We Carry a Coepkte lis of Men's WORKING BOOTS Tharstons, Paris, Greb, Sfemans and Vakotis Mokes Gaaraattttf SoSd TWeerbeet Priced Fr&a $3.50 Family shoe store ltD. The Estse of Good Shoes THE DAILY NEWS. nXS'CE KTEET - EHIT15H COLCHEIA PxiiSi; Ertry ITxzsexo, Zest Szzij. tj Pzet DaSy Xtra T, 4. TiSri ATrsae E. 7 TZIZTX Vr-a.y'i-I.t&x TESCXini05 EATXS CSj ii ttt7, tj eazrr. ytirry p3i. poi . iiri Fcr feaar ygrTaii. pail j. adrzree. per i 7 mi2 to a jaru e Britai Crfcei sa!ei, yearly jurxid. pasi is lirtze ADYIXTIiXNG EATTS f-ttjfw aditrtlrfrt, jer -serf, tr mserttoc LccU readers, ire per trvri-. XrrrVr Aa2S Cctn SOVIET DIPL03LACY Is roet of Hit csoatry teiag mronti inzh Jspzn r .irenazny, the gmerro&m. of Sonet Rssaa ha ssr- rocaded Ketf anus 2 Geod ot ssoM arStraJ Batsgns sit pfedf ed to wavissresaoo agasaet Hasas except Ch2L zai Jzpes. Of tAese Csee is frieadhr to tle Soriet zas J2pas is tie onij M2&M o t-e f2red iti so &rd ter-rrUKj dhrkfin tfeeza. Only I2at month Roaas sgaved a aaec -inta Iraa, isr key sad Afghani&iia proridin for a peraasest eocscfl tof&es interBatioiiai confikt irMds coaers bti ads. For SMse ear? Roseis has lets beiVfiag np thk aoB- azgrfesioH rine, at fim with 2 view to forra&g 2. &elraJ ! zone t-efsrets than and Gtnsaaj but later exteadisg k so j as to abaoai eacircfe the country with the except&a of the; two natioos lantknaed. "hfle this is a protectios to tbej t-B,3 r t 1J .-- u t . eaose, in cze apan snoma zux, Latrt wvsn k 2 zimc.' between Genaany and RtiseiaB which wegjd hav u be ero&sed. The plan for the non-aszreagon pact was laid ia Gen-' BENNETT AS LEADER Everyone is glad to hear that Hon. R. B. Bennett is to slay on in public life although even if he should be successful at the polls two years hence, he would then be only commencing the work for which be is there. He vould be expected to remain and carry out his policies. If his health is not good nowix years of hard work is a good deal to expect from a man. UNION STEAMSHIPS LTD. Steamers leave Prtact Rsperi tat Vi&eoum! TJLS. CaTALA EVERY. TUESDAY, 1;J pJl &as Vaasorrrer, Ttzndij pa, TJJJ. CARD EN A nUDAY, 1I:U TM. One Vafisoarer. Uocday art If eaarenknt pleaM parcbu tkteu at frkc Farther Information retarttof rtserratiora and ttektu from l A. W. NEWMAN, Print Rapert Ajent. Tblrd Ate. rbtne Ut 1 saax era two Tear xmAr th kzn af Xatlaa ats?isl7,rt: :w c- r x i- C ' " " and ha yast recently cone to fnrition so far as the footh- s L. , , This pact ako will tend to prevent troubles among the' lesser states which have been alraoat contiscaBy at war with each other in the past. Now there is a degree of security which has not hitherto been attained. It is difficult