PAOB FOUR Dollar Day Saturday Fraser and Payne's Princess Slips Broadcloth Princess Slips, lace trimmed, whitq and tea rose,, all sizes; Dollar Day, 2 for Children's French Berets rure Wool French Berets, assorted shades Dollar Day, 3 for 1-Ply Knitting Wool 20 Shades, 4-ply Knitting Wool, extra good pure wool yarn; Dollar Day, 10 1-oz. balls for Japanese Crepe Japanese Crepe, 30. Inches wide, assorted colors, best quality made; Dollar Day, 8 yards for Rayon Hrocade rtayon Brocade, 10 shades, best quality made, fast colors, 27 inches wide; Dollar Day, 4 yards for New Season's Prints 50 Pieces Print, 36 Inches wide, fast to light and washing, all new patterns; Dollar Day, 5 yards for Dollar Day, each Day, 2 for .... 91.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 Curtain and Drapery Fabrics Home Spuns Fast colors, 48 Inches wide, assorted new designs, reversible, Dollar Day Q AA 2 yards for tD-MJU Silk Nets Seven pieces, all silk nets, all new designs, all perfect merchandise in Honeydew shades, reg. values up to 69c Dollar Day Q-i AA 3 yards for OX.UU Silk Nets 30 Si 40 Inches wide, 6 pieces all new designs, reg. values up to 85c yard. fi- AA Dollar Day 2 yds. VlUU English Shadow Cloth-43 Inches wide, assorted patterns, fast colors, reversible .Dojlar Day P4 A A 2 yards for ?A.VV Scotch Madras 36 Inches wide, Scotch Madras curtain fabric, assorted designs, no better wearing fabric 'at a low price. Dollar Day gi A A 4 yards for PX.UU Drapery Damask Fast colors, in shades of brick, rust, rose, green, blue, mulberry, 42 ins. wide, "Qp Dollar Day, yard '" Drapery Damask 52 Inches wide, assorted shades, fast colors, excellent quality, reg. .value $150 yd. Dollar Day Q AA per yard pi.UU Damask Table Cloths Damask Table Cloths with colored borders, fast colors, 52x52. Ins., Dollar O-f Aft Drapery Special 8 Pieces Drapery Homespun, 27 inches wide, fast Q-i A A colors, assorted patterns; Dollar Day. 5 yards for V"" Bleached lied Sheets pood quality white sheets, size 70x90 inches, hemmed ready for use; Dollar Day, each Part Wool Ulankcts White with assorted colored borders, size 68x80 inches Dollar .Day, each Silk and Linen Table Cloths eilk and Linen Luncheon Cloths, assorted colorings 54x54 inches; Dollar Day Lettered Tea or Glass Towels 25 Dozen, extra good quality, large size, 30x21 inches Dollar Day, 6 for Damask Table Napkins Tabic Napkins, assorted patterns, full size Dollar Day, 10 for $1.00 $1.95 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 Ladies' and Children's Wear Waffle Knit Pullovers Ladies and Misses' Waffle Knit Sport Pullovers In blue and white, short sleeves, polo collar, laced neck flj-f A A Dollar Day, 2 for !1.UU Panties and Rloomcrs May Belle vlscosuede Panties' and Bloomers, all sizes, lace trimmed and tailored styles c-f AA Dollar Day, 2 pair for 1.UU Silk Umbrellas All silk top, navy and brown, 12 ribs, strongly made C ffA Dollar Day, each t)1.0U Fabric Cloves Ladies' Fabric Gloves, assorted styles and shades Q- AA Dollar Day3 pair for J)1.UU Taffeta Princess Slips Bias Cut Taffeta Slips, lace trimmed and fagotted finish ntn all sizes, in nurose and white; Dollar Day, each Ladies' Raysuede Panties Novelty Trimmed Raysuede Panties, assorted styles QQn and shades; Dollar Day, pair 0i Children's Lastex Ankle Socks Wp. have 75 dozen Lastex Ankle Socks for children from 5 to 10 year old, In silk and lisle mixture AA Extra Special for Dollar Day, 6 pairs for v"U Ladies' and Misses' Sweaters Ladies' and Misses Bramble Knit Pullover Sweaters, assorted Miacics and styles, sizes 32 to 38 CI A A Window Shades Cream or Green, mounted on best quality spring rollers, all complete ready to hang. 30 ins. by 5 feet (tCkn 30 ins, by 6 feet Hft each Bn u t sit; TOWKLS AT LESS THAN COST While and colored Turkish Towels, samples and run or the mill, lit lc&s than cost. ?rfOourpl$1.00 $1.00 ?S?..!