SSOCldieU UUdl Ub li "& LUC .1 J I li aIh ntiniitlnn nit V (ill ill rciiLic bite 11 (tbbviivivti ,viiv fs nest voted ior ine resolution 1 . . t . 1 A 1 ... 1 I u A A-J plan, Lower express rates on cream was asKen "mcu on on t.n me initiative n t alive oi or vanaer- rtt Roderick vuu.ncK Mackenzie oi of LAW MORE STRINGENT Both Canada ami United Stales Now Move to Protect Halibut Industry Both Canada and the United States have put teeth into their m.... .i. .n...... ,,.,, -.11,,, .n,tin new Ma inui Acts, nasseu mis re passed, one asuing inat uie r"! "'V.?," :! t Nankow Pass, twenty miles rnnrn npiinii.p uililuui; wiin iet - ada." Mure reserved but nuite Ulimis- takeable is the language of the corresponding ,, . section of M, the r C- i,f n... . m-.j. .o nni onthe territory from Prince Rupert,,1,"" " ... e i OB flS r, f'AT m ntict i - Alota A 1 T.aVA I. I hv v.. v..-w, ... - L." .e,nin.?.0f Jhe,.Mf,f Williams tions as "PPear to him to be nc use use oj of tre Mackenzie c( ,Q reyenl the "purwa umMui ua- Urritoriul. waters of Canada or n-A. . . 111. I c propeny accreaiwru W L. Armstrong, for the auditing committee, reported the accounts m proper order, of Canadian ports or of any other Canadian facilities, whether -directly or indirectly by any vessel, national or inhabitant of any H. C Richardson of Williams country ot a party to the Con Lake reported for the resolutions committee. The convention adjourned until this morning, the guests being entertained at the Capitol Theatre hi the evening. Hotel Man Dies Thomas Harrle Passes Away In Spokane Wher He Had Heen In Lumber Huslnes3 SPOKANE. Am?. 5: Thomas J- Barrie, pioneer Kamloopa hotel man and for the rast fev Jears engaged in the lumber business here, died yesterday. vcntlon employed or inieracn to be employed cither directly or indirectly iu Convention waters." GOPHERS EAT '1IUPFERS VICEROY, Sask., Aug. 5: (CD-Farmers near Viceroy, 60 miles south of Moose Jaw, say gophers are thriving on a grashopper diet. They lie irt wait and spring on their prey like a cat. Farmers claim gophers are aVso getting a winter feed supply &y removing unsproui-ed wheat kernels from the soil. BIRTH NOTICE A daughter was bom at the Prince Rupert Hospital on Tuesday of this week to Mr. and Mrs. Wll Ham Stone, 1011 Third Ave. anese authorities proclaim that continuous bombardments bj squadrons of warplanes have routed western concentrations of the Chinese army and blasted : a clear path for a southward .march of Japanese- troops from (this conquered Manchu capital. 'The' stalement declares that Chi- iiiese troops "perished or fled i.. '..1 i. during an air ijomoarameni. Japanese airplanes dropped pamphlets yesterday saying that Japan expected to take all of Hopeih Province. A major engagement is expect- . . .. ..!.! -' north 01 I'eininir. power of CRCV, or give the dl3- - iu " . thousand Japanese a direct wire service ior local .-? lh , for a to or Institute a short wave positions north of we ejiminauon oi uuerierencc, made non-interfering. Complete Highways should suvuiu be i. cry industry Irom encroachment, making it unlawful for any person other than.u nationaL or- ir-IihIiILiiiI nf tli.- Unileil States to ja aiicauv iWlltu ,.i,.i, UIU, ,.uiiP , nnv , iiuiiuui in me leirnunai nmtio barked on any new highway un- ,lf ,i,e irniu,i States." pmr nni tiriit inn inm nvrpiii.iiui ft ill . ; . ...n, .L ..,t. I. .... rnnioip. - - P LIZi LUI1IIUL lUlluvu ill iliu vwui.- as ouggtrsicu wtu mvuicu own irv when cuuKiii uy ine use 01 financial aitd other arrange- any vessel of a nation not a party ents could be made. to the Halibut Convention ai.d In any program of re-establish- any assistance to outfit such a is larmers rrom uie uiieu out. vessel is nroniuueu. reas, the Federal government was. Important Section sked to consider Central British The important sub - section I.. LI . llt. ( Ham C.K i .. J k 1 1 1 m 11 1 "J a k ri nnv v-i n i ih'm .iiiii i i ri rp 11 m : MM. A II I t1l I . un (Illri1 f txf fl It The convention backed up the person within the territory or anaernool board in asking ior a junsuicnon 01 me uimm ouu.o (iHpl farm In iho riutrlff. piist nf to furnish, ureuare. outfit, or, tin