PAnt two THE DAILT NEWS At a Surprisingly Great Saving While Our Reorganization Sale Lasts EXTRA SPECIALS For Friday and Saturday Women's Black Suede Gore Pumps Stylish Buckles, Spanish Heels Regular $5.00 l , Womehvs White Shoes-Great Variety to choose from Mostly all sizes Values to .$6.50 THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUAIKIA $295 $2.65 Hundreds of Bargains too Numerous to Mention Family shoe store ltD. The Home of Good Shoes Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News, Limited, Third Avsnue II. F. PULLEN - - - Managing-Editor SUBSCRIPTION KATES City delivery, by carrier, yearly period, paid in $5.00 Por lesser periods, paid in advance, per week .10 By mall to all other countries, per year 9.00 By mall to all parts of British Columbia, the British Empire and United States, yearly period, paid In advance ..... 3.00 ' Advertising and Circulation Telephone 98 News Department Telephone 8C Member of Audit iSureau ot Circulations ( DAILY EDITION A Human Document Friday, May 14, 1937 The address which King George VI read to the peoples of the Empire Wednesday was an intensely human document, different from anything that had ever before been tjfven by a Kiner to the people over which he reigned. It was full of rich sentiment and included several references to the Queen who will be doing a considerable part in the carrying qn of the onerous duties of royalty. The crown was forced upon the present incumbent qf the tiff ice Under peculiar circumstances. The prince that was at pnee rose to the occasion and has carried out the kmgly office since then with dignity and humility. He commences his reign under happy auspices and the wish of the people of the Empire will be that he continue not necessarily as his father did before him but that he adapt himself to the changing conditions and do his part in the delicate task of leading a number of free peoples. Service to the World , We have mentioned once before that the. great duty of - - the British Commonwealth is not only to provide the best possible conditions of life for those who live in British Countries but also to be of service to the world by working out, so far as possible, the highest type of democracy. The British House of Commons has been looked upon for many years as an example to the rest of the world. It is. doubtless, far from perfect. The only way to reach perfection is for the members of the House and the people who elect them to be perfect, which thy are not. In Canada we have followed the example set by London. As a rule the people are electing a fine type of men and women as mem bers and the proceedings are conducted in a manner which is dignified and Usually in the best interests of the country. If the British Empire is to be of real service to the : world it must get away from the intensely selfish idea of . exclusi veness and must be ready to give and take. Canada, being a newer cottritrV. is nossihlv moVe selfish tV h mother land. Her people are all striving to make a living and. find it no easy matter. As a result, competition is keen , and this develops selfishness in a people. In the older countries there are more people with enough money to live comfortably without working very hard. That develops complacency and magnanimity. Once we get the idea that intense selfishness does not pay in the long run we shall find it easier to deal equitably and reasonably with neighboring nations and thus develop the idea of service to the world rather than to Canada only. Fresh Lochl U&w And The Central Hotel Pasteurized Milk rooms and cafe riione 31 VALENTIN DAIRY For Best Household Coal Pn6NlM(.V7 MRS. C. E. liLACK AUTOS ON RAILWAYS Interesting Innovation is Cominr On Canadian National Railways MONTREAL, May 14: the first linking up of highway and railway in Canada by means of automotive vehiclas adapted for use on either rail or road will be commenced by the Canadian National Railways "early this summer, according to an announcement here today by S. J. Hungerford, chairman and president of Ihe National system. Mr. Hungerford announced that three passenger "auto railers" riave been ordered for branch line sen-vice on the Atlantic central and western regions. One auto railer freight car be put In service in the western region. in making the announcement iMr. Hungerford stated that the move was of an experimental nature and was intended to permit of tests being made in the various sections of the system as to the adaptability of this type of equipment for use in Canada. "These auto rail passenger cars and freight -l 1 U cim. 1 Carrying: Capacity The auto railer freight trucks have a carrying capacity of two and a half tons on the highway. Where used entirely in jail service the load will