M rtTr CAN DO ALU THE AJCRK S WANTS TO Especially for CAMPERS "JEWELlTE'' The new flashlight. With two-way lighting effect. Very compact and efficient. QP Complete with batteries JO, "HANDY" WEEKEND CASES In strong- Imitation (0 Leather. Special at DUtr PICNIC BASKETS Extra large size. $1 '60 PAPER NAPKINS Package of 75 15C WAAtPAPER-.. 10c, 20c and 35c PLAYINO CARDS An inexpensive deck for the camp. "Caravan," linen finish 'itfC YOUR FAVORITE MAGAZINES We shall be glad to reserve your weekly or monthly publications for you. OUR RENTAL LIBRARY You will have more time to read at camp. Our Library is excellently equipped to accomodate you. Come In and make the necessary arrangements. -v. -v I Federal Block, 3rd Ave. - BUT TIUUlCT VJ IL.L. HAVE WORK TO DO AT HOME r Ft THE Ksw lrilin flHB n ItthaSlsbl a 1 irui-.i.t mim I jnmna ntiivi r r. t.-.-.t- novtNow th ttprw fachlavarnvnt of th gnlu who mad "Mr. Dd-... FRANK, CAPRA'S Mightiest Production RONALD COLMAN JANf WYATT JOHN HOWARD IVIDWARD IVERETT HORTON MARCO ..H. I.WARNIR 1AM JUfl For Proper Enjoyment See it From the Start (At 7:22 and 9:55) TONir.llT, PRI. and SAT, MICKEY MOUSE 2nd Show at 3:30 AND WORLD NEWS 1 IMIONKS 18 anil 81 Mussallem s "Where Dollars TOMATOES- -2 2 s, 9 C n 2 tins .. (Llbby's Choice Quality) ' GRAPEFRUIT JUICE qrn -2 tins (Malklns Dest) PEARS 25c 2 tins (Polly Prim, 2's, squat) TUNA FISH 10c Per tin (s.Vi 'oonanj) PILCHARDS 9Qr 4 tins "'I' (Malklns Best, i's) VEOETADLE SOUP Tin 14c (Habitant, 28-oz. tins) 2 Phones For Rapid Delivery Service Itoat and Mall Orders Receive Prompt and Careful Attention The Central Hotel ROOMS and CAFE Phone 51 for Best Household Coal MRS. C. E. BLACK lp YOU THlUK THtr t.AM 5ST AWAY VMiTH TViATyou'RE CKAXy VJHOSE AfiiSVJMGMT IS. THUS, 'eRTAiMLVLy- .T MIGHTY PICTURE A HUNDRED CRITICS' CALL SUPREME ... in MMINGE 'Mort (iteiniiint Ihin iU ihojI ilimulilini dritmi... i trnl for tlii ifi ml i stimufant lor the imoliont. fMlsdt'sriia Dailf Htwi in AWENTUM 'l innd idtmlun film . .. Dramatic mitts pilid om atop Ibi other,., It It i trial picturi." New Vork Tines V III SCOPE 'Spittat)i, (icitimml, romance ...Cemplattlf different from inrlhim )tt illemplid In Holljuod." Ns York Journal in BEAUTY "Touches i niw Hollywood hi(h la biiutj." libsrt Arlogeiine "Positively stunned bj Hi beairt) and piner." Son Ffeec'ico CalMiHs'is THOMAS MITCHILl ISAIIl JIWRl P. O. IJOX 12 1 Economy Store Have More Cents' OYS1LRS - Latac Jgr K Silver Crest, B-oz tins) MALTED OTIAHKms OOn -Per pkg. (McCormlck's. 1: APPLE and RASP- inn 1 DERRY JAM (Climax, 4'8) CASTILE SOAP- Ogn 3 bars La Normandle, long bars 4 PALMOLIVE SOAP. TOOTH. PASTE SAMPLE. SHAVE CREAM SAMPLE OQf All for RIPE DANANAS- g5C 3 lbs. FIELD TOMATOES- ggg Your Convenience Fresh Local Raw And Pasteurized Milk VALENTIN DAIRY PHONE 657 -By Westover iAnov, t.... . immm