n,. r..ll.. urnv linn nllv VPASi'l. fltllCr tlial It was decided to back a request a vessel of the United States and; rom Terrace that better mall con- Canada in connection with any ectlon by train and boat with voyage during which such vessel apcouver siiouia De csiaDitsncu. s mmimu "- : The Provincial government Is nas oecn empioj-eu 1.. en....... sked to recoiulder its decision to attempting to catch, or possess-ut off log export from over-matur-ihig any halibut in Convention fn nmhof aiiri. ovtvirr f nn hi. ....vv.m m n'v . - 17 t the Federal government pro- "0" 10 prevent operauons uy Meantlme i ii ji 11 In no uncertain terms the Uni ted States makes celar tiiat it in has added , vvhere foui troops arc Hack on CI i the Great apanest?-bu.8lnes9 n Ol ,111c UlllLi-ll ouiiea "- - " ' . ish challenger, across the finish line by half a mile to score the fourth and deciding victory in defence of the America's Cup. I It,. l Today's Weather Tomorrow's Tides (I AM.) mi High 0:40 a.m. 22.2 It. Prince Rupert Cloudy, fog banks,, 13:23 p.m. 21.6 ft. light southeast wind, barometer, Low 7:15 a.m. 1.0 ft. 29.96; temperature, 53, sea smooth. 19:28 p.m. 4.7 ft. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER , XXVI., No. 181, PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., THURSDAY, AUGUST 5, i!937. PllICE: 5 CENTS lbef!:a Plans Control Of Banks l-t - tJ i-J D J. . buS J- CHINESE r asses oeverai s.. jiuuons i AT IT ocnooi 0UIum vpemug upeamg At Its Opening Session Here' L"L UU 1 : On September 7 : 1 A A T . . C A ' r .. : I I J ii iv .miii'iiiiiiim if ul'liiiii f t an 111 iilhiii 11 1 11 yinivnii' I'm A J w - -w - C Wiirn Ontmf pririm I'ojiro lcivnr hv Wnil The Associated Boards of Trade of Central British Tide of Oriental War is Still In Favor of Japanese Although Turn in Tide is Suggested May Spread Little presiding, decided not to ask the Canadian Na-I niatin caniure of urAcrnrn run f u 1 1 iim. ikiiiti 1 in ri k iuir rniini Tr inr v III U. iCbbCI llUUt V W A.uhvw U IV TV. VSCI I MI. LIIUS L 1 1 1 1 CT . 1 IIUAU n. n a Inrit I Via rfcnltit Inn A v- -.inoH ihat. f.hpv were not onnosed a ratiwav but they felt that they :;VVn"V: ORE PLANT IMDHBTANT VICTOrtIA, Aug. 5: Hon. Dr. George M. Welf, Minister of Education, announced yest- erday that the re-openlng of schools of the province follow- lng' the summer vacation would be on September 7 In- stead of September 1. The change has been made In vtew of the fact there would have been only three school days anyway during the first week of the month. OFFICERS ELECTED Associated Chambers of Commerce ure through making available 1-j Conclude Sessions This Morning Hum facil ties for Uie treatment Delegates Being Entertained of their ore. He predicted thai in Resolutions Passed ui Smithers Is Chosen to Have Nexl Year's Meeting E. T. Kenney, M. L. A. For Skeena Says it Means (treat Deal to District Mutual Interest (lyro Club Members and Guests Hear About Relation of City And Hinterland The importance of the ore sampling plant being established ui frince Kupert by tne provincial government to tlie prospectors of the district was emphasized by E. T. Kenney, M. L A. for Skeena, in speaking befort the Prince Kupert Cyro Cli'b yesterday at luncheon. To many prospector.s, Mr. Kenney declared, this plant may mean the dif ference between success and fail- there would soon be sufficient p offering to keep it in con- nuous operation, its operation will encourage the production of ore. .More reasonable freight -'es, however, would be necessary and Mr. Kenney trusted that the of the . . t., ir.j-, m, co-operation ' Its closing session today the . ... the belief is that Associated Boards of Trade of Cen- , ' China's Communist armies plan lral British Columbia completed its We j the hJnterj'nd asser to attack Japanese forces in business sessions by passing several , , ..,:' ,,, l r- -.L! V. ! - t t 11 11 ,.AnM Tl, fPU!- tn .... . . . . ..... . 