Today's Weather Tomorrows Tides (8 AM.) Prince Rupert Overcast, show- 4l High . 4:20 a.m. 19.7 ft. i..HMAtni flfl 1 ft tnnntAnn. 17:37 p.m. 18.1 ft. turc, 48; north wind, 4 miles per Low . .11:07 ajn. 3.2 ft. hour; sea smooth. 23:30 p.m. 8.2 ft. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER XXVI No. 112. MAY 1937 PIUCE: 5 CENTS PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., FRIDAY, 14, r'ish Destroyer Hits Spanish Mine VU " " I 1 : , i a r raws. i r iv ('.. He Ilicitil ucts under Way at Assizes .... r-. . . rnt.4 A ,-,-inr- Utll wv i .ul mnrnlnrr ultH Mr .Inc. Murphy presiding, the jury list called and It was found that the people, whose names ap- ... Un Kef riA rr oneivor i called, The sheriff explained many of the summonses had returned through the post of- the letters not having been A fnr m H i nil in rniinspi the defence in tne E. a. Belll- arson case, onlv criminal trial would not be enough and J TU-. y I.U.JII sent out and summoned a I I I 4 111 . 1 and the court adjourned unuwa. I A. l t 1 r jonn a sue run siewart urown luurns Laice). t Bach (Rose Lake), Harry (South Bulkley), Fred A. (fulfill. i i iiiiii'v i .innn mptit1 rns LmIKc i . iiarvev da vim. r f i i ir i i i n Hrvinar iiitdi. Thomas Hall (Topley), Mildred Hosan ITvpp) Kennpth - - " vwa wa va v JW Hodkin (Kltwanga). Jas. art Irvine, James Kenneth Jas. Nicholas Killas, Wm. A. -f 'V-CW. jit UlUi wv... George Lawson, Chris Ly-Ja1 Lcdingham Lcc. Godfrey lf T n m Y1 1 I r v tuuit iviVMc; JViu.YUl tuiin itiui i 1.1. af uiiii Skeena Crossing), Thos. utiiiiciuici ivayi.iuuu Wlnnlfrcd MclCay. Michael rv . . . , .x.vunaui. iviu.UUUU iVlCLtCtlU, irimmer. Walter D. Vance, ftft i . . for the nanel. the Belliclnl, tl( OUIIUUI1US UIK UL ion by fire of a building at 'inn.-. . . . .... . ... i.v,ibiu ui iiaving naa me ttiah i ... . ... Public Meeting 'n the interests of C.V.EVITT Conservative Candidate MOOSE HALL ' ''day, lllh at 8 p.m. Speukers: A. B. MePhillips (Vancouver) and C V. Evitt 'airman Dr. C. H. Hanklnson riaying Field Grant of $500 1 4 Premier T. D, Pattullo an- nounced while here this af- tcrnoon that a sum of '$500 (Buras Lake), j landed here at noon today from ou:waxw,.vccan rails in a seapiane piiuieu . ouutt, wno aiea rc- at Smithcrs. H 111 1.,. 1 ll. of Murdoch McLean, foreman, ' "ici.tii;, Maicoim MCArmur, i. Mnrifll . 1 Oeorge W. Hoult. Norman L, cmnn t i m i . Mt n t . mica a. noaacr, jamcs u v. a. KirKnairieK. """""-u wic crown s case, tnc - wujuunica at i:is until 2!3(i was being made available for playing field development in Prince Rupert under a Joint grant of $10,000 made for the province by the federal and provincial governments. Ar- ments for expenditure will be made by local consultation. PATTULLO IN NORTH I'rcmicr Makes Brief Call on Way From Ocean Falls to Stewart; Back Here Tomorrow In the course of a northern cam (Houston), paign tour, Premier T. D, Pattullo by Capt. E. C. W. Dobbin. Last night the Premier addressed an enthusiastic meeting at Ocean Falls to which point he had flown during the day from Vancouver. After lunching here, the Premier and his party were in the air again shortly after 3 o'clock for Stewart where Mr. Pattullo will speak tonight with W. J. Asselstlne. candi date for re-election in Atlln. To morrow night Premier Pattullo will speak" hercr On',theT wayback' here tomorrow he will stop at Port Simpson. Accompanying the Premier Is his secretary. Ben Hethey, as well as James Dyer, representing the Canadian Press". Landon Opposed To Court Plan Comes Out Acalnst President Roosevcit's Proposed Reorganization TOPEKA. Kansas. May 14: Al fred W. Landon, Governor of Kansas, who was Republican candidate In the last presidential election, has attacked President Roosevelt's plan for reorganization of the Su preme Court of United States. Making his first public utterance on the subject, he declared that, If submitted to the people, the pro posed reorganization would be overwhelmingly disapproved, Indian Children Are Hurt in Bus Twenty-Four Injured When Motor- Vehicle Overturns In Lcth-bridge District in Alberta I.KTIIP.KIDGi:. Alta.. May 11: (CI) Injured in a Coronation Day bus mishap, twenty-four Indian school children are in hospital near Cartlston, forty mile K.mthwest of here. Only the drivei land four pupils from St. Paul In dian reserve escaped injury wncn 'the bus overturned. Halibut Sales Summary pounds, 0.1c American -51,000 and 6c and 8.2c and'Cc, Canadian -None. American Harding, 22,000, 8.2c and 6c, twi,i t 14.000. 