2 J ft. 4 I 0 1 .'- 1 . . Ta A3t rOUR G0LDBL00M TIIK OLD RELIABLE Fur Buyer Wants Furs and wants them badly Ship what you have to me and cash will be wired or mailed you immediately. We guarantee more than any body ee. Don't delay market Is liable to change. The Central Hotel KOOMS and CAFE Phone 51 For Best Household Coal S1KS. C. E. BLACK TRAPPERS! Attention! Don't sell your furs until you see Frank Lockwood P. O. Box 200 COAL TO PLEASE' EVERYBODY Satisfaction Guaranteed FAMOUS EDSON ALBERTA COAL BULKLEY VALLEY COAL VANCOUVER ISLAND COAL PRINCE RUPERT FEED COMPANY PHONE; 58 and 5S8 PERFECTION IN CANNED SALMON , GOLD I SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye igi PINK SEAL Finest Pink Salmon Packed by tne only Salmon Canning Company with an all the year round payroll in Prince Rupert. Hyde Transfer Phone 580 DRY WOOD JASPER COAL Furniture Moving Light Delivery 315 SECOND AVK. bottle she was feeling better. This is the letter she writes: J "About this time last year I had severe pains In my back and was I prostrate for three weeks. I could' not even rls,e in bed. I tried several well-known remedies, but to no avail Then t wrote to mv mother j telling her of my trouble. She wrote to me by return oi post urging me to trv Kruschen Salts. I Imme diately bought a bottle, and I can1 truthfully say before I had taken' the fifth dose I could sit up. I kept on taking them and -in less than (two weeks I was about again. I am never without Kruschen now" Unless the kidneys function' pro perly, certain acid wastes, instead of being expelled, are allowed to pollute the blood-stream and produce troublesome symptoms; backache, rheumatism, and excessive fatigue. Kruschen Salts Is an excellent diuretic or kidney aperient, valuable In assisting the kidneys to excrete acid Impurities. CANADIAN LEGION MEETING With attendance small owing to prevailing illness, business at the regular monthly general meeting of the Canadian Legion last night was of a routine nature. A lecture on "Co-operation," which was to have been given by Rev. , C. D. Clarke, was postponed. President W. M. Brown was In the chair. TEACHER RETIRES ANNAPOLIS ROYAL. N.S.. Feb. 11: (CP) Miss C. Louise Harris of the preparatory department of the ( Annapolis Academy, has retired from the ranks of Nova Scotia's t teachers after serving for 48 years, j HIaka tUnn Gftf) nimlle otl Tf cA Cr . her register. BAR SILVER NEW YORK. tCPi Bar silver was unchanged at 443,ic per ounce on the New York metal market odav Miss Brenda Allen Is sailing tonight on ths Prince George for a trip to Vancouver. listen to this - - "The Liner, she's a lady, ' But. if she, wasn't made, "There still would be the cargo ' boats . "For 'ome and foreign trade." It's cargo boats that make a -port ahd It's cargo boats that tie up at Albert & McCaffery's wharf, bring ing cargoes of coal, and lumber and lime and cement and brick and plaster and all the things that go into a house. Today there are two cargo boats tied up unloading coal for Albert & MqCaffery: the best coal available for the last twenty years and the best today. If better coal were available Albert & McCaffery would have it. It gives you the most heat for the least money and that's what you want. And besides giving you the most heat, it's the most economical because it lasts I Next time you need coal, Just phone 116 or 117 to Albert Si McCaffery and order Nanalmo-Wel-linuton for furnace and heater. For the kitchen ranee, ask for Ese size Balkan Mlnehead Alberta sootless. It's trade name is "Inferno" It's hot! And it lasts, too. You deserve the best! C. N. R. steamer Prince John, Capt. Edward Mabbs, arrived In nort at l o'clock this morning from via Oueen Charlotte vnnrnnvpr vancuuver via "nu"" - To complete the job of dismar.t- iinr a saiterv at Houston iniet surer), J. E. Stewart (secretary), C. J. Barton and Simon McKay (electric light and fire committee), W. J. Barton (road, lot fence and motor truck committee) Jeffery Benson (health and cemetery com-) mlttee) and Mattnew Stewart fin ance anq.tax commiueei. Ernestl Angus. Bertie