1 1 . l 1 1 1. ltllllC, IWHC ...iw.. X- 11 . tends to protect the halibut fish- C""" V, . ,1. u,e ' ' additional resolutions, near uB u.c m Smithers. Secretary-treasurer: Arthur Broobsbank, Prince Rupert. FOUNDED I B C MILL Anson S. Bdooks of Powell River Dies in Minneapolis MINNEAPOLIS, Aug. 5: Anson S, Brooks, internationally known newsprint manufacturer died here Tuesday after t'o months' illness. He was foundei and operator of the largest single unit newspaper mill in the world at Powell River. Bad Accident in Granby Mine At Copper Mountain; Seventeen Men Hurt; Two Fractured Backs PRINCETON, August 5: Seventeen men are In hospital here two suffering from broken backs and likely to die as a result of a serious accident in the Copper Mountain Mine of the Granby Consolidated Mining, Smelting & Power Co. yesterday when a hoist cage became loose and plunged four hundred feet to the bottom of a shaft. The men, other than those who broke their backs, are suffering from fractured legs, other injuries and shock but are expected to recover. As doctors seek to save the lives of those mose severely Injured, J. Biggs, resident Inspector of mines,, Is studying a broken bolt which was found In the hoist machinery after the cage had been plummetted back to the bottom of the pit after climbing half way up.thS 800 feet toward the mlnehead. A. S. Bailey, vice-president of the company, expressed the belief that a faulty bolt was the cause of the collapse of the cage. Most dangerously hurt are: Mike Cvetklvlch, spine fracture and leg injuries. Harold Hart, fractured back. Teter Celsllkowskl, undetermined brain injury. All the Injured remained in hospital today but hospital authorities said their conditions were "very favorable." optimistic. When depre?- v.. onnrpss tli U1C IVUtlllK Uicoiwtnv, w- , 1 ..,. nla Tool Japanese political circles alrearty ectlng officers for the coining year depre9Se(1 ProKre83 of prince by ieo hoyebttof firms in China. Foreign observers believe th.-t restoration of eace in North Chlnn In the near future is very CUP STAYS THIS SIDE Hanger Makes it Four Straight With Another Victory Over Kndeavor II Today NEWPORT, Rhode Island, Aug. 5: (Canadian Press) Oaluing a record lead on the ten-mile windward leg and holding it over the rest of the thirty-mile triangular course, Harold S. Vanderbiit's vacht Ranter today lert X. O. M. place. The convention accepted alj nnked up. the Invitation of Smithers to meet speaking of the projected local there next year and passed on an puIp min undertakings, Mr. Ken-invitation from Williams Lake to ney pojnted out that a timber the next board with the recommen- stant f fifty billion feet was dation that it be given consldera- ulown to exist in the organized tion the year following. Officers for portions of Prince Rupert forest, the years are: ry district. Of this 21 billion feel j President: Earl Malcolm, Quesnel. was accessible by present system Vice-president: u. n. uniwn. 0f logging. Last year tne timuer output of the district had amoun ted to 154 million feet. At the present rate of logging, therefore, there would be timber available for 350 years. The speaker said that he did not mean to suggest that there could be over-extravagance in connection with the use of timber. However, the:c was a great deal' of over-matured limber which should be used immediately and which in a fewi years would be worth nothing. i seuisnness oi souin Mr. Kenney referred to the spirit of selfishness which exist-(Continued on Page Four) Today's Weather Qov eminent Tfleisra.pMl Terrace Cloudy, calm, tempera ture, 55. j Alice Ann Part cloudy, calm, 5t. Stewart Part cloudy, calm, 53. Hazelton Part cloudy, calm, 55. I Smithers Part cloudy, calm, 68. Burns Lake Dull, calm, cool, 47. Prince George Clear, calm, barometer, 29.92. J Vancouver Clyudy, calm; barometer, 29.96. Victoria Fair, southwest wind,' 14 miles per hour; barometer, 29.98. Estevan Fair, northwest wind, la miles per hour; barometer, 30.02. Alert Bay Part cloudy, calm; barometer, 30.12; temperature, 51; sea smooth. ' Bull Harbor Overcast, light southwest wind; barometer, 30.00; temperature, 54, sea smootn. I TrlpJs Island Cloudy, calm; sea ' smooth. i Langara Island Part cloudy, ,calm; barometer, 29.94; tempera- I ture, 50; sea smooth. ' Dead Tree Point Cloury; barometer, 30.07; temperature, 53; sea smooth. PRICE OF SILVER