PAGE TWO DAILY EDITION THE DAILY NEWS. t'RINCE Rl'PERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon. Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News. Limited. Third Avenue 11. ft POLLEN Managing-Editor SUBSCRIPTION RATES City delivery, by carrier, yearly period, paid in advance For lesser periods, paid In advance, per week By mall to all other countries, per year ADVERTISING RATES Transient display advertising, per inch, per insertion . Classified advertising, per word, per insertion Advertising and Circulation Telephone ' News Department Telephone Unemployment 98 86 $5.00 .10 9.00 1.00 .02 Thursday, February 11, 1937 Unemployment is the outstanding problem of the generation, says Donald M. Marvin, economist for the Royal Bank. In Canada, although it is still serious, there is excellent basis for the belief that within a relatively short time any abnormal volume of unemployment will disappear. In many countries, however, where large scale government works, huge expenditures upon armaments, large armies and various types of concentration camps serve to disguise the importance of the problem, many seriously question whether the economic system will ever absorb a satisfactory proportion of those who are able to work. For this situation there are a number of explanations ranging from the Marxist doctrine, through various statements concerning tecnological advances in industry, or theories like Social Credit involving a belief in the net inadequacy of purchasing power, to clear-cut economic descriptions of the effect of deflation upon consumption and hence upon employment. In a general way it may not be untrue that even the weakest of these explanations contains some elements of true description of what has taken place. Lack of perspective in relation to the problem as a whole and lack of knowledge of affairs results in such bias as to make it seem possible that a single relatively simple cure such as that offered by Social Credit' will constitute a remedy for most of our social and economic ills. In thinking about the problem it should not be forgotten that it is not entirely new to this generation. Plans as deceptively attractive as Social Credit have been tried out in the past; they have proved to be forms of inflation and the conditions thus created have been worse than those they sought to cure. In the light of subsequent experience, the outcome of the French experiment with assignats would appear inevitable, but at the time thev seemed to offer full employment and a general increase in purchasing power a higher standard of Jiving for the country. It would almost seem as though it were in the economic field alone that mankind is incapable of profiting by the experience of the past. In almost every country there are at the present moment unemployed workers, non-utilized resources ana idle money which should be put to productive use. Many conventionally minded business men and old-school economists hold the opinion that the fact that this labor, land and capital'are not in use proves that they cannot be effectively utilized and for them this ends the matter; Nationalistic doctrine goes a step further and attempts to restrict the home market to products produced within the country, with the half-stated hope that the relative ineffectiveness of some of the types of work which will result from failing to take advantage of the cheapest market, will produce full employment at home. Work on armaments or the expansion of armies are other forms of re striction of production and should be recognized as such. Plans for the five or six-hour dav and other devices to limit the worker's daily output fall in this same class. It is remarkable how many devices are available for limita tion of output. By such methods the world dissipates its great economic surplus and prevents that almost imvi table rise in the standard of livintr which became nrob able when the world passed over from a deficit economy to one where an increasing supply of economic goods couia oe made available to every member of society. Before modern means of production, transnortation and storage, a man's work frequently failed to produce a sufficient volume of goods to give him a decent stan dard ot living. 1 here was a time when it seemed normal for a certain proportion of the world's population to! starve to death each year. Out of such conditions came the Malthusian theory that population would always increase to the point where starvation was the necessary check upon expansion. At the time of greatest advances in methods of production, however, population ceased to increase rapidly and the extra volume of production pro-.1., i i i . i v uuceu au great a surplus, as cumpareu wnn previous experience, that in most parts of the world the last four generations have witnessed a remarkable rise in the standard, of living. This rise, however, has been accompanied by increasingly severe depressions, during which expansion in production has been brought to a standstill. After discussing the question of depressions, Mr. "Mar- vin says: ine tinanciai world should be able to reduce . the severity of