8.2c and 6c, i VUUJ " -' Cold Storage, HONORED BY KING Former (Jovcrnor General of Can ada, Lord Iiessborough, Gets United Kingdom Peerage LONDON, May 14: (CI') In the King's Coronation honors list hari of Iiessborouirh, who was Governor General of Canada from 1030 to 1935 and who holds an Irish peerage, was created an earl' in the peerage of the United Kingdom. Queen Maud of Norway, the Princess Royal, the Duchess of Argyll and Princess Beatrice are made Dames of the Grand Cross of the Royal Victoria Order. The Duchess of Kent and the Countess of Athlone are made Dames of the Grand Cross of the Order of the British Empire. The Duke of "Kent is made n Privy Councillor, others made Privy Councillors including Vis counl Galway, the Governor Gen era! of New Zenland, and Baron Gowrie, Governor General of Australia. Police Use Tear Gas to Break Up Steel Plant Riot PITTSBURG. May 14: (CP) J Police yesterday hurled tear gas into a crowd of shouting and demonstrating pickets at the strike-closed plant at Aliqulppa of Jones and Laughlln Steel Corporation. A woman was arrested oh a charge of assault and inciting to riot. The., strike, had. beeiv called after the union and corporation had failed to reach a collective bargaining agreement. Today's Weather (Oovcnunent Trlegraph-) Hazelton Cloudy, calm, 18. Smithcrs Cloudy, calm, mild. Burns Lake Clear, south wind 15. Aiyansh Part cloudy, calm, 45 Alice Arm Cloudy, calm, 18. Anyox Cloudy, calm, 50. Stewart Cloudy, south wind temperature, 4G. Victoria Fair, southwest wind, ISO miles per hour; barometer, SO. 22. Kstcvan Clear, northwest wind, barometer, o0.2G. Digby Fair, .north wind, A miles per hour; barometer, S0.18. Prince George Clear, south wind, 4 miles per hour; baro meler, HO. 02. Vancouver Clear, west wind. 8 miles per hour; barometer I'.O.IG. Alert Bay Part cloudy, light west wind; barometer, temperature, 50; sea smooth. Bull Harbor Overcast, baro meter, 30.22; temperature, 45; sea smooth. Triple Island Overcast, southwest wind, 20 miles per hour; barometer, J50.1 1 ; temperature, 42; j sea cnoppy. 4 Dead Tree Point Overcast light westerly wind, barometer, :!0.22; temperature, 4(5; se;i smooth. Moving Picture Plane Due From Across Atlantic NKW YORK, May 14: (CP) Bringing moving pictures of the I Coronation in London on Wednes Late Telegraphs FLOOD AT FAIRBANKS FAIRBANKS, Alaska Half of the residents of Fairbanks are surrounded by water up to three feet deep as the Chena River continues to send a swirling mass of water and ice into the city's business and residential districts. Many homes have been evacuated. I CONFERENCE OPENS LONDON Prime Minister Stanley Baldwin called statesmen of the Empire to ouncil table today to examine and see what can be done about pressing problems perplexing thej world. NO PREFIX FOR WALL IE ' LONDON The British government was reported yesterday to have denied a request of the Duke of Windsor that his bride-elect, Mrs. W'aPis Warficld Simpson, be permitted to use the prefix "Her Royal Highness" after the marriace. She will, of course, be known as the Duchess of Windsor. Although -members of the Royal Family will attend the weddiner, the government refuses to be officially represented. BARKER SURRENDERS VANCOUVER Russell W. Barker, former president of Hedley Amalgamated, surrendered to. the police yesterday. He Is out on $10,000 bail. r Roosevelt' sJV,ork day, Dick Merrill and Jack' thanks and appreciation to the Lamble, United States fliers, arpi Canadian National Railway of fl- expected to arrive in New York ciais an(j employees, and also all. early this afternoon from tneli'0thCr friends for their kindness trans-Atlantic return, flight, Thej hopped off late yesterday after-iiottn from South port, Kugland, and weru well out over the ocenn late last night, making good ' Union steamer iCardcnn is due during the Illness of Mrs. Conlon : and for the sincere expressions of, sympathy at the' time of her death. Harry Lincoln of the Canadian National Railways staff sailed last night on the Prince Rupert for a wndilnnton 15 000, 8.1c and Oc. to arrive thcr tomorrow morning .holiday trip to Vancouver and else-1 WU&iiiUBivit, . ... ' n ..'