A' eass fotra THE DAILY NEWS NESTLE'S Evaporated Milk is splendid in tea or coffee and gives cream soups, sauces, and desserts added flavour and appetizing creamy richness. USSHtfl it m V w w FOR SALE FOR SALE Large English buggy. Phone Red 514. baby (tf) AddIv Ed COAL Nanalmo-Wellington for I furnace and heater. Alberta Egg-sooUe.5, for the kitchen range Alhprt r Mi-Pafforw PVinna lie Chesterfield groups $5950; silk tapestry Chesterfield groups $8950; kitchen tables with drawers $2.95; dressers $9.95: her! i-nmnlcto 110'; -tv i' FOR RENT VACANCY Angus room suite. LOST Apartments, FOR RENT Front apartment with ; slectric range. Smith & Mallett Lt1- (tf ) i i FOR .RENT Seven roomed house, Graham Avenue. Nice garden, Pullen, Daily News. (tf) LOST Bunch of keys on ring. Re-' turn to Dally News. (85) SITUATIONS WANTED ! EXPERIENCED Bookkeeper and ! wireless operator would like position such as timekeeper or ac-! countant. Box 15, Dally News. . 184) HOARD AND ROOM ROOM And board in modern house close to town. Phone Green 997. ' (86) . PERSONAL GENTLEMEN'S. Sanitary Supplies, highest grade 15 for $1. Paclli! Supply, 751 Granville, Vancouver. MEN Get vigor at once, New Os- irex ionic Tablets contain ra i oyster lnvigorators and other stimulants. One dose peps up organs, glands. If not delighted, "?aker refunds few cents paid wall or write, Ormes Limited, tf j s ft - W AT K t "'. ez J-l FORESEES SUPERMAN ( ontinuen Iron, caire one) long time, one will be followed so' quickly by another." Dean Finlayson referred to the Iman of all back breaking labor ' and he would have all the leisure or ll7 ' (t hej wanted. Indeed, the problem of -;- : jhow to occupy leisure was already FOR SALE 6 h.p. Petters Diesel, i receiving serious consideration. . perfect condition. Can be used, With the possibility of present either stationary or marine. $150 supplies of oil giving out in 10A cash. Apply Imperial Machine years and certain types (sf io&i be- Works.. (86) I coming exhausted In 500 years, nm.. . ... , . I other sources of power would be FURNISH Your home with brand ., , , sought. m.oM Some cm of these ,,. possible ,ui ftv, H , proceeded to discuss. One was the Compton tiality was many times greater tnan any other rtPcirw trr i. i,... of ;a lifetime. Act quickly. We need the space. Free storage. Write today. Julius Shore, Mall Order House, 8th Floor, Bekins Bldg Vancouver. rtfi agreed that the cosmic ray carried the mightiest energy . known to science. Its power poten known source of The "NESTLE'S utrWt la rent bnductn an J seller! tf Eitportled and Ctndensed Milk. vAPORATED KlLK ""WIIFOVNO I FOUNO ; I'M 11 a ra. ill energy. In the solution of the riddle of the cosmic ray might be revealed mysteries of the universe j and creation. Atomic Theory Dean Finlayson then turned to the fascinating subject of the reconstruction of home life and atomlc theory. Formerly it had enteitainment which had been-been thought that the atom was btought about through recent the &mailest particle of matter, scienufic discoveries. He men-' Now cCientists were inclined to the ,ticned radio, talking pictures, ters-! bllef tnat the atom an lnsIde. FOR SALE Kitchen range with phony, bloodless surgery and nu-!Qne theory was that the atom oil burner, 3-piece tapestry Ches- merous other "miracles." Far more;mjgnt contain a universe of its terfield suite. Apply 625 Tatlow sweeping Inventions would prob-.own smiiiar to that which was Street. (31 aciy come in a comparatively short; n0vm t0 mankind as the solar unl- "When man discovered the energy of fire, he rose above the level of the animal. Atomic energy may-bring the superman," suggested the speaker. Dean Finlayson concluded his intriguing discourse with the showing of several lantern slides deplct-IftgxpertmeriU in connection with develop'roet' of power from the LATEST Pleasant Reading "The Stone Field Ostense "Did She Fall" Smith "The Dark Ships" Footner "Crucible" Williams "Theatre" Maugham "The Four Marys" Lea "The Street of the Fishing Cat" .... Foldes "The Happy Return" ..Forester "Murder of a Chemist" .' Burton "So J Killed Her" Mosley "The House onth e Roof" Eberhart "Fair Warning" , . Eberhart "Phantom Crown" Harding "Dead Man's Watch" ..; Cole "Mrs. Meigs and Mr. Cunningham" Corbctt "The Years" Woolf ALL YOUKS Read them at your leisure