Barton, David McKay, Solomon Doplan, Ab el Stewart and Gordon Stpvens have been appointed constables. George Bolton Is roadmaster for the :year; Charles Morrison, "harbor master; Chris Trimble, fire inspec tor; Dr. D. J. McDonald, health of ficer, with Silas Maxwell as assist ant. At a public meeting1 former chief , Councillor Sam Stewart made a speech, reporting on the past year' and lntroducine the newly-elected j councillors to whom he extended best wishes for success and nros-' -lerltv. The new chief councillor,! W. H. Stevens, and other members of the council made speeches. The Klncollth Concert Band was in attendance and played a number of "elections Including the National Anthem at the close of the ' QUAKER PUFFED WHEAT or QUAKER PUFFED RICE are delicious too ! Triple-Sealed for Crispy Freshness MADE BY THE QUAKER OATS CO. "TILLIE THE TOILER" DOMfT "THlMK. MAC VMIU- COME BACK., Mli. SIMPVCJMS, VJMLES HE CAMl TESTY' WITH ME -.VM MOT-GOIM6 TO HAVE THIS FASHIOM Thursday, rt THI DAILY NEWS In Bed For Weeks With Backache Quick Belief With Kruschen It was advice from her mother that led this woman to take Kruschen Salts for her backache, and before she had finished the first WHIFFLETS From the Waterfront Hazelton Couple Wedded by Bishop Kt. Kev. G. A. Kix Officiates At Marriage of Miss Nellie Wilson And Ernest Harris HAZELTON, hageOjTUN, Feb. reo. ll.:-The u,. mar- Hs.ip'htpr of Mr. and Mrs. Wilson of Hazelton, and lurnest Harris, only son of .Mr. and Mrs. T. Harris of Kisplox, was solemnized recently at St. Peter's Anglican Church In Hazelton by Rt. Rev. G. a Dlv r TV. TJichnn nf Caledonia. Queen Charlotte Islands, the ma!l"' friends from various villages In at pnai iroiu whwi w """" tendance'at the rues, construction work at the A. P. Al- j The evening following the cere-Uson Logging Co.'s camp at Cum-mon thefe a weddIng fea5t at shewa Inlet, the Arnaour Salvage, hQme of Mr and Mrs wimam Co.'s service boat Daly Tu": ! wale. All trTe leading chiefs were In her return to the . day night on - the pr lnlclpa. Islands. .Capt. Reg ureen. wno ; James Wnlte in command of the Daly, had ; CIark and wmiam been called home codjt of Qfflcers offered the Uhiess of Mrs Gi-een who loj his h expressed now reported i to be Improved aU P expreg. Prince Rupert General Hospital been where she Is a patient. Motorship Bellingham' arrived in port at 8 o'clock this morning from Ketohlkan with eight carloads of halibut for transshipment East over Canadian National KINCOLITH Are Appointed The 1937 council of the native sions of goodwill that had voiced. SCHEMES TO AID WHEAT INDUSTRY ADVANCED AT HEARING IN WINNIPEG M'ontinuen from rm'p on could not significantly affect the trend of world prices. i The inquiry also neara several AN!7FS,vlews on conditions existing in the I wheat importing and flour Indus Council for 1937 Elected and In-j tries. When Canadian wheat was stalled Various Village Officials too high in price, United Kingdom miners turned w oiner wneat ai though they recognized the super ior milling quality of the Domln village of Klncollth at the mouth ,ion5 grain. of the Naas River has been duly elected and installed and the affairs of the village organized for the year. The village council consists of the following: Chief Councillor W. H. Stevens. Councillors M. J. Stewart Urea- Tne commission nas yei to noia sessions at Edmonton, Calgary and Regina as well as Vancouver and a further session at Winnipeg will be necessary. There Is a possibility a session may be held In Eastern Canada probably Montreal or Ot tawa although no definite ar rangement has yet been made. T015NHQ IMTD A PET SHOP . i tARC.r, MEMBERSHIP, iCHARLOTTETOWN Feb, '1 : Irtfnrr Sliver Fox feeders' Aisoclallonfll vas learned? following the 17th Annual meeting here. Prince Ed-jviird Is!andj lcl4v with. 182 and a registration of 6,884 foxes. Church Officers At Massett For thews. Year Are Named ,.p MASSETT, Feb. ll:-The .Mas-Church, at its an meeting recently, el- jnuai nual vestry vj ...0 Islands with passengers, mall and. t oI M1ss Neiiie Wilson, second iei officers