be five and a half tons. The doors are specially ar ranged for spsedy loading and un loading from either rear or sides of the trucks. These vehicles have been developed to a high state of mechmlcal perfection. The passenger cars have two pairs of Inflated driving wheels and one pair of Inflated wheels In front for road Work. They can be ' transferred from road to rail in less than a minute by means of two pairs of flanged guide wheels, which are let down to connect with j the rails. While on the rails the! car rides both on the Inflated wheels and the flanged guide wheels so that the possibility of a blow-out is no hazard. Were a blow-out to occur the car would be held In Its ordinary driving po sition by means of the guide J wheels. The cars are equipped with , electric bells as well as whistles for rail use. They have two headlights) for road use and one railway type j headlight for use while on the rails. Classification lamps and flags are used as in the case of ordinary railway equipment. I The transfer of the cars from the road to rail service, or vice versa, by letting down or drawing up the flanged guide wheels is made by means of a simple mechanism which Is controlled from the driver's seat. It is expected the first of the new cars will be delivered before me ena or June and tests In all! three regions of the system will be In progress this summer. LAN II ACT I'orm No. 13 FORM OP NOTICE Cninlar Land District District tjf Atlln TAKE NOTICE that Fred Acklei end Charles Oberlander of A,tlln, B. C, occupation Miners, Intend to apply for permission to purchase the followin awKriopa lands: Commencing at a jvt located wo miles south of Oolden Oate on Tglih Lakej North Went Corner Post. Ground runs 20 chain from Uitt post in a southern direction then 20 chains eat. th ao'thaina norti. then 20 chtn" west, to legal paeA of beglnnlnfe I, PR ED N. ACKLE8 L.r 5 l 9Ani.E8 OBEK LANDER, "MDatfA Ajrll eth. 1687. Long Prominent In Railway Work Late W'Hlard Kilchen Was Know Coast t Coast of Canada ' VANCOUVER, May 14 Wi 11am Kitchen, who irotl Me week, va known as a VaHwfty builder from coast to coast )f Canada. lie was born in New Brunswick. His railway biiiidiriR operations included the Summ3r side-Charlottetown Railway ittri Prince Kdward Island, a portion of the national transcontinental line near Moncton, New IJruns. wick, and a part of the Canadian laxriflc Railway in the llorkj Mountains. For several years before liis Veiivnient in he was a 'director of the VaclNc Great Eastern Kail Way. Mr. Kitchen, wag a Presbyterian, n roemlwr of the Rotary Glub nnd n'n active supporter of the You nfc Mens Christian Association. LOCAL ITEMS Mrs. A. Dominato, Miss E. Bus-j sanich and Miss Y. Dominato sailed' carr era uavc u c tU.Wu last nlght on the prlrrce Rupcrt for : cessfully in service in a number of ,..rin. V!inrniivpr :. t r ! . l n nAI...M.n Via pntri : "and we hope that they will enable us to cut down operating costs on light traffic branch lines as well i as to give better service 10 ine i public dependent upon such lines." The passenger cars are of a streamline design and are of metal construction. Thy have a seating capacity of twenty-six with the most modern type of seats and ample accommodation for luggage. They will permit of great flexibility of service, thus adding considerably to the convenience of travellers In the districts where they are employed. They can pick up passengers from communities near the railway but not actually situated on the line and carry them to the rail line and on to their destination. In cases where the business or residential centres of communities are not adjacent to the rail way station, they can be used to pick up or debark passengers at the most convenient points In the town. Details with regard to the branch lines In the three regions on. which this trial will be established are now being worked out, Philip M. Ray sailed last lilght' on the Prince Rupert for a trip to Mrs. R. L. Mcintosh Is leaving on tonight's train for Terrace to take up residence for the summer. Mr. ' Mcintosh left at the first of the week. Mrs. George Clccone and Mrs. i James 'Krikevsky were- among the 1 passengers sailing on the Prince Rupert last night for Vancouver. Reach the most people in city and district with an adverUsement 'n the Dally News FINICKY APPETITES OFTEN ONE RESULT OF CONSTIPATION When nothing tastes right, nd you don't eat as you should, the trouble may be common "constipation. Poor appetite is one of its symptoms. Others are headaches, iistlessness and sallow complexions. Constipation is usually due to "low-bulk" meals. Serve your family Kellogg's All-Bran a generous source of "bulk." Within, the body, this food absorbs 'twice its weight in water, and