for only 75c a month. This is the biggest entertainment value in the country. Your choice of the latest new books. Costs nothing to join. Do it now ! Rental Library Department lhe Prince Rupert" Chamber of Com merce. presided oyer last night's meeting on lnvitationof the- Junior Chamber of Commerce under auspices of which the extension lectures are being held. The course will conclude tonight whn Dean Finlayson will give an Illustrated lecture on the subject of the St. Lawrence Waterway after which he will sail by the Princess Adelaide on his return to Vancouver. WHIFFLETS From the Waterfront J No boats beinjr in with catches, again there was no sale of hali-but on the' local Fish Exchange Ihis morning. C. P. II. steamer Princess Adelaide, Capt. S. K. Gray, arrived in port at- ?. o'clock this afternoon from'' the south and. will sail at 10.p.m. on her return to Vancouver and waypoints. Five halibut boats sold catches totalling 1-1 1,000 pounds at Seattle yesterday as follows: Radio, 33,-000, Boo'th, 8'jc and 7c; ltepub-lic, 33,000, Sebastian. 8'-jc and 7c: Superior. 21.000. Washington; 8'ac and space of time. Automatically driven! verse. smashinsr of the atom'i!outheasl mains low off the coast where (meetings of the season. rains have occurred. Weather has ! Attention of the members was 1 r . i .i iHrnu'n n V. fnnn il O : TOR SALE In order to stimulate airplanes might become as com-imight of.with occasinal rain. HllgUl 0Den ud a d fabulous JdOUlOUS field lldO. Ol Open Up KulMIno Int. -1l ho oM nt nno. . ... . . . , West Duuaing. iois wiu De soia ai one- mnn otAmnhii,c 9nn fi- nrr Hntf tVA o ccoccoH vilito tintll Waw . . . . I I energy. If science could find a way iV ioot Prw Ta Re SUn may 06 comPeuea 10 glve'to smash the atom and use its en-n LVai ,-1.,-T. 0ScarLa UP 801116 f lU mVFl r might :erg, startl,ns ,ndeed m,ght be the ... oecome so cneap mat u wpuia noi ny nan. w. J. Araer, wramis-, i oay to to jnstal instal meters. meters. sloner. D'jionuit's. in? iieia 01 science TeKvlsion fi mhu k ; would probably soon be as com- revolutionized. Even lead might be FOR SALE-31 foot trolling boat, monPlace as radl- Seated ta the changed to gold. Already things 10 h.p. Palmer engine. In good : up-tu-uaw uome. wnich had been considered ele- shape. Snap for cash. Wahl, Digby Island. iman would be able to turn a but- ! i r iuii ments had been broken up. Present (86) ' lo" a,m a iwiDau game, a sources and methods of nower nro coronation, the inauguration of ainn-tinn wnmi nnHn-.trf FOR SALE-Modem hotel at Hy- president. He would .be able to see and ,ntlrely worthless. Unless re-der. B.C, steam heat, exceUent and talk to his friends thousands and j guiated controlled, a great location, licensed premises. Will of miles away. His letters would be soclaUstIc disaster mJght e uv owu ai a uargaui. Appjy r ra-. iransmiuea Dy air ana ceuvery zer Hotel, Hyder, B.O Of) j would be made in South Africa Scientific invention wquld relieve Anglican Young People Meeting Japanese Missionary Tells of Experiences in Orient The regular meeting of the Anglican Young People's Association was held on Wednesday evening at the Japanese Mission The president. Robert ' Yerburgh, was in the chair. The program consisted of an extremely inter esling address by Miss K. Lang the superintendent of the mission, on her experiences in Japan She described very vividly the spread of Christianity among the Japanese and its uplifting effec1 on the lives of the people. Later she discussed costumes, houses and daily life of the inhabitants. This was illustrated with a large Narrona, 20,000, selection of curios. Whiz, 87eand 7c: Polaris, 34,- During the- evening a business 000. Voir Pnirl.md nnrl 7I..P uj .