/ PAR OR ORC ORS OR RS Ro fio Ek a> o> of af ofc afi off affe af af ofe afe afe af af ofe t 1 32E28cSeeseeseesseseeseesee ssesse StESTEBIESFEDIESIE: > - ee iz —_— THE WEATHER four hours ending 5 a.m., THE DAILY NEXT MAILS FoR SOUTH ms rue ght, IN pam Camosun. . Sunday, 9 p.m. ; oc Princess May,.... Saturday a. m. se * * Formerly The Prince Rupert Optimist VOL NO. 270 Prince Rupert, B.C., SATURDAY, NovempBer 25, 1911. Price Five Cents TWO ALDERMEN FIGURED IN AN ARITHMETIC CONTEST I nd two make four!|tical, and remonstrated. th erage man, but Al- “Thirty-two feet” correct- : ] : > we IT. lerm HO Pe ed someone. er than that. is two anc 66 ! : Oh, of course,” said Ald. | wo may come out twenty- Hilditch | “ay ” Sur any ol aie an tie ildite 1 hurriedly, ‘‘Thirty| two feet, I meant. Yes, its) thirty-two feet. “You were a hundred and| six feet out,” remarked Ald- ermanClayton with patroniz- ing assurance, ‘‘Figures don’t lie you see.” Ald. Clayton seemed puz- ‘op of two feet per | to Hays Creek, gives na distance of sixteen hun- a fall of one hund- ed and twelve feet. Fig- lie!” he told the Six ratepayers last night zled at the shout of laughter that followed. AT LAST, AT LAST, AT LAST, MORSE CREEK PUMP ARRIVES The audience seemed scep- P.R. s.s. Princess! Kerr, Ald. Douglas, the City En- i there arrived the! gineer and the same two Scribes , , who visited section two in Thurs- i rs Pump for the h / ; : 7 j ' W day’s rainstorm, toiled around ipplementary Wat- 4 i es a 1 y "athe watershed, but the water &- nN ¢é »WwW weeks more “11 . . : 4 r a we mo< | will be pumped in time to pre- th: houlc , running: 7 ‘ y ge ieee : iF vent a frost shortage in the hard danger of water : ; months. fa Prince Rupert consid- t ed a considerable time} Xmas presents—time to send them to BINCE veltering hot after-| the old country—lots of them easily noor hich the Mayor, Ald. | mailed. Wallace's G. T. P. WILL SELL HAZELTON LOTS BY PUBLIC AUCTION AT VANCOUVER The Natural pany will arrange the sale which will be conducted Mr. W Sanders of Leigh Spencer Build- rtant announcement Resources Com- e sale of the Grand by 1} ) townsite at by Mr commissioner icial H been made ing, Vancouver, representing the Grand Trunk Pacific, from whom complete plans of the townsite and full information can ob \ and r. The stered property as South be put on sale by be at Vancouver of being tained. The date of the sale will be an- si ton a ead sold nounced later MORE DEATHS SIR WILFRID’S THAN BIRTHS 70th BIRTHDAY 24. Sir Wil- ay rier was last night vel banquet in honor ntieth birthday k place on Monday. (Canadian Press Despatch.) Paris, a 24.—The ious attention of the public has again been,called to the depopulation of France. Of- ficial statistics covering the U N OV: NOV: ser- Slt frid was born at St. . 4, | was born it St frst six months of 1911, 4 November 20, 1841. ne leaths Ov Wh red the Hou show an excess of deaths ov- nte ( S - eC 1¢€ suse er births « f 18, 279, he was given an eS his supporters. A SIX Sir Wiltrid feels in better WANTS hea ian he did ten years | his friends believe a fit for many years service, VOTING TODAY ON THE BY- LAW. jpownde weight. . a - no great rush “ tea re * |throughout the province to better than to approve 4 | develop the natural resour- isewer without an outlet ta|~~"~. ; ; ces in preparation for the \the ‘sea. ning of the Pans ] ‘‘They want you to spend |°P° oe ee eee '$75000 on that sewer scheme, /You shall never do it with|cards for friends oversea. Your i|my consent.” every wish can be supplied at eee ces Ey McRae Bros. Presents for abroad— many things Wallace's. Now is the time to get Xmas easily sent by mail. Pantorium Pioneer Cleaaers, Phone 4, + t + ‘ i - t % i pote tien NTR ee nr n= 5 eiaeinnong rear-gna er tesmenwrtae oie oo a eS ee ites