depression. Of this we have little doubt. Wise, far-sip-htcd monetary control can prevent severe depressions. There will continue to be readjustments after over-expansion, and there will also be far-reaching . -At.'L i : it 11. ; ... uujusuwnui in ecuiiuwic lue as wie resmi qi new inven The Letter Box TREATMENT OF INDIANS j Editor, Daily Nes: Lend me your ears. I'll return them when the depression Is over.' Why are so many losing faith in : the various governments of our: fair country? The following are some of the reasons: When an Indian proves that he hasn't got a cent, and if he Is married, he will receive from four to nine dollars per month in relief, but if he or she is single, relief cannot, be granted. A blind Indian person, or an Indian too. old to work, with no relatives, receives four dollars per month in pension. ;ClviJlzation was forced upon the Indians. We are even forbidden by law to practice the ways of our ancestor.;. So successful have our governments been in teaching us a new mode of living that we, the present generation, can't prepare or even eat the foods of our forefathers. Alas! We have also recently learned that depressions too) come with the luxuries of civilization. Now how are we going to ,live on four dollars per month, even if we get it? In the year 1927 the Allied Tribes of British Columbia were informed by the special joint committee that the Indian Agents are all instructed to take care of the Indian destitutes. Yet the Indian Agents deny that they have received such in structions. honorable members of Parliament, or the Indian Agents of British Columbia? I am personally acquainted with two Indian Agents who have the welfare of Indians at heart; one of them is so disappointed with the Indian Department that he said he would resign if no changes are made to ease the deplorable conditions forced upon the Indians. Hooray for the Indian Agents! Now who do you suspect of lying? IVAN ADAMS. I Man in the Moon Good Day. Have you dug out yet? I have never liked snow Just as well since Stefansson Informed us it was Improper to rub it on a frost bite. We are all thankful we do not have to cure frost bites anywhere in the neighborhood of Princ Rupert. There's one thing about snow in Prince Rupert, it helps to allay the traffic noises. Stan Parker: "What kind of a horn would you like on your car sne with a good loud blast?'' Haughty Customer: "No; I want something that Just sneers." "Darling," she cooed, "I've Just lead that a man up north ex changed his wife for a horse. You wouldn't exchange me for a horse, vould you?" "Never," he dutifully replied, "but I would hate to have anyone tempt me with a good car." ) I I- Theysitllkethisupbnaseat And now and then they kiss. And then he says some darn fdbl thing and then they sit Like ..... this Local officer (stopping car with lady at .the wheel) "Say. wherc's the fire?" Lady driver: "In your eyes, you gorgeous policeman." Twenty -Five Years Ago Mrs. February 11, 1912 EUtermann. wife of the lighthouse kjeper at. Lawyer Isl and, and son were drowned this morning when a rowboat capsized near the lighthouse In the rough fiea. Mr. Elsterman, quite unable to dd anything to save their livci, was an" eyewitness of the tragedy. The ilsheries protection steamer Falcon, arrived in port this after noon,- having in tow the halibut schooner Princess Victoria which she rescued from an exposed posi tion In a storm off the west coast of Dundas Island, Abe ;Attel and Johnny Kilbane have been matched to meet in rupn iv, TYtiinna nr. i rm a nraiaa sy ; UOnS. DUfc Uiese neea noi Dring our economy to SUCh a February, for the world' feather. standstill as'we have recently witnessed." jweieiUJf.boxing championship. 'SPORT SPORT CHAT Feminine inspiration helps win college football games, says Floyd Maxham, St. Mary's College fullback of the list two years, who Who are the liars, the advesates a co-educaUonal policy for his alma mater. J. W. Hearne, retiring sex cricket pro, "fully uph3ld the tradiUons of a famous name both i on and off the field," it was stated in the annual report ot tne county club. uuring a practice run at east M. W. Sievers, Australian crick- ter, was "up the pole" when he Jim Londos, well-known Greek wrestler who has been touring South Africa, is to fill a number of engagements in Cairo. Although an appeal was made received notification that he had' been chosen to play for his coun-; try against England. He is a tele-1 graph linesman at Melbourne. ' . Exeter City giant-killing third division soccer club that plays Preston North End In the fifth' tecently, the financial difficulties cf Leicestershire Countv Cricket cub have not been overcome, and a final effoit will be murip tn raise funds. The referee signalled the end of a soccer game between Dorchester and Sherborne in England but when the p!ayer3 were changing, discovered h had b!own his whistle too soon. Routed from the Show?rs the teams resumed play but no goals were scored. ; Three or the Road Racing Club hv?etin?s for 1937 to be hell oh the Crystal Palace motor racing circuit, have been given intern i tional status by the various bodies