- at Seattle Wednesday. ance were discussed. ; i Final arrangements were made WoaflVnr FnfQfoef for lhe lea n April 10, at which MCcUIiei J UlcLdal the guests will be entertained Furnished a Dominion Victoria and by Miss Eleanor Tite's dancing oiS S ?las? and th Pupils of Miss Nel- Princ Rupert This fore I'e Lawrence. Plans were made cast Is complied from observations ta ken at 5 a m. today and covers the 3 hour period ending 5 pjn tomorrow). General Synopsis -Pressure re for a banquet on- May 7 which will formally close the weekly meetings of the season, which CRAWFORD FEATURED Favorite Screen Star Has Title Hole in Well Known "Last Of Mrs. Cheyney" "The Last of Mrs. Cheyney," in which several years ago Norma Shearer scored such a notable success, comes again to the screen of the Capitol Theatre here this week-end, title role on this occasion being taken by Joan Crawford. Jointlv starred with Miss Crawford are William Powell and Robert Montgomery with the supporting cast including such favorites as Frank Morgan, Jessio Ralph, Nigel Ilruce, l.enita Hume and Ralph Forbes. I The story, as is well known, is 'that of an American shopgirl with i social ambitions who, a thief in posals of marriage from millionaires and peers, ultimately plunge ing herself and her associates into dramatic complications when she is discovered in the act of stealing a valuable pearl neck lace. A variety of stunning gowns 'are worn by Miss Crawford. William Powell appears as Mrs Cheyney's butler and the brains of the group of international thieves. Montgomery is the ro- I.ur inianu. " W m,nll vn.m.r xvh nnvora Prince Rupert District and .on the evening of May 9 in the i. . Mj .: Queen .iiarioiie isianus -rresn1 " " n uiriuucia oi wind, slightly cooler ithe A- 1 A. will assist. Coast Vancouver Island- Fresh to strong south "winds, mild with rain. NEW YORK. April 9: ICP Bar silver was quoted at 46 "bc on the New York metal market today. At me close of the meeting members partook of Japanese delicacies served by Miss Lang and Miss Withers. Frazer Hotel, the only steam heated hotel in Portland Canal, 'ituated at Hyder. B.C. (tf) ELEPHANT WRITE FOR ' , ME 'BOOKLET P let 1 4ndyV j'ojjr rfree copy of Hi Jodr booklet, dn liemical fer '!; tiNiinl'S "Power- to Crow" and the f ert i l i zer chart (.bowing correct wralc of fori ' , llei ippUcailon ' ..'for. all '."'crops. V ' : , Address to: , Consoliilaled Mining: and ; I Smelting Company of Canada, Ltd. ; Sales Office. Pacific Huilding ' Vancouver, B.C. j j NAME ' ADDRESS .., Producers and Refiners of TADANAC Brand Metals COLD - SILVER ELECTROLYTIC I.UAI), ZINC CADMIUM, m.SMUTII Memical friends. 2llLB:.BTa IBI'llB i IM IU1M tU 203 Third Ave. Phone Blue 916 KI.MIE'S DRESSMAKING SHOP Dressmaking Remodelling Pressing Alterations .Miss Kimie Uyrde, Prop. ei iiJEinsi ciri l iiaa.iii:i BRAND Fertilizer Increases jCrop Yield By As Mucfi As 50 Per Cent ' Cases are actually on record to show even greater increases for vegetable crops! Every form of plant life can be materially benefitted by the scientific application of chemical fertilizer. It is the one sure method of making your farm, garden or orchard yield the greatest possible return for your investment and labor. Elephant Brand Products: 'AMMONIUM PHOSPHATE For renter root growth.. AMMONIUM SULPHATE For more abundant foliage. COMPLETE FERTILIZERS ThuM- are a combination of the above fertilizers with adJed potash ready-blended in correct proportions for individual conditions t MONO-CALCIUM PHOSPHATE (Animal Ruilder) A highly concentrated and purified mineral health food for nil classes of livestock. Kspeci ally valuable for dnirv cows. Manufactured at Trail, B.C., by the CONSOLIDATED MINING & SMELTING COMPANY OF CANADA, LIMITED Distributed in liritish Columbia by Ruckerfield's Ltd., Vancouver APRIL 2 fo 10 Buy all the Satin-Glo you Need at Sale Prices! P1r your prtng dworatlni no . . , nd buy full tupply of tln-OI Virniih, Xntmtl or Bttln rinUh at thM rduot prlcn. Wt hi tupply you with utrt ooupoM. $1 00 THOMPSON HARDWARE CO. LTD. XS1 -i . i '-j a j nil TONIGHT and SATtnr nmw our 9;q9 Light-Hcarted Fun Clap hands shake rihli. yourself jo-fun', 2 loose-wlth a trio 0f Urht fingered rascals! lM' lm3lne the lun when Joar crshe the 400 to ileal or mtrry million and Bob nd Bill both crash Into her heartl STAR-STUDDED SENSATION i WILLIAM A IN mmm I Jculc with FRANK MORGAN RALPH Nigel BRUCE 'At 7 31 & 9 401 Added Short Treats "On the Nose" Presenting Three Lead!?.; Types of Sporting Dca- t'olorcd Carlooii rur's imcmc World ?ev Kvrnls Coming; Monday A Valiant Picture A Valiant New- Star: Gladys. Gere in , "Valiant is the Word For Carrie" FOR SALK Modern hotel, Hyder BC Gwl opening for building up fine biu I ness at small cost HOTEL FKAZEK Hyder, B.C. Fresh Local Raw And Pasteurized Milk VALENTIN DAIKY PHONE 657 Hyde Transfer Phone DRY WOOD JASPER COAL Furniture Moving Light Delivery 315 SECOND AVE.