NEW YORK, Aug. 5: Silver was quoted here today at 4434c Constitutional Fight Looms Over Bill Now Before Prairie House Provincial Credit Commission to be Formed Courts Would be Closed to Actions to Test Provincial Statutes EDMONTON, Aug. 5: A constitutional struggle of most far-reaching proportions looms over the Aberhart Government's bill to license banks operating in the province and control some of their activities. The bill is the. most drastic submitted in the two-year history of the Social Credit administration. It was submitted yesterday . by Provincial Treasurer Lo"' TODAY'S STOCKS (Courtesy S. D. Johnston Uo.) Vancouver Mines li. U Nickel. .17. Big Missouri, .48. Bralorne, 7.25. B. H. Con., .02. Aztec, .10. j . Cariboo Quartz, 1.45. --$ Dentonla, .13. -,; ' Dunwell, .02 'A. .-V Oolconda, .08lA. Mlnto, .0934. Meridian, .01. Falrvlew Amal., .06. i .. Noble Five, .06 4. Pend Oreille, 3.85. Pioneer, 3.65. Porter Idaho, .06. Premier, 2.45. Reeves McDonald, .80 Reno, .92. Relief Arlington, .26. Reward, .08. Salmon Gold, .078. Taylor Bridge, .04 'A. Wayside, nil. Hedley Amal., .05 VJ. Premier Border, .02 'A. Sllbak Premier, 1.98. Congress, .02. Silver Crest. .04 Home Gold, .02. Grandview, ,193A. Indian, .02. Quatsino Copper, .05. Quesnelle Quartz, .09. Oils A.P. Con., .35. Calmont, .61. C. & E., 2.70. Freehold, .11. P-Hargal, .22. ji McDougal Segur, .25. ', Mercury, .30. Merland.. nil. Okalta, 1.85. Pacalta, .25. Home Oil, 2.00. United, nil. Weymarn, 10VJ. Toronto Stocks Beattle, 1.16. Central Patricia, 2.75. . Gods Lake, .60. Lee Gold. .02V2. " Little Long Lac, 5.65. McKenzle Red Lake, 1.20. Pickle Crow, 5.50. Red Lake Gold Shore, .35. San Antonio, 1.59. Sherrltt Gordln, 3.50. Smelters Gold, .02 Y2. McLeod Cockshutt, 1.95. Oklend, .15. Mosher, .23. Gllbec. .01 ti. Madsen Red Lake, nllv Stadacona, 1.20. Frontier Red Lake, ill. Francouer, .65. Manitoba & Eastern, .03'a.. Moneta Porcupine, 1.70. . Bouscadlllac, .21. Rubec, .03. Thompson Cadillac, .54. Bailor, .03. Bankfleld, .75. East Malartlc, 1.00. Preston East Dome, .99. Hutchison Lake, .16. Dawson White, .12. McQualq Red Lake, .09. Aldermac, 1.17. Kerr Addison, 2.45. who at the same time announced that the two percent sales tax, which has netted $80,000 monthly since its introduction in Ma' 1936, would, be discontinued on . September L The primary object of tho banking bill was to bring tho bankers under provincial licence and subject them to control and regulation of the Provincial Credit Commission. The Board was envisioned under the AlbeT-ta Social Credit Act but was never appointed. The commission is to be named next week. Two other proposals were introduced yesterday which struck new notes in Canadian Legislative history. The first would close the courts of Alberta to any section involving the cor--:Btitutional test of Alberta .sta-tutes and the second would close the courts of Alberta to bankers who refused to take out licenses from the Provincial Credit 1 INSURGENTS WIN AGAIN Spanish Government Forces I Driven From Mountain Stronghold Are HENDAYE, Franco Spanish Frontier: Aug. 5: Two insurgent, bri cades are reported to have driven Madrid-Valencia troops from their principal mountain fortifications on the Teruel frontier near Bozas and to have cut their main communications artery. Insurgent infantry and artillery are also reported to have forced the point of General Jose Miaja's salient back out of VII-laneuva de la Canada on Madrid's western front. Government , sources say that Miaja's next move will be to consolidate his positions northeast of Madrid. J Vatican is Friendly I In Vatican City an official statement said that the Holy See was maintaining sordial relations with the Spanish insurgent government hut that no steps would be taken towards formal diplomatic recognition. Britannia Miner Js Fatally Hurt ,John Bremncr, Struck by Trolley, I . Dies After Reaching ' Vancouver VANCOUVER,. Aug. 0: John Russell Bremner, an employee of the Brittania mine, died in hos pital here yesterday shortly after having been brought from the Uowe Sound mine by a Canadian Airways plane. He had been struck by a trolley, the Injuries proving fatal.