controlling the sport. Tom Collin, popular Warwickshire County Cricket Club pro since 1933, will take up an ap pointment this summer as coach' at uurnam School. $50,000 LOANED SAINT JOHN, N.B., Feb. 11: (CP) About $50,000 has been loaned al ready to 154 persons in New Brunswick under the Home Im provement Plan, according to F. J. Nlsbett, chairman of the local advisory council. SPECIAL PRICE On Custom Tailor-Made SUITS $38.50 Reduced to $30 From Jan. 12 to Feb, 12 This is lowest price ever charged for these suits . M. T. LEE Third Avenue Next to M. M. Stephens Second Half Of Season Started Prince Rupert badminton players Knockouts, Kausers. Kh U1 are planning an excursion to Ami Anuette's Winners In , Stewart and Premier in the near' Ladies' Bowling future for a series of games. Ar- Tangements are already being The s:cnd half of the seassn made in the north for their en- zt the Indies' Bowling League got tertainment. Two or thiee local nrisi way last night -with scores teams arc expected to make the as follows: I trip, ; Knockouts, 13G0; Canadian Na- . tlonal Rerceation Association, 1173. . Fire destroyed the main grand-, Rangers, 1725; Doodads, 14C1. J rtand and dressing looms at Nin-: Blue Birds. 1456; Spark Plug.-:, Ian Park, home of Ccudiff City 130X football club, necessitating postponement ol a match with MiHwall until ths end of the season. Mrs. Eliza Bam ford, wife of Jos-?ph Bamford, better known as jock McAvoy, light-heavyweight boxer, was granted a decree nisi in an undefended suit for divorce in London and was given custody M their three children. Anneie's, 1C95; Grottp, 1250. High aveiage scorer was Miss Rita Stromdahl of Rangers with HOCKEY SCORES Pacific Coast Leasue Vancouver 6. Seattle 3. Hockey Standings International Section i W. D. L. F. A. P. jCanadlens 20 3 11 M 88 43 j Montreal 14 8 14 77 80 36 Middle-. Toronto 14 2 17 85 85 30 Americans 10 4 21 75 111 24 American Section Detroit 19 Rangers 15 i i Boston 14 Chicago 9 7 8 8 11 5 15 6 18 93 86 79 62 67 45 69 38 88 33 73 24 London, South Africa, a racing! Pacific Coast League car travelling 200 miles an hour ' W. D. L. F. A. P. leaped 60 feet through the air. Portland 15 5 9 69 5Q 3S landing askew, but slewed back i Vancouver 11 8 9 78 64 30 onto the track undamaged. Seattle Oakland 11 9 4 14 7 14 FOR SALE 69 56 85 26 73 25 CUssiFlEO round of the English Cup, Febru-1 , ary 20, hopes to go further in the FOR SALE 5 - roomed modern j competition than five years ago. house. Call Dr. H. L. Alexinder. when it reached the sixth barrier 324 5Ui Ave. E. If. 1 before losing. " IFOR SALE Westinghouse com- binatlon coal electric stove, perfect condition. Phone Black 506. (35) FOR SALE Household furniture, vacuum cleaner, high chair, ma-, gazlne stand, radio, gramophone, garden hose and tools. Apply 324 5th Ave. E or Phone Red 578. FURNITURE Factory samples must go this week. Guaranteed 10-1 piece Chesterfield. groups $69.50; ! 10-plece loose pillow arm groups $72.50; 10-plece bedroom suites '(round minors) $74.50. Furnish your home complete three rooms, 59 pieces all for $165. Many other bargains. Terms if you wish. Order today, Julius Shore Mail Order House, 8th floor Beklns Building. Vancouver, (tf) FOR RENT FOR RENT 10 room house, concrete basement, hot water heating, electric fireplace, centrally located, suitable for boarding house. Collart ii McCaffery Ltd. opposite Third Street. (36) FOR RENT Seven room house, 2129 Graham Avenue with, large garden. Will be vacant end of February. Apply Pullen, Dally News. (tf) PERSONAL GENTLEMEN'S Sanitary Supplies, highest grade 15 for $l. Pacific. Supply, 751 Granville, Vancouver. TRUTHFUL Clairvoyant readings. Write Madam Francis, 2531 Woodland, Vancouver, B.C. Four questions answered. Send birth month? Donation. (tf) MEN Get vigor at once. New Os-trex Tonic Tablets contain raw oyster invlgoraton and other stimulants. One dose peps up organs, glands. If not delighted, laker, refunds few cents paid wall or wxlU, Ormes Limited, tf 1 'iTAe S Clarke's Store Cut Fancy Work PALMISTRY Phone Blue 995 530 3rd Ave. Phone 311 Thursday, February u This advertisement Is not published or displayed toy the Liquor CrwiinU Board or b the Government of British Columbia. Work Boots For Men Comfort in stout, IonR-wcarinu shoes because of the quality material used' in their construction, j These shoes have everything that men look for in work boots and the prices are exceedingly reasonable. BUY A PAIR AND BE CONVINCED Where Most People Trade T F AMILY SHOE STORE LTU. PHONE 357 (Estab. 10081 HUIU) AVKNl'E Fresh Local Raw And Pasteurized Milk VALENTIN DAIRY PHONE S7 MURESCO HURESCO ?J Musesco's popularity rests on its soft beautiful finish, its economy, its sanitary qualities, and its- ease of application. Ideal for wall and ceiling 75c package 10c package MURESCO puts &mony in 7 Walls and Ceilings A8ICH FLAT FINISH thst will not rub off, crck,chip or peel Mtd in 18 Tints tnd 'White GORDON'S HARDWARE McBridc St. The Fish which made Prince Rupert Famous "Rupert Brand" SMOKED - BLACK COD - Prepared Daily By Casadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Lid. PRINCE RUPERT, RC.