gently exercises and sponges out the system. How much better than taking pills and drugs! All-Bran also supplies vitamin B to tone up the intestines, and iron for the blood. Two tablespoon-fuls daily are usually sufficient Three times daily, in severe cases. Serve as a cereal with milkor cream, or obk into appetizing muflins, breads, etc. Sold by ail grocers. Made by Kellogg In London. The Old Reliable HUDSON'S BAY DEMERARA RUM wFrvn ATI b r wat reo This advertisement Is not published or dLsplayed by the Liquor Control Board or by Ihe Government of Drltlsh Columbia. NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarelll Proprlotor "A HOME AWAY FROM HOME" Rates "Sl.tlO up 50 Rooms Hot it toii Water Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 281 t P.O. Boi 190 WANT-ADS FOR SALE COAL Nahaimo-WelUngton for furnace and heater. Alberta Egg-sootiest, for Ihe kitchen range. Albert & McCaffery, Phone 116 or 117. , (tr) FURNISH Your home with brand new factory samples. dO piece three room groups $184 Ideal for the working man; extra high grade groups $232; 10-piece Chesterfield groups $59.50; silk tapestry Chesterfield groups $89.50; kitchen tables with drawers $2.95; dressers $9.95;-beds complete $13.95. Terms if desired. Here Is an -opportunity of a lifetime. Act .quickly. We need the space. Free storage. Write todayV Jul'lus TShbre, Mall Order House. 8th Floor,. 'Beklns Bldg, Vancouver. (tf) FOR ftENT FOR RENT-Front apartment with electric range. gmith & Mallett Ltd. (tf) POSITION WANTED DIESEL Man, thoroughly exper ienced mechanic wants joo before Jiihe 1. 06 anywhere at once. Wire or write E. Shaede, Penny, B.C. (117) HELP WANTED WOMEN Wanted to rweave and. hand stitch light leather table runners at home. Obod pay, Experience unnecessary. Write Dept. 393; Leather Crafts, 414 Bay St.. Toronto, Ontario. tli2 MALE HELP WANTED LARGE Corporation expanding has opening ror reliable man as manager "of office to be opened in Prince Rupert and other cities. No selling. Experience unnecessary, Proposition stands most rigid Investigation. Only $80 cash required. Thomas YouYig, 210 S. Clark, l)ept. '63, Chicago. HELP WANTED Yching married men, 21-35 years of age. A real opportunity to .set yourself up In a paying business. Represent an all Canadian firm rn 'your own district. Good money for workers, and permanent "work to the right parties. Write for particulars, p. O. Box 533, Kamlbopg, B.C. rD7 LOST LOST-Oold nugget brooch, phone 9t- X112) . POUND f'OUND-og collar with 1637 11-cence tag. Fmder may obtain ame, by calling at Dally News tf . flee and defraying cost vt this ad, PERSONAL OTENTLEMEN'S !SahiUrjr; Supplies, TilglifesV Krad-e W for pacific Wpply, V51 rntme,Vftncwfer. "0$ 30 How tWlclons Wfiarrt re tastes to a fresh mouth. The flavors of Wri&ley's gum plus chewing ere rets keep the moiltlj .and thfuat ttean arid molstj That's why wist' smokers' say, 'tOiev, , Wjiitlf y';JJmn between smokes V Sweeteus the MeitfU f A 4 m$$ SAVE WRIGLEY'S OUTSIDE $r PACKAGE WRAPPERS FOR VALUABLE GIFTr Wr1wirmlaarTwMt.tubhMritt,JuirT fruit, Ptptin. SwtLurtlndP.K.(EchP.K.rppf.r1hnt,...i Xitra-llt. patkat Haiti- fotktt Watch "N SaHfcaK, rhrWrro'a rru1. light. JlnrlilMittth.wHUl arn" model lckrl- FacUt mtrrar, comM.ti lion piafgrouiul alio, wtih braa nlck.pltil piatnl m, non-brvmkt with comh. In attracts rll-rwn ln-ma fiaiml-flntan lle rryaial caw, handy Ux Vnjr i lift Jof IM wrippri I ,fur IW rpfwt for 3I ortppert. .fur Iw nnn Ji'Vf.nJ.'ii sViMTrn Travtttb nfH for gift, slung 1th your nam and addrru to glr.tU t)cVw.p .t'bl. - WrlgUy Jf. C. UmiUd, Carla A.tnut, Trwt, Mm July iti Insist on "GRANTS BEST PROCURABLE" Th OrlrtnaJ For 9aU at Vcodora or direct from MU Order Dpt." LlniM Control Board, HI Butty Street, Vancouver, U.C Bottled tni rumnterd by William Grant 4 Bona Limited, GlmAddicb and Balvenle-GlenliTet Diatllleriea, Dufftown & Claagow, Scotland. NEW LOW PRICE sw!efrwrv... W ill' BEST PROCURE ft TWs advertisement Is not published or displays! by the LlqutT Ooaw uoaru or tne uovernment of untlsb uoiumou. You Must 9 dan! "Neighbor to the Sky" Carroll . "The Man of a Ghost?' . , ..:. Wren "Lovei's" Kraus "We, Are Not Alone" .-i v.X Hilton "MaVried Pcople" ........ U..- Rinehart "Jill Somerset" Waugh "Pattel-n of Three' . . . . Hradley vrhe Hardway Diamonds". Builon "Unknown Terror" Holt "Old Wine" Hottomc "The DraKons Jaw" WicVw ""The Half Ace" Walsh "Return to Malaya" . . . .".7:Y;. . . LocWart "Theativ" 7. Mauuham "Bread and Wine" Bilone "The State vs. Elna .lopson" ; Mavity NEW ROOKS-In our popular rental library- V will enjoy these and many others. JOIN NOW! scriptipn only 75c per month. No mcmbersnj charge. "Come in and look over our exxelleiit of over 300 of the latest books.