for rebellion? in either of the sxaafi countries to come to fruition without being encouraged by one of the neighboring states and this is something that coanot happen if the terms of the pact are carried out. ABERHARTS 3IINISTERS It seems little or nothing to Premier Aberhart of Alberta to dismiss a member of his cabinet. Half of the members have been changed since the evangelist and teacher was first called upon to form a cabinet 'SPORT TOURNAMENT Sopwilh Makes COMMENCED No Statement Ottf Oytm rar Wit TV Prime ISaaeay a rwoJi a bm irfimg Jacaaaaaa. laV. GTStaa r j HI I Urtt - 5 Tr 1 J- -l -7. S6 Biak BASEBALL SCORES ,!Taett SJITTEBATS 5COEXS 4: 3s. Loss 11; 4; S: Bros.)' Kra- Tatt-PMat- S -Orrrrftfit ITfeea JUi.fi x to JLcjcran' Cry aaaa..1! Mrs. Wot arf eaad Mrs. i fVWir f r. O at Socwmi ti. "ff--"ft ta SLijfci- "BtJfZ. ?ltS- n 1: acre pir- Week's Program At Gvro Playgrounds Triw Read Aie i rHitt -, s Xberf Hwaaai I 1ft araria m at - Wa aad Ka C laaataca d- Gyr pliji waa ti a -4i Sol Ck w. Aaifili. 0?t ,. 3CclKtoA agl In. TUhr M IMl ErKt fi Mr ad Ini MwriM. Twmm 1,1 1 Or L "ML Sal Cot t?. AcMMti. At icMn iwa aatf OT5W1 !MWL AcnHk n. Sol C. ... I buhl jus &. Hrrm mipw IMr. G. F. TiafcfT- s F IOCO Cwt 1 - it. jmih. rc .. mi eaOdrea ' uhkH. Eim aataaVr of t ftL Gft Plarertaaaf i rwj? ta aea4. FWat 111 1 '.aiyiaa4 aaad ARE NAMED ataaad : Deaail. 1-7: a kkzz$ at !a ezacve ac J-2: cSmaazd. 3: Jfevj Piaate 3apert FOotaaB Auoda- : 3oatat 1 luaa. ms aaaavag uaa vaaamaf XatMexI Leuw itbuxu a izal a Oeeac FaBx at tte ead of "luf aaaetb for z series aea: Jocnar Paoce. A&s Davie. 2SB Hztraf. Grfc Par-anas. Andj 2TiW. Darrov Gasez. S- 3ew Ytrt i. Qncago.Vaat.TB" tcaa -aal tae aceompaaieg "" aLUaaa4-X.PBa. ar G. J. Daw as aaaaacer. CADDIE? AT 3" ' ! TODAY'S STOCKS - Today, Weathg "Jir laor. Y a "ia-" u MSI caMnar tae Bats tm Kaix -T taiat. "JiaT kis rt4 at 'ae Saa- alayaxW I:ak H kat bvea aoeap tae sasmc sate thr tars 'sf the faffarr English Cricket iTeam Is Beaten iw raateat- Par-ate ax aritei HaHtete ArzrvratMa LJff 'SOCCERITES ! TOROjrro. a or- tr- ' ir IfhrijcMac tneW taai left T-ssTxk. fr .Viaaiaer afte taffenac tae fiaat aVa af Umr art 5atafay at tk kaaaV Toa 5Mted t r. t. Dm. ris CAsaao tcaai eaiaj a, iH- rr Si at a af Tim Mwrth B C. Xattaova. j ;POUCT COt'KT FIES ! CO'SIDEEABLT LOWEB Pence coast floes at Prince Ra- pezt Uk tbe jaiaml year to dale bave reached a total of SUM as Meaparetf -stta S23K in the cor-mooaitint aetaat of last year, rtaes SUNDAY'S SCORES fary D i CUD. Jefcy JJTtTaTlf tC SXB Acerioa Leaae ICrSfM. Gne Eoar tesl Crser S-7. Ztraat i. Waaaaagtaa Draanav? tJ3 b aad tns btre ! IS nXTD SIM ateof tae Pnareaa Aatfakte aa Convatted aa a eaaffe of ptaattag .ValamiJ Leara Frtday and Aaratl 27. aitfc re- firearms at lodunu iaha OaaaabrQ -2 Ctjeaxc 3-3 Stir tara gc the Pj'iatta Catuictlp an HMoort vms nwri tiaa -rfili k. P.