..I...... t 'T' . 11... ,.,.tl. Uhrrn In flio smith ? v M PICKETING THEATRES Ammunition Had Been Stored In City of Dublin DUBLIN, May 14: (CP) Several hours before the. blowing up of the statue Kln8 Oeorge II in this Trouble as Result of Hollywood Strike is Spreading lc,ty P0,lce had discovered a large store of ammunition in the vlcln- . t, r.n. . I I ity. It was the first untoward in-HOLLYWOOD, May ; (CP)-A ,n dmonstratlons agalnst .of theatres in major United States meetings having passed without in-J Jcities within ten days Is the goal , MmU was 5treet rJotlng ln! ui w ,..b uu protest against "The King of Ire Picture Crafts. Charles Lcssing says i jand he hopes to have the aid of Ameri-.: I Program Slashed! Halfr Billion Dollars Lopped Budget by Congressional Committee Off WASHINGTON. D.C., May 14: The congressional committee has cut President Franklin D. Roosevelt's work relief budget by T Large Snowbank Hinders Rescuers Efforts Continue to Dig Out Victims in Alaska Mine SKWAIID, Alaska, May I: (CIV Their work handicapped by ac immense snow bank overhanging the isolated scene, rescuers am continuing their efforts to reach the bodies of six miners buried by a snowslide at Lynx Creek 30.151; -The victims came from Seattle Forty-Hour Week With Same Pay This is Demand of Textile Workers In Great Britain LONDON, May 14: -British textile workers arc Insisting on a 40-hour week without reduction ln wages. Card of Thanks 11. Conlon and family of Isle Pierre, B.C. wish to convey sincere can Federation of Labor and the Committee for Industrial Organization in obtaining pickets. Les-slng said: "We hope to spread the theatre boycott to other sections of the country." Greta Garbo, Jean Harlow and Simone Simon arc among guild ac tors who have signed new contracts with the producers. TODAY'S STOCKS (Courtesy S. D. Joniuton Co.) Vancouver B. C. Nickel,' .20. Big Missouri, .4:5. , Brnlome, G.45. ' B. R. Con., .01. Aztec, .08. Cariboo Quartz, 1.55. Dcntonia, .13 V. Dunwell, .O-".'. Golconda, .09. Minto, .13. Meridian, .03. Fairview Amalg;, .10. Noble Five, .OGTi. . Pioneer, 4.10 . , Porter Idaho, .05 iieeves .icluii.iiu, , yu. Reno, .8G. Relief Arlinglon, .21. Reward, ,09'i. Salmon Gold,. 09. Taylor' Bridge, .07. Hedley Amalgamated, .0G, .Premier 'Border, .02',-j. Silbak Premier, 2.25. Congress, .06. Silver Crest. .07. Home Gold, .03. -Grandview, .13. Indian. .021$.. Quatsino Copper, .01!$... OucsncHe Quartz, .09. Oils A. P, Con., .30. Calmont, .55. & K., 2.25. -Freehold, .08.ii.r ' ' llargal, .18. ' " McDougail Segur, ,20v Merucry, ,2G. Merland, .11. , Okalta, 1.27. Pacalta, .13"2. Home Oil, I.GO. United, .18. Weymarn, .12. Toronto Bcattie, 1.27. Central Patricia, 2.90. Gods Lake, .48. Lee Gold, .03 Vis. McKenzie Red Lake, 1.20. Pickle Crow, 5.9. Red Iike Gold Shore, ,41. San Antonio, 1.51. Sherritt Gordon, 2.30. Smelters Gold, .05. McLeod Cockshult, Oklcnd, .15. .Mosher, .37. Gilbcc, .01. Madsen Red l'ike, 1.71. .75. Sladacona, 1.43. Fronlier Red Lake, .17. Francoeur, .80. Manitoba & Hastern, .03. Mo'neta l'orcupine, 1.31. Rubec, .04. Thompson Cadillac, .75. Bailor, .04. Bankfield, .88. Hnst Malartic. '1 .05. Preston Fast Dome, 1.01. Hutchison Ijtkc, .1G. Dawson White, .15. McQuaig Red Iake, .15. Rajah Red Lake, .21. Aldermac, 1.01. , Kerr-Adillson, 2.50. Uchl Gold. .75. " Martin Bird,' ,75. Ml "-Mi., WON SWEEP AT NENANA Fairbanks Bus Driver Was Only One Minute Out in Guess On Break-up Time NENANA, Alaska. May 14: (CP) I Mervln Anderson, Fairbanks bus driver, won the Far North's annual i Ice break-up guessing event, wtn-'nln? the $75,000 prize. The Ice went out at 10:04 Wednesday night.. and Anderson guessed within one minute of the time. iQnfilnmnnt nf Tluc St rike Seems to Be As Far Off as Ever LONDON, May 14: (CP) tThere is still no immediate sigh I of a settlement of the strike of . i25,000 London bus workers. Mean Awhile, with thousands of visitors I still here following the Corona. lit.. w i 1.. .. ...... problLTOontInub"intr'beset"th? metropolis. Dawson Board Of Trade is Opposed Sends Message to Federal Government Resisting Annexation Move with British Columbia DAWSON, Yukon Territory, Mny 14: (CP) The Dawson Board of Trade has gone on record as onnosinjr the annexation km at 8 a m today and covers the 31 'ur period ending 5 p.m Umnrrow). General Synopsis-.