$1.00 Face Cloths Turkish Face Cloths, assorted colors, generous size 9Ks o tor AUt PITTSBURG IS BEATEN Pirates Still on Top in National League Have Two and a Half Game Lead Record By Hubbell NEW YORK, May 14: (CP) Pittsburg Pirates had an interruption In their sensational winning streak with a defeat at the hands of New York Giants at the Polo Grounds yesterday. Carrying on from last season, it was the twenty-first straight victory for Carl Hubbell, star Giants' hiAler, making a new record. The Pirates held a two and a half game niargin of leadership over the St, Louis Cardinals who were scoring a close victory over the Phillies at Philadelphia. The Chicago Cubs ended the Boston Bees' four straight game winning streak. The Brooklyn Dodgers again defeated the Cincinnati Reds at Eb-bets Field. The Chicago White Sox lost to Washington Senators In one Am erican League game yesterday butj stayed In sixth place. The Senators, are still in the cellar. The Boston j Red Sox dropped into second drvi- slon by losing to Detroit The New , York Yankees and Detroit are still tied for third place. Yesterday's Big League scores: National League Cincinnati 4, Brooklyn 6. Pittsburg 2. New York 5. St. Louis 5, Philadelphia 4. Chicago 8, Boston 6. American League Boston 0, Detroit 4. Philadelphia-Cleveland, rain. New York 4, St Louis 2. Washington 10, Chicago 2. Baseball Standings (Including yesterday's games) National League W. Pittsburg 14 4 St Louis 12 7 New York 11 9 Brooklyn 11 10 Freddie Steele Retains Title Knocked Out Frank nattaglio In Third of Scheduled Fifteen Rounds SEATTLE, May 14: Fighting in Seattle Tuesday night. Freddie Steele successfully defended his world's middleweight championship title by knocking out Frank Battagllo. formerly of Winnipeg, in the third of a scheduled fifteen- round bout LOP-SIDED GAME SAN FRANCISCO, May 14: The most lop-sided and heaviest scoring game of the Pacific Coast League so far this season was that in which Mission Reds defeated Portland 21 to nothing. G0LDBL00M The Old Reliable Fur Buyer Has Received Large Orders For REAVERS, MUSKRATS and all kinds of Furs Send .your furs .to (ioldbloom and sea how much more you will get. Goldbloom guarantees more than anybody else and he wires or malls the money immediately upon rd-celpt of the goods. GOLDBLOOM Prince Rupert THE DAILY NEWS Fndav Pet. .778 .632 .550 .524 Chicago 10 10 500 Boston 7 13 .350, Philadelphia 7 13 .350 Cincinnati 6 12 .333 American League Philadelphia 10 5 .667 Cleveland 9 6 .600 New York 10 8 .556 Detroit 10 8 .556 Boston 8 7 Chicago .j 7 11 .533, .389, St Louis 0 10 .375 Washington 7 12 .368 Saw Life In SPOKE TO Many Phases STUDENTS Hubert Ward Tells Rotary Club Of ills Early Career Before Coming to Prince Kupcrt An Interesting story of a life of adventure was told to the Prince Rupert Rotary Club yesterday afternoon by Hubert Ward, a new member, who was called upon, as Is the custom of the club, to tell something- of his life history. an Aberdeen shin and sailed to Australia and it was on this ship on one occasion he took 148 days to sail from London to San Francisco, He secured his second mate's papers and also became at the same time a lieutenant in the Naval Volunteers. Leaving the sea in South Africa Mr. Ward" planned to Join the Pietermarltzburg mounted police but before Joining he was Induced to change his mind and took a position with a mining company. Then he went to Zululand where he had an interesting time. He described the people as a highly developed, fearless black race. On one occasion he had the honor of dining with Chief Denizulu who was a well known personage. There and the building of the telegraph line on which they were engaged gave them plenty of leisure as the blacks did all the hard work. From South Africa Mr. Ward V Patriotic Address by Olof Hanson M.I at King Edward Men School on Tuesday delivered to the pupils of King Ed- occasion, it is as you see a Coro ward High School on Tuesday by Olof Hanson, M.P. for Skeena, in connection with the presentation to the pupils of the Coronation Celebration Committee's souvenir mns. Mr. Hanson received an en- As a boy Mr. Ward was. lnden- tnuslastlc reception from the stu-tured for five years to a sailing dcnts Dr E Lucas principal of vessel and made trips to West Aus- tne introduced the speaker, tralia, Honolulu, Vancouver, Peru, ; and tnerc was a spcclai program 0f Chill and Newport. South Wales, : approprlatc muslc under the dl-where the ship was sold. He Joined i rectlon of Nelson Allen. Mr. Hanson spoke as follows: "Mast of us are aware that today in every cornor of the. British Empire, a Dominion upon which the sun