-jt .-rr. 5 ? Br .ot7n lioodaj K raaaz loaorin?. Uoc of thirty data- imprisanaeot. r-..i.r.:-TsTr.T'icsT rr iiiai, the aefect tj Stqeiwiary Magistrate Aaarra- p-ir a leas of AB Stars Taoaaaaoa ai pravtscial poDce coart -1 reat of the itzrae Satarday. S D a C Jfldeei. W Brxkxoe 7J-B. R. dm. Cbm Quiu. t.4$. r ITS p x - Ite - ?. ii VfcBwaW- S&fcaaB Go, JHH-prwier Bower. . Preniec. Ut. QwaeSe QaarH. JIM. A. P Can C t E. tA KuHnaaan Sejar. Jtt. Mtiiary. J OcaJU. im Pscalta. JaV oa. iav TtmU SImU BcatOe. Ut Oectral Patrida. lal Gobs Lab. 1 Lee Goal JSt LMle taac Lae. S36. ycKfnaar Hed Lake, 124. PSetie Crtnr i0 Bed Lale OoM Share. J3 Saa AalesiK 1 at SJberrat Ocrtaa. 3. Ssters Oflht J9i. ittLesA OxlsbaVk 1j. Otfiad. Ja. Masher, Oab-e. tS jadeB Red Lake. .72. Stadasona. 115. Froatfer Red Lake. Jl. rraacoear. 73. .. Aiaaaaaa & Eajiera. JS. Mtseta PorcBise. l.7. Rabec. J8. Taeeaasoe Cadaaac, i. ' ' HHr. m Bankfleat .7S. Eiat XUfautac 1JT7. Prestoa East Doaar. S-L Hatchfsen Lake. JC. Daaaoa Watte. .12. Alacraaac. L3C Rerr Addfesn. 211. Oeat Goaf. 1KL iUrtto Blni. i. Braafliaa. 273ft. CJU 12J. Fard A. 2430. Imperial Oil 2075. Narasda. Lake Sore. WjCO. Uaeassa. S 40.. VSIatfTe. TXZ. Skee. 3.7. Teefa Hsfbef. 5 . RevaaHe. -OOT aaaaaaaaal t Jf, ' SZ StjflSBkiiA vlBBaaaaaaaaaaaaBaaiBaaaL 'aQaaaar 1 aaaaaaaaaVaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ' m 3 aaaaaaaaaafHaatJaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaWaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaV aaaal 2. - ' BaaaaaaaaFaTBaaaaaawaaaVATaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaT IrJViVaal - Laaaaaaaaa 'tjluS Kt 'ttaaaaa! aaaaaaaaS'''11' JHflK kV' Baaaaaaaa5aaW'X-ar' aBK'jaV aaal aaaaaaaaaaaaaV "Naiv i aaaaaaaaaaCjt 'aaaal wjjL iLJSmiiX',''mt t(W aaaaaaaVaaaaa 'r p . umaee Pan Ktatee ft Afce Ana Pxr f v! ter, -1.31 &l I smart lta) , 1M icj-j-OT.-.-- i4 L toir , . u mi nmka- cr b9 a- Saw aK pr . Tietaria 3sb!- - ajar ades per trr - .. la4 Vaacoa w i CarjgT t bai iaetcr 3U8. Pftac Oorer ri oairfCT. t 1 SPECIAL Saturday Mondaj 15 Fata tic i Enlirx?ntnti SIM HUTd Stadtv m C'.h 51 THE SEAL QUALITY SI GOLD SEAL Fancy Red S ;ueje PINK SEAL Finest Pink 5ji:a eaanloc eoecpa.' 7 "1 12 13 the Tear rcurd t.. -.:J tt Prince R;:l NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. ZareDl Pr:prtof -A HOME AWAY FROM SLH ay 50 Rooms Hot & C i Wter Prince Kcpr fl C m . Mi n Rdl In Hyde Transfer Phone 580 DRY WOOD JASPER COAL Furniture Moving Light Delivery 315 SECOND AVE-