-Pressurc has risen on the toast and showers have occurred over Northern Bri- jtish Columbia and also In I he iOkanagun and Kootenay district I Prince Rupert District and ! Queen Charlotte Islands Moder ale to. fresh southerly winds, part cloudy and moderately warm with ! occasional rains. Much Damage But No One is Hurt In Train Wreck STRATFORD, Out., May 14: Damage of several thousand dollars was done but no one was injured when 17 cars of freight train derailed on the Canadian National Railways near here. Today's Baseball National League Brooklyn-Boston, wet grounds. Phlladclphla-New York, rain. St. Louis 4. Pittsburg 14. American League Cleveland-Chicago, rain, Jack Kcefc has been admitted to the Prince Rupert general Hospital. His condition ls reported to be serious. BILBAO IS HARD HIT Insurgent Air Raids Blast Outskirts Madrid Sie;e Keeps Up Toledo Fighting Britain in Incident . 1 1 l 1 -1 : 1 ri.AH.. I ucairuycr uuiucr ucucviu jui" docd Seven Men Lose Their Lives LONDON, May 11: (CP) A floating mine laid during the Spanish civil war was understood to be definitely established by the British Admiralty today as the cause of the mishap to the British destroyer Hunter oft the Spanish coast. A strong protest may be made by Great Britain, It is believed. BILBAO, May 14: (CP) Eleven insurgent air raids within less than five hours blasted the outskirts of Bilbao Tuesday. The most densely inhabited sections of the centre of the Basque port were unscathed. Alarm spread that the air raids were General Mola's warning that Insurgent forces would bomb the city by land, sea and air without mercy unless Bilbao surrendered Immediately. The insurgents claim to have captured another Important position which leaves Bilbao at their mercy. Twenty-five hun-. dred loyalists have been killed ln the failure to hold against the Forty . civilians were reported killed as Insurgents continued their bombardment -of JMadrld-Tuc6dayf Many were InuYifr,Two hundrcci shells found their mark in the seven-hour bombardment. Insurtrent defenders of Toledo jwere reported yesterday to have I been driven from front line trenches as government columns . were steadily advancing in a major offensive, having entered, the city Itself. Insurgent reports front Toledo, however, said that the government land offensive had been shattered. British Destroyer Hit? ALMEIRA, Spain. May 14: After having been either torpedoed. of the Yukon by British Columbia : or having struck a mine while en i letter sent by the Board oi , gagea m patrol on tne Basque Trade to Hon. Thomas A. Crerar,! coast, the British destroyer Hunter, minister of mines, makes known , a one-year old vessel, was so badly Ihe board's disapproval. Weather Forecast disabled that she had to be towed into this port by Spanish government ships. Seven members of the crew lost their lives. The vessel was holvd near the waterllne. She . was lve mlles K Almcira when . , , ....... ,v ,u. .v. i Purnlihrtl throu?. the - courteay o i . t, Dominion MoUoroiogicui Bureau tne incident occurred. The general Victoria and Prince Rupwt Tnu ror , opinion Ls that the vessel was tor suit is compiled from obrrvtlon t- . . ... pedocd by a Spanish insurgent warcraft. The British Admiralty has made no official statement. Pilot Was German LONDON, May 14: A German airplane pilot who has-been captured by the Spanish government admits, that he took part in the bombing of the holy Basque city of Guernica. He says that he was recruited In Berlin In February for service ln Spain. Forty Men From Porcher in Town For Celebration After having been In town over the Coronation Day holiday, Alex Smith, superintendent, and some forty men from the Surf Point-Eddy Pass mine, left yesterday afternoon on their return to Por cher Island. They had arrived Tuesday afternoon. Hon. T. D. Puttullo Will address a Public Meeting MOOSE HALL, 8 p.m., Saturday Everybody Weicome on