never sets, the peoples making up this vast domain are preparing to acclaim on the morrow the accession to the Throne of His beloved and gracious Majesty, George VI. "In London, the great capital and the seat -of Empire, although thousands of miles away mater ially but which is at this moment ' I feel sure, very close to our hearts came to Canada and tried cattle ; spiritually, the Coronation Day Is ranching in Alberta. From there he: at this moment dawning, I suggest went to the Kootenay and had two there can be nothing more appro-years, in. the electrical business in priate than that His Majesty's sub-Vancouver, six months In Seattle jects of Prince Rupert be one of the and two more years in Vancouver, j very first In the whole of his Em-Then Prince Rupert was on every ' pire and the world at large to of-tongue and he went into partner-1 fer him a submissive expression of ship with A. T. Parkin until he ' our Joy and congratulations as our eventually opened for himself at Sovereign Kin? and to his beau-Cow Bay. Later he was appointed tlful lady, Elizabeth, our beloved underwriters' representative at Queen. Prince Rupert. "Our Joy tomorrow will be one of AR AWfUL Kcllogg's Rice Krfopieg are good you'll like them us much as the youngsters do! These tasty hubbies of toasted rice arc the critpcsl thing you ever ate ... a ready-to-serve cereal that crackles out loud in milk or cream! Serve Rice Krispics for breakfast, lunch, or a bedtime snack (they arc so light and wholesome that they don't interfere with sound sleep). And how children love the Singing Lady's Mother Goose stories printed on the back of every package! Grocers everywhere sell Rice Krispics. Served by restaurants, hotels, and dining- cars. Made by Kellogg in Loudon, Out. Quality guaranteed. thanksgiving to the great and wise ruler and creator of the universe who in His goodness Intends maln- j talnlng the stability of our Empire by ordaining that its rulers be of his own elected children. "I have been honored this after noon to perform a most pleasant function. I have been asked to distribute to each one of you a sou- A special patriotic address was; venlr commemorative of this great nation mug. It Is a corporeal emblem of tomorrow's great day, and It Is hoped that it will be with every one of you boys and girls an embodiment of a spiritual meditation. "In presenting to each of you this emblem you are earnestly asked to accept also the significance of what it means and what it stands for. In years to come when you yourselves will be assuming the dignity of an adult and sharing the heavier burdens of responsibilities of Empire. I hone this emblem will awake memories of this day of thanksgiving and rejoicing." GKADS BEAT WICHITA EDMONfTON, May 14: Edmonton Commercial Grads defeated Wichita by a score of 15 to 13 In "The throne Is symbolical of all , the first of a three-game series. Godly principles,, the pivot point of a widely scattered portion of! this earth's surface peopled by mil- j lions of loyal subjects, speaking in hundreds of different tongues, worshipping at different shrines a pivot indeed of magnetic qualities' joining all to be of one purpose1 and of one effect, unity, a state of being one and at pne, all loyal ad was good hunting In that country nerents of our Oraclous sovereign. j THE SEAL r QUALITY at Mnc GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye PINK SEAL Finest Pink Salmon Packed by the only salmon canning company with an all the year round payroll In Prince Rupert m is ) DOGGVfl D,r?'D0i&V?c KIIOW WHAT'S JUST LISTEN TO IHHHML I Z I ' U g I I . 4 . mm RICE KRISPIES a is M. fe TAlMnki. ft uiuur and SATipT" Last Show at 9:00 FAR-OFF SHANGHaT JHE IViNTAi.. AN SN(M. JH1NESE...JIN5 001 11, III f ,MtlM News 7m At, 7 3s & 9:45i Also Comedy TRAPPERS Clrtoon Will . guarantee top market prices for Deaver and Muskrat. Other furs at value FRANK LOCK WOOD Hione lUue 729 IM). Box a DUNN'S Holiday cJllaRfc A camp for nn eniojablc cation. Meals provided. Oood cooking. Picnics open air badminton, fishing apd hunting. Miles of woncferful beach. Terms moderate Apply ff particulars to MltS. Sangan Kiver, Near .Masstlt, II. C Hyde Transfer Phone 580 DRY WOOD JASPER COAL Furniture Moving Light Delivery 315 SUCOND AVE.