as follows: . . . . mi i Jolm ( Is e Uolncr being ! ... i . Thomas rrVinmnC' rt WirHpil Warden. Willi freieht. The Prince withdrawn from the run here and the Prince Charles will sail Friday night for Vancouver via the Islands in her place. People's Warden, John wmiams Trp.asurer. Elijah Jones. sitemtn and ushers Fred freaj , - . i-. r,crrcr!iHrn of Simeon. Edward incie wa a jaie &- ; Rector's William Ppxton. Peter Spence. Mat' Lay representatives Alfred Adams and William Matthews. Alfred Adams Is Head of Church Army at Massett massett. Feb. 11: The Church Army at Massett has elected of ficers for the year as follows: Chief Captain. Alfred Adams First. Captain, John Williams. Second Captain, William Mat thews. First Lieutenant, Geoffrey Kelly , Second Lieutenant, Peter Hill I LOCAL ITEMS Sister Mary Joseph arrived in Jie city on the Prince Charles last avenlng from Victoria and pro ceeded to Smlthers by train. Rev. Father Lofthus 6. M. I., well tnown Reman Catholic Church orlest of Vancouver, arrived In the city on the Prince Charles last evening, being In the north to con duct missions. He will be going to Stewart next week. Owlnz to the absence of Presl dent C. V. Evltt.Dr. Neal Carter I presided at the"' Regular iweekly ! ( luncheon , of he Prince JRuperV Rotary Club today. X-eter sounder-. 4na wai a have fc&eh the dpcakef but, being ill, jwas unable to appeal so1 lber wasa talk by c F. P. partment, VancouWr.'ind an auto! Diographtcai sketch by Mlkhell. "Dog-Gone" Good Prospects COMEDIES peorge 61 WOTHB I HEALTHY "TODAY OUR QUINS HAD .QUAKBK uhio A ienetout terrint coiti ei than 16 'M BIFFINS MRS. BuTUEVt-iS I 'EPl 5HEP D03 'ETCE? WAS. TAy.(M''ERrad TOAWALK., ((Z, AMD HE Sl-PPEO AVsJie. 'jc I FEATURED ikln Parade" and Fool" Mid-Wcek Features u Capitol Screen t n.iKtnndine comedy fea tures comprise the middle of the week double bill program u nt thP nnnltol Theatre here. One Is the gridiron musical Pigskin Parade" and the other a u. fnrrP "NobOdV'S FOOl Willi j a vvorptt. Horton in ... em 11 I I II f I I II 1 il 1 AJ-4 Tr,r.P Geoffrey smim. uecw ------.. . r mowr, Henry Alexander. Thomas -Piacvin Swanson ana Parade" turns loose a legion of dancing girls and their singing friends in an uproarious yarn of a fresh water college that ninvs the bitr came of the season with n nowerful rival The picture r- . , ., urnrks nn to a rlb-WHlCKing Climax of mad mirth in one of the craziest finthnil eames that could be con PPivPd the wildest nightmares of a harried coadh. The cast features Stuart Erwin. Johnny Downs, Ar line Judge. Betty Grable, Patsy Kellv. Jack Haley and Dixie Dun bar in a procession of swlngy sones and wise-cracking dialogue. In "Nobody's FqoI" Edward tv prptt. iinrton aDDears as a waiter who is transplanted into big bus! ness in New York and is mistaken fnr a noted economist. His adven tures make a fast-moving ston which travels along at a swift tempo and provides an abundance of good fun. LAST TIMES TOMOHt Patsy Kelly, Stuart Erwin, Arlinc Judge in (At 7:00 & 9:38) PLUS Edw. Everett Horton - in - "NOBODY'S FOOL" (Shows once only at 8:35i It Pays to Buy From MUSSALLEM'S mi prices are always right with ne markets and we sell for lest, ail or phone your order and k REE GIFT COUPONS for a. Din- er Set and Rogers Silvctwan Prince Rupert, B.C. MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE "I put BOVRIL to 9'" 1 ,ufftrtd 3relt ,0" and could not cat nor sleep. I read BOVRIL advertittment and tooU BOVRIL daily and was ioon well on tnt foad to fecovery. I have very great faitn in BOVRIL. Keep Step With Style1 The Modern Way We shall be nleased to exnlain the SINGER PLAN of domestic P economy. Practical, pleasant and . profit- 11 1.1. i. 1 TW J? J . aoie nome sewing enaoies.you w i o -; a. 1 - i ...III. U 4. II IHJ Keep step witn inuueiii styius a minimum cost IL Come in, or phone 0, and arrange for a home demonstration. 4 USE A SINGER It Pays For Itself By Wstover Q)CK., TILUE, POT VOUR, HAT AND CATOM, I AMD t-cSOK. FOfc MAC AND THAT DOCJ H . GOT ROCS BBASOCD COSTOMEfJJ I ItJJ 1-' . V j f rri' f in . ,.,Air .